Chereads / Avatar harem x male reader / Chapter 47 - kiri date night (lemon)

Chapter 47 - kiri date night (lemon)

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Gamer herz

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Y/n was walking over and grabbing the meat taking a quick look at it making sure it was still good enough to eat.

Yesterday when he was at the market that they had he was able to learn some ways to cook the meat and what would be good for the sides.

He made sure to get any spices that they had. He opened his pouch and put some spices inside along with anything else he would need. He would have put them in his backpack if it was not going to be full of meat. He did not want anything to mess with it.

So he made sure his backpack was empty before putting the meat in after doing so he made sure to seal the top part of his backpack so it would not slip out

After making sure that everything was set for the day he got up put the backpack on and headed out through the door. He took a quick stretch before looking around just before heading to Sully's home he heard his name called out.

???: hey Y/n

He turned to the voice to see who it was.

Y/n: oh hey Tsireya what going on?

Tsireya: Nothing much, I was just taking a walk around. Are you going somewhere?

Y/n: yeah me and Kiri are going to do some exploring of the island.

Tsireya: oh do you mind if I tag along then?

Y/n: not this time sorry Tsireya this is more of a special occasion.

Tsireya: Oh well that's fine while I have you I want to let you know then that I will be making some food for you and my father.

Y/n: a sweet and beautiful girl like you making food for me what would other people think

Tsireya: haha… yeah what would others think

She has a tint of blush forming, perhaps thinking about something she shakes her head trying to not think about whatever she was thinking about.

Tsireya: But it's not just me, my mom is going to help.

Y/n: then tell her thanks as well.

Tsireya: I will oh almost forgot my father wanted me to tell you that you will be training later he has something to take care of around that time.

Y/n: Thanks, did he say what time I should meet him?

Tsireya: yes he said around the time when the sun is halfway done with the day.

Y/n: so noon got it. Well, thanks but I should get going. We are almost at sullys home.

Tsireya: oh well then you be safe out there.

Y/n: thanks and have a good day. Also really thanks for making us some food.

Tsireya: It is my pleasure to make some food for you.

He gave her a smile which caused her to blush as he walked away from her. He gave a quick knock on the outside of the hut before walking in.

Inside were the same old people with the same old Jake being gone really where has he been?

Kiri was the first to see him and came over.

Y/n: Hey Kiri, are you ready?

Kiri: not yet I have something to show you though maybe you will like it.

Kiri: But you need to get out real quick. You as well Neteyam.

He nodded and got up walking out with y/n following.

Y/n got a glance at Neytiri she just stared at them not saying anything it seemed like she was waiting for him to say something but he never did.

Kiri looked at Loak who was sitting. He just looked at her before he knew it he got thrown out and fell into the water. He came out splashing

Loak: what the hell Kiri you could have just told me to leave. This water is freezing!

Neteyam: Come on little brother, the water will not kill you.

Loak: speak for yourself early for this.

Y/n: should have just got up when neteyam was leaving. Anyway, neteyam did you find anything out yesterday?

Neteyam: yeah I heard of this good spot places that seemed interesting to check out.

Y/n: oh interesting.

Neteyam: yeah it gives you a nice look at the area especially when the sun is going down or up.

The two talked about how to get there and some other things that y/n needed to know.

Loak: can someone help me out here?

He was having problems with trying to get out of the water.

Neteyam walked over to the edge and helped Loak out of the water.

Neteyam: if I didn't know any better I would think you romantically were into water.

Loak: what? Why would you say that?

Neteyam: It's just I see you always in it lately.

Y/n: what do you expect? We are living around the ocean.

Loak: see y/n get it. Plus it is always your guy's fault for how I end up in the water.

Y/n heard footsteps behind just before he could turn around someone covered his eyes.

???: guess who!

Y/n: uh who's there?

???: come on guess

Even though he could not see his other senses were higher now. He could hear Loak and Neteyam trying to hold their laughter in. From the voice, it was a girl.

He could feel their breast on his back giving him an idea of that on the small side. But the voice is easy to give away

Y/n: who else kiri

Kiri: correct.*quietly* keep it up and there might be a reward~

Y/n: you bet I got something for you later~

Kiri: can't wait~ now what do you think of my clothes?

She walked a couple of feet away from him. He turned to look at her.

*old clothes*

(Imagine Insert)

(Sorry I can't find a good enough image to use besides those two)

*new clothes*

(Image insert)

Her chest had a weird wooden circle on the upper right of her chest. Going further down from that spot was a reef going down towards her stomach.

She had a rope thing on her left arm kinda like his own on his arm except his was a piece of cloth.

