Chereads / Princess Zelda / Chapter 1 - Chapter 1: Introduction

Princess Zelda

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Chapter 1 - Chapter 1: Introduction

Hello everyone. Yes, my name is Zelda as you can see here. Let's break up my life so far.


My full name is Zelda Aerith Storm I am 16 Years old. I have been told I have a girly voice. Ha I may have a girly voice, but when I get angry it can get very scary as some people say. I think it's more demonic. I have light brown hair and white streaks auntie said I got when I was little. I have green eyes and my brother had icy blue. I am medium built as well. People say I am skinny when I too am average weight. I am tall for a woman. I am 5 ft 6. I'm so glad I was not flat chested. I would say I'm more of a medium size not that you want to know. I have a well-toned body. I have been trying to work out and get stronger. I have a scar on my right side when I was 5 years old. My hair is wavy as well. We got that from our mother. Dad had white hair but green eyes. Mom had the icy blue with light brown hair like mine. We both had a mixture of peachy and pale skin. Weird I know. My father's name was Dean and my mother's name was Kiana. My goal in life is to find out who killed my parents How and why. Then Kill them. My mother's brother and sister-in-law raised me and my brother. My favorite colors are green and blue. I actually like silver as well. My least favorite colors are orange and pink. My favorite food is meat. Any kind of meat. I know I'm a tomboy with a girly voice. My least favorite food is any kind of vegetable. Fruit is ok. I have 2 best friends. A boy named Hawk I have known since childhood. His sister Alana. I think our species is human that's all I've known we are but who knows. My brother can act like an animal sometimes. People ask if we are really related.


Jet Kai Storm 15 years old. My brother has a husky voice. Starting puberty, a little later than normal. He is a more medium built man with wavy white hair down to his shoulders. He is what you call a pretty boy. It didn't match his personality. He is an average weight for a 5ft 7 man. He does have a scar on his left cheek from when he was 4 years old. He has icy blue eyes. Our hair is wavy. We got that from our mother. Dad had white hair but green eyes. Mom had the icy blue with light brown hair like mine. We both have a mixture of peachy and pale skin. Weird I know. My father's name was Dean and my mothers name was Kiana. His favorite colors are blue and silver. Which are the castle colors. His least favorite colors are orange black and grey. He thinks pink is more of a second to last color he says. His favorite food is any kind of meat as well. He prefers beef and chicken though. His least favorite food is anything too sweet. He will eat sweet food but if its too sweet he won't eat it. Also, he doesn't like veggies either. His best friends are Hawk as well and Zack. His favorite think to do is train as well although he stays a pretty boy no matter what.

I was 5 years old when our parents died. Auntie and Uncle told us our parents were killed but still haven't told us who killed them. How or why. So I warned them I would look into it if they didn't tell us and so I did. My brother tried to stop me from doing it telling me it could be dangerous but I ignored him. Well now let's get into the story.

"Auntie uncle I'm back! What's for dinner!" "Oh you. Is that all you kids can think of these days is food? Sigh what are your uncle and I going to do with you?" "Ha-ha oh Auntie." I had to eat. Every time I trained with the warriors I would get hungry. As you have noticed at the title of the story, I am a princess. My brother is the crowned prince. As of right now my uncle is King and auntie is queen. Mom and dad were prince and princess. They weren't king and queen. Since Auntie and uncle never had any kids, we were next in line.

There were times I had to lie to my auntie to find out what happened to them. But I was told today was going to be a special day for me. Auntie had told me I am something more than just a princess and that I would find out who I truly am. I just rolled my eyes and walked lazily to my room to change into something more appropriate for the place I am going to.

I put on my normal school clothes I would wear. I don't like dresses but I have to wear them at certain times. Once whatever this is, is done. I am taking this dress off. Once I was dressed, I was escorted by my guard to the classroom. I looked around and thought it was decorated strangely.

"Uh hello? Is a anyone here yet?" Then I see a woman and a man come inside. "Sorry we are a little late. My name is Grace and this is my brother Chaz. We are going to be your teacher for the next few years. Here is your book. You can tell from the title what we are going to teach you about." I looked at the book and was confused. 'Why would I be learning about the princess and the dragon? What does this have to do with me?' I raised my hand. "Uh teachers?" "Yes, what is it?" said Chaz. "What does this history got to do with me?" I saw Chaz look at his sister. "Once you get into the lesson I'm sure you will figure it out." Said Grace. I sighed. Then they told me to quietly read the first chapter and then tell them what I thought about it.

Once I read to the middle of the chapter that is when I read the name. Zelda Simone Stone. 'Wait wasn't my mother a stone before she married dad? Was I named after this woman? Who is she to me? Let me continue reading this.' I said to myself.

I continued reading on and it said she had a daughter and the name was my mothers. Kiana Sona Stone. 'OK this is really freaky. This can't be! I just can't.' I closed the book and ran out the door. I ignored the people calling my name. I ran into my favorite forest.

Once I found my favorite tree to be in, I climbed it and sat on a limb. "How can it be my grandma? No! I can't be this dragon princess person. I can't be the next dragon princess. They haven't had one over Goddess knows how many years. Even if I am this dragon princess. I hope I don't have to wear any dresses. I wonder if grandma is even still alive. I doubt it. It's been several hundred years since it happened. Sigh." I banged my head in frustration.

I heard a noise as I finished talking to myself. Luckily, I had weapons with me. I looked around while I was in the tree and didn't see anything. Then not long after I saw a man who didn't look much older than I am. I jumped down from where I was from. I startled the man.

