Chereads / Avatar harem x male reader / Chapter 62 - Return to the clan and the spirit tree

Chapter 62 - Return to the clan and the spirit tree

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The seawater clashed together, reacting to the splash from above or below. The sea was like a being of great power.

Just a simple effect could cause a change. As the water mangled with itself right above was a shadow flying on the surface.

The shadow flew high in the air with speeds of great importance.

The object that the shadow was being cast down was from a Samson flying over the great sea.

Inside, an avatar sat on the seat, his hands together as one. He had his head against his fists as that was all he could do now.

He kept thinking about what happened to Kiri. while he was gone. 

Each time he closed his eyes, a flash of a memory from their time together appeared in his head.

Past Kiri: I chose to be your mate, knowing you would go after others. Just make sure to give me a bit of love every now and then.

Y/n closed his eyes again.

Past Kiri: so what do you think about my new outfit 

Past y/n: you look just as gorgeous as you have always looked.

Then again 

Past Kiri: I can't think of a life without you there. I will always be by your side.

And again 

Past kiri: it symbolizes that I belong to you~

He let out a deep sigh as he looked at the ground of the Samson. He just stared at the ground, his eyes not moving from the spot that they rested on.

She had to be okay after all the visions hadn't happened yet, so she must be alright. 

Funny, deep down, y/n still believes that the feelings she has for him are fake. No matter what happens, his mind always returns to that line of thought.

He tried to shake that thought out of his mind, not wanting to focus on it for much longer. After all, there are more important things to worry about, such as how Kiri is doing.

Norm didn't say much when he first told him that Kiri had a seizure.

Besides that norm didn't say much else.

His thoughts started heading into a much darker place. His breathing became restless and more ragged as he kept thinking about the worst-case scenario.

He felt a tap on his shoulder, looking over at Norm and seeing him look concerned about him.

Norm: you alright

Y/N: I'm fine, but I'm just worried about Kiri. You said she had a seizure? How do you know, and how did you even find out?

Norm: Wow, hold on, slow down, and wait a moment. Hey Max, how much time do we have left until we reach the Metkayina clan?

Max, who was up in the co-pilot, took a glance back before looking down at something.

Max: we are out by a few clicks 

Norm: Alright, that gives me some time to explain what happened.

Norm: y/n close your door would you?

Y/n took a glance at the door before nodding at Norm and grabbing the door shut.

Norm: sorry just thought while we are making our way over we can finish this thing up before we get there.

Norm patted the mechanism next to him it was the parts to the stuff that y/n wanted to make for his Ilu

Y/n: Are you sure that is a good idea to do right now?

Norm: It can't hurt after all. We are only waiting around till we get there.

Y/n: "Sigh" alright

Norm grabs the parts, places them on the ship's floor, and pastes a few parts over at y/n to start putting them together.

Y/n: So what happened, how did you know that something happened to Kiri?

Norm: Well, before Jake left, I gave him one of our coms, Pisces, and told him if anything were to happen, just let us know, and we will try our best to help. You can figure out the rest.

Y/n: so something happened, and that's when he contacted you.

Norm: Yes, so Neteyam told him. He and Kiri, along with some other Navi, went to the soul tree, and Kiri connected her queue to it and suddenly started to convulse.

Y/n: the….soul tree. I thought there was only one of those.

Norm: No, there are multiple spread out around the plant.

He needs to see this soul tree, and if it matches what he saw, that would mean that...

y/n: Okay, so besides that, how is Kiri? I mean, you are bringing all this medical equipment along with us. What else did Jake say?

y/n looked around, seeing a few medical staff around with Norm holding a small pad that would tell him data from whatever he was looking at.

Norm: he said that she hadn't woken up yet, and she almost drowned underwater because of it, so we need to check and make sure she is fully fine and there is nothing wrong underneath the surface. That is what the equipment is for.

y/n: I see

y/n stopped working on the parts momentarily, thinking about Kiri before feeling Norm placing his hand on y/n shoulder and reassuringly smiling.

Max: Hey, uh guys, we are here. I'm setting her down, so get ready, you two.

Norm: All right, thanks, Max. Here, we can work on this later.

Norm grabbed the parts and placed them in a secure area before standing up and walking over to y/n's side. Then, he opened the door with y/n standing right behind him and looking over Norm's shoulder. 

He could see a group of reef Navi watching and surrounding the spot where they were landing.