She had the same thing from her arm on her right leg. Also a bracelet on her right hand.

She wore a new type of loin cloth and the skin that was used was dry.

Whoa was the only thing he could think about when he saw her. It was an interesting change compared to her old clothes.

The new one was both more revealing and less revealing at the same time he was not sure how it was possible but it was.

Her chest was more covered up. Her old one was completely revealing Barry covered her chest but now you couldn't see her chest.

Guess it made more sense now he could see what they got was being used for now.

However before her loin cloths cover a good amount of her lower body. Now though, was it because she wanted to show off more of her lower body to him? Because now her loincloth barely covers anything.

He saw something interesting on her neck. It almost looked like a choker but there was some kind of tag on it.

Kiri: so… what do you think of my new outfit?

Y/n: you look gorgeous, as always Kiri.

Her tail was swinging around happily and a blush was on her face.

Neteyam walked over to the two and put his hands on their shoulders.

Neteyam: All alright you lovebirds you know where to go stay safe out there. Y/n please watch over my sister.

Y/n: of course man who else could make sure she does not wander off?

Kiri: hey!

Neteyam: Alright then get out of here you crazy kids.

The two nodded at him before they started walking away from him.

Loak walked over to him as he watched the two leave.

Loak: Bro when did you start to act like a father?

Neteyam: what I don't.

Loak: yeah you do.

Neteyam: *sigh* hey is it me or have we not seen tuk around that much recently?

Loak: yeah now that you say that I haven't.

Neteyam: well I'm sure she will show up later ha this reminds me of that time when we were doing Easter and you slept throughout the whole thing.

Loak: yeah thanks by the way it was not like I was interested in it anyway

Neteyam: No problem always happy to help.

Loak just shook his head before heading back inside the hut.

Y/n was leading the way as Kiri was following close behind and they made it to the outskirts of the tribe.

Y/n took a look back at Kiri. She was looking at her hand and his.

They were holding hands which was what she wanted.

Y/n: I was wondering what with the thing around your neck?

Kiri: oh I've been waiting for you to say something about it~

Y/n: oh really now so what does it say?

Kiri: why don't you take a look~

She turned her head to the left showing most of her neck. The tag that y/n saw was more interesting the closer you got a look at it.

Y/n: is that my initials?

Kiri: Yeah, you're probably wondering why right?

Y/n: yeah what's up with it?

She pushes her body into his chest feeling her body heat with his.

Kiri: I thought it would be a great way to show that I'm yours and yours only.

Y/n: I just love it when you do these things well along when you talk in a sexy way.

He uses one of his hands to pick up her chin and turn her head towards him slightly. Before pushing his lips against hers.

He could feel her body almost melted against his tail and was swinging around sexually.

Her soft lips against his. He pulled away before they could get carried away in the moment.

Y/n: * cough* Alright, come on we should keep moving.

Kiri: aw

Y/n: hey don't worry we got time later and this day is solely for you.

Kiri: yeah you're right then I guess we should keep moving.

He gave her a nod before continuing forward. They had to do some climbing to get to the spot, nothing too hard.

They had each other to keep them company.

Kiri: So yeah that's how me and my brother also spider ended up in space.

Y/n: that is something I bet it was a weird feeling huh?

Kiri: for sure I'm just happy to make it back… y/n I have a question.

Y/n: sure what is it?

Kiri: I know things haven't been easy between the two of you but I want to ask how you feel about Spider.

It sure has been a while since he thought about him. It's been about two weeks since they took him.

Y/n: you know me and he was not always on good terms even when we started to talk to each other again before you guys got attacked he was giving me a star like he wanted to kill me.

She looks down almost thinking about the last part of what he said. Not thinking he could do that but she remembered how he did hurt him pretty bad.

Back when y/n was still human.

Kiri: You're right it was stupid to bring it up, I'm sorry.

A small smile rose on his face as he planted a small seed in her. So that when the time comes she will be on his side when spider dies at his hands.

Y/n: it's fine it is not like we can't talk about him we can it's just I'll always have a distrust for him.

Y/n: hey look I know you're worried about him and that's alright we will get him back. I know how close you guys were before I came along.

Funny how a person can say something different to how they feel. Y/n will get his revenge on him for almost killing him even though he still lost his human life.

Y/n climbed up on the flat surface turned around and crouched down pushing his hand out to Kiri.

Kiri grabbed onto the rock and went to grab his hand but the rock she grabbed broke off falling to the ground.

Y/n quickly grabbed her hand just in time when the rock almost broke off.

