Chereads / Avatar harem x male reader / Chapter 62 - rda compound and a familiar spider

Chapter 62 - rda compound and a familiar spider

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(Important notice at the end of the chapter)

Y/n was looking out at the forest feeling the wind blowing into his face as he hung onto the side of the Samson. It was a familiar sight reminding him of what it was like when he was getting flown to the base.

He pulled himself in making sure to duck down to not hit his head.

He opened his pouch, took out a small handbook, and started writing in it. He felt someone tapping his shoulder.

Taking a glance at Norm who was looking at him. Y/n nodded at him showing he was paying attention to him.

Norm was using his avatar so the headset he was using was kinda lump-sided like he was as well.

Norm: what are you doing there?

Y/n: I'm just writing stuff down for anything interesting that I see.

Norm: oh well how come?

Y/n: it's just something I started doing.

He had another reason to do it as he closed his eyes for a moment listening to the words that were repeating in his head.

"If you never met me then you would still be alive"

He felt like his time was running out. After all, Kiri looks almost identical to how he saw her in that black void, just not tired or sad.

If anything were to happen to him he wanted to leave this handbook that has information and stuff he wrote down.

He let out a sigh as he put the handbook back into his pouch.

He took a moment to check over his equipment making sure it was all ready before they hit the shit of the storm.

Norm let him borrow some of the stuff that they had lying around which included a normal combat knife that was upscale for avatar users to use.

Also had a pistol on his side and was giving a bow as well which would be interesting to us.

Norm: hey so how goes the photo book?

Y/n: it's going well I think anyway. I took a photo of Grace and was checking out the photo on the hard drive you gave me.

Norm: oh that's good.

Y/n: though I do find it strange you have a lot of photos of her like dude that fucking 3 gb of photos. (hopefully, that means a lot)

Norm: We just took a lot of photos while we helped Jake during his time with the clan.

Y/n: uh huh sure

(Image here)

Y/n raised his hand giving Norm a thumbs up.

Y/n: don't worry but you can tell me if you are Kiri's father.

Norm: I'm not her father I'm not even sure where that rumor came from

Y/n: probably from your fan club

Norm: huh what fan club?!

Y/n: oh yeah uh you see


Y/n was walking around the hall of the Bridgehead City trying to find where the lunch hall was at. He had to head to bed early before Rick takes him out early tomorrow. 

To where he will be staying for the rest of his time while working on his mission.

He had already tried three different rooms so this next one better be it. He swiped his ID card against the door to open it.

The door swung open and y/n saw a few people on their knees praising a photo. One of the men turned and looked at him.

Rda man: come brother and praise the message of the sex god.

Y/n looked at the photo that they were praying towards.

(Image here)

There was one thought that was in y/n mind who the fuck was that is he supposed to be important?

Another person walked up to him seeing how confused he was.

Rda man2: ah I see brother this is your first time here come let me explain to you what going on you see that man in the photo?

Y/n: uh yeah I do.

Rda man2: he is a lord and savior ceo sex god this man somehow bagged Grace Augustine as well as a pilot whose name is Trudy.

Y/n: ok yeah this is weird as fuck I'm leaving good luck with that.

As y/n started walking one of them popped their head out from the doorway waving y/n off.

Rda man: you are always welcome back brother.

Y/n felt like he lost the urge to eat so he just decided to head in earlier


Norm: so they built a shrine for me and called me a ceo sex man.

Norm couldn't believe that.

Y/n: yep you are quite respected among them.

Norm just grabbed at his face exhausted by what he just learned 

Norm: it was just one time between me and Trudy nothing else…I miss her

Y/n patted his shoulder trying to take his mind off Trudy.

Y/n: hey come on there, nothing to do now but keep pushing for a better future.

Norm: yeah you're right the future of this planet depends on us. 

Y/n nodded at him as he looked back out to the forest seeing some trees were darker than normal till they all looked black dark and dead. 

They must be getting close he could tell from how populated the place was looking 

Norm: by the way y/n I took a look at your new model and it should work.

Y/n: that's good to hear I was nervous that it wouldn't work because of the changes that I made to it.

Norm: yeah no it should be fine

Pilot: We are about to land, the rest is up to you two. I'll keep this bird ready to go as soon as you guys get back.

Norm: alright thanks for the ride we will try to get back as soon as possible.

Y/n: yeah thanks, background person.

The Samson landed down on the ground. Y/n made sure to grab the bow and got off the bird.

He looked around at his surroundings, seeing dead plants and the ground void of any color.

