Chereads / Avatar harem x male reader / Chapter 61 - familiar place

Chapter 61 - familiar place

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Before he could head to the Hallelujah Mountains he wanted to visit a familiar old place. His ikran was flying low dodging the tree branches and vines before they reached a clearing.

They circled the clearing spot before y/n patted the side of his ikran and they went down landing on the grass floor.

y/n hopped off his ikran and started heading in a certain direction. Memories were slowly flooding back to him as he kept walking. Reaching a cave entrance he placed his hand on it remembering how he first saw Kiri sneaking around.

She wasn't as good at hiding as she thought she was when he saw her tail as she ran past the entrance back then.

Funny how that was only about three or four months ago. It felt much longer like a year or two. (if you know then you know)

He let out a sigh as he moved his hand off the wall and started walking inside seeing what the cave looked like since he last saw the place.

While walking inside he felt his foot hit something. Taking a look it seemed like it was a body but had been overgrown with foliage covering the body.

From the wounds on the body, he was pretty sure it was that one guy who he saw burning alive after the explosion.

He kept walking, seeing a few more bodies till he reached the end seeing the ruins of the building.

He crouched down grabbed a metal piece and looking at it he knew what the metal belonged to. It was from the 4.0 printer

If only it survived the explosion then he would be able to use it to make what he wants but he wasn't exactly holding onto any of the metal needed for it.

There wasn't much left, just the skeleton of the building and burnt stuff. Sadly none of the books survived either.

Well, he thinks so anyway, not exactly a good mix of paper and fire.

He turned to the one thing that survived which was the side building but if anything it was more of a tent.

He walked over and opened the tent seeing the air getting sent out from the tent.

He walked in but was still slightly crouching trying not to hit his head on the roof part.

He saw that the place was a mess and looked like someone was going through his tent.

He saw the whip board was still there. He flipped the board seeing that what he wrote down was still on it. 

He let out a small chuckle seeing what he wrote down back then.

It read "Kiri was already in the palm of my hand because of the sexual imprint she sees me as her mate partner so I don't need to do much."

He was right after all the sexual imprint is still on him after all why would she even be with him and going along with his whole thing?

He just shook it off as he read what he put down for Neytiri. He just couldn't help but smirk a little while reading it.

"Neytiri is a mother and a wife to Jake Sully. She is a strong woman who wouldn't be willing to go along with anything and she hasn't interacted much with me so I might need to get a bit creative with her. So she cares a lot about her clan so maybe I could blackmail her with that idea in mine."

How so much has changed since he wrote that down. After all, he was at a point where he didn't know what to do as his mission was canceled and was left alone so he kinda just said screw it and went and did that thing with her and she went along. 

Must have been because she didn't have much of a real sex life while also not feeling loved or cared about by her partner. He wasn't complaining after all he now has a milf that goes along with what he wants no matter what is happening.

Now that he thought about it his life has been going back on track and everything is just going great for him at the moment.

He started heading back to his ikran after all as much as he missed the place there was nothing left for him everything was gone. The only important thing that he might have been able to use was the 4D printer but he already saw how that looked so he was not going to be able to use that at all

He hopped on his ikran, connected his queue to her, and patted it sideways.

y/n: come on girl there is nothing left for us here.

It gave him a sideways look before it turned its head forward and stretched its wings out and they went back into the air. The pair were making their way over to the Hallelujah Mountains.

After flying a bit y/n spotted the ikran resting area and set his ikran there Afterwards he jumped off and turned to the creature.

He placed his hand on it underside of its mouth, the two looking at each other before y/n placed his head on the tip of its face.

Y/n: thank you for your hard work girl and your sleepless nights for getting me here in the time that you did now you can rest.

she was making a purring-like sound before it licked his face. he chuckled at the lick and just scratched the underneath part of its mouth,

He looked around while doing so the place hasn't changed much. He took his hand off of his ikran as it laid its head down on the ground and kinda curled up like a cat when it slept.

y/n started making his way over to the one person who would be able to help him with the thing that he wanted to do.

As he saw the building He hopped over the railing and walked through the doors and waited for it to do the whole sequence that it usually does.

He walked in not seeing anyone around. There wasn't anyone using the machines to be connected to their avatar.

He walked over to the avatar in the water tank better known as Kiri's mother Grace.

The avatar was just floating around in the tank oblivious to anything happening. (fun fact you can see her nipple in the movie just saying)

That's when he got an idea of what he could do for Kiri as her gift.

After looking around for a bit he walked through a pair of doors and could hear people talking.

He headed over to where the voices were coming from. He saw Norm and Max at a table showing a 3-D map with a landscape that was not the surrounding area.

It also looked like they were on a call with someone.

Norm: this is very concerning that they are branching out further from here.