Norm took a step out and started walking towards Jake, while y/n also took a step out and took a deep breath in the air.

When y/n noticed Neteyam a few feet away, he looked back at him with a surprised look. He then walked over hastily before stopping just a few feet away.

The two looked at each other before embracing each other in a hug.

Neteyam: It's great to see you again y/n.

Y/N: Same to you, Neteyam. Even though it has only been about a week, it is still great to see you.

They patted each other's backs before y/n pulled back from him but kept his hands on his shoulder.

Y/n: Neteyam how is kiri?

Neteyam: she's…..haven't woken up yet.

Y/n: Norm told me what happened.

Neteyam: It's my fault. I should have done something when she started seizing in the water. Tsireya got there before I could. All I did was give her mouth-to-mouth to get her breath again.

Y/n: Hey, Neteyam, it is not your fault. No one could have known this would happen to her. You also did the right thing when you started to do CPR on her.

Y/N: If you didn't, maybe she wouldn't be alive right now, so don't blame yourself, alright? You know what Kiri would say.

Neteyam: what would she say?

Y/n: she would most likely say something like you did your best at the moment, and you shouldn't focus on something that already had happened.

Neteyam: Do you think so?

Y/n: She is still alive, so I think so.

Even though he was trying to sound confident, y/n, deep down, was scared of the possibility that she might not be as fine as they were making it seem

Before they could keep talking, Jake called out to Neteyam.

Jake: Neteyam, keep them away from t-

Jake noticed that y/n was there. He didn't say anything but knew that y/n was here to help Kiri. He just nodded before turning to grab the equipment from Samson.

Y/n: come on, we can talk in a bit. We better keep these guys away from Samson.

Neteyam: R-Right

Y/n: come on, people, don't get too close to that thing over there, just stay back.

Neteyam: please, everyone, just stay over there for your safety.

The two spent much time keeping the other Navi away from Samson while Jake. Norm and Max took the equipment off the ship and followed Jake as he led them to where Kiri was.

Y/n and Neteyam kept doing what they did, ensuring no one got close.

Y/n noticed that a few Navi were walking through the crowd, trying to get to the front of everyone. As they got closer, Y/n could see who they were.

Aonung led the group through the crowd; behind him was his friend, and the last one was Tsireya.

The Navi that noticed them moved to the side, giving them a way forward.

As they reached the front, they looked at the thing behind the two, and this was the first time they had seen something like that.

Tsireya was also intrigued by the contraption behind them. She quickly noticed y/n and walked over. She stared at him momentarily before placing her hand on his chest.

Tsireya: y/n, I'm sorry about Kiri. I know how close you both are.

Y/n had a slight smile on his face as he placed his hand on hers.

Y/n: thanks, Tsireya, for saying that and doing what you could for her.

Tsireya: It's not a problem. I was doing what I thought was best at the very moment.

Y/N: Thank you still. You have no idea how thankful I am for both you and Neteyam doing what you guys could.

Neteyam glanced over at the two after hearing y/n talking about him. He had a slight smile, but there was a hint of sadness behind the very smile he was putting on.

Tsireya: I also went and told my mother about what happened. She will come over as soon as she can to look over Kiri.

Y/n felt his eyes getting watery as he wrapped his arms around her.

Y/N: Thank you so much, Tsireya. You have no idea how happy I am to know someone as caring as you are.

Surprised, she felt her face heated up a bit from the hug. 

But she responded by hugging him back and doing her best to be there in his time of need. 

Y/n pulled away from her as he looked around, seeing the crowd grow bigger. He turns to Neteyam and Aonung, along with his friend. (like, for real, he barely says anything in the movie)

Y/N: Can you help Neteyam and me keep your clan away from this?

He pointed over his shoulder at the machine.

Tsireya: Of course, we can help you guys, Aonung.

Aonung: yeah, don't worry, we will get them to calm down about that thing. Come on Rotxo

Aonung and his friends went over and started trying to get the Navi to stand away. While that was happening, loak was walking over to the group.

Loak: Hey, bro, Father wanted me to let you guys know you can see Kiri now.

Neteyam: thanks, loak. Well, y/n, what do you say we go and see my sister

Y/n looks back at Tsireya, not wanting to leave her and her brother after they just asked them for help.

Tsireya: It's alright. You should see her. We will make sure they don't go anywhere near that thing.

Y/n: All right, thanks again, Tsireya. Alright, let's go, Neteyam.

