Chereads / LAST escalation / Chapter 5 - CHAPTER 5 – BEGINNING OF A CONFRONTATION


(The story continues without dates as they were lost due to boredom)

The world was in turmoil. The first page or the main headline in all newspapers, the radio broadcasts and TV reports featured "the unforgettable masquerade ball." The media reported a terrorist attack, the escape of the Caesar of Terror over the border of the Free Islamic Forces along with the showing of video clips sent to the world media with the pictures of the Caesar of Terror's escape, the terrorist attack with a detailed explanation of Mike Satanic's sophisticated planning and his extraordinary method of action. All the countries referred to the Selected Democratic Organization with sarcasm and ridicule like a worn out and shabby object. The organization had always described itself as the hero who fought terror. This time their unfathomable stupidity allowed the Caesar of Terror to escape and to attack their people in strategic locations. Barney sat with the government ministers, the new Chief of Staff, the Commanders of Air, Naval and Ground Forces, the Head of the F.B.I, the Head of the C.I.A of the Selected Democratic Organization in Monro's luxurious office in the Parliament building. He stared with longing eyes and an aching heart at all these honorable and dear people who were caught with their pants down, with their tails between their legs and their tongues out. Their heads were lowered with embarrassment, or they stared at an unseen point on the ceiling with despair and humiliation. On the other hand, Monro was pacing in his office as one suffering a panic attack, furious beyond description. He said to his Chief of Staff:

"I don't understand you, Chief of Staff. Why didn't you know that this happened? What kind of Chief of Staff are you?"

"But sir, these events are not in my jurisdiction. You know I am responsible only for the armed forces and war. That's all." Monro was still furious.

"And why didn't you, Defense Minister, know this could happen?"

"How could I know? Barney is responsible for the Chief of Staff and if he didn't know, how could I have known?"

Monro was angry "And you, the FBI Director, how come you didn't understand that this could have happened?"

"How can I understand such a thing? I am responsible for actions against terror within the Selected Democratic Organization. I'm sorry; I'm not responsible for this."

Monro said with contempt "And you, Head of the CIA, where were you when all this happened?"

"How can I foresee something like this while I'm under the Minister of Defense who didn't understand what happened because he is under you." There was a bitter rivalry between him and the Head of the

Military Intelligence "but I think the Head of Military Intelligence should have warned us about such a thing happening." Monro was restless.

"What about you the Head of Military Intelligence? What about you? Were you napping?" The Head of Military Intelligence Force directed his words at the Head of the CIA.

"You rebellious punk, shut your despicable mouth and don't accuse me; a despicable and wicked politician." He smiled at Monro "Mr. President, the problem is that you didn't increase the budget for better human resources. Unfortunately, the Intelligence Corps cannot perform its tasks without a budget. He turned to the Minister of Finance. You are the one to blame."

Monro, the new Don Quixote, started to understand that he was fighting with the windmills of the state and with the attractions of the government.

"What happened, Minister of Finance? Where is the military intelligence budget?"

"Sorry Mr. President. I do not have anything to do with this despicable and ridiculous issue. Did you forget you asked that the addition to the intelligence budget be transferred to the President's office for ceremonies? I did exactly as you asked."

Monro realized that for so many trees he could not see the forest. He had trapped himself and due to his sophisticated stupidity, he placed his neck under the guillotine hole and fell into the noose. He pondered for a moment and screamed at Barney:

"Did you hear, Barney? The Chief of Staff, the Minister of Defense, the Head of the FBI, the Head of the CIA, the Minister of Finance, and the Head of Military Intelligence claim that they are not to blame. Unfortunately, I cannot prove their fault behind a reasonable doubt. Now only you and I are left, I am sure you knew it all. Why didn't you tell me something? The chosen leader, to me? You tell Monro everything."

Barney recoiled in horror; he was certain that the blood running through his veins was evaporating like steam while Monro waved his hands dismissively.

