Chereads / Game of Thrones X Asgardian MCU / Chapter 35 - Implementation

Chapter 35 - Implementation

[ I have got wonderful fabulous, outstanding, impeccable, unrealistically out of bounds, undefeated, excellent, marvelous, magnificent, superb, fine, superlative, exceptional, formidable, first-class, first-rate, virtuoso storyline, but...

it is going to fuck up the canon.

Not the canon that is in the future, because that would have been acceptable.

But the canon has already taken place. So if you are going to comment, asking how are the canonically dead men there, I am going to answer every one of those comments with one cliche spell.


Also, forgive me for our pace, forced Tyrion Lannister's entry, but that was only introduced for a future arc.

And please give some reviews or shit. I write every day, have a standing 89% valid readers, 6k following this daily and I didn't get any reviews from you. Bro I have severe ADHD. Not the self-proclaimed type, the real go-to therapist once every 2-month kind. You don't give me comments, my mood is fucked more than any pornstar does.]

Mimirsen had left Lion's City, on his way to North on his horse.

The horse was bought for a whole 2 golden dragons, outrageously pricey, but Lannisters had their way of treating their guests so who was he to say no?

That was two weeks ago.

Today, Jim was at Moat Calin, finally backing the North. While he rode past the Twins, he had an adamant desire of bringing down the bridge for once and for all, destroying the Frey's monopoly upon the river trade and the toll to cross the bridge, but his guts suggested otherwise.

Which was demeritorious (yeah, it's a word) as the decimation of house Frey was dead set task in the book of Mimirsen, and his unconscious mind advising him to not pursue something inevitable was never a good thing.

Jim had requested, subtly for some workers to be at the Moat, and his request was taken care of by Lord Stark, effectively sparing some 50 or so workers, strong workers for the construction of the Moat. That was the most the North could gather at this or any point in time.

While Mimirsen had gotten enough gold for the kingdom, human resources played a more important role than any in development. Gold without humans is a mere piece of junk, and houses without living are mere ruins of no use. It is human beings who place value on every bit of what they use.

The Moat, east to west, was about 30 miles of land before meeting River Fever in the west and the Bite in the east, which was quite a lot when Mimirsen set to have a canal dug out along all of the lands.

The task was something impossible by the world's standards, but held equally great incentives should it was to be completed.

But one thing was clear, should he have started with the seldom 50 men, it would take decades until even the digging is finished. Plus, it was not without consequences. The said canal was to be deep and wide enough for the ships to cross, and it would take any solid fertility the Moat and its surrounding area should have, given the seawater would have effects, harmful ones on the soil.

The only thing that could be done was damage control thereafter, but the initial worry was the time it would take for the project.

A canal, with a length of about 30 miles, and expected wideness of about 150 to 300 meters with a minimum depth of 13 meters, 15 if the steel warship Mimirsen had been building was to pass from here. That was what the project dimensions looked like.

135 million cubic meters. Quite a big task. The Panama Canal on Midgard from Mimirsen's memories was of similar dimensions, except the length being 51 miles, taking 10 years to be completed. That too in the year of 1910s. Westeros technology was in the Midgardian 1300s, sometimes more advanced and sometimes much more primitive.

The main task here was the digging, as once the path is dug out, Mimirsen could reinforce the path himself, with his powers. But the digging was a huge, public task that could not be hidden, meaning actual men had to dig the path themselves.

Taking Mimirsen back on the topic of the dwindling human resources in the North.

Even Rickard, while respecting Jim, had his thoughts on this matter 'It's fun to fantasize about this kind of stuff, but medieval Westeros just doesn't have the technology, engineering, and construction experience to build a canal of this scale. And it is the trade that drives projects of this grand scale. What does Western Westeros have to offer? Besides gold and the finest wine in the realm'

'Lannisport is a thriving port and the number three city in the realm. The Ironborn export ore. Even Oldtown and the Arbor are on the western coast and could benefit from it.' Maester Walis had supported Mimirsen's endeavor, believing shunning down the impossible might only end with surprises, excited by the possibility of such an infrastructural marvel should it be built.

There was also the issue of the cranogmen, who would never let a construction crew in the neck, Building a canal at the Neck and separating the North from the rest of Westeros would allow for an autonomous North to exist and create a focal point for trade between the two kingdoms -- and, preserve the Old Gods and the Northern way of life.

Which was the main point of it, and which would not fare well with any of the Southern Lords.

'Medival Westeros technology is stagnant, as it is more or less taken from medical Europe, which in turn itself is a very poor infrastructural advanced civilization in the middle ages. Way to go Asia'

The canal would be less than 1/5 the length of the Grand Canal of China which was built in the Middle Ages. However, it's also 5 times longer than the longest medieval canal one could find in Europe. That should tell you something about medieval China.

But that doesn't change the technological problem.

'The right time for such a defensive construct is to bet in the era of anarchy. When the Northern Lords march south and the realm is not free enough to keep an eye out for the likes of me,'

Mimirsen turned around with disappointment, a way to turn down a proposition such as this due to lack of workers and the ire of the south due to its mere potential.

The Lord at Moat would be the richest house in wEsteros, as the toll, no matter how meager would provide enough due to the sheer number of visitors.

Jim started his journey to North, to Winterfell again as his work here was done after he ordered the workers to return to Cerwyn bank, where the steel ship was being made.

'At least something that is going well for now.'