Walking past loak, he noticed him looking at Tsireya, almost like someone got rejected.

y/n and Neteyam started heading off to where Kiri was. While on the way over, the two were talking.

Neteyam: so, how was your trip back to the Omaticaya clan?

Y/n: Not bad, considering that I was not the one to get hurt during that time frame. Sorry, I was just trying to make small jokes about what was happening.

Neteyam: It's alright. You don't need to explain it to me. I get it. Funny, huh? The last time we talked, I said not to get into trouble, but this time, it was Kiri.

Y/n: yeah, Neteyam, thanks for jinxing it.

y/n hits Neteyam's shoulder playfully as the two laugh.

Neteyam: I missed having you around y/n. It was quiet till yesterday.

Y/n: Really, nothing interesting happened while I was gone.

Neteyam: There was something, but I'll tell you later tonight.

Y/n: well, alright, oh so how was using my place?

Neteyam: It was alright. Having my own place instead of living with family or Loak was nice for a change.

Y/n: Oh yeah, I forgot you two shared a hut at the Omaticaya clan. "Snickering" Hey, you remember when Loak tried to do Jake's battle makeup? 

Neteyam: No, please don't remind me of that. I beg of you, y/n, don't say anything.


(Image here)

It was too late, as he grabbed at his head. Memories started forming in his head as he remembered what Loak looked like while wearing it and how badly scared he was from being forced to see that every day.

(image here)

( I lied but brought it back one last time for the movie arc.)

Neteyam: oh, eywa, please get that image out of my head. It just hurts so much remembering him like that.

Y/N: Come on, Neteyam. You don't want to hurt Loak's feelings; he spent much time working on it.

Neteyam: you just don't understand how bad it was seeing it every morning when I woke up just seeing him like that.

Y/n: Fine, alright, yeah, you're right. It was bad.

The two started laughing while walking, just having fun like the good old days.

It was only like last week when they were chilling together and talking.

Y/n: hey Neteyam

Neteyam: hmm, yeah, what's up?

Y/n: thanks for trying to brighten the mood.

Neteyam: If anyone is grateful, it is you for trying to keep the mood up first. Don't worry too much; I'm sure she will be fine.

Y/n: same to you, Neteyam. It is not your fault, alright, just remember that.

Neteyam: yeah, okay.

Y/N: Okay, now that is out of the way. I saw someone while I was gone.

Neteyam: really, who did you see?

Y/n: well, I saw mo'at, but more importantly, I saw spider. I saw him while I was around in the area.

Neteyam looked at him for a moment, surprised to hear that spider seemed to be okay.

Neteyam: how was he doing when you saw him? Were they hurting him in any way?

Y/n: not from what I saw b-

y/n stopped midway through what he was saying as he got an idea. There was no better time than the present to start planting ideas about spider into people's heads.

Neteyam: what is it?

Y/n: Well, it's just that you see this thing covering my shoulder?

Neteyam: Yeah, I meant to ask you about that. What is up with it? I know it was one of the things that our grandma would use for wounds.

Y/n told him about what happened when he and Norm went against the Rda facility. Only leave out the part where he bragged to spider about how he was fucking Kiri and how he was mated with her.

 Neteyam grabbed at his mouth, becoming more shocked about Spider's actions. It was already bad that he had tried to kill y/n, but then he tried again. He already disliked him because of the first attempt, but now, it was a second time.

He already seemed like he made up with something in his mind.

The two got closer to the place, seeing norm outside with Max.

y/n was still determining if he was ready to see Kiri yet. He felt his heart beating slightly faster.

Y/n: Hey, Norm and you as well. Max, how is she doing?

Norm: Oh, hey guys, it's great to see you both. Uh, right now, we only just started looking over the data, but strange as it is, I'm not getting anything on my scanner. What about you, Max? Is there anything on your end?

Max: No, my clean as well, strange.

Y/n: but she will be fine, right?

Norm: Technically, yes, she will be fine, but she just hasn't woken up. For now, we can only wait while we get more data.

Neteyam: Hey, norm, where is my father?

Norm: he is inside, connecting some of the equipment to Kiri's body.

Y/n: Thanks for letting us know the norm

Norm: it's no problem. We are just doing what we can for Jake.

y/n walked over to the front of the hut. He placed his hand on the outside of the entrance to the hut, taking a deep breath before seeing how Kiri was with the equipment attached to her body. While doing so, he felt something land on his shoulder. Looking over his shoulder, he saw Neteyam had placed his hand on his shoulder.