He took a deep breath and he could taste the pollution in the air.

Y/n put the bow on his back as he walked forward pasting the head of Samson.

He could see the rda compound only a few miles out.

Norm walked over to him and held an assault rifle in his hand.

Norm: Come on, it's going to take us a bit to get there.

Y/n: alright just lead the way I'm right behind you.

The two started making their way over to the rda base.

It reminded y/n of Bridgehead City on a much smaller scale but was still quite a huge place.

Norm: hey so I couldn't help but notice you diving off the mountain this morning.

Y/n: oh yeah I was supposed to get some stuff for mo'at

Norm: oh you talked to her.

Y/n: yeah I wanted to make a new knife for Neteyam since his last one broke after an incident that happened.

Norm: oh… well how is Jake doing?

Y/n: meh he kinda turned into a dick towards me after me and kiri told them that we decided to be each other's mates.

Norm: oh well don't take what he said too seriously he is just trying to look out for his kid. I can understand since I have kids of my own.

Y/n almost choked on his saliva when he heard that Norm had kids.

Y/n: I'm sorry you have kids?

Norm: oh yeah after the battle at Hellgate a lot of Navi died leaving their kids behind so I adopted all the ones with no parents.

Y/n: oh well that's great to hear norm I'm sure they appreciate it a lot.

Norm: yeah I'm sure they do.

Y/n: So how many kids do you have?

Norm: uh if right I think I have around 14 kids.

Y/n: uh woah that's quite a lot of kids.

Norm: yeah I know but I just wanted them to have a father, something I can be.

Norm pulled out a photo and passed it to y/n he took a look at it seeing Norm crouching down next to his 14 kids that he has.

Y/n: That's a great photo.

Norm: Thanks

Y/n passed him back his photo. 

After walking a bit more they stopped and crouched down. The two slowly walked over while not being detected by anyone.

The two had their backs against the walls of the base.

Norm: alright y/n I'm going to look around for an access point that I could use while I'm doing that, take down all the people in the compound afterwards and you will head for the central tower.

Y/n nodded his head at him as Norm started walking away leaving y/n by himself.

He looked around for any way that he could get in whether it was underneath or above the gate.

He noticed that there was a conveniently placed rock formation next to one of the walls.

He climbed up and lay down for a moment checking to see if anyone was around noticing two on the wall slightly apart from each other

He took the bow off his back and grabbed an arrow from out his arrow pack.

He aimed it at one of them and shot him with the arrow striking his back and killing him.

Y/n stood up grabbed another arrow and ran jumping off the rock and over the fence while letting the arrow go hitting another person in the head.

The person's head sank in from the blow.

Y/n ran past the guy with the arrow in his back taking the arrow as he ran he killed a few more people that were close by.

Y/n looked around and jumped towards a pipeline almost missing it but his hand grabbed it in time.

He pulled himself up onto the pipeline looking around and he noticed an amp-suit person walking around.

He looked at the user trying to see if there was any opening in the suit that he could hit but there wasn't.

Y/n took a breath in as he aimed an arrow at him and waited for him to turn to him. After a moment the amp person turns and y/n lets the arrow fly hitting the amp suit but only damaging his glass protection.

Y/n was taken back by what happened but he quickly jumped down and started running at him pulling out the knife and getting ready to strike at him 

The person noticed him coming while gasping for air he hit the side of his suit. It started sending a message out about an intruder.

Y/n went to kill the men but was kicked on his side sending him flying a few feet back. He quickly balanced back and got into a ready stance.

He noticed a second amp user was what saved the other guy and kicked him.

Amp: we are going to fuck you up you blue monkey 

Y/n: maybe before saying anything you should think about what you're going to say you can't say shit like that you racist prick.

The person looked around confused looking at the other guy who was putting a mask on his face. He nodded at him that he was being racist.

Amp: agh shut the fuck up and get ready to die.

Y/n needed to move fast if he wanted to stop the message from getting out. He ran at the person with his knife in hand.

The person raised his gun at y/n and started firing at him.

Y/n quickly started sliding on his leg and grabbed the guy's gun as he was still trying to shoot him.

Y/n jams his knife into the robotic arm stopping him from using that arm. Y/n quickly kicked the guy's leg causing him to fall to his knee.

Y/n broke the arm and twisted it to aim the gun at the man and shot the guy killing him.

Y/n quickly turned and started firing at the other guy killing him.

Y/n jumped over and went to the second person looking around his suit and pushed on a button stopping the message.

