Chereads / Dragon Ball GB / Chapter 11 - The Strongest Fusion

Chapter 11 - The Strongest Fusion

Baezel, Radichio, Draft, Parakress, and Lemogras entered the Room of Spirit and Time, feeling the pressure of the ticking clock. They knew they had to make the most of the remaining time they had left to train and perfect their fusion dance. They set their sights on defeating Baezel Yami and Zendoria, who have been REALLY ANNOYING for the past couple of hours.

Baezel took the lead, guiding his friends through rigorous training exercises. He knew that they all had different strengths and weaknesses, but together they could become an unstoppable force. Parakress had the raw power, but lacked the fighting experience. Draft had the brains, but needed to work on his physical combat skills. Lemogras had the rage, but needed to learn how to control it. And Radichio was a skilled fighter, but needed to work on his speed and agility.

Baezel put them through their paces, pushing them to their limits and beyond. They sparred against each other, working on their teamwork and communication. They fought through the searing heat and freezing cold of the room. They meditated, honing their focus and concentration. And they pushed themselves to the brink of exhaustion, determined to become stronger.

But Baezel knew that they needed more than just physical training. They needed to perfect the fusion dance if they were going to have any chance of defeating Baezel Yami and Zendoria. The first time they tried, they failed miserably, ending up weak and fat. The second time they failed again, ending up weak, old, and malnourished. But Baezel refused to give up.

He spent hours teaching everyone the steps of the dance, correcting their mistakes, and helping them synchronize their movements. Radichio, in particular, struggled with the dance, but with Baezel's guidance, he eventually got the hang of it. Draft, meanwhile, was working on a technological solution to help them fuse without limitations. He was confident that he could create something that would make their fusion even stronger than before.

With each passing hour outside, Baezel and his friends grew stronger and more confident. They could feel the power building within them, and they knew that they were getting closer to their goal. But they also knew that time was running out. They had spent a while in the room, and had just one and a half hours left before they had to face Baezel Yami and Zendoria once more.

As they flew over the city, Baezel Yami let out a maniacal laugh as he looked down at the bustling streets below. He pointed towards a small park in the middle of the city.

"How about we start there?" he suggested.

Zendoria nodded, and the two descended to the park. As soon as they landed, they began to destroy everything in sight. Baezel Yami used his new found power to blast holes through buildings, while Zendoria unleashed her demonic energy to create massive explosions.

People ran for their lives, screaming in terror as the two beings tore the city apart. Baezel Yami's eyes were filled with a wild excitement as he wreaked havoc, while Zendoria remained stoic, her mind focused on the bigger picture.

They destroyed the park, leaving behind a barren wasteland of rubble and debris. Baezel Yami's stomach growled, reminding him that they still needed to eat. He looked around, trying to decide where to go next.

"How about we head over to the Western Capital next?" he suggested. "I hear they have some amazing restaurants there."

Zendoria nodded, and the two took off towards the Western Capital. As they flew, Baezel Yami couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction at the destruction they had caused. He had always enjoyed causing chaos and destruction, and now that he had the power to do so, he was unstoppable.

As they approached the Western Capital, Baezel Yami's senses picked up on something. He turned to Zendoria.

"Wait a you sense that too?"

Zendoria nodded. "There's someone there. Someone powerful."

Baezel Yami grinned. "Let's go check it out."

They landed in the middle of the city, causing people to scatter in fear. Baezel Yami scanned the area, trying to find the source of the power. Then he saw him.

It was a lone figure, standing on a rooftop in the distance. Baezel Yami could sense his ki, and he knew that this was someone he needed to take care of.

He turned to Zendoria. "I'm going to go take care of this guy. You go ahead and find us something to eat."

Zendoria nodded and took off towards the restaurants. Baezel Yami flew towards the rooftop, his eyes blazing with fury.

The figure on the rooftop turned towards him. It was a man in an orange gi with black martial arts shoes and long black hair. Besides him was a short, noseless bald man wearing the same outfit. Along with a taller bald man with a third eye, wearing green pants, a yellow shirt, and green and black wristbands, with black shoes. This was Yamcha, Kuririn and Tenshinhan - some of the Earth's strongest human fighters.

"What are you chaps doing here? Baldies? Scarface?" Baezel Yami growled.

None of them answered. Instead, they charged at Baezel Yami, their fists glowing with ki.

Baezel Yami dodged the attack and unleashed a ki blast, killing Yamcha with ease. Shocked at this power, Kuririn and Tenshinhan went to avenge their fallen comrade. The two humans battled fiercely, their fists colliding in powerful explosions.

Yami casually just dodged all their attacks, not even bothering to tank one. Kuririn flew back and put his hand into the sky, throwing a Kienzan at him. The Artificial Saiyan caught it with one hand, turned it from yellow to violet, and threw it back at the dwarf, slicing his head off from the neck.

"KURIRIN!" Tenshinhan shouted. "Damn you...I'm the only one left. I'll make SURE you pay for this!" He formed his hands into a diamond shape, and fired off the strongest Kikoho he could at Baezel Yami. A giant yellow ki beam shot out from his hands, which Baezel Yami just tanked. When the dust cleared, he stood tall and strong, unaffected. Shocked that someone could have such power, Tenshinhan's power slowly fell down, and he dropped down from the building, dead as a doornail.

Baezel Yami grinned. "Looks like you're not as strong as you thought, Earthlings."

In the Room of Spirit and Time, Baezel and Radichio were finally done with their training. The duo went into their poses, and started performing the Fusion Dance towards each other. They did the three steps, moved their hands, then bent towards each other, touching fingers.


