Chereads / Avatar harem x male reader / Chapter 50 - Resting day with MILF and a good beat down(mild lemon)

Chapter 50 - Resting day with MILF and a good beat down(mild lemon)

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Y/n laid down on his bed with his arm covering his head.

He was not sure why but he was too tired to do anything this day either from what happened yesterday or he just tried in general.

His whole body was sore from the attack he got. 

He turned in his bed trying to sleep, but it was hard because that was all he was doing. He hadn't even eaten anything.

" Knocking"

He turned around looking at the door.

Y/n: come in!

When he remembered all the sex toys in the corner when he emptied his backpack he tried his best to throw his blanket on top of them but one was slightly sticking out.

Y/n face when the blanket didn't land on the sex toys

(Image insert here)

Y/n thought at that moment dam his life is fucking over.

The door opened to y/n surprised they turned around and closed the door behind them.

Y/n: Hey there Neytiri, what's bringing you here?

She looked at him before looking away, checking out his home.

Neytiri: nothing much I just decided to check in with you to see how you're doing.. Why are you just laying there?

Y/n: It hurts to move my body right now.

She looked around and noticed his blanket on the ground.

Neytiri: I think you dropped something.

She went to grab the blanket. He tried to get up but he could barely move his body.

She lifted the blanket revealing the sex toys there in silence for a moment.

Neytiri: What are these? They look familiar.

She crouched down and grabbed one of the toys.

Y/n: that's because they are just like the thing that was in you from last week.

Neytiri: So these are more of those evil sky demons toys then.

Y/n: yeah.

She just looked at it for a moment which y/n thought was strange at how she looked at it.

She got up and looked around, seeing his backpack walking over. She grabbed it and brought it over, putting the toys in it.

Neytiri: you shouldn't leave these out for others to see.

Y/n: haha yeah your right I should have.


Neytiri walked around looking at his wall which was strange for her.

She put both of her hands onto the wall, and then she was able to push the wall to the side showing a clear view of the ocean.

Y/n: Wait, how did you do that?

Neytiri: You didn't know this?

Y/n: no it's the first I'm seeing it.

Neytiri: Did you think your room was this plain?

Y/n: it just reminded me so much of my old home back in the mountains.

She looks down for a moment thinking back about her clan.

Y/n: but still this makes it look much better now I have a good view of the sea.

She walked over to the bed before crouching down beside his bed.

Y/n: So what brings you in today? I did not expect to see you for a while.

Neytiri: I thought you would like some company to help you rest

Y/n: oh you don't need to. I was just going to spend most of my day in this bed anyway.

Neytiri: still looks like you could use some help if you look tired.

Y/n: "Sigh" Yeah I guess you're right I'm pretty hungry.

Neytiri: Wait here then I'll get you some food.

She got up and started to walk out of his home. She was swaying her hips as she walked for a moment. He thought she was looking back at him.

He sat there for a few minutes and looked at the ocean. This place was much better than Earth ever was much more alive and he had friends he never had when back on Earth.

But since coming here there has also have not been great times he did die

There was also spider who had a grudge against him because of Kiri. Eventually, he is going to need to deal with him. He could do something to make him look like the bad guy but how.

His brain hurts trying to think of ways to do that, but he can think later when his head is not hurting.

This hunt, the name makes it feel anonymous for some reason, and wonder what they would be looking for.

He slowly sat himself up waiting for Neytiri to return. She was acting strange for some reason. It kinda reminds him of Kiri around the time when they first met. She would be all sexual now he thinks that they have changed a lot since then.

He shakes his head to focus back on what he was thinking. Was she going to go down this route he gave her a way out so they wouldn't need to talk again. But he also did it as a test to see if she would come back to him and it seems she might be but he needs to see more to be confident about her trying to do that.

He heard a knock at the door as it opened. Neytiri walked back and she walked over with some kind of bowl in her hands.

She crouched down and gave it to him.