He let out a sigh of relief after such a counter.

Suddenly y/n noticed a bright light and ducked down seeing a bullet fly past him.

He hid behind the body as more bullets went flying past him or were hitting the dead body.

After the bullets stopped flying above him he looked over the body noticing that the entire compound heard the commotion from the bullets shot earlier.

He saw a more suited-out amp suit behind them; it looked like it had a grenade launcher on its back.

Amp Grenadier: alright this is only warning come out or get your ass fucked by us and black friends 

Y/n was so confused about what was happening when one of his soldiers walked over to him.

RDA soldiers: uh sir it gets your ass fuck by us.

Amp Grenadier: That's what I said isn't it?

Y/n: hey stop copying the hazbin hotel. This chapter already has enough fourth wall breaks. Plus that didn't make sense.

The author just threw his book down and went to get the super handy fourth-wall fixer.

Y/n looked around at what he could use to help him and noticed a fuel tank close by. That's when he got an idea.

Y/n started running at them which caught them off guard by charging at them.

Amp Grenadier: come on you fucks shoot that fucker

They aimed their weapons at him and started firing at him.

Y/n quickly dodge to the side behind some pipes.

While catching his breath he heard a clunk sound next to him looking to his left he saw a small device that turned red.

That was when he noticed what it was and ran out of cover while doing so the device exploded sending metal flying past him.

One metal piece flew past him however not before it sliced into his shoulder.

He landed behind another spot. He pushed his back against the thing he was using as cover and placed his hand on the cut seeing blood coming out.

He needed to take down the Amp grenadier if he wanted to stand a chance.

He took a peek over his cover looking for anything he could use. He decided he was going to have to change his plans as he grabbed his pistol and started firing at the fuel line. After a few shots, it exploded, knocking down all the RDA troops.

That was when y/n booked over to the fallen soldiers. The fire person to get up was the Amp grenadier y/n aimed the rocket at the back and started firing, blowing up one of the rockets.

The other soldiers were starting to get up as well so y/n moved quickly jumping onto the knockdown Amp grenadir.

Amp grenadir tried shaking him off but y/n held on for his life before smacking the rocket out of the slot and grabbing it and throwing it at the other RDA soldiers killing a few.

With the Amp grenadier out of the rocket, y/n flipped onto its front side and started bashing against its glass slowly breaking it.

Amp grenadir: get this thing off me!

He was trying to grab y/n while he was almost through the glass plate.

Y/n made one last hard smack into the glass with his knife smashing through and stabbing the guy.

The suit fell to the ground not moving, not even a twitch.

Y/n walked a few feet licking the blood off his face.

Y/n: alright you asshole who next

Y/n was taunting them to come and get him. There were only a few soldiers left standing.

Each looked at each waiting for one to attack. One normal soldier ran at him with a knife attached to his gun but before he could do anything y/n knocked his gun out of his hand and grabbed him by his leg.

The soldiers looked down at his hand before y/n suddenly tightened his grip and started swinging him over his body and back down into the ground over and over his bone crushing from the smash.

Another tried going at him but y/n just threw the body of the first guy into the other knocking him down.

Another one in a suit tried attacking but he got killed in a second when he tried hitting y/n he just grabbed his arm and twisted it popping his bone out of place and started pulling till it came off.

The guy was screaming for help but the only other person was trapped under the body of another.

Y/n stabbed both of them, killing them.

Y/n took a moment to calm down his nerves after what happened.

He pushed against his earpiece.

Y/n: norm the place is clear no more rda.

Norm: alright good I found a panel. I'll open the door to the place and join you in the tower.

Y/n: alright 

He took his finger off the earpiece and started making his way over to the tower. The door at the base of it opened, letting him inside.

He took an elevator to the top floors. Walking out he didn't see anyone around. While waiting he walked over to the glass window and took in the view.

He went a little overboard back there with those soldiers. He was not sure what came over him at the moment but he just shook it off and went over to one of the computers and started typing away.

While he had a connection to the rda database he might as well do that thing he promised he would do for Kiri.

He typed away at the computer till he got to a profile of the person. His eyes went back and forth as he read what was written down.

Spider was currently given partial freedom while helping the recom squad. He was confused about what the recom squad was.

Could it have been that group of avatar users from before?

He couldn't look any deeper because most spider profile was covered with black lines 

The door from the elevator opens with norm walking in and looking around he spots a computer terminal and heads over to it.

Y/n walked over to Norm to see what he was doing.