"Who are you and what are you doing here?" I asked cautiously. He stared at me in surprise. "My name is Ezra. Young lady. May I have your name?" "Not until you answer the second question. What are you doing here?" "Oh, that um…Well I sort of ran away and ended up here." "Oh, so you're a runaway too?" "Yep. May I know your name pretty lady." Said Ezra. Then I cleared my throat. "I'm Zelda." I didn't use my title cause he doesn't need to know who I really am. "Zelda. That's a pretty name. So, Zelda if you don't mind me asking why did you run away?" "Actually, I do mind. Its too personal right now. Maybe another time." "Well, I better go before my father calls my brothers to look for me. Hope to see you again Zelda." I watched the boy leave. I hopped back into my tree again and thought of that boy Ezra.

Before I knew, it was getting dark. I always had food with me in the forest not knowing how long I would stay in the forest. Most I've stayed is a week. I jumped out of my tree and went to the cave nearby to eat my dinner. I had some dried meat and some nutrient bars to keep me for the night. Then I heard someone coming. I got out of my cave and had my weapons ready. The only light were some fire flies I caught. "

Who's There?!" "Woah there Zelda don't kill me. Ha-ha." "It's not funny Hawk. What do you want?" "I've brought you some food from dinner. Thought it would be better than these nasty bars you have and this dried meat." "Yeah, thanks Hawk. You and my brother have always been there for me. Your sister too." I laid back and ate my food. "Thanks that was good." "So, what did you run from this time?" "I'm sure its going around the palace by now you should know." "I want to hear it from you." "Sigh fine." I told him what I read and that the last dragon princess was my grandma because in the end it said she had a daughter my mothers name. "Hmm. I see. Well, I've known you can't run from who you are. No matter what. It will come back to you. Just remember that. Well, I better get going. Hope to see you sometime tomorrow. If not I'm sure your brother will come find you." "Yeah, I know I'll think about it." Then he left and I hopped back on my tree and covered myself up with what little fabric I had.

The next morning, I got up and went to my cave to have some breakfast. I heard a strange sound so I went out to investigate. I saw a white dragon with icy blue chest and stomach. His claws were icy blue as well. I hid behind some trees so it didn't see me. Little did I know it did and didn't bother with me until I said something. I am afraid of dragons. When I was little, I was attacked by a blue one. I never found out who it was but they were banned. I was about to make a run for it when I heard the dragon growl. I turned around slowly.

"Are you going to hurt me?" I asked fearfully. Its like the dragon can understand me. He shook his head no. "I guess I am the next dragon princess. My grandmother Zelda was the last one. I am also named Zelda after her." The dragon nodded yes as in agreeing. I showed the dragon my wound from when I was little being attacked by the dragon. The Clawed scar. I saw the dragon feel a little sorry for me. It's the face he was making. I guess this means I can accept you or reject you. If I reject you, I will never see you again, right?" He nodded in agreement. "Well, this is my first time talking to a dragon. I don't know much about them accept that I was attacked by one. Will I eventually understand you if I accept you?" "He nodded. "Well, I guess I have to accept it. I Zelda Aerith Storm Accept my title as the next dragon princess and accept this white and blue dragon as my first dragon and Alli." Then all of a sudden, I started floating up and I watched my body transform Luckily it didn't look like a dress more like a warrior princess. I wore a halter top that showed my belly button and some pants that matched my top which was dark blue and a light blue belt with light blue boots and a light blue hooded cape. My hair even turned all white. Which surprised me. Oh, and I have a bow and arrow. My best weapon. She knows me well. Then once I was done transforming, I blacked out.

I didn't know what was happening to me. I woke up in a meadow somewhere. "Uh hello?" "My child. You have finally accepted who you are. Also accepted your first dragon. I'm so proud of you, my child." "Uh are you the Goddess?" "Yes, I am princess Zelda. There is something you should know. There is a reason your aunt and uncle hadn't told you about your parent's death. You will find out in your journey of knowing more of what you are. Now that you have your first dragon, he is yours he will be around so when you need him, he can come to you. You will not be staying at the palace much longer that is all I can say. You will find out more as you go. You will have special powers. At this new place you will be taught how to use them. Goodbye my child. I will see you soon. You have someone worrying about you right now." Then I slowly opened my eyes. "Hmm. Ow."

When I barely woke, I saw a worried Hawk and my brother Jet. I tried to slowly sit up but my head hurt. "Ow." "Easy sis." said my brother Jet worriedly. "Should I bring you to the doc?" said Hawk. "No, I'll be fine. As you guys know I am the new dragon princess. I accepted my first dragon. I also accepted who I was and that's when I transformed into this and next thing, I knew I blacked out and woke up in the cave." "That explains why your dressed so girly." "Hey its better than a dress. I saw the goddess when I was out. She told me the dragon is going to mine to keep. He will stay close to me so when I need him, he can come to me. I can understand him too." "That's cool sis. Is your hair going to stay like this?" "Looks like it. I'll miss the brown hair I have. OK I need to get home. Hawk Brother help me back. Actually, never mind I have a better idea. Dragon, I don't know how to call you. I need you." Then the same dragon I accepted flew down. We all backed away and gave it some room to land. "Hello princess Zelda. I apologize for everything. My name is Blizzard. I am at your service." "What did he say?" said Hawk. "He just introduced himself and said he was at my service. His name is Blizzard." "Oh, how cool." Said Jet. "Blizzard, I need your service. Can you carry the 3 of us to the palace. I know it isn't far but my strength right now won't make it back." "Yes, your highness." "Oh and please enough with the formalities Blizzard just call me Zelda." He nodded then laid down so we can all get on. I got on first then the two boys behind me. "Ok to the palace Blizzard."

So, we flew to the palace and when we got there I had him land in the field since it's the biggest place to land at the moment. "Thank you, Blizzard. Will you be close by?" "Yes, Zelda I will." I nodded and he flew off. My brother and best friend helped me to my room. We didn't have time to say anything. I needed to lay down.