Chapter 17 - Mistakes

Sparks flew, and random objects caught fire all around them.

The air was so tense.

Enough that you could cut it with a knife.

They both stared each other down.

"Who are you?"

Zaryon asked, trying to keep his tone under control.

"My name is Tobi and you're right, I am half Rennayan... I'm also the one that killed your brother."

With one hand on his sword hilt, sheathed, he started to slowly walk in a circle, flanking him.

Zaryon growled and started building up his energy.

He yelled out.

"So you've been hiding here all this time... Father will be pleased when I bring you back with me. Even though, you've taken out my army, I can still conquer this world all on my own!"

Tobi chuckled.

"Aww, you wanna make your daddy proud. You see your brother had the same motivations, but he wasn't able to pull it off was he?"

He replied, attempting to aggravate Zaryon.

Out of the blue, bullets flew overhead and a tank blast went off.

All the ammunition was aiming at Zaryon, but Tobi had to jump back to avoid being hit.

He put a rock and metal rubble wall in between him and the incoming attacks.

It was the American army.

This attack was happening on their homeland and they were not backing down.

Several snipers went off in the distance all making their marks on Zaryon.

Two drones went over head, dropping missiles before circling off.

Zaryon, formed a barrier made out of flames blocking most of the incoming fire.

Multiple concentrated bullets of fire exited the flame barrier, taking down the snipers hundreds of meters away and each of the drones.

Two helicopters flew overhead each showering machine gun fire on him unrelentlessly.

The bullets bounced off and just made slight bruises, which healed instantaneously.

He flew up and caught one of the rotors with his bare hands and broke it off.

Then he jumped off the helicopter with massive flames coming out of his feet engulfing the whole helicopter and sending it crashing to ground.

He flew to the next one and sliced it in half with his sword in an arc of fire, killing all those inside as it exploded.

He looked at the two squads down below and tanks, firing at him earlier.

They continued to fire at him up floating in the sky.

His life force continued to drain but in tiny amounts as his body regenerated.

Zaryon was annoyed.

Tobi had shielded himself in a dome of dirt and metal to keep himself safe.

He made a small slit to be able to see what's going on with a clear ice lens covering it.

He was horrified by the destruction.

Zaryon created a massive pressurized ball of fire, which was two-thirds of his size.

Then launched it at them at sonic speed.

Tobi broke out of his dome.


He placed both his hands on the ground.

"Frost: Ice Dome!"

He visualized it as fast as he could.

The flame ball looked like a flaming Sun to the soldiers and some prayed knowing it was the end.

Suddenly a massive dome of dirt and ice grew out of the the ground encompassing and protecting them from the oncoming fireball.

The explosion was massive, engulfing the dome and shaking it as the soldiers braced for impact.

Cracks started to form along the giant dome.

Tobi made a back entrance for the soldiers and told them to evacuate, as the dome started collapsing.

He glared back up at Zaryon, as he descended looking back down at Tobi.

"Why do you protect them, when you have so much power? You can rule them by me. What do you say?... I'll forgive you for my brother's death."

He asked Tobi.

Tobi replied back in disgust.

"People like you make me sick. None of you princes value life do you?"

Zaryon , didn't take any offence.

"From the moment we are born, we are only allowed to have what we can take. To get father's affection, we have to be in the top ten children. Which means absorbing enough life to be able to challenge them."

Tobi shook his head.

"That's a terrible childhood, doesn't excuse any of your actions though."

Zaryon laughed.

"I don't look for forgiveness, as long as I can show Father, that I too can become closer to God."

Zaryon lunged at Tobi.

Toby parried his strike and summoned a golem to grab him from the back.

Zaryon turned his hands back without looking and burned away the golem behind him.

Toby was shocked by how the prince could read his move.

Then it struck him, that they could see energy too.

He clad himself in lightning to match the speeds of of the next few incoming strikes.

Then laced his hands with dirt since the impacts were causing, pain and calluses.

He flew back to create some distance and floated in the air.

The prince was strong, he thought.

He needed a new strategy.

He looked down on Zaryon and raised one hand pointing towards him.

Hundreds of fireballs formed in the sky around him.

Each of the flames was charged with thousands of volts.

Zaryon looked at the incoming barrage, smirked then started running away.

The balls of fire sailed towards him at sonic speed, homing for him.

He zig-zagged as the fire balls exploded all over the field, nearly missing him each time.

He jumped up in the air, dodging the last few, and then returned twice as many fireballs back at him.

Tobi, flew higher to avoid as many as he could, but they started tailing him.

Zaryon flanked trying to get closer.

Tobi created a gigantic ice dome in midair shielding him from the remaining blasts he couldn't shake off.

As the smoke cleared, people watched feeling relieved to still see the ice dome, still floating in midair.

Zaryon appeared above it, raising his sword high above his head.

He engulfed it with the hottest flames he could produce, almost turning the blade white.

He cut down.

An arc of fire sliced through the ice dome like butter.

The flames, from as high as they were, almost scorched the ground.

However, Tobi was no longer in the dome.

He melted out an opening out of the back and simultaneously proceeded to gather up all the fire and electricity in his hands as possible, while covering his hands with layers of ice.

He focused on finding Zaryon through his energy signature.

The moment Zaryon was above him, he pushed himself out by protruding a wall of ice within his dome, launching him in a prime point-blank position.

"Ignite: Static Shock."

Tobi yelled.

The blast, caught Zaryon by surprise.

Dropping his sword, he instinctively created the biggest flame barrier he could possibly create.

It wasn't enough.

He was going to burn up or be launched into space if he did nothing.

Tobi didn't let up.

Zaryon with his AI mind, ran through all the options he could think of to get out of this.

The only option was to copy exactly what Tobi did.

He blasted himself out of his barrier.

All within 0.5 seconds

Tobi dropped his hands, as flames and smoke exploded from where Zaryon was.

He focused trying to sense if there was anything left of him.

In a blur Zaryon punched Tobi down from the sky.

Using flames to increase his power.

Zaryon had one arm missing and charred burnt marks on his body.

Tobi broke his fall with jet flames under his feet and healed himself.

Dust and dirt kicked up around him.

Zaryon seemingly appeared from behind him.

He wasn't missing a beat.

Tobi, tried to dodge in time, not noticing his sword had been acquired earlier in midair.

His arm flew, and blood sprayed out of the cut, clean to the bone.

By instinct he screamed.

Forming gigantic golem twenty feet tall between the both of them and a massive ice wall.

He couldn't believe he'd been so careless.

He took out a small knife, that he had by his belt and cauterized the wound.

Tobi was dizzy and felt nauseous.

The pain was unbearable.

He grunted and proceeded to frost up the wound, which healed slowly.

Tobi remembered Sarah packing him an adrenaline booster.

One meant specifically for combat situations like this, but would still make you feel 1.5 times the pain within the next hour.

It was meant only meant to be used once, as a last resort.

He plunged the syringe in an opening the armour made him.

A rush of energy and adrenaline rushed down Tobi's spine like never before.

He got up.

An arm made out of dirt and metal, formed together were his missing arm was, at his will.

He took a deep breath.

Then brought down the wall.

His golem had been defeated, he had felt it earlier.

It stood like a statue, with its head and arm destroyed.

Zaryon himself was standing near its foot, with Tobi's arm.

Munching away at it.