"Yawn!" Jason got out of bed with a great big yawn. His room was simple. It consisted of a bed, a window, a desk with four drawers, and a dresser. The walls and floors were black with gold engravings.
Jason get up and walked towards his dresser as he rubbed his eyes.
He opened and lazily picked out clothing. All his cloths were the same. Black pants, boots, black gloves, and a black collar tunic with golden borders.
'Nabrax has pretty simple taste. Not that I dislike it, in fact, I think our tastes are quite similar.' With a smile Jason left his room to head to the dining area.
When Jason first arrived at the castle, the kitchen was empty, not used for a long time.
Nabrax figured something out and made a ghost that can cook.
Jason arrived and took his seat at one end of the table. The other was occupied by the skeleton, Nabrax.
"It's been a very long time since this kitchen has been used… must've been oh six hundred years ago? That was around the time I was still living." Nabrax had a warm fire in his eyes. The nostalgia of seeing food again must've been reminding him of good memories.
Jason waited a bit before asking a question he's had on his mind for a long time.
"Master. What exactly are you going to teach me? So far you've been training me as a mage. But you gave me that second Grimoire. What kind of magic specifically am I training to use?" Jason had a respectful tone to his voice but not even that could mask his impatience. He wanted power more than anything. He despises the demons after all.
"Ah! Yes, that should be pretty obvious by now no?" The skeleton chuckled to himself before continuing.
"I am going to raise you as my disciple. I major in death sorceries and specifically Necromancy. You, like me, will learn the art of Necromancy. I'm also proficient in Shadow and Blood magic. The thing with death sorceries is that not just anyone can use them. Not only is it considered taboo among the living but it also takes a lot." The skeleton paused for a moment. The information was a lot to take in. Would Jason one day command an army the size of Nabrax's? He hoped so.
"Death magic takes much more concentration and mana to use. Not only that, but someone must be blessed by death to use it. To be blessed is of complete random. It's something gifted at birth. You, Jason, are blessed by death." Jason quickly shot an response.
"What about shadow or blood, can't you teach me that?" Jason just wanted you learn powerful magic.
"Haha, you have to have more patience Jason. Like you, I used to be the same way. Always thirsting for the next spell. Spell casting is a long game. If you want to be impatient go be a swordsman." The Skeleton changed from friendly to beastly. He looked down on Jason for his impatience, like he wasn't once the same himself.
"Yes master." Jason had no reason to disagree. The skeleton has been around for much longer than anyone Jason knew. He treaded the path before him and is now leading him. Why would Jason do something to upset him like talk back?
"Shadow and Blood magic is advanced. Beginners like yourself couldn't begin to comprehend such advanced magic. Basic spells is where all mages begin. I did, my master did, and so will you." The skeleton looked proud that it had such bountiful knowledge.
Jason was satisfied with that answer. The magic wouldn't be so great if just anyone could learn it, after all.
"Yes master." With that Jason dug into his meal. Steaming eggs and fresh bread quickly filled his stomach. The skeleton looked on with envy as Jason ate his food.
"Cherish your time while eating. There's no doubt in my mind one day you'll shed your skin and be like me." Jason suddenly stopped eating. Was he really willing to do that?
"I've been meaning to ask master. What exactly are you? Besides a skeleton I mean. Are you a special kind of undead?" Jason's words got him a hearty chuckle from the skeleton.
"Yes Jason, I am a special kind of undead. You see, there are three main kinds of undead. Skeletons, Zombies and Ghosts. I am a powerful skeleton type undead. I am what's called a Lich." Jason looked on at awe. He had only heard stories of powerful Lich's but each seemed immensely powerful. A Lich commanded a great army of undead servants. The Lich was often painted as a threat to the kingdom. To be under such a being as a disciple… Jason truly was lucky.
"Can I become a Lich too one day?" All doubts Jason once had were now gone. He wanted to be a Lich. He wanted the kind of power needed to kill the demons and make them pay for his anguish.
"One day, yes. But that day is long away." With a great big smile, Jason went back to eating his meal.