The cloudy night sky played games with the full moon, occasionally obscuring it before moving on. Leaves rustled gently in the breeze while the distant sounds of an owl and a dog broke the stillness. The muted light created a peaceful and reflective atmosphere.
Inside his room, Li Shuyi was lying on the bed peacefully, the moonlight occasionally gracing his pale face, making it glow In a silver gleam as the handsome features on his sleeping face highlighted serenely. The room was silent, a whiff of medicinal incense permeated the chamber which seemed to be the reason for the peaceful expression on Li Shuyi's face.
Beside his bed on the right side of the room, on the floor; there was another cushioned, thick, and comfy cot on which Ruyan was sleeping on her side with knitted brows. As to why she was in Li Shuyi's room, that was because Shijie's condition often worsened in the night out of nowhere and she was tasked to keep an eye on him.