Chapter 15 - Hero

Tobi was furious.

He wanted to head out sooner, but Sarah stopped him.

"Through my simulations, I have concluded, that they won't be indebted to us, if we save them right away. If they're not indebted, they won't listen to us."

Tobi felt like she couldn't grasp the weight of life, due to her being an android.

He reluctantly agreed regardless and waited patiently, as their spaceships floated, camouflaged above the invading force.

They had five ships with them including the Aratris.

Sarah had been working her androids day and night to perfect them.

War space ships of her own design.

She outfitted them with ICBM's, machine guns, and laser artillery.

With force field defence shields.

The ships could travel, at warp speed, just like the Aratris, but Sarah had managed to make them, much more efficient and durable.

She called them Aeromachs 26.

Tobi and Osei stood at the open hangar, over looking the city and the ships drifting across it.

They were dressed in the new uniforms, Sarah developed made out of nanotech.

Capable of handling their abilities to extreme limits.

They both raised their hands in front of them, and called forth lightning.

Striking two of the ships out of the sky.

Then they both jumped off the ship, with no parachutes.

Osei struck the roof of Zaryon's main ship with his sword out pointing downwards, while he simultaneously summoned a lightning strike engulfing him.

The impact ripped through the ship, as Osei continued causing carnage with the momentum.

He followed up, by bursting out a hole from under the ship.

He formed a fist, putting all his might into it and sent Zaryon flying with his full might.

Tobi dropped down to the city.

Landing on one of the Bosryn, being shot by police.

He blocked any incoming shots with a small rock wall hovering around his body.

Flames erupted out of his sword.

He took it down, without breaking a sweat.

He yelled, looking back at the officers.

"Focus on evacuation, we'll take it from here!"

Then jumped off the robot and jetted off with fire under his soles.

The officers helped the people trapped inside the machine out.

Tobi had been able to gain the ability of flight.

By combining heat produced from his body and electricity, to maintain bursts of hot air under & maintaining it around his body.

He used ice to keep himself from overheating.

Concentrated bursts of fire through his soles, helped control his trajectory, as he maneuvered through the city, with ease.

He looked up, hearing buzzes and seeing flashes from the screen.

Then the screen changed.

It was Sarah, on the Aratris, with the BSF logo behind her.

She addressed the world.

"Hey everyone!"

She waved at the camera.

"My name is Sarah, and I am the C.O.O and C.F.O of Beyond Space Force. Don't worry, everything will be alright, leave it up to us. I've hacked into their World Tel-ometer. We'll be broadcasting the situation as it unfolds, since we plan on keeping transparency, from here on out. For now please get to safety and stay inside."

The broadcast split in two, showcasing him and Osei.

Tobi didn't know what face to make, being live on screen.

So he put his head down and kept focusing on the task at hand.

Sarah helped him find three more around the city.

Directing him with a comm implant by his ear.

He neutralized each one of them carefully, in case there were people inside.

Sarah's militia, came in to clean up.

While destroying the last one, he heard a scream.

He flew past a corner of buildings, to an open street.

A kayzuc had just picked up a citizen and started flying off into the sky.

Tobi raised his hand and aimed at the flying lizard .

Five compressed icicles, laced with electricity formed around him, aiming for it.

He spoke two words.

"Frost: Volt".

The icicles shot, like beams, making their marks on the kayzuc.

As it fell out of the sky, it dropped her.

Tobi rushed to the woman's aid, and caught her.

"Thank you... who are you?"

She asked curious.

He smiled.

"Just someone who came to help."

He let her down gently, took a step back.

"Stay safe."

He smiled and took off.

Sarah reported to him that a platoon of invading soldiers were making there way across a street, where her militia were pinned down.

There were American soldiers helping out in the effort.

She had reached one of the Generals overseeing the operation and convinced them to let her militia be on the front lines.

He reached the battle site.

It was carnage.

There was a massive giant, almost thirty feet tall, with clunky space armour suit and a massive axe.

It looked like a Valmerian giant pumped, with an incredible amount of steroids.

Protected tubes ran along his back.

He had a black and gold helmet, with horns sticking out.

Hundreds of infantry men were stationed behind, defending and advancing on some of the buildings.

Some sniped ontop of buildings.

The giant swung at a tank, dividing it in two as it caught fire and exploded.

It continued swinging at the rest of Sarah's militia, as they ran around it throwing semtex grenades.

Explosions went off all over its body, but it remained unscathed.

It turned its eyes towards Tobi, who was flying straight at him.

Tobi stopped in midair as the giant swung at him, nearly missing him.

It caught a few buildings, collapsing them.

He raised both of his hands and yelled out.

"Create: Frost Parade!"

At first there were low tremors, but then all the rubble, soil and metal lying around, started gathering together forming hundreds of humanoid golems, covered in ice.

Thousands of ice sparrows formed in the skies around him.

They all rushed the giant.

He swung at everything, trying to avoid the onslaught, but without success.

The giant fell backwards, falling into the squads, defending behind him.

Half frozen in ice, half covered in rubble and dirt.

Just for good measure, since cracks started forming in the ice, Tobi raised a big ball of dirt and rubble as high, as he was floated.

Then he shaped it into a sword shape and set it on fire.

Dropping it down, with his full might into the giants heart.

Blood splattered everywhere, the giants body caught fire, but Tobi put it out.

He knew Sarah, would want to study it.

He then summoned over fifty more rubble soldiers and had them rush the rest of the invading soldiers.

He looked back at the defending American soldiers, saluted, then took off.

One of the few things Tobi learned during the eight months, combining two elements at once for greater strength.

He experimented a variety of combinations with his abilities on his own.

Buzzes went off in his ear, then Sarah spoke.

"Tobi, there is one last ship on the coast and it seems the prince gave them the order, to go ahead and fly across seas. I won't be able to make it in time."

He took a deep breath.

"Lead the way."

Tobi zoomed across the city, occasionally grabbing electricity from telephone lines and towers.

Osei, had taught him that siphoning energy from electricity, was easier and more harmless than from living things.

However only a fraction, could actually be retained and it was a slower process.

He had reached the coast and was on a beach.

The ship was not too far ahead.

It was the last ship they couldn't take down, since it was already too far.

The crew on that ship, noticed him and prepared to warp jump.

Tobi knew he could getbany closer, but didnt want them to get away.

He gathered all the energy from within him, then around him.

Fish started to float up dead in the water.

Nearby insects, plants and birds, dropped dead.

Enough, he said to himself, feeling guilt and the presence of people nearby

Onlookers, took videos and uploaded them to social media.

He ignored them, the ship was almost about ready to jump.

He descended to the ground, rings of fire started forming around him.

The ground around him broke up into pieces and started floating.

He put his hands to his side and half cupped them.

A ball of fire formed, crackling with electricity, as frost built up over his hands.

He learnt to add an ice layer on his hands and body when using this move.

"Ignite: Static Cannon."

His eyes flashed blue.

He released it pointing it at the spaceship.

It was way bigger than before.

The ship combusted into a ball of fire, burning everything inside and collapsing into the sea.

People across the world watched, gaining hope from a new hero.