Chereads / KEEPER OF THE KEYS OF IMAGINATION / Chapter 46 - Ancient Dragons...

Chapter 46 - Ancient Dragons...

Chapter 46

Through a haze of mist and fog, Gerald and Lauren could see the other people around them. They held each other tightly, wondering where they were and why. Giant dragons laid on rocky cliffs looking down at them while other creatures scurried around trying to make the dragons comfortable, feeding the mighty beasts, or entertaining them by dancing, juggling, or wrestling.

A white dragon ventured close to Gerald and Lauren and asked, "Who are you and what have you done to deserve to be judged by the ancient dragons?" He stretched his neck towards them and sniffed. "Why, you are pregnant. You impregnated her while in your human form. This cannot be. This will not be tolerated. The willfulness of the young. It must be done away with, immediately." With that he turned his nose up and marched right to his perch with his back to them.

Next a huge red dragon inspected them. "I don't see the harm. After all, we were once a new species. What if our ancestors were done away with when they were young or in the womb? She is just like Gaia, a giver of life and creator of new. I like her and I like the Dragon king. I say let them be creative." She warmed Gerald and Lauren with her breath and walked back to her perch facing them.

A blue dragon was next, she whirled around them and the wind picked up. She stopped and looked Gerald straight in the eyes for a long period. He finally said, "I do not condemn them. Let them be." With that he went to his perch and sat facing them.

Then a black dragon looked them over. He didn't say anything but when he got back to his perch, he sat facing them.

This went on for a while. A dragon would come look them over, say a few words and then return to their perches either facing them or with their backs turned. Lauren wanted to speak. To say something to convince them but she couldn't. It was like her voice had been sealed. Gerald just sat there holding Lauren so tightly she could feel his fear of losing her. The last dragon stepped up quietly. It was a small slender silver dragon, no bigger than a garden lizard of earth. He looked at Lauren and a look of recognition came to his face. He turned and said, "Who am I to cast judgment on anyone especially the daughter of God and the King of Dragons? Gaia's grandchild can create, but I know for a fact that if she is wronged in this way, she may also destroy. Do not do her this injustice. Do not bring her such pain. I haven't even thought about how berserk the dragon king will go if he is caused to feel the pain of loss. I believe we should let them be." With that, he sat down facing them.

Many of the dragons with their backs to them looked over their shoulders at the tiny silver dragon and their back at Lauren and Gerald. "Daughter of God?"

"Is that the truth?"

"We cannot condemn the daughter of God."

"Who told her she could create another species of a dragon? Are we not enough?"

Questions were spoken in whispers. They weren't supposed to be loud enough to be heard, but Lauren heard all of them. She closed her eyes and prayed to God, her father.

God answered by popping to where she and Gerald were. "What is going on here?" Lauren and Gerald didn't answer. Couldn't answer. "Why do you ancient dragons have my daughter and her mate all tressed up like criminals?" He looked around and then he knew. "You are really holding a trial about my grandson? I should smite you all down."

"What is wrong here? Lauren made love with Gerald and a new species was created from that joining. Stop looking at others as the problem when you and your prejudgment are the problems. Creating new things out of nothing is one of Lauren's talents and it should be honored."

All the ancients looked at each other wondering what to do because they knew that God's word was law and you just don't argue with God. "I recognized her holy beauty as soon as I saw her." The small silver dragon said. "But her child seems to be in distress."

God touched Lauren's belly. "You seem to be right." He pressed on her belly hard and Lauren screamed. "It's hard being the first of anything. Lauren, my dear daughter, Your child is ready to be born. If you give birth in the chamber of the elders, then all Drakeon will have to be born here, under this waterfall. I don't want that limit placed on Drakeons and their parents. Let's get you back to your home and you give birth there. Okay?"