Y/n: oh well thank you very much.

Neytiri: it's no problem it would be better for you to rest up

He looked down into the bowl seeing the same old food from when he was in the Omaticaya clan.

He didn't care if there wasn't seasoning; he just missed having meat that was not from fish.

He grabbed the wooden spoon he brought the food slowly up to his mouth. He took a quick drink and it was pretty hot so he put the spoon back down.

Neytiri: Is something wrong?

Y/n: no it's just hot.

Neytiri: Let me help you then.

He looked at her confused before she grabbed the spoon and blew on it before bringing it close to his mouth.

He took a bite. It was not that bad, it was just nice to eat some meat again.

He thought of something he wanted to test out.

Neytiri: How is it?

Y/n: it's pretty good but I can't eat anymore.

She looked at him confused about his answer.

Neytiri: Why can't you didn't you say you were hungry?

Y/n: I did but I just don't have the strength to even eat I think I just need some sleep.

Neytiri: you are right on the sleeping part but still you need to eat even if you can't.

She seems to think for a moment. She seemed conflicted about something but made up her mind about it.

She grabbed the spoon and took a bite of the food she brought her face closer to his before locking her lip with his catching him off guard. (honestly, this was so stupid to write but found it kinda funny)

He was not sure if he should be embarrassed that he not taking the lead but was instead being led

But it was interesting that when she did this he could feel her pushing the food down his throat but he also felt her tongue almost like it was searching around till it hit his tongue.

He kept his urge to his best down. That was till she started to get more into it. 

She moved herself onto his lap. He laid back down on his back as it went on for a bit longer. Her breast pushed against his chest.

With her upper half down and her lower body down her tail made an arch motion(I think it is called the downward dog but her legs are not extended)

He moved his hand onto the side of her thighs feeling the smoothness of her skin.

With them being so close she could feel something poking her pussy through her loincloth.

She grinds herself on that spot. His hand moved up from her thigh to her ass getting a nice hold on it.

 his other hands moved up her body from her slim waist to her breast, his hand going under the fabric and necklaces of hers.

Feeling her breasts even though they were smaller they felt more developed and slightly bigger than Kiri are.

They were about to continue before they both heard the door to his hut being opened. Neytiri's tail flicked upwards.

She quickly got off of him trying to fix her outfit. Before the door opened and Ronal walked in she took a look at the two but didn't feel like anything was happening.

She had a wooden box and walked over to his bed.

Neytiri: "Ahem" what are you doing here Ronal?

Ronal: Was going to ask the same of you. You seem to be next to him a lot.

Neytiri: I only came to take care of him.

Ronal looked at her with an unserious look.

Ronal: really?

Neytiri: I have done it before when he got hurt so I decided to do it again. You don't need to worry about yourself.

Ronal: true but as tsahk as I'm sure you know along with providing spiritual support is as well a healer.

Ronal: oh wait I forgot you were given the title but did you ever do your task as one?

Neytiri: n-no I was focused on supporting my husband with dealing with the sky people.

Ronal: But here you are with one.

Y/n was not sure if she was talking about him or not. He was not sure if she was dissing him.

Neytiri: aren't you still doing the same things?

Ronal did not say anything; she simply turned around not looking at her y/n could see a small smile on her face.

Ronal: why don't you help me then show you some of the things you do as tsahk

Neytiri: You sure.

Ronal: I went earlier to ask your mate about what usually happens when you receive an attack

Neytiri: What do I need to do then?

Ronal: Just sit there and do what I ask.

Neytiri's ears bent back as she almost wanted to hiss at Ronal but she held herself back.

She did not like the way she was being treated but she couldn't do anything.

Ronal: Here I brought these with me just give me a new one every time I tell you to.

Inside the box were small little bones like pricks. Like the one for hitting points on your body.

She started by having him on his back.

He did not focus too much on what was happening; he got a great look at her breasts which allowed him to see them up close.

Like damn man this was the first time he had seen a Navi with a size like those.