"Don't answer. I know what you are going to say," he ridiculed and imitated his ministers. "But it wasn't my responsibility, turn to my supervisor, if he didn't know how I could have known, what happened has nothing to do with me," whining in frustration. "Why aren't you ashamed to let a nobody like the bastard Aswad humiliate the chosen Monro, the greatest of all, the messenger of God. You only depend on me to take care of everything because I am superman, right? I'm the best, the wisest and the strongest of all," He patted Barney's shoulder. "Tell us a new joke."

Barney sighed with relief. His execution had been postponed and he smiled to himself while remembering the joke.

"Okay, Mr. President, here is a funny joke. Once upon...there..." Suddenly Monro cut him off.

"Shut up Barney, I don't want to hear anything. I'm the most beautiful, wisest, and strongest of all but today everywhere in the world I am the butt of miserable jokes." He told the cabinet: "At this moment I'm appointing a new committee to investigate the conflict with Aswad, Monro's Committee for issues of the day, hour and minute, of internal, foreign, sideways issues. The new committee will convene today and will propose appropriate suggestions for strategic planning, evaluation of the situations and actions that will prevent such incidents from occurring in the future. Now I have a huge headache from you. I am going to rest in my office, do not bother me or forward any phone calls. Don't call me, I'll call you."

Barney jumped like a stupid goat and screamed at Monro.

"What about a joke, Monro, listen to something before you leave this place. One day the general..."

Monro responded:

"Shut up, you fool. I don't give a fuck about your jokes, this is a fucking emergency situation and I'm now going to fuck Aswad, I'm going to rest instead of listening to some miserable, pathetic jokes."

Monro left in a hurry, entered his private office, and slammed the door. Barney complained loudly and tried to tell the others the rest of the joke, but the ministers scattered to their offices. Barney headed towards the cafeteria to calm himself down with a coffee and a cigarette and maybe with a conversation with people in the cafeteria. After ordering a coffee and a cake, he sat at one of the tables. He looked around himself disinterestedly at some of the Parliament members napping in their seats, at the press corps from all over the world who sat there idle, yawning, and waiting for the paparazzi photographers who were waiting to shoot somebody more interesting. Barney sat comfortably; he enjoyed his coffee and cake and started talking aloud to the non-existent people around him.

"You don't want to hear it? Never mind, so what...Barney will tell it to Barney."

A citizen passes by a police officer and says, "what a shitty country". The police officer asks him: what did you say? So, the citizen screams at him: shitty country. The police officer grabs the man, handcuffs him, and takes him the police station. The following day they enter the court and the man said that he said a shitty country, but he meant Mexico. The judge was angry with the policeman for wasting his time and accusing an innocent person. He fined the cop a substantial amount. They leave the courthouse, and the policeman tells the man: What a situation, you swear, and I get fined, so the man says: What did I tell you? This is a shitty country."

Barney burst out laughing while the people stared at him like he was insane. They backed away and tried to ignore him, the insane creature that bothered sane people. Suddenly he felt drowsiness climbing up his body towards his weary brain. Everybody felt it was another depressing and boring day and that nothing exciting would happen. A quarter of an hour later, Barney's head hit the table due to his fatigue and his blah feeling. Suddenly he and the rest of the people in the cafeteria jumped from their places when the regular TV broadcast stopped and the serious face of the reporter of the Islamic Forces appeared on the screen.

"Hello to our precious viewers. In approximately ten minutes, President Aswad will release a statement to the press. This is a special broadcast from the House of Representatives of the Free Islamic Forces from which President Aswad intends to make a speech to the world and to the residents of the Free Islamic Forces to provide his explanation of the events at the Selected Democratic Organization. Please join us in ten minutes for a special broadcast from President Aswad."

