Chapter 236 - Ignis on the roll


"Howdy, Raptor here, we are back from our RnR from Fallout and defeating some eldritch horrors of Taxation of the IRS. We are now back on the front against the bugs. We have new upgrades and doing field testing with Battlemech in the starship troopers universe- [Transmission Redacted by the FIB]"

(???:) Holy shit, that was a few last months worth of vacation!

A soldier groaned as his time had come to a end.

He was wearing a Nuka cola hat and in his arms is filled with memorabilia from his time at Nuka cola world. He slipped by a banana peel.

(???): who the hell place a banana peel at the hallways?!

Several go-karts swept by as they wrecked wooden crates and began tossing shells.

(???): This is Admiral Dunkirk of Ignisia Fleet, We are now exiting in Hyperspace and everything must be bolted down to prevent your bought goods from falling into officer quarters again... On second thought, don't put your things in the officers quarters! You placed five hundred rolls of Blue Cheese and it stink up the place! And you should have stuff it in the french quarters instead! They love the smell of cheese!

Many of the crew laughed as they bought pretty much everything from fallout.

And due to budget constraints, Ignis had to play part time rogue trader to fund their shenanigans.

They loaded as much as they could so that they could get a pretty penny to some collectors because of the rarity of the goods before Alexander commercialized the production from Fallout.

"Denied" said the quartermaster of the ship.

" Oh hell, I wanted several hundred crates of nuka cola!" Cypher complained.

"Look, I know but you are pretty stuffed everything in inventory that doesn't make sense, Buttercup pony, Civilian food like Blamco Mac and cheese, Sugar bombs and Radioactive Crabs?" The quartermaster complained he held out a paper that reached the end of the door.

"It was for the caviar and crab lord skit. It was for my next play of Crab lord" Cypher emotionlessly spoke.

"Gatling lasers and Fatman?"

"Doesn't hurt it right, we do have pocket nukes?"

"A assaultron for...*flip paper* personal use?"

"Well, some of me boys need some emotional relief then and there... That robot is a sweet talker."

"God-damned it, I really want to just join M.A.Rs now! I can take it anymore!" The quartermaster left and the staff nearby chased after him.

"Oh hell no, you sticking with us mate! We got to finish the inventory by the time we exit this place!"

Cypher smiled wryly as he saw the quartermaster dragged into his desk and sedated.

A man approach Cypher.

"Did you get what we asked for?" He spoke

"I doubt we could get the Nuka cola quantum in the far back...Jay. "

"Just informed the quartermaster that he should not let the pyromaniacs into the logi hubs. I doubt the Sky marshal would let us back to that place." Jay simply responded.

"Knowing that guy, he will definitely get the place opened for business."

Jay laughed as he grab one of the crates labeling Gamersupps as he went back.

As the fleet entered back in real space, the comms of the Federation began to flood into the Comms feed and many of the crew felt like home.

The alarms began to blare out and the notification from the ai of the ship alerted in across the hallways.

Class: 8 Epsilon class Bug battleship, 5 Felipe Carrier bugs, 13 cruiser and 21 picket destroyer class bugs...

Distance: 19000 km away.

Advice: Man your bloody battlestation!>

The shrill cry of the machine spirit echo across the ship making everyone rushed to the battle decks.

Replicator stations began materializing shells and ammunition for the ships guns, to be shipped out by power lifted crews and the boarding crew of every ship grinned as they stroke their guns .

As they were crazy enough to board the innards of a bug battleship. And merits would be given if they bring back the carcasses .

Fighters bays began to unfold as they launched fighters and bombers to their station...

"Get those things of my wings!" Yelled the pilot as he tossed out the sweet rolls on the hangar deck.

The scent of incense and oil was intoxicating as the Techpriest spoke their rites of awakening to every machine in the vicinity to double their effort.

The fleet had a standoff.

A venator led acclamator fleet of fifty, vs a Bug fleet that copied Human fleet tactics.

The bug fleet opened the theater with plasma bolts and both side of their fighters crashed upon one another in a dogfight to gain space supremacy. The ships began bombarding each other with macro Cannon and plasma alike as the point defenses flared up and giving a support of the pilots against the unending amount of bugs.