When he was facing upwards Ronal was busy putting the points in y/n teasing Neytiri by grabbing a firm hold onto her ass it caught her off guard almost making a sound.

He did not do much else as he wanted to ask her about it.

 But he could tell she was enjoying the experience of doing something like that next to someone who could turn around to see her.

Her breathing became heavier the longer the experience happened.

Afterward, he felt refreshed and felt he could move his body much better.

Y/n: woah how I didn't think those would work

Ronal: you just need to hit the right spot for it to work.

She was packing up the needles and got up ready to leave.

Y/n: thank you by the way this was refreshing.

She stopped before leaving and turned around to look at him.

Ronal: It's no problem.

She left only him and Neytiri. She got up and cleaned herself up.

Neytiri: I should probably get going as well.

Y/n got off his bed to see her off.

Y/n: alright hold on though there is something I want to ask.

Neytiri: What is it?

He leaned against his wall next to the door which she was standing next to.

Y/n: I gave you a way out, why did you do what you did earlier? You could have gone back to your family like nothing.

She just stood there not saying anything. She opens the door and then turns to him.

Neytiri: because you're forcing me to do these things.

Y/n:  oh really now I am forcing you to do this.

Neytiri: Yes, so I have to do what you want.

She then left. He shook his head. He couldn't believe she was going to use that excuse.

He is "forcing her" but in reality, he is not, it is just her way of wanting to continue their whole thing.

Before he closed his door Kiri popped up scaring him

Y/n: geez where did you come from?

Kiri: hehe I was just letting you rest for most of the day. I'm just happy that you're fine.

Y/n: yeah I will be, don't worry I'm doing better.

Kiri: That's good then. Do you want to spend some time together right now?

Y/n: sure just make sure to go home before you head to sleep I just want all of my best to be today.

Kiri: Ok!

The rest of the day went on pretty fine, nothing much happened.

*somewhere else*

Neytiri walked back inside her hut looking around to see if anyone was there Jake was gone probably with Tonowari.

Tuk was probably out with the baby IIu she seemed to have a good connection with it so that was good.

Kiri was unknown she was worried yesterday after neteyam told her what happened.

Her two sons however she was not sure where they were

*somewhere else*

neteyam: come on baby brother when are you going to show me these "good charms"?

Loak: oh please I like to see you try.

Loak said it as a joke but when he looked back at neteyam he had a serious look.

Neteyam: no now show me how good you are out there.

Loak: yeah I'll show you.

*back with Neytiri*

But without seeing anyone around she walked over to some fabric and other tools she had.

She takes some of the stuff off revealing the sex toy that y/n left with her to have.

She grabbed it and took one last look around.

*next day*

Y/n was walking with neteyam and Loak

Y/n: Wait, so why are you guys with me?

neteyam: just here to help you if you need it and to hang around.

Loak: I got a question to ask that's why I'm here.

Y/n: neteyam I told you I'm fine man I'm doing better than yesterday.

neteyam: that's good to hear then.

Y/n: but Loak what is it that you want to talk about?

Loak: oh uh you see I've been trying to pick up some girls but.

Neteyam: but he's been failing at it and wants to know how you do it.

Loak: dude!

Y/n: Is that it?

Loak: yeah It is 

Y/n: well why do you think I would know?

Loak: you can't tell me you haven't noticed that girls seem attractive too. Kiri my sister, even Tsireya. I saw how she looked at you.

Y/n: good points but Loak in all honestly I have no fucking idea how I even do it. Back on earth, no girl wanted to talk to me. So it is strange that it seems to happen here.

He was not lying, he did not know why they were into him. 

He looked down at the floor for a moment. If anything it was because of the DNA thing he read a while back when he came here. Because they match so much to cats they show slight signs of the cat part of them.

If something was to happen to him she would not even care. She would probably move on fast as cats when they have partners if their mate were to die they move on. 