The blood in Barney's temples started pounding. He felt this was going to become a special and critical speech that would change the balance of power between the Free Islamic Forces and the Selected Democratic Organization. He worried about what was coming. He knew that the situation was very delicate and complicated and that the peace between the Selected Democratic Organization and the Free Islamic Forces was unstable and even his jokes would not be enough to mend the damage. He ran straight to Monro's office and noticed that on the bench outside his office his bodyguards sat and were engaged in their normal routine – bothering each other. Barney explained to the guard in charge

"What's up Oleg? I must speak to Monro urgently." Oleg entered the office.

"Mr. Monro, Barney is here and wants to speak to you urgently. What should I tell him?"

Monro screamed:

"I asked not to be disturbed, right? So have him wait until I tell him when to come in. You are also bothering me now. Go away."

Oleg came out in a hurry and closed the door while Monro spoke on the phone with menacing authority:

"In addition, please check the five companies from Europe and the three companies of the Selected Democratic Organization we talked about. I want to buy all of them; my priority is the five from Europe, those that trade in enriched uranium. Send them my purchase orders right away. If a problem arises, we will pay a few million here and there to shut some mouths and afterwards we will take these companies by force. I must take over the uranium! Everyone wants uranium and I'll auction it to the highest bidder." Even to the Arabs, and to the Islamic Forces. He talked to himself with arrogance "I'm something special. When I control the uranium, the devil will be in my pocket. The whole world will dance to my tune, an equal to Monro has never been born." He hung up and screamed at the door "Barney, get into my office. What did you want?"

Barney went in worried, and explained to him:

"Mr. Monro, the President of the Free Islamic Forces is about to make a speech in his Parliament about the latest incidents. Finish this conversation and sit in your recliner in Parliament. Everybody is waiting for you. Come now quickly so you don't..." Monro stopped talking on his mobile.

"Okay, Barney. I'll be right there."

Monro and Barney entered the Parliament. Barney walked like a peacock filled with self-importance while Monro did not forget for a moment to wave at everyone, sat on his massaging couch in the first row surrounded by media people. The screens were scattered in the hall and like everyone else, he watched the enormous TV screen that was brought especially from the plenum and placed in front of him. He screamed at everyone and especially at the media.

"Soon enough the Islamic President Aswad will apologize and ask me for forgiveness for what has happened." He laughed with a feeling of superiority. "He will beg us to take back Mike Satanic. He will cry and plea with us not to punish him severely and ask us not to eliminate him."

They all screamed and clapped their hands as if they were in a rock concert and Monro was their idol. Barney didn't understand the reason for the excitement or why Monro was bragging, since the press conference had not yet started, and Aswad had not said a word.

Barney shouted:

"I have a great joke. Do you want to hear? Many years ago…"

Barney stood still while the Free Islamic Forces news channel was on the air. Prof. Cheers signaled everyone to shut up while Barney signaled Monro to watch her nasty behavior. Barney kept quiet along with everyone else and waited anxiously for President Aswad, who then appeared with a blank expression and spoke pathetically.

"Hello, my Muslim brothers and sisters, the honorable Arabs, my brothers, and sisters of the Free Islamic Forces. Hello to all citizens of the free world. Our dear Arab brothers, several incidents took place yesterday at the Democratic Organization. Opponents of the occupying and exploiting Zionist regime and of the Selected Democratic Organization - selected my ass! The holy Islamic brothers attacked some evil sites of the Democratic Organization while our dear and saintly brother, Mike Satanic, the great Islamic leader, the new Islamic prophet escaped from the Zionist Capitalistic prison of the Ruler, Monro, who prevented Mike Satanic from getting food and having a roof over his head," his voice rose to a scream. "The vicious President, the Zionist and Capitalistic, Monro, was sure that I'd come to apologize about what happened and maybe beg him not to take revenge on the Free Islamic Forces," he said in a mocking, begging, and faked voice. "Sorry Mr. Monro, please do not take revenge on the Free Islamic Forces, don't do anything to Mike Satanic, take pity on President Aswad and take pity on the Free Islamic Forces."

Monro jumped excitedly from his chair and pointed at the TV and screamed with anger.