One of the pilots yelled out as a blue Faint of plasma is heading to the fleet in record speed.

Several squad of bugs were glowing blue with plasma in its abdomen and they looked similar to the locust on earth, but the wings outstretch and got Bio jet engine on their wings joints to fuel their propulsion. They were not very maneuverable. But they were fast.

The fleet redirect their flak screen to the kamikaze grasshoppers. They managed to take down several of them however, the remaining bugs went faster than the flak and laser could realign and rammed into one of the acclamator and burst in a explosion of compressed bug plasma and take the targeted ship out of commission. The incapacitated ship began drifted away from the battlefield.

It made the fighters furious in their charge instead of fear than what the bugs intended.

Because they destroyed one of the acclamator that had the majority of the goods they willing to shipped off to a Merchant fleet.

And in a short sense... Part of their paycheck was burnt down.

Yelled the chief gunner as he aimed at the direction of the bug.

He nodded and the remaining ships launched their torpedo tubes and missiles along with it.

The bugs realized it as they used their bug fighters as barriers to defend the incoming barrage of doom upon their heads.

A dozen bugs flew in the direction that where the torpedo were launching and blew themselves up with the payload that envelope them. Explosive spheres and black holes scattered bringing any of the bugs into oblivion.

After the wave was ended, a second wave of torpedoes and missiles were launched once more.

The bug fleet had little space fighter left as the remaining ones are to entangled by furious pilots of Ignis. The projectiles hit their mark and those that didn't hit their target, exploded in the vicinity to maximize the damage.

Most of the enemy fleet is crippled and most of the destroyers and cruisers were wiped out and the lumbering battleships of the bugs were all that's left..

Another set of torpedoes were launched and the bugs braces for impact, tightening their chitin armor for the pain that came.

But the torpedoes rammed into them and they wonder it was a dud until they had searing pain from within, Breachers voidsman began to cause havoc as they burn and shoot everywhere that seemed walking more than three legs and floating stuff. They made their way to the bug cortex matrix, a bug brain that controls the main battleship and began opened fire upon it.

The bug battleship felt constant agony as the Ignis launched boarding torpedoes once more and hit other battleships, began slaughtering the occupants within. Despite the bugs were faster and more durable, it didn't stopped the rampaging soldiers in power armor from killing them as it only prolonged the suffering.

Flamers teams lit up the fleshy corridors of the ship turning it to charcoal black and they seperated into several teams, one heading to the plasma reactor that fuel the ship and the brain cortex that is hidden within the depths of these big battleships.

The glowing lights that emitted from the bugs fleet that signified that they existed now dimmer among the stars and Humanity got a somewhat intact bug fleet... If they ignore the scorched marks and the brain cortex being pumped full of lead. It was a successful boarding action made by baseline humans. And they dragged the corpses back to human space.

They came to the nearest outpost of humanity and were given mixed reviews.

They were arrest on sight.

[Federal High Command]

"We should give them accolades for giving their all! At least we know the flesh structure of internals of the bugs!" Said one.

"They went awol for a month and didn't informed high command about their disappearance!"

"Umm... About that... Sky Marshal given them a leeway as they worked for a secret operation..."

"What secret operations?"

"They were field testing mechs for the Mechanicus and the Sky Marshal was adamant of keeping it under wraps to prevent the spies from uncovering his project."

"I get that he is field testing new vehicles... But what did he say about their... Actions?"

"They bring a new age of Mecha Warfare. That is what he quoted. And he would like everyone of you to witness the operation that they are beginning soon."

A screen began to appear and they began to observe the situation.

[Few months prior]

"Oh shit, oh shit... We managed to fend off a big fleet and this is the thanks we get?!" A recruit yelled out as he kicked the door of the prison.

Quail is busy making prison wine from the toilet bowl next to him and tails is doing usual stuff. Like meditating before he punch Santa one last time for not granting him a Digital weapon.

Well after being a hero, they got apprehended by military police. For supposed insubordination and awol for a week.