He gave y/n a reassuring smile. y/n places his hand on him for a moment before tapping it. Neteyam nodded at him before removing his hand as y/n walked through the entrance.

He looked around the room and saw Neytiri, who noticed him and looked away while walking around. Tuk was a few feet away, sitting on a basket.

 Then his eyes landed on Kiri. She was lying unconsciously on the floor, and her breathing was very shallow. Her face looked like it was in discomfort.

Jake was connecting a ive fluids bag to her arm before taking a step back and looking at her,

y/n walked over to her and crouched down next to her. He rubbed his hand on her head a little before his hand slid down to her face, his thumb rubbing against her face.

She looked more at peace as if her body was responding to his touch. He moved his hand away from her face and grabbed her hand, holding it in his before lifting it and kissing it.

He did his best to keep calm, but a few tears slipped.

Since coming to the plant, he had already lost a few people. First, it was Rick, then Tonowari; he couldn't lose her either.

He was almost right there and then started to cry, but he kept it in as much as he could. 

He can't have himself looking weak with the others in the room.

He kisses her hand again before getting up, walking back a few feet, and waiting to see if she would wake up.

He just needed to stay calm. For all he knew, she would wake up right there and then.

While waiting, he felt someone grab his hand. 

Looking over to the person grabbing his hand, he let out a small sigh before crouching down to be at the same length as them.

Y/n: hey, tuk, how are you doing?

Tuk: she will be okay, right? Kirii, will she be okay?

It looked like he wasn't the only one trying to keep appearances up. Tuk looked like she was about to cry right there and then, too, with her tail slumping down.

He raised his other hand and landed it on her head, rubbing it.

Y/n: you don't need to worry about her tuk. She will be fine, I promise.

Tuk: Do you pinky promise?

Y/N: Yeah, how about this? I was working on a top-secret project just for her. Would you help me finish it before she wakes up?

Tuk: really?!

Y/N: Yeah, I left it on the ship that Norm and I came here on. I believe I left it in a compartment next to my seat. Why don't you go and get it?

Tuk: o-Ok.

He smiled at her as he kept rubbing her head.

Tuk wrapped her arms around his torso and hugged him as he stood up.

Tuk: I'm happy you're around again, y/n.

Y/n: Me too. It's nice to see you all.

She let go of the hug and started running out of the place.

He noticed Jake was watching him before coming over and leaning against the wall next to him.

Y/n: so I take it you're going to ask why I was on the ship with norm

Jake: No, I wasn't, but when did you leave?

Y/n: probably a week or so ago.

Jake: "Sigh, did anyone see you?

Y/n: yes, me and norm went into a rda compound and had a run-in with your buddies.

He grabbed at his nose bridge in an exhausted manner.

Jake: What happened?

Y/n: I kicked his ass because spider wanted to get in the way.

Jake: spider was with them?!

Y/n: yeah, he was.

Norm and Max came back in and walked over to both of them.

Jake: Norm, did you get anything yet?

Norm: Max and I are going to do a close scan for a deeper look.

Jake: Alright, I'll be right over. You both go and do what you must.

Max: don't worry, Jake, we will be careful.

They walked over and started working on Kiri.

Jake: so what else happened 

Y/n: nothing really. We escaped, and we are here.

Jake: Well, it's something, but there was something else I wanted to talk to you about.

Y/n: what is it?

Jake: Well, it's just that I want to say I'm sorry about how I have been acting lately. I was acting too much like a kid and not making the right decisions.

Jake: I was just worried about Kiri and how she had already found a mate without me realizing. It's just that she is my baby girl.

Y/N: You don't need to explain. I understand, Jake. You were just trying to protect her, that is all.

Jake: Thanks for understanding. Now I'm going to get over here with the others.

Y/n nodded at him.

Y/n: wait, why the sudden change of heart?

Jake: Neytiri showed me how much of an idiot I have been lately.

Jake walked over and joined the others, looking at Kiri. 

So Neytiri is trying to help him. He found that to be interesting.

After a few minutes of waiting around, Neteyam walked over, and the two talking tuk ran back inside and walked over to the two.

Tuk: Is this it?

Y/n: yeah, it is. Good job, tuk.

He rubbed her head as her tail moved around happily. He was happy to see her looking happier now and not as sad as she was.

Y/n sat on the floor with Neteyam sitting next to him and Tuk sitting across from the pair.

She placed the book down in the middle of the group.