Max: how are the surrounding Navi reacting to it?

???:  As much as I would love to say they are fighting back, they aren't the Navi staying out of the whole thing.

Norm: if they don't fight back then they will take over the land.

???: we can't have that happen norm what does Jake have to say on this matter?

Norm: he….. doesn't have anything to say on it he just wants this to be kept low to not make things any worse than it is now.

Max: So Priya, what does the pollution date say about how bad it is?

Priya: it's not great it dropping we currently sit at 75% but the rda is pushing us back we are losing access across the western frontier

Norm rubbed his head.

Norm: ok huh let me think for a moment and I'll get back to you on what to do alright Priya?

Priya: oh huh yeah it's cool we will keep doing our best with the one Navi that is working with us.

After the call connection was terminated Max looked over at norm.

Max: So what is the plan?

Norm: I'm not too sure Jake would know what to do but he is not here anymore and Tarsem focused is only on fighting the rda here it's up to those clans to fight back.

Y/n decided to make his appearance known as he did a loud cough caught the two off guard. They both look back seeing him just leaning on a wall.

Norm: Y-Y/n I sure wasn't expecting to see you back here after you left with Jake and his family. Is he back as well?

Y/n: No sorry to disappoint but it is only me and I want to keep this on the down low so don't tell Jake and if not do it for his kids.

The two looked at each other for a moment before they looked back at him,

Norm: ok but what are you doing here?

Y/n: well hold on a moment uh what was that about?

He pointed past them and at the table where they were just on a call a moment ago.

Norm: We were talking to our resistance base of operations in the western part of Pandora and from what she has told us. The rda is starting to spread to that part of the plant. 

y/n: yeah that doesn't sound too good.

Norm: yeah no kidding we are already stretched too thin we aren't going to be able to help them so it's up to them to fight back.

Max: also to add the question is why are they there and how could this change the tides of the war?

y/n was just standing there listening to them feeling he was getting too much information for something he was not involved in, almost like it was to set up something that would be in the future.

Norm: But that is enough of that, what are you doing here?

Y/n: Well a while back Kiri told me that Pandora has a Christmas of some kind and there was some stuff that I need that isn't associated with Navi.

Norm: So what do you need?

y/n: do you have anything on Ilu? Also, I need an old-school camera that prints out the image.

Norm: I think we have one around but as for the Ilu let me check the console.

He turned back to the table and started pushing buttons and moving stuff on the 3D board on the table.

After a few minutes, he brought up a 3D model of the creature 

norm: so what do you need to know about this thing?

Y/n: not know what I need to make that.

He pointed at the back small fin for where the tail was at.

Max: you are trying to make a fin. How come?

Y/n: well I have an Ilu that is missing a tail and I said I would fix that plus it would help it move much faster.

Norm: well I think if we were to do this while also putting that here we could make a fin like that which would work on its own it just needs to be on the creature.

Y/n: ok good so we can make something that would help it act as a fin great do you both think you can make it?

They both looked at each other with a look of disappointment on their faces.

Norm: we don't have the right stuff to make such a thing you would need to get the right stuff from an rda base and not just a small one a big one would have to do.

Y/n: ok so point me to where I can find one.

Max: y/n it's not that simple such a large compound is a suicide mission.

Y/n: meh I've been close to death more times than I can count.

Norm looks at y/n before letting out a sigh.

Norm: Max bring back up the map would you?

Max nodded at him as he pushed some buttons on the table to bring the map up.

Norm: so the closest rda base is right here the stuff you would need would be up in this high point in the middle.

Max left the room to go somewhere else while they talked.

Y/n: So what can you tell me about this place?

Norm: well since this rda compound is on the bigger side they have air defense which would make it harder to fly in with your ikran. You would have to get here and then walk on foot to the base wall.

Y/n: I would need to take out those defenses if I want to leave quickly, don't I?

Norm: not necessarily the place that you are going to head to is also the command tower so you can turn them off from there.

Y/n: doesn't sound too bad.

Norm: it is the big mech that they use that is the problem. Those are fitted up with strong armor. But you won't be going alone if I'm going with you.

Y/n: really? Are you sure you want to go as well? you did say it was a suicide mission.

Norm: yes you would need me if you want to get the right stuff to make this Item for your Ilu but I also want to go so I can grab any information from their computers. but I'll be on support providing anything that I can do to help you while you are inside.

If he didn't know any better y/n felt like he was being used to do all the heavy work.

The door opened with Max walked back over the two. He opened his hand offering y/n an earpiece.

Y/n grabbed it looking at the earpiece before putting it in his ear.

Norm: I'll work on a plan to get you inside and when we are ready I'll contact you through the earpiece when we are ready to hit that base.

Y/n: alright solid plan I'm going to head out a bit but I'll be back later to work on your design to make it more original to how I wanted it to be for my Ilu.