One of the prison guard arrived at Jay and cypher cell and nodded them to get out.

Both of them shrugged and followed the guard to a fancy room.

Alexander stood there with a armored giant of a man standing beside him

"Yeah..Sky Marshall... We didn't did anything bad, we not actual jail right?" Jay spoke.

"Its more like a formal actions did by my detractors... Hard to move about when people are envious of your success." Alexander spoke.

"Rest assured, you are being released tomorrow. But its on a condition made by them old friend."

"What the catch?"

"You are to head to a heavily infested bug hole as a spearhead, penetrate deep into bug territory without using federal support and conquer it by your army group alone. And there is no titans, Mobile suits or even Armor Cores, heck you can no longer acquisition any resources from federal align battlegroups for support nor call space Marines for aud... As they quoted. Or rot in jail. Being fed subhuman food."

"They are quite literally telling us to die?" Cypher spoke with his eye widen.

"Perhaps it is political sense to trim the power that I wield... But I will not leave you hanging... Ever know about Battletech?"

Jay eyes widen.

"You serious right? How did you..."

"I have my sources Jay... Here is the mecha list that the mechanicus have shipped into your refurbished fleet." Alexander handed them a profile.

Instead of the Venator that they used as a Capital ship, it was a Nemesis Class battleship that is modified from a emperor class battleship to work as a Carrier, along with three tyrant class, fifteen firestorm frigates, three Falchion squadrons were added to the mix.

In the list they got was plenty of mech they could use to outfit themselves.

Cypher stared at King Crab mech, while Jay looked at the Timberwolf with a tear in his eyes.

"I hope you know the instruction manual. And I believe in your corps. After three days, the old admiral in your former fleet would have been in his new seat." Alexander smiled.

They waited patiently as they giggle in the night and disturbing the other of their own.

As their sentences is done. They were led to their newest flagship in Luna Orbit.

The soldier of Ignis eyes widen that they were more than promoted... They got more extensive upgrades and space. Especially when they stuffed in the acclamators and the bunk beds is suffering, now they each got their own quarters... And funny enough that they managed to get their supposed contrabands in their room. Where one of them is cuddling a assaultron...

In the command deck of Ignisium Nemesis class, a conversation took place.

"Alright admiral Dunkirk, prepare to disembark and complete the objectives of high command. The emperor protects." Alexander spoke as he gave the Aquila Salute.

The admiral gave the formal Federation salute as he order his crew to ready the jump drives...

The crew was informed of the situation and they felt disgruntled of the fact that the federation have threatened them despite the fact they survive the conflict with a bug battlegroup with minimal loses and was arrested on political decision than warfare... Alexander knew they might ended up Huron Blackheart levels of threat if left unintended. So they ended up in his camp fully.

Ignis corp is loyal, but the crew loyalty was uncertain until they found that the federation is being rotting from the inside.

And now political factions are growing in number in the shadows. Dissatisfied by Alexander rule. Even since the recent disaster made by former Sky Marshal Amy Snapps was fresh on the majority of the human mind... Many felt... Unsatisfied with Alexander. Because he was too perfect.

Arms manufacturer were upset as he slash their contracts as he focused more on mechanicus manufacturing in-house and they require cost so low that it bankrupt several smaller arms dealers. And any that still in the businesses that survive is focused on security for people than the warfare.

Politicians had their head under a sword known as Inquisition and the Night lords. Overseeing them from the dark.

Civilians that had connections with the elites is raising their voices of discontentment, starting a grift about race and hatred to the Xenos allies.

Especially the fact that He married to one, disgusted the Human centric factions. Unaware of the power that she wield behind her.

Mega corporate is facing pressure of the Companies Alexander had made, it was not that he pressure them, or nationalized their businesses, it was due to the fact that his corporation sold things cheap, quality and in abundance that they could not undercut the market without making their employees as slaves on months end. And the toxic feedback forced employees to join Alexander corporations and they told horors of the former workplace.

And doctors are upset that his technology of bringing cheaper medical practices despite he appeased them years prior. The medical pods is more and more prevalent and it weeded out the doctors that unable to cope with the time.

