The bouquet of pink dahlias were laid to rest upon the coffee table. Laid to rest — just as she thought their relationship had been, but apparently not. Silence grew between the once lovers, as Vivi’s eyes focused on the flowers, thinking of all the times she had wished for him to buy them for her. She couldn’t believe the place that they had to get to in order for him to gift her florals, without her prompting or hinting. As soon as it all happened, as soon as he made his choice, as soon as she instantly pulled herself away from him— the flowers began to grow for her. Her mind quickly flicked to James, as she thought about the flowers he had sent to her office upon her recent big win. They were stunning, and a complete and welcomed surprise.
‘Why do people buy flowers when it’s too late? Dead people receive more flowers than the living. It seems that regret is always stronger than gratitude’.