Also, he remembers that Kiri was in her cycle when they met the only reason that was the only reason she was compelled to meet him.

Neteyam: Y/N!

Y/n: huh uh what's up?

Neteyam: I was trying to call you for a bit. Are you alright?

Y/n: yeah why wouldn't I be?

Neteyam:  because you are crying

Y/n: am I?

Loak: yeah dude you are.

y/n brought his hand to his face and felt tears falling down his face.

Y/n: yeah I'm fine just thinking about something.

Neteyam: if you say so, come on we are at the place.

Y/n was surprised to see they made it to the hut already. He walked up and gave a knock to show he was there. He heard Tonowari's voice from the side of the hut as they had their door open was quite wide.

Walking into the place Tonowari walked over to the three boys.

Tonowari: great to see you boys, especially you. Y/n good to see you doing better.

Y/n: just need some rest.

Tonowari: Good, then it seems you remember I asked you to come here.

Y/n: yeah I do so what did you want to ask?

Tonowari: I wanted to ask to see if you are still up for tomorrow, especially after what happened to you a couple of nights ago.

Y/n: I'm good I will be up to it tomorrow.

Tonowari stares at him for a moment thinking about something.

Tonowari:" sighs" Alright I believe you, we are meeting up at the southern part of the clan over there.

He points in the direction of what he was saying.

Tonowari: see that building over there that is where we meet up before we leave. So be there before the night is over.

Y/n: All alright got it.

Tonowari: Good, I will see you tomorrow then.

Y/n: yes sir.

A grin formed on his face from his response. he turned to the two other Navi boys 

Tonowari: better not get into any trouble you two

Loak&Neteyam: yes sir

He nodded as he walked away from the boys.

Y/n: let's head out

They followed behind him; they just simply walked around.

Neteyam: so y/n.

Y/n: hm?

Neteyam: What do you think of me and loak new outfits?

 y/n looked seeing them wearing different versions of their clothes more match the Metkayina clan style of clothing 

Loak's outfit did not seem to change much; he only had a loincloth that was now slightly different from last time. Neteyam was the same but he now had a thing around his neck and wore an arm thing that wrapped around his arm. it was kinda like his but he was made from the clan material while y/n was just a cloth stain.

Y/n: not trying to sound mean but I kinda didn't notice. But you guys look pretty good and look more clean. If that makes sense 

Neteyam: hehe hey it's something right loak.

Loak: talk about yourself man it took me a while to make this.

Loak stopped as he was looking at something in the distance.

Y/n: you alright loak?

He starts to fast walk in the distance that he is looking at.

Neteyam: Wait loak what is it?

Loak did not say anything as he seemed to have gotten serious all of a sudden.

Y/n: I think we should go after him.

Neteyam: knowing him he is probably on his way to get in trouble.

The two boys followed after Loak as he charged ahead at something or someone.

*A couple of minutes ago*

A Navi girl was lying in the ocean looking down watching the sand as the waves reflected the lights making it look like waves.

As she watched, shadows came over and blocked the sunlight.

She lifted herself out of the water looking around to see what was blocking the light.

It was because of a group of four other Navi. She knew two of them were aonung and rotxo.

They had said something earlier when she raised her head out of the water.

Kiri: huh?  What did you say?

Aonung lets out a snickering sound at her response 

Aonung: Are you some kind of freak?

Rotxo: yeah he asks if you a freak

Kiri: No

Kiri just rolled her eyes as she tried to walk away but they stopped her from leaving.

Aonung: Are you sure because it seems that you stick together like the freaks that you are.

Kiri almost stopped walking for a moment. She scoffs at the Navi boy.

Aonung: I'm sure you know what I mean. you and that boy you both aren't even real navi.

Kiri almost wanted to punch him for talking about Y/n like that. But she tried to calm down and just walked away.

Aonung: I mean just look at your hands 

They grabbed her hand which she quickly pulled away from them.

The other boys start laughing at her.

???: HEY!