They made small or petty grievances and undermine his term as Sky Marshal.

And they are forming into a civil war 2.0

And this time it was not just the elites, but the very own civilians that follows the elites is now beginning to bare their fangs.

While they hold a sizable chunk and the put the humanity at the risk of Civil war, Alexander tried to keep the Federation intact and stable as much as he could. He tried to be a moderate. But people demanding more and more power drained from the executive branch that it was just a puppet on the throne.

While he been on the frontlines, the constituents in the Council of the Federation is plotting behind his back. Making laws that is becoming more absurd and corruption is rampant. That some of the veterans of the previous wars question... If they are going back to the old government that they overthrow from...

He understood the ambitious figures behind the scenes and they are not satisfied with the crumbs he left behind.

And they are finding excuse to make his life insufferable. Logistics is unable to supplied to M.A.Rs affiliated fronts, convoys just disappeared.

The assassination is ramping up to the point that one attempted to suicide bomb his daughter school to make a point that he is not in control, made him realize that Starship troopers federation is becoming a second downfall Golden Age of Terra.

Despite the mode of government to prevent corruption, a System of check and balances have been broken by people that cheat the system for their own benefits and it is beginning to proliferate the government...

And the debauchery is becoming more apparent in Terra, where the Capitalist and Socialist aligned members in the government is making plays behind Alexander back to overthrow him.

The Capitalist Influence Generals that is financed by some elites, is quietly sending their trusted men behind the front lines and sent the loyal to the federation to die and drowned in luxury that they forgotten their duty to humanity. And forming a rebel cells in the middle class families.

The socialist preachers, used religion to influence the masses that the last era communism is not real communism and make Alexander as the new Satan to relate as he was too perfect to be a normal human.... And grow terrorist cells that embedded across the federation. Forming unions that demanded more than what could be produced.

Alexander knew.... A Gamble was made. A purge to wipe the dissidents... As their names is refreshed daily of who is associated with them.

It numbered in the millions... And by the time the ops ended... three billion people is estimated to be guilty of sin... And growing as well.

This is a more dangerous proportions compared to Amy snapps plan, hers was just a communication blackout and attempted to destroy mars and blame Alexander for it.

This is growing eerily similar to the Horus heresy...

This time it was not space Marines that he and the forces of chaos he wielded the blade against... It was the people that he sought to defend that became blinded by rage and envy.

As reports of federation units just somwhat had misdirected orders, and friendly fire is getting more common... And friction between M.A.R and Mobile infantry is sparking.

Those that were immigrated from Warhammer is loyal to him as they know the High Lord and his deeds. On silence they waited and observe the traitors of humanity. Flaunting the technology that Alexander gifted to humanity... As if they claim it as their own...

So in a sense, rather than convincing the hardheaded people. He gathered all the people that is still loyal and trustworthy to his organization.

Rico, Carmen, Dizzy and Carl Jenkins is aware of the organization decay and decided to throw lots with Alexander.

They know who's the one that been providing the federation for so many years, in manpower, technology and the stability.

Rico was still a soldier so he decided to wait and see approach. He was about killing bugs and a civil war that loomed in the horizon, it didn't sit right with him. But he can't complain, But he had his family and they were insured and protected by Alexander. As several individual attempt to kidnap his children for blackmail is already on the brink of touching his neutrality.

Carmen and Dizzy was aware of the implications of a enemy behind their back. But over the years their respective groups of the military held a bond that shouldn't be broken. And they prepared for the worse. Dizzy Roughnecks and Carmen 12th fleet is ready to assist Alexander...

Carl, he knew how bad things would have get, if a civil war is bubbling in the surface and much more worse than the Amy Snapps disaster. And his research with the bugs is almost complete, he fear that his efforts is meaningless if humans fought for petty egotistical ideas. He kept psycorps out of this civil war and shut down any side... As their purpose is to kill bugs, not human.

They all look at Ignis corp and their success.

If they failed. The civil strife will began at once as the shadows loomed around this uncertain time as they look at one of Alexander founding pillars being ripped out. And they could pounce on him for making the weakest organization to be undermining his credibility to the people as a unwinnable campaign that they gleefully show on the media.