Y/n: geez close one don't you think?

Kiri: ha you can say again.

He starts to pull her up.

Kiri: I can confidently say that you are my knight and shiny armor.

Y/n: as if I can be one. How do you know that phrase?

Kiri: Father told me that when I was younger he was like" Jake impression". A young fine man will one day be there for you and he will always be by your side. He will be your little knight in shining armor.

A small grunt noise came out of y/n as he finally got Kiri in the same spot as him. They kept going further.

Y/n: what? No way he said that.

Kiri: no he did this before the rda came back though but after they came back he became more focused on the war instead of his family.

Y/n: hey look he may have been a bit too focused on the war but he probably doing it to end the war so his family could be safe

Kiri: I guess you're right. What was your dad like?

Y/n: I uh never met my dad.

Kiri: oh I'm sorry for your loss.

Y/n: oh uh no he's not dead he just left me and my mom.

Kiri: What? Why would he do that?

Y/n: well unlike here earth is much more a place with greed and hatred it is not a great place. My uh dad and mom were stupid people who just wanted to fuck.

Kiri: oh….

Y/n: yeah one time my father did not have protection when doing it and that was how I was born.

Y/n: I…. Was a mistake.

Kiri: what no you can't be a mistake!

Y/n: I get told about it every time I am with my mom.


A young teen was running down the street with no sun in the sky.

He seemed to be around 13 years old.

He was taking all the shortcuts he could. He was already late; he did not want to make it even worse.

He made it to the old apartment building going up the stairs. He went to one of the doors and opened it.

He went inside making sure the door was locked. He walked into the living room headed to the one seat there pointed at the TV.

An older woman sat in the seat just staring at the TV. The woman noticed the extra body in the room giving a glare to the young boy.

Her face turned to a look of disgust.

Mom: Why are you late?

Y/n: I'm sorry there was a hold-up with the tram system

Mom: What about all the other times huh?

Y/n: you know how they can be there always breaking down with not enough power going through.

Mom: yeah right.

She starts to get up out of the chair. She walked over to the boy.

She looks down at him before smacking the kid in the face, sending him to the ground hard.

The boy tried not to cry as he looked back up to her blood falling down his face.

Mom: I could have been living the life I always dreamed of but now I'm stuck with taking care of your sorry ass of a son.

Y/n: I know.

Mom: I want you to know for all of your life that you should have never been born. You just fuck up the life of the people around you.

Y/n: I know.

That went on for a while. She did this for so long that he got tired of it and finally left that hell of a household


Y/n: no matter, it's not like she is entirely wrong either.

Kiri: no y/n she is wrong your not a mistake if you were I would have never met you. You're one of the best things to happen to me.

They had stopped walking for a few minutes by now as she got closer to him she cupped her hand on his cheek.

Kiri: I can't think of a life without you. I will always be there for you.

She then wrapped her arms around him. A smile showed on his face as he hugged her back and laid his head on top of hers.

They were like that for a few minutes. Before y/n backed away.

Y/n: All alright come on let's stop all this mushy talk we're almost to the spot

Kiri: All alright but just know you can always lean on me for support.

Y/n: I'll keep it in mind now come on the sun is setting. We will miss it if we don't get there on time.

He starts jogging.

Kiri: Hold on, wait for me!

The two made it to the spot that Neteyam had told y/n.

(Image insert here)

(Just pretend that the two Navi are y/n and kiri)

He was not wrong about the view the sun was setting already. The Sun reflecting into the water was a beautiful site.

He looked over at Kiri she was looking at the view amazed by how beautiful the whole thing was.

He pulled her into his chest. Her chest pushed against his. She looked up at him the sunlight reflecting from his eyes.

He moved one of his hands onto her waist and the other was lifting her leg getting a nice feel of her thigh.

She was looking up at him with a face almost as bright as a tomato.

He gives her a smirk then lowers his head and gives a kiss on her forehead. He pulled back from he she had a small look of disappointment

Y/n: expecting something more intimate?

Kiri: yes I was.

Y/n: what I told you was we had time later for just me and you~

Kiri: Yeah, you did say that.

Y/n: So what do you think of this view?

Kiri: It's breathtaking, you can see my home down there.

She points down to the tribe in one of the homes.

Y/n: oh yeah I think I can see tuk down there as well.

Kiri: oh yeah I think I see her as well. She is playing with that baby Ilu I think.

Y/n: seems like it.

The sun was almost gone now the ocean was almost as dark as the night sky. It was a pretty thing to see.

He turned and walked away grabbing any wood that had fallen. He starts to plant it in a way so that he can start a fire the old-fashioned way.