The five looked over as Loak was making his way over to them.

Loak: Back off fish lips

Aonung: oh, look at another one of the four-fingered freaks.

Rotxo walked around him and grabbed his tail.

Rotxo: Look how small his tail is, it's just like a baby tail.

Loak turned to him and pushed him away.

Loak: don't touch me.

They circle him making fun of his tail and  talking about how it is a baby one

Kiri: leave us alone

Rotxo: He is not normal.

Just then Y/n and Neteyam were walking over. Neteyam grabbed him by the shoulder and pulled him away.

Y/n pushed one of the other navi boys away from loak.

One of the Navi boys said about how the brother should up before he could say anything about y/n Aonung put his hand up stopping them.

Neteyam: back off now.

Aonung looked like he was not going to back down but before he could do anything Y/n got in between the boys

Y/n: do you want to do this?

He said in a threatening tone to the boy. Aonung looked at him before raising his arm.

Neteyam came out from behind y/n to look Aonung in the eyes.

Neteyam: you all better show my sister respect from now on.

One of the boys made a hissing sound to Neteyam but Aonung raised his hand again Kirii just stuck her tongue out at the boy

Neteyam: Come on you three let's go.

Neteyam gave a small snack to loak as they started to walk away.

Aonung: bye, bye

 Loak stopped walking when he started to hear them saying stuff about them.

Neteyam: loak no.

Loak: don't worry I got this bro.

Before walking towards the group he looked at y/n he looked at loak and gave a nod to him.

Loak started walking over to them.

Rotxo: he is coming back.

Aonung turned to the Navi boy as he made his way to him.

Loak: You're right you know it is kinda weird it's alien to you. but you want to know something cool I can do with this. When I curled it up tight like this and then.

Loak punches Aonung in the face and a few more hits knocking him down to the floor.

Loak: take that you bitch!

One of Aonung's friends tackled him to the ground while the other one started to pull on his tail.

Y/n: alright let's do this.

Y/n walked over, pulled one way, and punched him in the face. y/n gets hit in the stomach as he goes under another hit and punches the guy in his stomach as well.

Before he kicks the boy who was getting back up from the first punch. But then the other person pulled his tail making him fall on his back. The other guy fell on him but he had his leg stopping him before he pushed him away with his leg.

Neteyam watches the whole thing before he grabs his head and lets out a sigh before walks over and punches the guy that was fighting loak.

Kiri watched the whole thing as they were all fighting.

Kiri: stop it all of you. 

She turned to y/n who was fighting 2v1. One of the boys was charging at him so y/n kicked up the sand blocking the navi boy from seeing as y/n went under and flipped the navi above him and he fell on the other navi.

Kiri: Y/n come stop fight.

He quickly looked over at her.

Y/n: sorry but no Kiri I'm not going to let them go for what they were saying about you.

He looked over and went to help loak and Neteyam. Kiri couldn't help but blush from his comment.

She tried to not laugh but she couldn't help but do so she covered her face up with her hand.


Jake was walking back to his hut with three Navi following him.

Jake: You are coming with us as well y/n.

Y/n: alright fine I get it.

Jake didn't say anything to them till they made it back.

Jake: get in now.


They all went inside. They turned to look at him as he had a serious look.

Jake: what was the one thing I said not to do? Do not get in trouble. 

Y/n: hey I said I would own up to things I do so I don't have to do what you say.

He looked at y/n mad about his responses

Jake: Y/n what you do will affect us as we brought you here with us.

Neteyam interrupt the heating-up convocation 

Neteyam: I take full responsibility for what happened. 

Jake: No, don't cover for loak this time. I know what happened 

Y/n: wait Jake at least hear what happened from loak.

Neteyam: Father please he right listen to what happened.

He looked over at loak.

Loak: Dad I couldn't let them go they were making fun of Kiri calling her a freak.

He looks at him thinking about what he said.

Jake: go apologies to him loak

Loak: what but Kiri?