Lauren nodded her head. "Thank you all. This was an interesting visit. I hope that those of you that voted against me will change your mind and be more accepting." With those last words, God brought her and all of her family back to the keep. Gaia was already there with Shirley and the sprites. They had created a "nest" style bed for her with dragon scales and flowers with clouds as the pillow. Gerald laid her on the nest and the baby dragons joined her. When Gerald tried to move them Lauren protested and he left them there.

"This is going to be an interesting birth. First, it's only been three months and you are ready to give birth. Secondly, your family is here around you and will be needed to keep your power level up throughout the birth. And the most interesting thing is that I get to be here for the birth!" God said.

"I'm glad you are here. If I can't have Evandalyn here, I'm glad you are here. You two are my parents and I love both of you." Lauren replied. Her pain had calmed and she wasn't as hot. She knew she had enough love around to get her through the birth. A baby at her age. Who would have thought?

"It's time, deary. Push." And Lauren pushed. After a few more pushes her son was in the world. "Altan. First of the Drakeons. With that fiery red hair, he is the red dawn."

"I like that name," Gerald said. "I accept your suggestion for a name. Don't forget it is a dragon's duty to name his offspring. He may be Drakeon but he is a dragonkin."

"I know. But that is the name I want for him."

"That will be his name. I love you, Lauren." Gerald said. "We all love you." All of her men moved in close and filled Lauren with their power. In doing so they also filled her son and the baby dragons. God and Gaia also added a bit of their power, wanting to be sure the child and mother lived and slept peacefully.

Lauren woke up to a busy room. Atlan was still asleep in her arms and the baby dragons were still near her. Gerald was walking back and forth discussing things in his head with his chancellor. Cartrell was doing the same except he was on the phone. Tom and Atonus were watching the television. Carlton was discussing things with MaGayla so that the testing for the council will go smoothly. Shirley was the first to notice Lauren and quickly got her sprites to work cleaning her up and getting her dressed in the dressing room where she had been moved to.

Shirley cleaned and dressed Atlan in a pretty blue onesie and began feeding him from a bottle. "I might have wanted to breastfeed him," Lauren said.

"Oh, I know, We are feeding him your breast milk. Gerald said you would want to breastfeed but you have been asleep for three days and he had to eat." Shirley clarified.

"Oh, three days? I'm so happy to have you in my life." Lauren said.

"Happy to be in your life as well. Now let's get you in there with your family so they can get back to their busy lives and you to yours. Your Drakeon loves playing with his siblings. He is very strong and full of surprises."

"Really? The baby dragons don't try to hurt him do they?"

"No. He's too tough for that. Believe me he will be able to hold his own. Now let's go. With that Shirley and the sprites busied themselves.

When Lauren was ready, she walked out of the dressing room and everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at her. She looked at everyone and smiled. She was happy with her new family and that all of them are doing so well together.

Gerald was the first to speak. "Hello, love. You look so much better. I'm glad that you are my mate." He walks over and takes her in his arms, kissing her deeply.

The baby dragons gave her a hug and sat down at her feet. They had been playing with Atlan for three days without her, but they wanted her closeness now.

Cartrell moved over next and gave Lauren a hug and a kiss. "Now I can try to get an heir from you." He whispered in her ear. Lauren smiled.

Tom was next and he hugged her tightly. Lauren kissed him since he didn't kiss her first. He probably was still shy because of how their relationship started.

Antonus moved towards her next. He gave her a tight hug and a kiss on the cheek. He's not sure yet where their relationship stands. Lauren has never given him a reason to start getting close to her, but she has not pushed him away either. "I thank you for your help and support for the last few days. You are showing yourself to be a welcomed addition to my family."

Carlton came to her next. He hugged her and whispered in her ear. "You are so beautiful. I love your strength and intelligence. I love that you believe in and trust me. Just for those simple things I love you. Thank you for choosing me." He kissed her and hugged her again.

"Wow. It's so wonderful to feel this much love. I feel like I could burst from all this love. We are a great family and our children will be blessed because of our community. I love you all." Lauren said. They spent the rest of the day and night together as a family, playing, laughing, and enjoying each other. Tomorrow will bring work.