Neteyam: Is this why you left?

Y/n: it is just one of the things.

Neteyam: So what is it?

Tuk had already opened the book and was looking through it.

Y/n: it's just some photos of her mother and some pictures of us.

Neteyam grabbed a pile of photos and looked through them.

Neteyam: Why are there so many photos of her mother in here?

Y/n: I got the photos from Norm.

The two looked at each other with a grin, thinking the same thing.

Neteyam: Kiri would lose her mind when she heard that.

The two started laughing while the tuk looked confused.

Y/n: alright. Let's start putting the photos in it.

Tuk: yeah!

The group started filling in parts of the book with grace, and eventually, after a couple of minutes passed, y/n realized something.

He opened the bag on his waist and looked through it, trying to see if he still had it.

It took him a second, but he was surprised that he had left it in his bag. He grabbed the camera and looked through it before turning it around and snapping a photo of the group.

It caught the other two off guard, not expecting that to happen.

Neteyam rubbed his eyes briefly, trying to get his eyesight back.

Neteyam: ah, what was that?

Y/N: It's a camera I borrowed from Max. I wanted to take a photo of us doing this to put in the book so she would have something from that moment.

Neteyam: don't you already have photos of us?

Y/n: yeah, but it can't help but have some more for her.

He noticed Tuk was trying to grab it from his hand while he moved the camera to his other hand.

Y/n: sorry, tuk, but this is the only one I have, so I can't be giving it away.

Tuk: aw…..

Before they could continue Ronal suddenly walked through the entrance to the hut. The group watched her as she watched what Norm and Max were doing to Kiri.

Y/N: Hey, let's work on this for now. Alright, tuk, we can work on it later.

Tuk: o-oh ok

Y/n started packing his stuff up while keeping his eyes on what was happening with Ronal.

Neytiri was grabbing her by her arm and saying something to her.

She suddenly turned to the group norm and max.

Neytiri: Get out. You have done nothing for her.

Jake: guys, take a break, alright.

Norm and Max started taking the equipment off her and leaving the room.

Y/n grabbed his book and stood about to walk out with the other two following behind him before Ronal suddenly called out to tuk.

Ronal: tuk, stay here and help me, would you?

Tuk stopped walking and looked at her mother. Neytiri nodded her head at tuk. 

Tuk walked over to Ronal to help her.

Y/n walked outside and joined Max, Norm, and Jake. Neteyam walked over to the side and stopped any Navi who were trying to see what was happening.

Max was still looking at the tablet, looking at something. Norm and Jake were talking.

Y/n: So, uh, anything new?

Norm and Jake looked over at him.

Norm: I'm just trying to see if anything changed in the weeks before this.

Jake: the only thing that comes to mind is Kiri talking about how she could feel and hear Eywa's heartbeat.

Norm: that sounds like classic frontal lobe epilepsy

Jake: epilepsy?!

Norm: Yeah, you see a vision and state of religion like the one she describes.

Y/n didn't like how they were talking about her experience, especially since he had also had something like that happen to him.

Y/n: she is not crazy. If she says she can feel and hear it, then she can.

Norm: I'm not saying she is crazy. It is just a sign of epilepsy that all.

Max walked over and sat down on a support line to the hut. Y/N decided to keep standing as the two approached the edge to talk.

Norm: Maybe her connection to the spirit tree was some kind of trigger.

He thought about what he was saying about it being a trigger. Y/n took a quick look back and saw some kind of ritual happening in the hut.

He looks back over at Jake and the others.

Norm: she can't connect to the tree again.

Jake: ever again?

Max: Jake, it could kill her if she were to seize underwater again.

Y/n wanted to say something, but Max was right. She could die. He knows how sad she will be when she finds that out.

Suddenly, y/n ears twitch as crying is heard. Y/n took a look back as the crying got louder.

It seemed like he wasn't the only one. Jake got up and walked to the hut, and y/n followed him.

Heading inside, he saw Kiri awake and crying. He felt that the weight on his chest was lifted, and she seemed okay.

Y/n walked around as he watched. Tuk noticed him walking around and gestured her hand for him to come over.

He took a moment before walking over, crouching down, and grabbing her hand from Tuk's

As Kiri kept crying, her hand gripped seemingly got tighter as she felt his warmth from him.

He lowered his head closer to hers before landing his lips against her forehead.

Her crying became simply a whimper as she started to calm down.

