Adrien pov:
It been three days and still no sign of Jess, I've been sending maids to give her food but she keeps rejecting. I mean I don't want her to starve but she just had to understand Penn leaving was the best option. Lucas didn't want Penn to go but i didn't care she was influencing my Jess, I mean see what she wore to the club that day every guy in the club would have touched her or would have thought of terrible things to do to her. What she wore wasn't what angered me it was the thought of guys looking at her I doubt she would have allowed any of them touch her but I was still jealous.
Ariana and the gang were already on their way and would be here latest by tomorrow that's if she doesn't stop at every store to get slotty outfits. I wasn't to keen on meeting them all I wanted to do was be with Jess, watching her cry made me feel something I never thought I would feel and it was then I realized I loved her. I mean whenever she's happy I'm happy no matter how my day went and her sadness makes me weak. She has been in her room crying for almost four days now and she is yet to eat but not today I'm not sending any maid I'm going there personally and I'm going to force her to eat and we're going to talk because I was to be there to wipe her tears and make her smile.
The maid made jess's breakfast and I took it to Jess room and as usual her door was closed so I knocked but no response, I knocked for about five time and no response. Now I starting to get worried I mean normally she would have opened the door and screamed at the maids face but she didn't. Did something happen to her? No no nothing could possibly be wrong with her if something is wrong with her then I didn't play my part well. I knocked one last time and waited for a minute and still not response, that's if I'm breaking her door down, without a second thought I kicked the door down and it was then I saw the love of my life fading away on the floor. I quickly towards her trying to keep her awake. "LUCAS" I shouted and Lucas rushed in within seconds. "what happened?" He asked while rushing to my side. "DINT ASK ME STUPID QUESTIONS AND CALL Sofia" I shouted at a panicking Lucas, who rushed out to call Sofia, she was a family doctor and a sister to us, she was around our age.
It took thirty minutes but Sofia finally arrived, she asked me to leave the room but there was no way in hell I was leaving. I needed to know what was wrong with her and if she was going to be ok. She ran some test on Jess and frowned at me. "You haven't been feeding her?" she asked with a worried expression on her face. "She hasn't been eating" I answered but she just gave me a confused look. "it's a long story I'll fill you in once you're done and she's ok" I said and she just nodded, she finally finished the test and told me Jess fainted because her body was weak due to lack of food. I caused this i should have been brining her food instead of sending the maids, fuckkkkkkk. I stayed in Jess room all day waiting for her to wake up which was taking longer than expected, her drip was meant to give her a bit of strength but it doesn't look like it.
Took three hours but was finally awake, when I noticed she was awake I didn't even think twice I just hugged her. I almost lost her because I was too busy and didn't have the guts to bring her her food because I was scared that she had enough of me and was going to break up. She has been ignoring me since the whole 'me not opening the door for her after the incident' it's been almost a week and it was hard not seeing her face or being able to talk to her. I pulled her in a hug and kissed her, I didn't even realize when my lips moved to hers but I was kissing her and she kissed me back, I felt butterflies I mean it sounds silly but I've never felt this way with other girls but with Jess I was fucking feeling this. What has she done to me? It took three weeks and some days but i feel in love.
We kissed for God know how long, I mean the kiss was the best I've had but it was cut short by Sofia. I didn't want to pull away from the kiss but Jess pulled sway and her face was pink, she was blushing so she actually liked the kiss like I did. "I told you to feed her when she wakes up not suck the oxygen and energy out of her" Sofia said mocking me, Jess just giggled and I smiled. It's been long I saw her smile and it felt fucking nice. "ok so I'll be back tomorrow to check on Jess, Jess it was nice meeting you but sorry it was under bad circumstance" she said with a smile and left, so I decided why not try my luck again. I went in for another kiss but was cut off by Sofia, "um ohh sorry to interrupt" she said with an evil smirk plastered on her face, God Sofia was going to be the end of me. "Adrien I'm leaving please can you see me to the out and maybe from there you can grab something for Jess to eat " she said waiting for me, so I just kissed Jess on her forehead and made my way towards Sofia.
We finally made it to the kitchen it was a long silent walk, we finally got to the kitchen. "Ohhh you finally fell in love" Sofia cooed while poking me and jumping up in excitement. I mean I don't blame her there was a time I told her I wasn't going to marry just impregnate a girl and keep the child so he would take over after when I'm old or I die. "It's ok yeah I love her but I haven't told her yet, please calm down" I said trying to calm her down but she even became more excited when I said that. She continued asking questions about Jess we were in the kitchen. "sof we've been here for almost twenty minutes, Jess is alone and hungry we'll continue this chat later" I said shooing her away and getting Jess food.
I got to the room and Jess food hasn't been touched because we kept kissing I couldn't get enough of her but I had to but the kiss short because she had to eat.