~ Saturday 10 AM ~
(She will appear at any moment... I know she helps me and all... But seriously, why now? Why is this all happening to me? Couldn't she wait for more days? I don't feel... I don't feel alright... This anxiety has become unbearable, If Kizuna will show up It's better to be now-)
"Oi Akira! Goooood moooorning"
(...Why Did I ask)
Sato walks to the door, she tries to open it, but the feeling of weakness is bigger, the door weight, the same as lifting the true emptiness
(There is no one behind this door, I'm hallucinating)
"Sato, did something happen? Are you asleep?"
(It's no use, I have to open it)
Sato fully opens the door, this time, revealing a cleaned and organized living room, and a beautiful girl at the door.
"Good night sunlight, wait this doesn't seem right"
"Good morning, come in"
Akira backs to her normal place, the comfortable sofa, she tries to look normal but her discomfort is visible.
"It seems is all clean now, you are better than me despite being younger, that's cool"
(Don't say things like that)
"I thought you were asleep, it's common nowadays, oh I forgot to ask about it, did you get yourself a new job?"
"I didn't yet"
"Well, all good, never forget to have plenty of rest, can I let my bag here?"
Kizuna points to the table, she almost looks like an energetic kid asking permission from her parents.
"As you wish"
Kizuna approaches Sato, looking at the place, as if analyzing the state of the building, or a curious kid in a new place.
"It never hurts to ask, so... How are you doing?"
"I'm going fine, and you?"
"Well, I'm happy, I actually never did that before, staying nights with other people, I hope it's not uncomfortable for you"
"It's not a problem"
"Can I sit here?"
(Why so close?)
Sato crawls to the corner of the sofa, trying to politely preserve her personal space, she lets her hair cover part of her eye, trying to avoid being look.
"You don't seem very well, tell me what bothers you, we can try to do something about"
"I-It's nothing really"
"You don't seem I'll, am I doing something wrong?"
"No, you are not doing anything"
"Hm... If you say so"
Kizuna notices the way Akira is leaning back, the problem is the way she is acting, invading personal space and making the place for herself, she quickly changes her behavior, giving Sato incredible 5 centimeters of air.
"I see, don't hesitate to say something you don't like, we are going to stay together for a time, don't we? We need to secure both people's needs"
"Together... How much time?"
"Hmm, maybe a month or two, I didn't plan that much ahead, if everything goes all right I should have some 600 thousand Ienes at the next month, to start again"
"That... Amount?"
"It's enough to start a simple life, I think I will move out to Osaka since things are cheaper, I'm tired of Tokyo anyway, it's like I don't fit into this place"
"How so?"
"Well, I think my problem is the pacing, I am quite fast, but it's like I'm out of the rhythm here, the people can be cool but it's not really my thing, it feels like they are fake, I want some more of life, we have much stuff to buy near our door, but I'm not that type of person"
Akira tries to understand the situation, but her beliefs stop her, this is not what a normal person would do in her eyes, betray the place that gave you life.
"Didn't you live here?"
"Yep, I did, all my childhood, it was cool, that's probably the best advantage, you can hang out to many places and do lots of activities, but as an adult, it's odd, I don't want that for me"
"What about your family?"
"Oh, I didn't say much about them? Well, they are obviously not like me, I am the parasite let's say, I'm going to infect everyone! Ok I will back to the subject, they do live here in Tokyo, but thankfully, they are a happy couple, it doesn't matter where they are as long they are together, but I'm a lonely bunny"
"Lonely... Bunny?"
"Yep, I do make friends here and there, on the internet, but I'm always alone, I walk alone, mostly play games alone, not funny, I feel like I am in a post-game, there is not much left"
"You don't have a... Boyfriend?"
"Nope, I never did, not for lack of tentatively, they all seem, boring, fake, It's not what I desire, I wanted someone who shared the same brain cell, you see? But all the guys are, kind of empty, or forced, it doesn't feel natural"
"No more questions? Do you feel like talking about yourself?"
"I... Don't have much to talk about, like you"
"It's ok, we have time to know each other and ourselves, talk when you feel like it, and don't hesitate to complain about anything, let's make sure we are both satisfied"
(Natural... But... Am I faking them?)
"Hmmm, I don't have much to say, want to hear a joke?"
"A... Joke?"
"Yeah, a joke"
"Sure, I guess"
"My life"
"I... Didn't get it"
Kizuna proceeds to make a drum sound with her mouth, mimicking an internet meme.
"Allow me to explain the joke, the thing is, it's not about who laughs last, or who laughs first, but only about, laughing, finding joy in your life, and sharing with others"
Akira gets caught by surprise, by a simple quote that can't be understood in her mind, she doesn't know what to say, do, or think, but curiosity sparks in her body.
"Isn't this cool? It's my philosophy, what is yours?"
"Philosophy? Like, Plato? Socrates?"
"Nope, about yourself, about your life, what do you follow?"
"I... I don't know, what I should do?"
"It's not obligatory, but definitively good to have, so you can feel, the right of merely exist, it's ok, very few people found their own reason to live, to find joy in their suffering"
"Like stoicism?"
"Oh, you do know? Kinda like it, I'm not against denying feelings, it's just not my thing, ya know? They are so useful and good to have around, no reason to despise them"
(Despise feelings? What exactly is stoicism again?)
"Well, in a society like ours, where you will be forced to live alone, die alone, it may be more useful, but it can't be helped, that's natural selection, Japan wants introverts"
"What are introverts again?"
"Don't you know? I don't remember about exams, anyway, we have two types of person here because everyone is obviously the same, or you are one, or another, no between"
Kizuna slowly scratches her back before back to talking, her discontent is visible, when she started to talk about society, her expression changed immediately.
"Introverts are what Japanese people want to be, happy being alone, let's say we have a social energy, extroverts recharge by talking with other people, if they don't, they will feel odd, tired, sad, out of their place, on other hand, introverts recharge by staying alone, it's not like they don't need to talk, when they socialize, usually they get tired, annoyed, anxious"
"I am both, technically, I need to stay alone sometimes, talk in other periods, and materialize new things, I don't feel well if I'm not doing something"
"How so?"
"It's almost like I feel an urge of creating, it's not that rare, if I don't I start to create things, my head starts to and I eventually forget about the world, like an introvert"
"Sounds complicated"
"Nah, it's very much simple, love introverts, hate extroverts, don't socialize, you need to work, don't play, you need to rest"
"Are you, angry?"
"Nah, I'm good, I know this is not our fault, it can't be helped"
Kizuna looks to the side as she crosses her arms, she starts to think about what to say with a serious expression.
(She is surprising, not what I expected, I... Don't feel so annoyed anymore, introverts... Am I one?)
"Do you, dislike our society?"
"Welp, I can't complain, literally, society is what makes me stay alive, I can't live without it, no one has a fault in this, it's not something meant to control"
"How so?"
"Well, natural selection, it's all about who is more adapted, time passes, the world changes, people's biggest mistake, is to believe things will stay the same"
"That's... Wise"
"I don't remember where I saw it, hippty hoppity now this quote is my property"
"What does that mean?"
"Memes, let me guess, you live working and studying, never stepping on the good part of internet?"
"Good part of..."
"We have, technology, allow me to introduce themselves. Oh wait a forgot, rate your English, 1 to 10"
"One to... Ten?"
"I guess, 7?"
Kizuna lays more forward, she cleans her throat and prepares to say a message for the world.
"Do you understand?"
"Kizuna... That's Japanese"
"Oh wait, I forgot, how am I supposed to talk English, for English readers?"
Memes, the new form of culture, a way to express people thoughts, but can it be, understandable?