If Ignis succeed... They would delay the fuse for another few more years at best, a few months at worse. But those precious time is enough to shore up Alexander support of the people... And transition the federation to the imperium...

If he had to.

Ignis didn't know about that.

They didn't know the fate of the federation lies on their impossible campaign of what is a extremely suicidal spearhead to the depth of bug space.

No support, no supplies than what they were given. They were to take three star systems that linked up with the isolated federation fortress Broken Hope on Klendathu and their constituents.

And they are knee-deep in a evolved arachnids territory. The bugs fleets are more dangerous than anticipated. But those that undermine Alexander knew this. And they want Ignis to fail.

The soldiers were too busy checking out their newest mechs that is in the vehicle bay.

"Hey, we got the rifleman! About fifty of them!"

"You mean that quickshot that ran out of shells and burst into flames if used two laser at once! Did he gave us a duds!?" A soldier groaned.

"I hearby sentence you Tails to use Locust." Lion smiled as he pointed to a upsized Sentinel that is speedy as hell.

The yellow psyker shrugged and sat on the seat to familiarize the control.

"Sweet I got the Atlas, you get the Marauder!"

"Highlander my beloved mech, I can do bagpipes as long as I want! Forming the Scottish Highlanders form up and receive our birthright as space kicking scots!"

"At least we got mechs we choose... " Jay smiled.

The first target arrived in their visual contacts.

A planet that held a strategic importance of maintaining a supply hub for the arachnid bugs.

They were supposed to had exterminatus grade weaponry like cyclone torpedoes. But they were confiscated and forced to be boots on the ground.

And third of every soldier had a mech and the rest was envy that they get to control big mechs that shoot big shells and the remaining get to be the point man.

The bug planetary defenses was surprised of their intrusion and seeing that it was just a few ships orbit than hundreds of thousands of ships, they launched plasma balls into the stratosphere and ramming their blob of plasma into the void shields of the ships making the shield glowed orange on where the shot hit, every of the ships dodge and launch orbital strike on surface and cooking regions where the plasma bugs battery stationed in.

The short skirmish ended as the Ignis ship lancer strike ended.

And the mech dropped by containers that jettison in the planet. A giant sized drop pods rained in the skies like comet swarm. And landed in a few clicks away from the target.

The dust settles as the pods ejected the doors revealing the contents within.

"Sound off!" Jay spoke.

"Scottish Highlanders reporting! Scotland Forever!" and a annoying bagpipes blared out in the comms feed.

"Rifleman Company is still operational"

"Crab King of Crabtopia ready and waiting."

"Ignis Logi corps, somewhat functional. Don't come crying to us for repairs if you lose your arms or something! The instruction manual is fifty books long! And we just skimmed to the important parts!" A wail of the brave men and women in logi corps echoed behind them.

"Set up the base and have the locust do scouting now!" Jay ordered and the rest handle the the periphery of the dropsite.

Prefabricated bases that is within the flagship now dropped on the surface below and ready to assist Ignis. The core members of Ignis knew that the bases that spread throughout the federation can produce soldiers from Warhammer but in this mission they were not to be recruited to assist them. But to make their mark that they existed.

As if on the clock, the Bugs began to swarm the base.

Tails in his locust is being chased down by the arachnid. His weapons blindly shot behind him as he whipped up a dust cloud behind him.

"Fuck, tail! Did you get the royal guard!?"

"Hell no! This the scouting party! I found the Brain Bug in a few klicks east from here! Arghhhh, it's pounding my head!"

"Ignis Rifleman company, Form a Battle line! Let loose the ammo!" Yelled Gems as the mech opened fire with full salvo.

The rifleman mech in original design was a trash mech, ammo ran out in a flash, using two large lasers at once would overcooked the pilot, armor is paper thin, It was meant for anti air duties and have plenty of faults.

But the mechanicus... Upgraded the Machine of death... Now the Ammo bins is replaced with a miniaturized replica that had a independent energy system, even if Alexander didn't used his ammo perk, it could theoretically never ran out ammo.