Kiri went to find something that they could use as a seat.

After getting the fire started he started to use the seasoning he was able to get the day before for the food.

Kiri: where did you get this meat from?

Y/n: oh I got the meat as a gift from tonowari.

Kiri: aren't you fighting with him tomorrow?

Y/n: more like training but yeah I am.

Kiri: don't worry, I'll be there to cheer you on.

Y/n: haha thanks Kiri I can always count on you to be around.

Kiri: same to you

He planted the meat on a stick and had it lie above the fire cooking it. It should take a while before.

The sun was now gone and the night sky was covering the whole planet.

Kiri was lying down in a grass spot close to where he was set up. The grass was moving along with her body.

Strangely the dots on her body were glowing even the dots on her face were glowing.

Without looking at him she could tell he was staring.

Kiri: Is something wrong?

Y/n: no well I don't think so. Why are you glowing?

She opened her eyes and looked at him.

Kiri: Have you not been out during the night?

Y/n: not really I just slept during the night and had no reason to go out.

Kiri: what y/n how could you do that when Pandora is the most alive? I mean look around you.

She was right around him and some do the plants were glowing even in the seawater.

He was not sure what to think about it the place was just so beautiful he had never seen anything like it.

Kiri stretched her body and she liked the feeling of the ground. It was comfortable enough to sleep on.

Y/n: why do you like sleeping around the floor like that?

Kiri: Hey, don't be judgmental. I don't do that when you're sleeping.

Y/n: touché

Kiri: I'm not sure why it just feels super comfortable and just seeing all of the living things makes me feel close to eywa. Almost like she is right here with me.

Y/n: woah that's some deep stuff.

Kiri: ha not really.

He walked back over to the fire kept watch of it and made sure the meat was cooked enough.

After a while and kiri came over and laid her head on in y/n lap. He tapped on her waking her up.

She turned her head up looking at him. A smile showed on her face as she admired the view of him.

Y/n: the food is ready.

Kiri: sweet I'm pretty hungry….for some of your meat~

He gave a small karate chopped on her head. She propped up. And grabbing at the spot.

Kiri: ow what was that for?

Y/n: save that kind of talk for later.

Kiri: fine.

Y/n: but I do miss that kind of talking you used to do.

Kiri: haha yeah the rate I did them went down after we did it.

It was probably because she finally got fuck that she calmed down.

He pulled out his knife and started to cut the meat up. He had made some sides with it. One was a thing that was just like a potato.

After distributing the food he took a bit into the meat and the seasoning was so good it was such a good taste he couldn't describe it.

Kiri: y/n! This is so good you got to cook for me more often.

Y/n: really? I don't cook that often so it was a surprise. Ah, you know what it is just a seasoning.

Kiri: No, that can't be.

Y/n: eh you guys always had soup even though they're not much seasoning in it there was some so having some new flavor makes things taste much better

Kiri: ok maybe you're right but still you made this and it tastes super good.

After eating and talking about some other stuff Kiri went back laying down on the ground.

Y/n let out a sigh and then walked over to her as she lay down.

She turned her head towards him as he wrapped his arms under her head so she could use it as a pillow.

Y/n: So what did you think of the date?

Kiri: I thought this date was pretty good.

Y/n: pretty good I pulled all the stops and I got pretty good.

Kiri: Sorry I didn't mean it like that.

Y/n: naw it's fine plus the date is not over just yet.

Kiri: oh really now~

Y/n: how about we finally get to the part you've been wanting all day?

Kiri: finally do you know how pent up I was? It's been so long.

Y/n: it's only been about two weeks.

Kiri: still it's been a while

Y/n: well you know what they say it tastes better the longer you want it.

He gives her a little boop on her nose. She smirked at him before she propped herself up and got on top of y/n.

He starts by kissing her neck. His hand was on one of her thighs while the other rested on the side of her stomach.

Her breathing becomes restless as she lick his neck.

Kiri: Let's do it here~

Y/n: and here I thought I was going to have to suggest that. Kinda a surprise.

Kiri: what why not it would be exciting to do it out in the open. Where we could be seen.

He looked at her as he was surprised by what she was saying. He was told to never stick your dick into crazy but fuck that was mostly the inherent sense.

Plus he was going to say the same thing.

Y/n: well if you say so.

Like a mother like a daughter, there is so close to the same kinda sense for two people who aren't related.

She takes off her clothing for her chest. Her breasts hung out. He propped himself up biting onto her nipple causing her to make a quick yelp.