He was typing away then connected a hard drive to the terminal and started transferring data.

Y/n: So what do we do now?

Norm: uh give me a second ok done now then just head down that hallway while I open the way to their storage.

Y/n nodded at him as he walked away following the path that Norm mentioned.

*somewhere else*

A rda Samson was flying over to the compound with a group of recom inside.

One of them was sitting on the seat with the others sitting anywhere else that they could with another Samson right beside theirs.

He looked over at a human that was sitting down right next to him.

Quaritch: you alright kid?

Spider: yeah just fine.

Quaritch: good, good hey how about you try helping me with some more of them Navi words?

Spider: "sighs" Yeah sure why not.

Spider tried teaching him how to say hello in Navi. Quaritch went along as he had nothing better to do than learn.

Quaritch: So how goes your new room change?

Spider: it is not bad, still getting used to it.

Quaritch: hey see I told you that by helping us things would be better for you.

Spider: yeah sure if that is what you want to call it.

Quaritch let out a tired sigh from the interaction he knew he was not his father but…. But maybe he could buy that only if he opened up to him.

Pilot: sir we are a few miles out from the base.

quaritch: alright got it.

He clicked on the side of his headset and adjusted his mic.

quaritch: alright you people here your debriefing even though it was short we received an intruder signal and we haven't been able to reach the base so it's our job to head on down and see what is going on understand?

Wainfleet: what the say on weapons sir?

Quaritch: weapon free just make sure not one of ours got it.

Wainfleet: yes sir!

Quaritch: That's what I like to hear Wainfleet.

He grabbed onto a top handle of the Samson and leaned out to take a look at their target.

His eyes narrowed down at the base that was now not that far. He noticed something strange from the black smoke to the anti-bird defense. It looked like it was aiming at Samson.

That when it clicked he ducked in and turned to pilot.

Quaritch: Invasive maneuvers now!

The pilot started pushing on things and started flying in a strange maneuver. 

The anti-airguns started firing at their bird; the pilot did his best to dodge the fired rounds at their ship.

After dodging a few one round hit the back end of the Samson. The hit knocked a few down and others dangling out of the ship.

Pilot: mayday, mayday this is Samson 69 we are taking fire from rda compound 78. We are hit. I repeat we are hit and going down.

The Samson was losing altitude at an alarming rate.

Quaritch: everyone who survived makes sure to head to the compound and get revenge for those we lose.

Quaritch turned to Spider who was gripping his seat, wrapped his arm around him, and pulled him close to shield him from the impact.

Spider looked at him confused for a moment but just let it happen. Seeing him protect him even though they aren't related it felt….nice

The two braced for impact as Samson smashed into the ground sliding along the dirt before Samson smashed into the rda compound walls knocking out Quaritch.

Quaritch felt his surroundings filled with darkness; he felt something grabbing his body and shaking him. He slowly opened his eyes, seeing a familiar sense.

(Image here)

Wainfleet: Sir, stay with me!

Quaritch: agh get off me Wainfleet

Wainfleet: Yes sir, come on I got you.

Quaritch: w-where spider?

Wainfleet pointed over at some nearby rocks where spider was getting checked over.

Quaritch: spider are you alright everything good?

Spider: yeah I'm fine, just a bit bruised that's all.

Quaritch let out a sigh of relief when he heard about spider status.

Quaritch: Wainfleet gather the others and let's kill these assholes.

Wainfleet: Ura!

*back with y/n*

Y/n: did you get them?

Norm: no only one of the Samson got knocked down but the other one landed next to them. I can't aim the gun at them because they are in a blind spot.

Y/n: well come on we better hurry and get the fuck out of here before the reinforcement come here.

 Y/n made sure to check if his stuff was secured to his back. He felt much heavier from the metal and other stuff that he was holding.

Norm grabbed the hard drive off the table and disconnected it from the terminal.

The two walked into the elevator and started making their way down.

The two waited a moment before the door opened and they walked out seeing nothing was out of place.

Just as they started making their way back from where they came from bullets started being shot at them. 

Y/n slid into cover while Norm just dived at the closet cover that he had.

Y/n tried to see where the bullets were coming from but he couldn't get a good look. A bullet hit his cover just barely missing him.

y/n: fuck "open coms"  norm wait there and when I give the signal run like your life depends on it to the building behind me got it?

Norm: what are you going to do?

y/n didn't respond as he took a Shaky deep breath and suddenly stood up raised his hand and walked out of cover.

