The door was opened by a willowy brown-haired old woman in a bongo floral skirt.
"Santiago, son, how are you?" The woman beamed seeing Santiago after a long time. Her mid seventy age hardly depicted on her face. Shiloh stood back and Santiago strode past her into the room.
Santiago flung his hands in the air. "Thanking the good Lord for giving us life." He responded to the woman's pleasantries. "How have you been Grandma?"
"Oh Santa, son, the good Lord has kept us. We're alive eating and drinking." Shiloh leads Santiago towards a long corridor.
Santiago couldn't help but notice how sunken and colourless the old woman had looked over the months he had not seen her though she barely aged. He was afraid the woman would receive nature's call more than the woman was.
"How is Grandpa Mark? Where is he?"
"In the study,"
"Doing some research?" Santiago shook his head. "The old man doesn't want to get old"
Shiloh giggled at Santiago saying and opened the door to the study room.