Jake: He is the chief's son. We need to be on good terms with them. So just go.

He lets out a sigh before leaving the two boys were about to go with him when Jake called them back.

They turned back to him.

Jake: so uh how did the others look

They both looked at each other before saying anything.

Neteyam: worse, much worse than us.

Jake then looked over at y/n.

Y/n: they won't be messing with Kiri anymore unless they want to get a black eye.

Jake: Good, get out of here, both of you. Wait, both of you stay, I'll get Neytiri. She will patch you both up.

Now that he said it y/n feel some blood falling down his chest and face. He nodded before walking over to a little spot.

Neteyam lay down on the spot where he sleeps.


Y/n was sitting down as he waited to get checked.

Neytiri was currently looking over Neteyam. He had mostly just a scratch on his chest but that was all.

She applied some herbs on the spot. Kiri was close by putting some food in a leaf bag. Looks like she was preparing Jake's food for tomorrow.

But he could tell something was wrong from the way she was putting and setting up the food. She looked pretty upset.

Neytiri went over and messed around with a pot of food there. He noticed Jake was also watching the whole thing.

But the one to say anything was Neytiri.

Neytiri: what is wrong Kiri

Kiri: nothing is wrong, everything is fine, why should I not be fine?

Y/n and Neteyam just looked at each other and nodded that they shouldn't get involved in this.

Neytiri got a bit closer putting her hand on her shoulder.

Kiri: why can't I be like the others 

Y/n looked down thinking about something.

Kiri did not say anything else. Neytiri came back and moved back onto him, checking him over.

Neytiri: I thought you were taking it easy today.

Y/n: I couldn't let them go for what they were saying to Kiri.

Y/n: Kiri

She looked up to him who was staring at her.

Y/n: the reason why you are so different is because that is what makes you unique 

Y/n: Kiri don't listen to those fuckers. They are just fucker who don't have a life and only get enjoyment out of hurting others.

Y/n: Just don't change yourself to fit in with others.

Y/n: otherwise you will regret it. Plus if you weren't you then how would I love you? Because you're perfect the way you are. I wouldn't change you for anything in the world.

He saw a tear fall down her face. She got up and walked over to him. She got down on her knees and hugged him.

He lets out a small sigh before smiling and hugging her back.

Y/n saw Neteyam giving him a thumbs up at him.

Neytiri had a small smirk at the whole thing and she saw it as cute. 

Jake on the other hand seemed to be thinking of something. Y/n couldn't tell if he was mad or something else.

But one thing was clear now: they had shown officially to the other that they were together.

Some time passed and Y/n and Neteyam were about to head out. As they started heading out Jake quickly stopped y/n

Jake: We are going to talk about this later. But y/n please make sure to watch over my girl.

Y/n nodded before running to catch up with Neteyam.

Jake watched the two turn to his mate.

Jake: Can you believe that I did not expect that? Did you?

Neytiri: You just need to take a look at the two and you would have seen it.

Jake: Wait, you knew but didn't tell me?

Kiri: Why are you acting like I'm not still here?

Kiri walked out heading near the water.

Y/n was walking looking around for Loak.

Neteyam: he should have been back now.

Y/n: yeah you think something could have happened?

Neteyam: I don't know but after what happened earlier most likely.

Y/n placed his hand on his shoulder after seeing how nervous he was for his brother.

Y/n: hey don't worry we will find him. I say we start with the person that he was supposed to find.

Neteyam nodded as the two went looking around. They didn't find him till it was late.

Y/n: Neteyam looks where he is.

They walked over with Neteyam taking the lead on this.

Aonung seemed to be heading back to his home when he got stopped by the two boys.

Aonung: What do you both want?

Neteyam: where is Loak where is my brother at?

Aonung: Why would I know where he is? I don't even know where he was at" quietly" if he is alive

Y/n: hey hold up what did you say?

Neteyam looked at y/n confused because he did not hear what Aonung said.

