Ray'ven searched through the garden's maze for the missing pirate. Lifting the hem of her skirts to move faster. The garden was large and the many twists and turns were easy to get lost in, but she knew it well. After many years of exploring them, she had come to recognize the paths by heart. There were guards searching all throughout the grounds, armed and ready to take out the man if they found him. She had to find him first. She rounded another bend, gasping sharply when a pair of arms grabbed her around the waist and pulled her into a small enclave.
Razmyr slammed her against one of the many green walls inside the maze by the throat, thinking she was someone else. His face was cut up and bruised, pant legs torn. "I'm not going back," He growled. "Stop following me. I won't let them take my hand."
Ray'ven huffed, glaring at him. "Y-you idiot. He's going to do more than take your hand now." She hissed. "And I'm not taking you back, fool."