She raised one of her fingers and bit into it. She had lustful eyes as she looked down at him.

Kiri: "huff" Hold on I want to try something new.

She stood up and walked a few feet back taking off the last piece of clothing she had. She was looking down at where his cock was.

He took off his loincloth and the rest of his clothes.

Kiri: lay down.

Y/n: wait you're forgetting something.

Kiri: huh?

He grabbed his queue raising it with the hair falling back leaving the tentacles moving around wanting to grab something.

Kiri: wait…you want to bond.

Y/n: yeah you know everything I want to do I have no reason not to.

Kiri started at it before she grabbed her queue. They went up to each other and the tentacles twitched as they went up to one another.

Then they combined. Y/n had to take a breath so he could feel Kiri's heart beating. He could feel how much she wanted to have sex.

He pulled her in and their lick locked onto each other, their tongue mixed along with their saliva. Her body was becoming hotter the longer they kept going.

Kiri pulled away looking at his dick she still couldn't believe how that thing even fit inside her.

Her hand inched down towards where her womb was at. She could feel it craving for something to feel it up.

She puts one hand on his chest looking up at him with a suggestive look

Kiri: lay down.

Doing what she wanted he lay down. Kiri got on top of him as his dick overshadowed her.

She starts licking it and grabbing it pointing it towards her. Her hand goes up and down her licking the tip and teasing it

Y/n couldn't let her do all the work while she was taking care of him so he thought he should help himself to the full-course meal that was in front of him.

Her ass was right in front of him, her juices were leaking out of her entrance.

He got a firm hold on her legs, her tail swinging side to side as she finally put his dick inside of her mouth even though it was her second time doing this. She was doing much better for her second time

She couldn't take it down without some help but he was busy. He looked at her opening then brought his face closer to her entrance then licked it.

Her eyes open as her body jolted her tail curved upward taken back by his action.

He kept licking even biting her clitoris. Her love juices were leaking out more and more.

He could feel how close she was and the same could be said about him. Their connection shares the pleasure.

As Kiri was talking him in she could feel his dick starting to twitch. She sped up her movements going faster.

Y/n started to use his hand on her pussy making her close to cumming.

Kiri felt as if he was about to climax so she went as down as she could as he shot his load into her mouth.

However, it was too much for her she pulled herself off as he shot the last of his load All over her face.

Kiri's body also reached its limit as he sped up his hand movement and took one last bit of her clitoris squirting all over his face.

She rolled over off of him panting. Her chest was going up and down. She looked down at her chest seeing the rest of the load on her body she swiped some on her fingers and brought it over to her mouth licking it off and tasting it.

She licked it all off of herself before looking back at y/n who was getting up.

Y/n: ready for round 2

Kiri: always.

Y/n, pin her against a tree with her ass towards him.

She looked back at him with a suggestive look on her face.

Kiri: Come on, don't keep me waiting.

She wiggled her ass playfully.

He puts both his hand on her ass and lines his cock up with her pussy.

He slowly penetrates inside her. her tail bolts up and she lets out a moan.

The feeling he felt as he pushed and pulled it out was the feeling of tightness, warmth, and wetness. It was on the next level.

His tip kept hitting her womb with every thrust. Kiri moaned small amount of saliva was dripping from her mouth as pleasure was all she was feeling

He brought his face close to her as she noticed and leaned back at him, their mouth locking onto each other the only time they separated was when she needed to breathe.

Her legs were trembling with each thrust. She felt full every time his dick was pushed back into her. He could feel that she was not going to last much longer so he sped up his speed of pushing into her.

He made one last push in and felt he was about to climax he quickly pulled out cumming all over her back.

She falls to the ground panting and she turns to look at him giving him a smug look. He gave a soft smile to her.

He disconnected his queue from her as she was resting. he went and put his clothes back on before walking back to the fire and making sure it was out.

He went back to the grass area and lay down looking at the night sky. That's when walked over and laid down next to him.

She curled up next to him.

Y/n: So what do you think of the date now?

Kiri: definitely much better.

Y/n: really now.

Kiri: yeah just spending the day with you was good enough the sex and becoming a mate was a cherry on top.

Y/n wrapped himself around Kiri to keep her warm as she did not put her clothes back on.

Kiri: do you think there will ever be a day when we are not fighting against rda?

Y/n: I don't know but I'll always be there for you.

He looked down at her and she was fast asleep.

Y/n: don't worry... I will always be there for you as long as I'm around nothing bad will happen to you.

Word count 5407.

Sorry for the delay I was just enjoying my spring break but anyway here the next chapter just want you guys wanted

Till next time readers

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