Max: oh wait I almost forgot here is the camera you wanted. What do you need it for anyway?

y/n: well It's just that I thought that Kiri would want some photos of her mother because her mom can't exactly be moved anywhere without a facility to keep her avatar going.

Y/n: and you know how she is when it is about Grace she cares deeply about her mother even if it is just her avatar body in there.

Norm was staring at him, understanding what he wanted to do.

Norm: follow me real quick y/n.

Norm started walking away from the room with y/n following closely behind. They were walking over to the room with Grace's avatar norm looking down at the table.

Grabbing a blue tube and moving it somewhere else before he grabbed a small hard drive. He turned to look back at him with the hard drive in his hand.

Norm: I believe I have some photos from when she was still alive. What I could do is get you a book where you can put the photos in.

Y/n: oh so like a book with old photos and memories that you want to keep safe.

Norm: exactly but I'll leave it up to you to finish making it.

Y/n: that's fine just give me the empty book that I can use and I'll fill the rest in with images. 

Norm: I'll put the photo I have of Grace into the hard drive and just print out the one you think she likes alright?

Y/n: yeah thanks a lot for this norm. I know we don't talk much to each other but this will mean a lot to Kiri when it is done.

Norm: don't sweat it, I'm just happy to help when I can, especially for something like that. (I swear if it reveals he is the father then this can make sense later)

Y/n: well I better get going there is one more person I should see.

Norm: yeah you go and do what you need to do I'll contact you later.

Y/n walked through the door looking around for a moment trying to think about where she could be.

She would most likely just be at her healer hut. He started making his way over to the place. He noticed that the night was approaching from how the sky was getting darker.

He felt himself being stared at by the other Navi. He was not too sure why they were looking at him but he just didn't pay any attention to them.

As he got closer he noticed that there were two people inside, one was Mo'at and the other was just some random Navi.

He did a quick knock on the door to show that he was there. She took a moment to look up at him before looking back down at the Navi.

She was making small cuts into their skin letting small amounts of blood flow out of their body.

Mo'at: what brings you back to the clan my child?

Y/n couldn't help but notice how almost every Navi leader always had a nickname for him.

Y/n: you know who I am?

Mo'at: Of course, we may have met only one time but I know all who come through the clan.

She suddenly started staring at him almost like she was looking through him.

She finished what she was doing and had Navi leave Afterwards she closed the hut door.

Hopefully, he didn't do anything to make her mad because she could kick his ass if he did something to offend her.

Mo'at: you…..mate with Neytiri didn't you my child?

He just had to say that didn't he now he felt like he fucked.

Y/n: "Cough" H-how did you know?

He saw a smirk on her face.

Mo'at: my child I had already had this happen before of course I could tell but it was also because you have her scent on you even though it is faint I can still smell it.

Y/n looked at her dumbfounded by how she was able to tell simply from a scent that he thought was gone already.

He also couldn't figure out how he can't do something like that but the Navi can.

Maybe it is something that he has to learn and will probably also somehow be important later on.

Y/n: then I want to say sorry about mating with your daughter while she also has a mate.

Fuck he gave too much information about what their relationship was.

She raised an eyebrow at him.

Mo'at: You confused me with someone who cares about such little things.

Y/n: you aren't mad about that?

Mo'at: why would I be mad over something that my daughter wants? She is living life how she wants. She is at the point of life where she can make her own choices and it is up to her whether she wants to take my input or not.

Y/n: oh

Mo'at: But I'm sure that's not why you are here my child, what brings you back here?

Y/n: well there are multiple reasons but the one reason why I'm here with you is because I want to make a knife for your grandson.

Mo'at: which one? The stupid one or the one that has brains and looks?

Y/n: the one with the looks.

Mo'at: ah I see but why come here you could have just made one over at that new clan of yours.

Y/n: well since I was planning to come back here already I decided why not get one from his home clan and thought about who else other than his grandmother.

Mo'at: you want me to make him a new knife?

Y/n: no I want you to teach me how to make an Omatikaya-style knife for him.

Mo'at: I can teach you but you have to be the one to gather the right ingredients to do so.

Y/n: yeah I can do that.

Mo'at: good go and gather these ingredients and we can begin right away.

Y/n: thank you so much I won't let you down.

She told him a list of the stuff that he would need to make the knife.

After making sure he heard everything that he would need he made his way out of the hut and headed back to the lab.

He decided that he would get the stuff that he needed tomorrow when the sun was up in the meantime. As he waited he thought about how he might as well just go and start working on the different design for his Ilu back fin

Along the way, he took a photo of a grace avatar floating in the tank.

Word count 3691

Big thanks to my Patreon supporters


Gideon fry



Charles Linder




Damen hurts