The two Saiyans glowed white, with a white ki sphere forming in between their fingers. It grew in size, and eventually consumed the pair. Half of it glowed orange and the other blue, then it exploded, pushing everyone within the void back. It revealed a new spiky-haired warrior, clad in white pants, black shoes with blue ankle warmer thingies, a blue obi, black wristbands, and a black vest with golden puffs near the chest and shoulder area. This warrior was Radizel. His base power was as if Super Saiyan 4 Baezel and Radichio was added together and then tripled.

"Surely this will be enough to defeat Yami and Zendoria?" Draft asked the fused warrior.

"Yeah, probably," Radizel replies. "Wait! Just one moment." The Saiyan quickly transformed into Super Saiyan 4, to ensure that he would be victorious. "Okay. Come on, now. It's about time I show those punks who's boss." The gang walks out of the room, and Radizel feels around the Earth for Baezel Yami and Zendoria's ki. He eventually finds it, and disappears.

The fused warrior appears before Baezel Yami and Zendoria, neither of the two exchanging words. Before the duo could even react, Radizel blasted Baezel Yami through multiple buildings and out of the city itself with a kiai. He slammed the side of his fist against Zendoria's nose, then sweeped his legs to knock her off her feet. While falling, Radizel punched Zendoria in the face and fired off a barrage of ki waves at the immortal demon. They hit her and caused explosions with every impact, but they didn't kill her.

Zendoria slowly got out of the building she was cornered into, and wiped the blood off of her lip. Seeing her purple blood on her hand shocked her, and angered her. "My blood...spilled by two measly SAIYANS?!" Furious, she unleashed her aura, collapsing the building she was in front of. She jumped up into the sky and stuck one finger out, creating a white, violet and black ball of ki with red electricity encircling it like a ring of asteroids. She then made it bigger, and bigger, and bigger, until it seemed like it was about the size of an asteroid. The enraged demon hurled her attack at Radizel, which he held and pumped his own ki into.

He struggled to push it back, as Zendoria was still stronger than him. His feet sunk into the ground, as the blast pushed him down further and further. He roared, temporarily using a Kaioken x10 to push it back towards Zendoria. The demon dodged it, then pulled out her staff and shot a barrage of purple lightning bolts at Radizel. He ran away from them, while shooting ki blasts at her. They did nothing to the demon.

Radizel charged up a Super Kamehameha, then at the last second, teleported in her face and fired it. The dust settled, and Zendoria stood there, unaffected. Radizel was shocked, and was then punched into a building. The Saiyan got up, and was then rushed at by Baezel Yami with a ki blade. He barely dodged a slice from him, and tried to catch his blade with two hands. He did, but he was unable to snap it in half. He turned the blade away from him and ran away from Yami, leaping on top of a building to gain some distance.

"Alright, guys...I'm gonna need you to lend me your energy! As much as you can, but save some for yourselves!" Radizel shouted. Draft, Parakress and Lemogras came towards Radizel, and stood behind him.

"Now what?" Lemogras asked.

"Now I need you to go into your highest forms and channel your ki into me, via putting your hand on my back and powering up!" Radizel replied.

The trio nodded in understanding. Draft went into his Max Power Super Human form. Parakress and Lemogras both went into Super Saiyan 2. They then put their hands on Radizel's back, and powered up, channeling their ki into the fused warrior. Two yellow auras and one purple aura could be seen emanating from behind Radizel. Something was changing in him, however. His red fur darkened to crimson, and he gained an aura that was orange, almost as red as the Kaioken.

He decided to rush back into the battle and fight Baezel Yami and Zendoria once more. He fired a giant blue ki blast into the air and threw his hands down, blasting down a barrage of ki blasts down at the duo. The duo was unaffected by them, but it did distract them. Radizel opened his hands out, turning the ki sphere in the sky into a ring. He cast the ring down to the Earth, then combined his fists together, trapping Yami and Zendoria in it. "Well, I trapped them, but...what now?" Radizel wondered. "I'm not powerful enough to kill them, so..."

Radizel closed his eyes and focused on the energy coursing through him, trying to find a way to defeat the two powerful demons. Suddenly, an idea struck him.

"I've got it!" Radizel said, opening his eyes. "I can't kill them, but I can seal them away."

"Seal them away?" Parakress asked, confused.

"Yeah, with a sealing technique," Radizel explained. "It's called the Mafuba, or Demon Sealing Wave. It's a technique used by Pepkorn. As much as half of me hates the guy and is glad that half of me killed him, it's our only shot. It requires a lot of energy, and could potentially kill me, but with your help, I think I can pull it off."

"What exactly do we need to do?" Lemogras asked.

"Draft and Parakress need to hold the duo off while I keep them sealed. Lemogras, you go find a receptacle to store these two in," Radizel replied.

The trio nodded, and Radizel began to strengthen the grip on the two. Draft and Parakress fired ki blasts at their heads, which kind of stung, but didn't hurt at all. Eventually, Lemogras returned with a clay pot. Radizel was handed the pot, and descended down in front of the two. He used one foot to kick them away a bit, then put both hands out. His hands glowed with a bright green, fiery aura, as he channeled his ki into his hands. He then shouted out "MAFUBA!" creating a ki structure that seemed to resemble a green cyclone, flipped 90 degrees. Baezel Yami and Zendoria, still in the ki ring, were then converted into two ki spheres, which swirled around and around in the cyclone, stretching out further with each swirl.

Radizel was having a lot of trouble trying to get them into the clay pot, as they seemed to be very heavy. He was starting to feel the strain of the Mafuba, and could feel his time ticking down much faster. Baezel Yami and Zendoria's blood-curdling screams of agony could be heard ringing out through the cyclone, but Radizel still tried his hardest to pull them in closer. Would he be able to do it before his time ran out?