Y/n looked at Jake before offering him to take Kiri's hand. He looked at her for a moment before nodding and coming over.

Y/n took a step back as he watched everything. After a few moments, things calmed down as y/n looked over at Neteyam, who noticed him watching and looked back at him.

Y/n nodded to the doorway as he started making his way out, but only after talking to Ronal.

Y/n: thanks for helping her.

Ronal strangely looks at him as if she remembers something before she returns to her regular facial expression.

Ronal: As Tsahìk, I must help all those in the clan.

Y/n: well, still thank you.

Ronal: It was not a problem, but y/n, there is something I want to talk to you about. Please see me tomorrow.

Y/n: oh, alright, yeah, sure thing.


Y/n was riding his Ilu, making his way to the spirit tree. He was following Neteyam, as he was the only person he knew who knew the location of the place.

They came up from the water just under some stone before reaching into a fastly open area.

Y/n: woah

Neteyam: I know, right? I believe Tsireya said that this place was called the cove of the ancestors.

Y/n: and this is the place where it happened?

Neteyam: yes, it is. Are you sure you want to be doing this now? Don't you want to spend some time with my sister?

If y/n didn't know any better, he would think Neteyam was scared of this place. It was probably just because of what happened to Kiri.

Y/N: It's fine. I just want to see this place for myself. But Kiri needs time to rest and mentally heal from such an event.

Neteyam: while we are here, I want to ask where your ikran.

Y/N: Oh, she will probably get here in a couple of days or so. Before I left with Norm, I told her to set off and come back here.

Neteyam: So that's what happened. Yeah, I was just wondering that all.

Y/n: oh, how could I forget mo'at says hi, by the way.

Neteyam: You mentioned that you were with her. Was it because of your shoulder?

Y/N: Yeah, and no, I was doing something else while I was there with her. She was helping me.

Neteyam: Oh, well, it's good to hear she is doing well. I hope to see her soon as well.

Y/n: I'm sure you will.

Neteyam: Alright, this is the spot.

Y/n nodded before patting his Ilu neck, which chirped from getting petted after such a while.

He hopped off and disconnected his queue before diving down into the water. The light from the sea plants helped me see underneath better as the sun was already gone.

As the pair got closer, he could see the tree anywhere before it started to light up.

It looked the same as his vision.

The same tree, the same vines and leaves hanging upwards.

As he got closer, he looked around before placing his hand on the bark, feeling the smooth but hard bark of the tree.

Y/n felt as if his time was coming closer, as sometimes, in the future, Kiri would be here standing and crying about him dying.

Neteyam stayed back a few feet, simply watching as y/n looked around and grabbed one of the vines from the tree.

He wanted to stop y/n, but he wasn't sure why he should.

Y/n grabbed his queue before bringing it close. The tiny tentacles from his queue wrapped around the vines, and y/n suddenly closed his eyes. 

He seemed to freeze in a way, like how his body wasn't moving a single bit.

Neteyam started swimming over, and as he got closer, he felt more nervous. He didn't want the same thing to happen to him.

After waiting a moment, y/n still showed no signs of moving. Neteyam stretched his hand out and grabbed his shoulder. Y/n suddenly opened his eyes and looked at him.

Neteyam: are you alright y/n?

Y/n looked around momentarily before nodding, disconnecting his queue, and swinging back up.

As they reached the surface, y/n wiped the water from his face and returned to his Ilu.

Neteyam: you sure you're alright? You were acting a bit weird.

Y/n: yeah, I'm fine, don't worry. I was just seeing something interesting.

Neteyam: Well, if you're sure, what should we do now?

Y/n: let's head back. I'm pretty tired from everything.

Neteyam: Can I stay at your place tonight?

Y/n: I don't mind if you can tell me what happened while I was gone.

Neteyam: how could I forget? Yeah, I can tell you while I'm there.

Y/N: Alright, then let's head back. I could use some good sleep, and I guess I've got to do something with Ronal tomorrow.

Word count 5758

Hey, everyone. With the movie arc ending soon, I'm doing a completely free poll on Patreon to decide who gets to have the last lemon in the movie arc. So think about checking it out and putting your vote in.

I'll be putting the link in the author thoughts and if that doesn't work just try searching.

First of all, I am sorry for how late this chapter is. I had a really hard time getting it done as I was working on college stuff. Hopefully as time goes on it will become better. I wrote half if not more of this chapter today than all this week. So I want to say sorry, and hopefully, it will be better as time goes on.

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