Y/n: wait stop I surrender you got me.

He stood out in the open at any moment he could get shot right there and then if the shooter wanted to.

He saw someone stand up from a couple dozen feet away and looked back at him before starting to make his way over to y/n.

Y/n walked over to meet him in the middle just stopping before a few feet.

Y/n knows this person he was the same man who beat him last time in a fight. The person looked at him confused as if they met before.

Quaritch: don't I know you?

Y/n: no I don't believe that we have met before.

Quaritch: never mind then get on the ground now.

Y/n: sorry but no can do.

Quaritch: and why is that?

Y/n: for one instance you have a fuel line behind you.

Quaritch took a glance behind himself giving y/n a chance to pull his gun out and fire a few shots into the fuel canister.

The fuel canister blew up sending a few rda soldiers flying away and killing a few others.

Quaritch: NO! You fucker!

The man turned to him to y/n at fast speed but y/n beat him to the punch and that is literal. Y/n already had his hand moving when he looked at him and got a left hook to the face.

Y/n took a few steps back as the person whipped the blood off his lip and spit out some blood as well.

Quaritch: is that all you got dip shit even my mother can hit harder than that.

Y/n didn't fall for his taunting as he wasn't that easy to get fooled by his emotions.

Y/n: maybe that's because your mother beat your ass for being a little shit or she just hated you.

Spider: Quaritch you alright?!

Quaritch took a look back, seeing spider running over to him. 

Quaritch: No stay back kid!

At that very moment y/n smirk as he roundhouse kicked him in the head knocking him down for the count.

Y/n finally took notice of the person who was coming over; he couldn't help but smirk at him.

He hit his coms to talk to norm.

Y/n: hey head back first there something I gotta do real quick.

Norm: you sure?

Y/n: yeah I'll be right behind you.

He took his finger off the communicator as he turned his attention back to spider.

He also stopped walking the two stuck at a standstill.

Spider: y/n?

Y/n: the one and only and look here we got the spider

Spider: where have you been? Why haven't you guys come and get me yet?

Y/n: easy answer we left you behind they didn't care about you we just said forget him and let's leave.

Spider: that is not true Kiri wouldn't have left me behind nor would Loak.

Y/n: you think she still cared about you after you beat her mate down and almost tried to kill him as well? Well, I haven't told her what happened that night.

Spider: Wait, why did you call her your mate?!

Y/n: oh it's official me and her are mates now I have been dicking her down as much as she wants and let me tell you she is wild when we do it.

Spider: no that can't be real, she is the sweetest person I know.

Y/n: then you don't know here after all like I said before it's not like you would be able to even fuck her she won't be able to feel a single thing of your small dick at least when I was human she felt ever thrust in her as she moans into my bed.

Spider: fight me now y/n me and you to the death!

Y/n: tempted but not yet after all I could kick your ass in like last time. Also, I'm not trying to wait for this man to wake up so I'm out of here see ya.

Y/n started running away heading over to a building that had a grappling point from the top.

Spider looked at y/n getting away and contemplated before he ran crouched down to Quaritch and grabbed his weapon.

It was a very heavy weapon but he lifted it as hard as he could and tried aiming at y/n who was about to jump off the building and over the fence.

Just as y/n jumped he felt as a bullet went through his shoulder causing him to fall forward and hit that shoulder into a rock that was in the ground.

He turned onto his back grabbing his left shoulder feeling a hole. He was also pretty sure he dislodged his shoulder as he couldn't move his arm.

He quickly got up and started running to where Samson was parked.

He took a look making sure the materials were still secured to his back while he was running. 

After running a bit he saw Samson. He raised his finger to hit his coms piece.

Y/n: get the Samson off the ground come on let's get out of here.

Samson started blasting air as it was starting to float as y/n ran beside it and jumped inside.

He almost slipped off if it wasn't for Norm grabbing him and pulling him inside.

Y/n was panting from the running he did and rested against the seat.

Norm: woah y/n are you alright?

Norm was staring at the bullet hole that was in his shoulder.

Y/n: oh yeah I just need help getting my shoulder back into place.

Y/n stared at him waiting for a response.

Norm: woah hey no not me I would just mess it up.

Y/n: you just need to hold my arm and I'll do the rest of the work.

Norm: And that's all?

Y/n: yeah 

Norm let out an uneasy sigh as he grabbed y/n arm and lifted it.

Y/n: ok one, two, three!

Y/n pulled away from norm his shoulder making a popping noise as if slipping back into place.

