Do you know what a camp is? It's a place usually away from urban areas where tents or simple buildings such as cabins are erected for shelter or for temporary residence for people like laborers, prisoners and vacationers according to the Merriam Webster dictionary. However if you ask us who have lived and still strive in one, we will tell you that its hell! Camp's were meant for the broken,prisoned minds,social misfits and yes ,all black ships dock there! If you don't agree then remove the cotton ear buds and let me tell the first ever true folklore you will ever hear! Once upon a time, there was a group of people who were conversely and inversely chosen by natural earth tremors to test how a group of victims could live together in one yard after a disaster. Surely these people knew each other and they had always lived together somehow in a normal community so the first days where easy. There was more than one thing that brought all of them together besides the disaster ,so on the first weeks,they cried ,prayed ,ate and laughed together as usual. Every child was shouldered and loved as if everyone was their biological parent and every disabled was given special care as if everyday was Christmas. However no one anticipated the change and forces at play when a large group of people dwell together for a long time.
When the revolutionary Mao Zedong and his troops had walked for many miles and food was depleted,they began eating their own shoes to survive the hunger but the weather still killed many of them! Similarly, in the camp,resources were not enough for the overpopulation and general needs of everyone. So it began as a small household or tent level cry of borrowing each other salt and spoons to a state level warfare with people using barricades to shield themselves from their needs! If you think you know thievery then let me ask you if you have ever seen a thief that steals your things but most importantly your name! You see donors were coming and food was flowing in as people enjoyed the sugar-coated dependency syndrome but it just wasn't enough. So this led to people stealing each other's food and resources whenever they weren't around besides how would you know who had stolen from you when you lived in a big yard with countless potential perpetrators! However this wasn't the worst part, the worst part was being busy when the aid came! People would line up according to different age groups and sexes to receive their donations but some got double portions or at worst,received the aid of victims whilst they weren't affected at all themselves!
The end! Now put back your ear buds and look at what the tale you have been told. It's not finishesd isn't it? Don't worry l will get more footage for you as l live in this camp. You didn't believe that people can steal your alias did you? Well dear friend, they can! Actually they can eat out of it whilst you suffer and curse the bad omen that wasn't self inflicted. You see everyone knew where we stayed and how we lived but most importantly they knew the limitations of an encamped victim! Do not take this the wrong way,we still maintained normality with non-victims and went to the shops from time to time like all normal people and unfortunately for us,sharing is truly giving! You never know whose listening when you are telling your story and how they can weaponise it to suit their needs especially when there is crude poverty. You see Africa has the same marvellous strength and weakness and that is "everyone is your brother or sister!" Con-man arise and manipulate us using this cultural wonder as we are left to ponder the pain alone. People were using other people's surnames to get food from donors or at worst pretending to be a certain victim or their representative whenever they knew that he or she wasn't around! It was war but luckily a proper beneficiary list was eventually written and approved by the leadership and relevant people got their intended aid.