After bandaging Sayuri up the door slowly opened. The three detectives had to close their eyes because the room suddenly lightened up.
Oh, your finally awake.
The new voice said. Conan tried to open his eyes. Slowly but surely he got used to the light and looked right at the person inside the door frame.
Who are you?
He asked. The girl leaning at the frame smiled.
An detective just like you three. I'm sorry we had to kinda kidnap you. We just don't want this hideout to be busted.
She answered. Sayuri and Heiji, too, got used to the light and looked at her.
Don't I know you?
Sayuri said. The girl in the door frame looked to Sayuri.
Maybe you do. Maybe you don't. Who knows?
She said. Sayuri just looked annoyed back.
I surely do know you.
She sayed while trying to stand up. But she immediately fell back into the bed.
How about you take it easy. What we have to talk about can wait. Just come into the other room when you're ready.
The girl said and left, leaving the door open.
We? What does she mean? Is Lillet still there?
Heiji asked himself. Sayuri sat up again and looked to the door.
I don't think so. She said she doesn't want to get this hideout busted. If Gin or the other follow Lillet, with or without her knowing, it would get busted. But I suspected her working with other detectives from japan. So they would most likely be the we she talks about.
Sayuri answered Heiji's question.
The better question is, why wasn't I able to stand up? I feel pain, yea. But I'm not even dizzy or something like that?
She asked. She tried again, but this time fell to the ground.
This doesn't look to good...
Conan said while helping Sayuri up.
Well, now I do feel dizzy.
She said cuddling into her stuffed animal.
It has to do something with your wound. But it doesn't look that bad?
Heiji said and took Sayuri on his back, carrying her to the door.
Well, that's one way of going out of the room...
Conan said.
Even though I would prefer to walk on my own...
Sayuri replied.
I can leave you on the ground and go if you prefer to be left alone.
Heiji answered annoyed.
No, im good.
Sayuri than said while they entered the other room. With the girl from before, three people were sitting on an table in the middle of that room. It was a rather small room. Only this table, with around 8 chairs were inside of it. Two cupboards were standing at the wall. Nothing other than that. The three detectives looked at the three person who were already sitting there and sat down too.
Well. The two of you may ask who we are. I suspect the little girl already knows that?
The girl from before asked. Sayuri and the others answered with an nod.
Let me guess. You would call us the detectives of the 4 cardinal points.
Sayuri then asked and the girl laughed.
You surly do know me. How about you do the introduction then?
She answered.
Why should I take your spotlight miss queen.
Sayuri replied leaving the girl annoyed.
If you say so? Then I will have to do the introduction. Don't blame me.
The girl then said and looked into the round of detectives.
She's right. We are the detectives of the 4 cardinal points. The south represented by detective Ranpo Edogawa, 18 years old and Ryu-Tana Shiori, 16 years old. Both from Nagoya. The west represented by Heiji Hattori, 17 years old. From Osaka. The north represented by me, Yuna Akira, 19 years old. I'm from Niigata. And finally the ost represented by these two. Shinichi Kudo, 17 years old and Ruri Kyoka, 16 years old. Both from Tokyo.
The two detectives, Heiji and Conan looked in shock.
Y... you mean, Conan Edogawa and Sayuri Kyoka. Don't you?
Heiji suddenly asked nervous.
There's no use in trying. They already know. You should know that these three do belong to the best detectives inside and outside japan.
Sayuri said silently to Heiji and Conan.
She's right. We know about the black organization and it's doings. And I can say the same about you three. We 6 are something like an elite group of detectives.
Yuna said. Only leaving Sayuri still being annoyed.
You have to talk. Daughter of Aota Akira, the writer and Yukiona Akira the magician. It wouldn't surprise me if you were the one who found it out and told the other two. Isn't it like that, Akira?
Sayuri throw at her.
Oh, you made your homework I see. Only to expect, after all you are the daughter from the death pair, Hisashi Kyoka, the judge and Mika Kyoka, the educator and former detective.
Yuna throw back at her. The two looked both like they would likely kill each other, what gave the other 4 person at the table the goose.
How about... we take that aside and talk about the topic that we were supposed to talk about?
Ryu-Tana tried to interrupt the two girls. Weary of life if you asked me, but it somehow worked.
Yes, what actually is the reason for our kidnapping? It wouldn't surprise me if your behind these letters we three got too.
Conan said into the round and put the letters on the table.
Yes, we are. We thought that is the safest way to lure you into that hotel, so Lillet could knock you out.
Yuna answered.
Well. The reason I wanted to get all of you here isn't actually that important. It's just. We all have something to do with the black Organisation. We are all fighting them. So why don't fight together?
Yuna asked. Everyone looked at her, with big question marks above their heads.
Kudo and Kyoka. You two were forced into eating an poison which led you to somehow shrink. You two want your old life back. That only happens if you get your hands on the poison you had to eat.
She said while looking at us.
Heiji doesn't quite have to do something with the organization itself, but he's here because he helps you two and is one of the only ones who knows your identity. He can be of good help.
She added while looking at him.
Ikano and Edogawa. You two got kinda the same reason. Edogawa lost his parents to the organization and now lives with his younger sister alone. Trying to get justice over the organization. While Ikano saw more than one assassination, and even deals the organization made.
She said while looking at them.
And me?
She looked at the table.
I lost several friends and even family members to the organization. They're not all dead, but they joined the organization to protect others. Mostly to protect me. Now they can't leave, because not only they, me and the others too, would be killed.
She added and closed her eyes a bit.
So what you want to say is that we have something that connects us and because of that we have to work together?
Ryu-Tana replied. Leaning back with his arms crossed. Yuna looked at him.
It would make sense. Even though we all have our informants inside the organization and we would be stronger if we work together.
Ranpo answered Ryu-Tana.
I agree. If we really work together in a team, telling all the information we have, we would do a great counter against the black organization.
Conan said too. Sayuri just sat there watching everyone.
Yea, that would make sense. But...
Ryu-Tana tried to say, but Heiji immediately interrupted him.
There is no but. If we really work together, we will be a good counter. That just means everyone has to play their part. Everyone must be honest.
He said.
That's the point Heiji. This project requires everyone to be honest and to keep no secrets. Some of us have secrets they're not yet ready to tell. The problem lays here. There is no other problem.
Sayuri finally added. Ryu-Tana shared her opinion.
We have to trust each other. But if one keeps secrets, others can't trust them. That's how humans work. We can be the greatest detectives, the best humans in this whole world, but we're still humans.
He said. Everyone got quiet after that.
Then how about we give everyone their time. If it has to do something with the black organization, they would sooner or later tell us about it. If it doesn't have to do with them, they can decide for their own to tell or to keep it secret. If another doesn't know one keeps secrets, another doesn't have to worry. How does that sound?
Ranpo throw into the round. After this everyone looked at each other in silence.
After no one has anything to complain about it, we should be able to work with it.
Conan then said to break the silence and everyone agreed.