"I'm Monro, the admired, strongest, and greatest of all. I knew this would happen. I told you he would beg for his life; he is ashamed of what happened, he is afraid of me, Monro, the admired leader, the supreme general."

Aswad, like everyone else, was watching Monro's response on the TV that was placed in front of him, and continued:

"President Monro, you are a fool. It seems like you forgot that I visited you at the "White Mouse" prison where Saint Mike Satanic was imprisoned. I asked you to transfer him to me, to the prison of the Free Islamic Forces. In addition, I offered, in return, our Democratic hostages, oil, weapons, belly dancers, hashish, or anything else you might desire but you didn't want to hear of it. You, the almighty, Monro, the degraded and the despicable, decided that Mike Satanic would remain in Monro's prison. Even after I warned you that this decision would worsen the relationship between the Selected Democratic Organization and the Free Islamic Forces and could lead to a severe international crisis."

Suddenly President Aswad laughed hysterically and grabbed his belly. Barney, like everyone else, was certain that he was going mad.

"Due to your stubbornness and stupidity, you brought it on yourself. I am not apologizing and do not give a damn about you. Well done, my Arab and Shahid brothers, who attacked you. They performed a holy action against your democratic occupation. To my great sorrow, they did not succeed, but they died the death of saints and now each of them is with 72 virgins in paradise. Now that Mike Satanic is in the land of the Free Islamic Forces, he will remain here as long as he wants and will do what he wants. You brutally kidnapped him in Germany, and he responded in kind. You will never get him back. For your information, Mr. Monro, I appointed Mr. Satanic to be my special advisor on terror issues in my government so it's better for you to shut up or I'll continue taking revenge on you."

President Aswad's response astonished everyone. They stared at each other in disbelief. Monro ran hysterically to the microphones on the podium placed in front of the Parliament's representatives, still stunned, and agitated while the cameras were crossing the podium.

At the same time, President Aswad's six bodyguards arrived and ran with a TV and placed it in front of Aswad as he got off the podium and sat down in his specially padded chair near his government members while Monro was screaming in the microphone and breaking objects near him with his Karate chops. The Parliament members and the photographers were afraid.

"Listen to me carefully, Aswad. You are an insect, scum, a war criminal. Are you threatening me? I hereby announce that you are unbearable and disgusting. Your ambassador in Abu Dervish will be deported right away from the Selected Democratic Organization since I declared a complete and immediate disengagement between the Selected Democratic Organization from the Free Islamic Forces. I warn you, if Mike Satanic is not returned to us within 24 hours and you will not make it up to us for the terrorist attack against us, I and the Selected Democratic Organization will take severe action." With a winning smile he added, "I assure you that also the United Nations Security Council who licks your oil, will support me. You will learn in the flesh what happens to those who threaten the leader Monro, the supreme general and the holy prophet. God chose me as his messenger. I am the leader of the chosen people of the supreme race. The Free Islamic Forces will learn in the flesh that Monro is stronger than Ahmadinejad, Obama, Genghis Khan, Napoleon, and even Bigler."

President Aswad watched the TV with a sarcastic and poisonous look. One of his assistants leaned towards him and explained something but Aswad shook him off. He got closer to the cameras and whispered quietly and with a menacing severity while taking the small flag of the Selected Democratic Organization that was standing on his desk on purpose and broke it into pieces.

"Monro, you are a fool. An hour ago, I informed your querulous, corrupt ambassador Ibnaal Geek to leave the Free Islamic Forces immediately. And you, Monro, a little and pathetic man who thinks that by threatening me, you will make my knees tremble." With a threat that chills one to the bone "The times in which the Arab forces were afraid of the Democratic forces are long gone. Now you will start fearing the Arabs. You will not get any compensation, you will not get Mike Satanic, and I promise you that that United Nations Security Council is not in your pocket as you always thought. For every action you undertake against us, we will retaliate in a stronger way. I, the Islamic devil, will eliminate you. I am the angel of death who will throw the Democratic forces into the sea. If you threaten me, I will step on your face until you scream. I will never surrender. The Democratic Organization will surrender to the Islamic forces. This is your fate."