Norm: shouldn't you be unconscious right now?

Y/n: maybe? It might just be the adrenaline going through my body right now.

Norm: you need to see mo'at when we head back.

Y/n: I was planning to.

Norm sat down while keeping an eye on him.

*time skip brought to you by Norm getting blood sprays over his face from y/n bullet wound*

Y/n was working away at the knife making it as good as he could for Neteyam.

All the while Mo'at was next to him putting a small wood stick into the bullet cut that grazed him from earlier. 

She wrapped his shoulder with multiple leaves. The leaves supposedly help heal something of that nature.

Y/n: ok now what do I already put the burns into the hand to give it the texture?

Mo'at: apply the black substance into the middle and push down once the blade is inside.

He complied doing it as she said.

Mo'at: So what will you do once this is done?

Y/n: well hopefully I'll go and check in on Norm as he finishes the thing I wanted him to do for me.

Y/n: after that, I will probably finish the photo book for Kiri.

Mo'at: good, good I know you were the right one for here when I saw you.

Y/n: really?

Mo'at: yes I could also tell from how your blood tastes.

Woah uh kinky he thought.

Y/n: oh uh that's good then. It feels kinda chilly.

Mo'at: that's because it is almost the eywa celebration time of year.

Y/n: I heard about it but not the name. Is that really what it is called?

Mo'at: yes the day we celebrate everything eywa has given us as well as celebrate our time on eywa plain of existence.

Y/n: woah that sounds beautiful.

Suddenly his earpiece starts going off. He could hear norm and he sounded like he was panicking.

Norm: Y/n! Y/n! Do you copy?!

Y/n: yeah I copy you. What's wrong? Why a sudden worry in your voice?

Norm: I need you to meet me at the Samson. I already got your stuff just meet me at the pad.

Even y/n was starting to worry a bit and was wondering what was wrong.

Y/n: sorry mo'at I need to leave.

Mo'at: it's fine my child you are already done and your shoulder should heal soon just put this onto the knife before you give it to him

He grabbed the small thing that was in her hand. It looked like it was a small sapling.

Y/n: what is this?

Mo'at: bellspring sapling you could say it for good luck.

Y/n: oh well alright it was good seeing you mo'at and thanks for the help.

Mo'at: don't worry about me child just say hello to my family for me would you?

Y/n: of course.

Y/n walked through the hut door and started making his way over to the pad. The place was where they usually put their flying vehicles

He spotted Norm using his avatar to put stuff into a Samson.

Y/n walked over to him which Norm noticed.

Norm: good you're here y/n I already put your stuff inside as well as the thing you wanted to make.

Y/n: uh thanks but what is wrong?

Norm looked at him nervously. He took a moment before placing his hand on y/n right shoulder.

Norm: there is no good way of saying this but Kiri….she had a seizure.

*somewhere else. Time unknown.*

Quaritch walked through two big doors which led to a command room where he saw a familiar woman in a small suit. She was looking at the ground of a map on the seaside.

???: could you tell me what I'm looking at here Colonel

Quaritch: the signal was intermittent until it went dark over water but if we predict to track. It hit this open part of the islands here.

He moved his hand out into an open group of islands

???: that hundreds of islands that a big search box and lots of villages 

Quaritch: This is our guy. If you give me a ship and air carrier I'll bring back his skull.

???: let him go colonel he's gone. He could be dead for all we know

Quaritch: no he could be raising an army among the sea clan for all we know. This is a coastal base. Do you want to scream Navi at your doorstep as well as the back window?

Quaritch: trust me you need to know that Jake Sully is dead

She lets out a sigh as she looks down and notices his feet and how much dirt he has before looking back up at him.

???: you have one sea dragon and one week if you don't find him by then give up and stop searching for him

Quaritch: understood ma'am

He had a smile on his face after getting what he wanted now not that much time till he finds Jake Sully and kills him.

Word count 6167

Hey guys, I wanted to update you all on something so for the last few weeks you noticed how I've been posting new chapters every week. Well, I planned to finish the movie arc before I head into college.

But sadly that is not going to happen as I start tomorrow and I'm just afraid that I won't be able to handle having to write two books while also doing college and even a job.

So for now I'll be switching back to one chapter every other week like before but if that can't even work either then I'll have to put one of my stories on hold. But that is the worst case scenario. I just want to let you all know beforehand to not expect a chapter every week.

Till next time see you all later

Big thanks to my Patreon supporters


Gideon fry



Charles Linder




Damen hurts
