Fiona and Naomi strolled into the dining hall that night, chattering happily about everything and everyone. They didn't pause their discussion even as they joined the queue at the counter to pick up their meal, or as they walked to a table. It was only when Cain suddenly appeared beside them, snaking an arm around Fiona's waist, that they stopped talking.
"Hey, love. Maybe you should sit with me today." He cooed into her ears, then turned to Naomi. "Would that be okay?"
The poor battle mage was too stunned to do anything but nod. Her mouth pathetically hung open and as Cain pulled Fiona away, she felt guilty for not explaining things earlier. She had completely forgotten about the agreement she'd made with the werewolf, and had, therefore, not mentioned it to Naomi. Her friend must be so confused right now. With an apologetic look, Fiona mouthed "We'll talk, later" to Naomi, who snapped her mouth back shut and nodded solemnly.