Barney took his head in his hand hands and mumbled:

"The hatefulness went beyond reason. You should have been hospitalized a long time ago. It is better to eliminate them before they eliminate us. God, make the earth a better place and give us a small advantage to eliminate them."

The TV broadcast suddenly stopped. The CNN news reporter announced:

"We are stopping the broadcasts from the Parliament building of the Selected Democratic Forces and the Free Islamic Forces to transmit from the United Nations Security Council on the request of the Secretary-General, Mr. Shilton . Within a few seconds we will get his response."

Again, the broadcast stopped and was renewed once Shilton , elegantly dressed like a peacock, and holding a saxophone in his hands, appeared in the entrance to the UN building in front of bank of television cameras, reporters, while winking at a woman near him. He caressed her, rested his saxophone on her breasts and legs and began playing. Again, he rubbed his body against hers, but he was forced to stop his caresses to begin his speech. He approached the microphone.

"To our great sorrow, as seen by the entire world, the relationship between the Selected Democratic Organization and the Free Islamic Forces continues to deteriorate and to create a local, regional, continental, international, cosmic, and intergalactic threat that could cause a new eruption in an area that is tired of conflicts and wars. I, as the head of the UN, and its member countries decided to do as much as possible to calm the situation in this region and to find an appropriate solution to this tough dispute between the Selected Democratic Organization and the Free Islamic Forces. Therefore, I hereby announce a special discussion about this issue in the UN Security Council tomorrow at 10 AM." He waved his finger in threat. "Aswad and Monro must show up. If either doesn't show up, he will be check-mated and receive a royal funeral paid for by the UN."

The TV stations reported Shilton 's words and brought experts who discussed possible solutions to the crisis. Aswad and Monro gathered in their chambers with their Chiefs of Staff. The two leaders met their Defense Ministers and Chiefs of Staff in their offices. Each Chief of Staff opened a locked drawer in the leader's desk and took out a magnificent gift box decorated with diamonds that he placed on the table. Each Chief-of-Staff saluted the leader and stood behind him. The Ministers of Defense approached the box and after opening it with exhibited secrecy, pride, and honor, they cautiously took out from the box a sparkling black rectangular device with many screens and disco colors similar to the tenth-generation smart phones currently offered for sale. They cautiously placed the devices in front of the leaders, hurriedly saluted them and explained with stuttered excitement, fear, and anxiety:

"This is the device of the judgment day, the smart phone-exterminator. It must be attached to the strap and concealed on the chosen leader's chest in times of emergency. Don't forget, you cannot take a shower with it." They demonstrated its use without activating it and continued to explain, "This is the on/off button. The number buttons are here. The red phone is to call regional leaders to respond and prevent disputes and wars before they actually begin. This button is for web browsing. You say out loud what you want: let's say you feel like seeing a movie. The device immediately transmits the movie of your choice to the screen." They chuckled. "You want action, you get an action movie. You want a porn movie; you get a porn movie. You want to watch a show? Say which one and it will be transmitted to you. Of course, you can also send and receive emails, SMS and log into YouTube, Facebook and Fuckbook. If you want to shop, the screen will show you the item prices; will make a price comparison based on the same product in different places and will send your request to the cheapest store to send the item right away by special messenger. Of course, you can check and do the same with your bank accounts everywhere in the world with confidentiality and secrecy and this is safe against probes by any committee and/or investigation. If someone unknown calls you, you can see her face without her seeing yours at the same time… and the most important thing in this device is its ability to analyze her immediately and decide whether you should invite her for quiet time or for wild sex. The device hypnotizes whomever you want." He stressed nervously, but forcefully: "But the most important thing is this red button - this is the *judgment day button*. Never use it except in case of doomsday. When you know that they are going to eliminate what's precious to you and yours. Therefore, you have a choice, and you press the judgment day button. Within five minutes all the atomic, hydrogen, space-based, cosmic, and galactic missiles will be released from their silos and fly with the flames of Hell at their designated targets. After they are sent to their targets and the enemy's missiles are also sent to their designated targets, not a thing will remain on the planet and its citizens will not even be there to say earth is over." With a sarcastic smile he added "Enjoy this device as much as you can and as much as you want." With fear in his voice" Just don't press the red button by mistake because then there will be no more Islamic forces and no more Democratic Organization, and ultimately no more earth. Everything will go kaput."