Y/n: you do know where he is you lying fuck.

Neteyam looked at the other boy looking quite mad.

Neteyam: where is he?

Aonung: He is outside the reef.

That's when Neteyam had enough and grabbed him by his queue forcing him to walk when he was heading back in the direction of his home.

Y/n followed simply by watching what was happening. When they got there the night sky had fallen.

Jake was sitting on the edge of the plank looking at the water with Kiri.

Neteyam shoved the boy in front of him.

Neteyam: Tell him what you just told me.

Y/n around as he looked down at the water seeing it light up. When he turned back Jake was mostly likely to go fine with his son.

Y/n: we should go and get his father.

Y/n was pointing at Aonung which Neteyam agreed. They went as fast as they could to find Tonowari who was with Ronal.

He looked at the three confused by what was happening.

Y/n: Tonowari sir your son has taken Loak beyond the reef

Tonowari: what!

Ronal: Is this true Aonung?

He looked down but Neteyam pushed him to answer.

Aonung: y-yes it is.

Y/n could see a bit of anger in Tonowari which was a first for him.

He quickly walked over and grabbed his spear.

Tonowari: Ronal go and gets the other to go and find him.

She nodded and walked out. Neteyam finally let go of him.

Neteyam: you better hope nothing happens to him.

Before he stormed off. Y/n went after him.

Y/n: dam Neteyam I have never seen you like this.

Neteyam: I'm just worried I just need to hope they find him.

Y/n: he will just have to wait.

He nodded at him before the two walked to the shores.

Some time had passed when they heard someone saying that the sully kid was back.

Y/n and Neteyam were with kiri, Neytiri, and tuk.

They were making their way to where the voice came from. When they got there they saw Loak looking at Aonung.

Jake was in front of him making sure he was alright. Neytiri got down on the platform and was also looking at him

Tonowari tried saying it was his son's fault for this whole thing but to everyone's surprise.

Loak said it was his idea why they were out there.

They followed the three as they walked away.

Loak: Dad, you said to make friends with these guys. That's all I was trying to do.

Jake: I don't want to hear it. First, it was a fight, Now this.

Loak: dad

Jake: You brought shame to this family.

Loak didn't even say anything he simply wanted to leave.

Jake: Any more trouble I will jerk a knot in your tail.

Y/n was not sure if that was supposed to be a warning or what.

Loak responded with his code name back when they would hit the RDA outpost.

Y/n could see that Jake kept going like a military officer whenever it came to Loak.

Loak walked away with Aonung following him. Hopefully, nothing more will happen for the day.

Neytiri turned to Neteyam.

Neytiri: where were you?

Jake: yeah what happened to keeping your brother out of trouble huh

Instead of saying anything back Neteyam simply said yes sir.

Neteyam walked away from the group with y/n following him.

Y/n: Neteyam waits up.

He turned to see the y/n running over to him. A small smile was on his face seeing this.

Neteyam: What's up?

Y/n: why didn't you say anything? He was the one who told us to stay back.

Neteyam: because he was right I should have done better. With earlier and now this.

Y/n: still you were worried about him and you didn't even tell them they don't even know that.

Neteyam: It's fine it my responsibility I take the hit when I get them.

Y/n: come on Neteyam you won't have to take them on alone. I will be there with you when we get them.

Neteyam: you mean it?

Y/n: of course I do, we're best friends I got your back till the end.

Neteyam: and I'll have yours.

They give each other a fist bump. As they walked away from the whole thing.

Neteyam was focused on the sentence that y/n said "Got your back till the end."

Word count 6131

Woah this sure took a while. So uh surprise a second chapter in a week especially with it being this long dam man. 

I wanted to surprise you guys with two chapters last time but I didn't have enough time.

So uh funny part was almost half of the last chapter was done as soon as Tuesday last week. Man, this is the last time I will do this. Like it took so much work.

Well anyway, I hope you all enjoy this chapter