Colin and Toya watch as the infected step away from the door when the air purifier closest to the shield emits the blue mist.
When gases can pass through a shield it means the shield is at its weakest.
Lucky for the group everyone has already left.
Jake comes back with his father to collect Toya and his father.
Colin opens the doors and drops the shield.
The blue mist burns the skin of the infected, instantly peeling it off and blood gushing out of the wound.
The mist eats up a toxin in the air, the infected are made up of that toxin, regular purifiers keep them away but that is as far as they can go, but the blue mist is more potent and deadly, and doesn't exist anywhere else but Murasaki.
Colin and the last group leave the area and move back to the old city they used to live in before the Infected attacked the area.
The infected have passed through this city before, it will be some time before the infected are back here.
The infected left behind in the old Murasaki Camp run outside to escape the deathly mist.
The world outside is surrounded by a black fog which is actually air so toxic you can see it. The shield is not only for keeping the Infected out, but also for keeping the toxic atmosphere out.
The upside down female growls, she breathed in the full brunt of the smoke, she is known as the Shield breaker, for her ability to touch fields and absorb them.
They brought down many cities and people with her power, but people became smart, communicating via radio on how to keep her out.
"We should have known it was a trap." The infected say in unison.
The unique infected growls, the infected share one mind, and the others far away saw the blue mist and felt what it can do.
The shield break lays on her back, her reaction to the blue mist is similar to that of the average person inhaling the black toxic air, they heave and slowly die in agony as the toxin burns them inside out.
It eats them alive like acid.
The humanoid infected breathes in and out coughing up black mucus, in his case, coughing up his own blood, the more of the smoke he inhales the faster he kills himself.
A nearby lookout of the next mansion reports on radio what he is seeing.