The two leaders look straight at the shiny object, excited, with joy and admiration like a child who received an amazing gift he never expected. They pressed the ON button and smiled happily when the device started working. The two Chiefs of Staff and the two Ministers of Defense saluted their leaders and left while the leaders did not even bother to look up, holding the devices closer to their hearts. From that moment on, the device was permanently on their chests.

The night had already covered the sky with its black wings. A convoy of cars arrived quietly, with the headlights turned off. It stopped near a gloomy house deep in the woods outside the capital-Demos. Suddenly several robust citizens with a menacing look got out of their cars and entered the private house. After several minutes one of those who had entered, came out, got into the dark limousine, and signaled them to get out of the car. This was Monro's limousine. The first ones who came out were his personal bodyguards who looked around suspiciously.

Boris whispered inside:

"Mr. President, you can get out of the car."

Monro, who didn't notice that Boris was still close to the window, opened the door hitting him in the face. He got out without understanding why Boris screamed and cried "ha, hey." Monro turned back and admonished his chauffeur.

"Don't dare move from the car, stupid. Do not get near girls of any age, of any kind. We won't look for you like last time."

Monro entered the private house surrounded by his bodyguards who continued staring all over with fear and worry; every noise made them jump or freeze in their places. They hurried to protect Monro who was already tired of it. Before he disappeared through the doorway where the CIA agents awaited him, Mossad agents entered to check the house. Monro warned everyone:

"Wait here until I'm done, and I get back in the car"

Monro walked with worry through the dark corridor lit with kerosene lamps. On its walls hung weird paintings in the style of Salvador Dali: frightening and unclear. At the end, he saw a locked metal door. He knocked on the door hesitantly until it slowly opened. In front of him stood a tall, fat eighty-year-old woman who communicated power and wisdom along with mystery and the unknown.

"Hello Pandora, how are you? Do you need anything? Are you lacking anything?"

"Hello Monro, how are you?" She chuckled. "I'm okay, but if it is possible, I would like to go back to age twenty and continue living again," she sighed, "but even Monro cannot do that. What a pity."

She locked the door behind them and stretched out her hand.

"Twenty thousand dollars Monro, the advance payment for a service."

Monro smiled calmly, counted the money that he took from his wallet and handed it to her. She put the money in her small safe box that rested beside them and locked it. Both of them entered a dimly lit room, filled with statues and ethnic appurtenances from the world of mysticism and magic. She sat down in her regular seat, and he sat in front of her, the table with lit candles and mystic objects between them. She caressed the crystal ball and looked at it a long time with penetrating eyes while Monro shrank in his chair with fear and horror.

She addressed him:

"I know why you are here. It is unusual for you to ask what lies in store for you. This time it is because of what is going on with the Selected Democratic Organization and the Free Islamic Forces. What happens with you and Aswad? Is that the real reason you are here?"

Monro looked down with humiliation and nodded. She spread the tarot cards on the table.

"Pick five cards from the deck and give them to me. We will see what future awaits you: pink or black. Is your destiny sweet or sour?"

Monro whispered a prayer with his shaking lips, picked five cards and handed them to her with his trembling fingers. She stared at them, did not respond, and looked at the crystal ball while he jumped.

"What do you see Pandora? What will happen to me?" He asked with horror and with a cracked, scared voice.