The double heat sinks is just meant for the twin Engines stuffed into the thing that could run for 140 kph. Having a Conversion shield and Ceramite Composite armor have made it tanky and durable.

It if was tossed into its original franchise, everyone would definitely kill to have a Imperial Rifleman. Even the clans would hold a trial of possession over it. Or Inner sphere and the noble houses would definitely raid the planet that made it.

As being Affiliated with Alexander have cured the problems of overheating for mech warriors. In a short sense, particle cannon party.

Autocannon shells dropped from the mech like crazy as they forming a small hill of brass behind them, the crazy pilot of Ignis opened fired the large lasers with the salvos as they instinctively knew that the medium lasers would never cooked them alive.

The beams rammed into the endless horde of bugs and the supposed cookout didn't happen as the laser barrels simply glow red for a brief moment and released cloud of steam. And they want to take it to the extreme as they pressed the trigger as long as they can.

In a few short moments the Bug Air force began to sweep down to where they stood and Rifleman made sure of their dreaded legacy out to good use as they swat the bugs from the skies, the constant thumping of auto cannon echo constantly as they ruined the bugs life.

The Marauder and Highlanders squads took over the Rifleman role of destroying the bugs and the Particle cannons and heavy laser slicing the bugs , along with a healthy amount of Missiles rammed in the bugs tide.

Tails yelled out in pain as the Brainbug attempted to mind control him and they noticed the Locust he was in was running around in circles.

The mech slowed down as it slowly crawl up behind the firing lines...

And it paused and opened fire at a suicide bugs that attempted to ram itself into a Atlas.

Many paused of what tails actions, but they realized that there is a brain bug nearby.

Leman Russ detachment joined in as they poured lead and plasma at the hordes, the sponson belched lead as if there was no tomorrow.

More artillery rained on the position as they intensified the shelling.

The grenades and scorpion bug shot the mechs and found that their weapons is ineffective in long range. And mortar and artillery rained down on their general location..

The tactics is slowly being refined as they were attacked by the neverending swarm.

The bugs ended their attack after three weeks.

And questioning Tails that saw the mind of the Brain bug in this planet, was that it was in horor as they never seen this type of combats and Tails hijacked the mind of the brainbug and simply gave a order.

"Keep sending more."

And the terrain around the base is filled with craters and a mountain of dead bugs. A Atlas held out a Giant Flamer as the mech burned the mountains of corpses before them.

"What the casualty rate?" Jay sigh as he stood outside his cockpit and drank his coffee.

The scent of dead bugs wafted his lunch as he listen to the man beside him.

A Quartermaster spoke to him on top of a floating scaffolding that held the mech in place for emergency repairs.

"Sir, We lost a Timberwolf due to human error, Three Atlas and five of the Rifleman, two of them is barely patched up with hopes and dreams at this point... And in tanks... Around a company worth... I would have yelled at the guys for wasting so much ammo and fuel... But we got replicators to replenish the loss. But not the men..." He looked at the coffins being loaded to a shuttle to the fleet above orbit. He closed his eyes as if he seen the dead so many times.

Not everyone is a perpetual... Many of these soldiers came for glory. And being in the more independent unit in the federation had its perks... But it is the hazardous unit of them all.

Jay watched as Quail and the others rode into the afternoon to the location where the brain bug is located.

A expedition force is sent out to kill the brain bug as to not suffer another Omar Incident where they turned loyal to humanity to a brain loving bug sympathizers.

As the three weeks ended.

The psychic scream echo across the bug space and many of the bugs that gained intelligence became wary of the incursion.

As they did had some sympathizers in the federation that fed them information, it was sparse and infrequent due to the fact that Alexander kept things under wraps for so long as most of the technological based is under the hands of the techpriest and the scientist is handed the tidbits of knowledge, and by the time they get the information from their bug loving slaves, it was already months late ... And they too stoke the resentment and empathy that bugs is not bad to the younger generation that is being enforced by their cultist followers of Equality and peace with the bugs... Making Alexander saddened of the fact... That he have to deal with them...