"What I see is that the situation between the Selected Democratic Organization and the Free Islamic Forces is very complicated. It will become more complicated and will deteriorate even more and it seems that they have no choice; a war will start between the two countries, slipping towards their fate. The risk still exists and is even growing."

Monro reacted with arrogance.

"It doesn't scare me, Pandy. I'm the chosen leader and if a war starts, only Monro, the greatest of all, will lead the Selected Democratic Organization to heroism and victories and also..."

She interrupted:

"Don't think that a war is a game of Lego. It is not that simple. Always try to avoid wars. That is the most important for us all. We are already fed up with wars and casualties. I want to talk now about you, Monro..."

Monro interrupted.

"Nothing will happen to me, right? I'm Monro, the chosen leader, I'm the general and I'm the messenger of God."

"Now I'm talking, Monro. I will discover what's in your fate."

She stared at his cards again for a long time. The wait made him tense.

"Your situation will not be easy. You will undergo a complicated and uneasy situation even though I do not see clearly how this tension between the Selected Democratic Organization and the Free Islamic Forces will end, but after a short time when the tension between Selected Democratic Organization and the Free Islamic Forces ends, you will have a hard time. It has nothing to do with your family, but just you personally. I don't see a sign of death but that you will undergo a life-changing trauma, the way you think and the way you view the world".

He started crying.

"But what will happen to me? You are scaring me. I'm the elected Monro, I'm the oligarch of Finance, the supreme general." With hope and optimism "I'll pay you as much as you want just annul what you have said." He jumped "How much do you want?"

Monro again opened his wallet, expecting to hear the amount she would request. She stared at him with compassion and then continued:

"You already paid me twenty thousand dollars but there is no amount you can give me to change your fate. No amount can change your fate, Monro. I cannot change what has been said, what was done cannot be undone…"

Monro held his head and started crying. She felt sorry for him and stood up. She approached him and hugged him with pity and affection. Suddenly the harsh situation and his thoughts reminded him of his rough childhood, of his wicked and drunk father finishing a bottle of whiskey and shouting at his mother.

"You are a stupid animal, a whore. Why is dinner not ready?"

The father started hitting her viciously while Monro, a ten-year-old boy who could not accept his father's atrocious behavior, attack the man, and try to separate him from his mother. His father: however, beat him to a pulp until his mother rushed to intervene. Fortunately, his aunt came for a visit and his father stopped and left the room while the youngster mumbled with hatred in his voice:

"Die already, you are animal, crazy person. May you burn in hell..."

He continued crying while Pandora caressed his head and continued to explain to him.

"I understand that what I just said hurt you but I'm telling you the truth. I do not exist to make life easy. I'm not here just to take money from people..."

Monro got himself together, looked at her with affection and tried to smile.

"You are right, Pandora...what life gives you, that's what you should take..."

"That's right, Monro." She handed him a tissue to wipe his tears away. "It doesn't matter if you are a Caesar, a King, a Prince, an Oligarch, a CEO, an employee, a worker or homeless, you live once and die once...that's our fate and that's your fate, too, Monro."

She stood up, handed him a glass of water that he downed quickly. He smiled at her with gratitude, and she accompanied him to the door. When he was back in the corridor, she locked the door, opened her safe and counted $50,000. She then returned the safe with a sly smile. Monro continued to walk down the corridor collecting himself.

She said: "What kind of a fortune teller am I? Had I known how stupid and frightened he was, I would have taken an additional $30,000."

Monro arrived at the place where the CIA, the Mossad and his personal bodyguards were waiting. They looked tired, barely able to stand on their feet. They immediately stood up straight and waited for whatever he had to say when he screamed at them:

"You fool! Look at you! You look as if you just fucked a whore and you do not have the strength to stand on your feet. Take me back to my estate. Come on, I want to get away from here as fast as I can. This disgusting place gives me the the one who lives Aswad, the Monster."