Eight God Bug in a mental world, a galaxy that they stood silent as the incursion was not normal. It was a heavy handed approach. They knew the Federation form of government and already bribed one of the Council members in the heart of the federation with eternal life..

They made several plans to ensure that this operation would definitely fail.

They seen the god engines of mars scorched the lands, the giant men and metal machine alike laid waste across the lands. Unknown xenos that wield unfathomable power beyond their understanding.

They needed one foundation of what propped Alexander to fall. And Ignis was the scapegoat.

They made their constituents that embedded within the human government to not allow Ignis to use what is the conventional weaponry

But they didn't take account of the fact that they were the craziest of the group.

They wanted to send all the bug fleets after them, but they got held up by Alexander as the Human fleets began to expand from the passage Ignis left behind.

The God Bugs placed the rear guard and the auxillary fleets in front of Klendathu.

Alexander knew that Klendathu is a false capital and indulge their fantasies... As their main capital is deeper within Arachnid territory.

He had a objective using Ignis as well. If they truly made. Spearhead and conquer the systems in their projected path. M.A.Rs and Mobile Infantry thag is still loyal will try to conquer the planet once more... As it held significant value to humanity.

Their losses and pain.

The Technician and Enginseers went screaming binaries as the pilots went beyond the mech specifications and made the logistics and maintenance corps teared up as they ended being reckless as they were busy capturing the planets for humanity. Spare parts replacement and night book reading sessions echo across the ships. The screeching of the Techpriest that attempted to understand the struggle of the new machine Spirits.

And they beginning to ramp up the conquest. As it took two months, to three weeks for every system that they controlled from the bugs and already exceed the quota that the detractors stated.

"Sarge... Why is that Marauder got fangs?" A Ignis member pointed out that the Marauder mech got fangs as it was dripping with saliva, it was grinning at him. Wriggling its arms as if to beckon him to come closer.

"It's our mascot... Just don't mind the teeth. He shoot well, and he kills well. Not my problem." The co nonchalantly spoke as he had better things to do than to play with a cheap imitation of the horror mech that haunted the Battletech franchise.

Today is the last system before the curtain opened once more. After their conquest. They can stripped the record of being a traitor.

As the fleet began to wait for the cooldown, suddenly, before Ignis Fleet is a FIB iff tags being pinged across the screen.

Federation cruisers and destroyers made a blockade as if to gatekeeping the final objective.

Admiral Dunkirk notice something was wrong as there were not any intention of the federation giving a reinforcement, much less the FIB.

He nodded to the crew and record the situation to a channel in the outer rim media.

Ever since the fed net was not a reliable source another form of giving information was Vox Daily.

Short sense it was like a more independent media that critique the government from a outside perspective. It is popular to hear the channels to understand the consequences of such action.

But the viwer didn't realized it was just a A.I news casters that spoke factually on the situation on hand. A Mr Vegas clone.

"Halt, Traitors of the federation! Behind us is a restrictive zone! Surrender now and be boarded." A youth commanding the fleet barked orders as if his authority is beyond what the sky marshal order them in the open.

"What have we done against Humanity? We are almost completed our task and you dare stopped us?" Dunkirk spoke. He glance at the video feed being played in channels that didn't use Fednet.

The people had to know the truth... Even if it means it would burn down the federation.

"You don't question the FIB... You must only obey!" The trigger happy FIB Fleet opened fired upon the confused fleet. The laser blasted across the void shield of Ignisia... Rippling it across the surface.

Heat signatures of the FIB fleet began to heat up as if readying for a shot once more. The admiral sighed. As he nodded his crew to just teleport once more.

"Begin the blip jump and ready Emp charges before our warp drives are ready! Destroy whatever engine blocks that you can! Macro battery control, ready the crew and the autoloaders to lob the shells! Have a portion of the fleet to distract them!" The crew began their actions.

When the FIB is already undermining the Executive branch order and now the fleet infront of Ignis fleet is a rogue fleet of humanity... Dunkirk refused to abide his actions of killing his fellow coworkers. But it was humane enough to drop Emp charges... As the electronics of the ship would be fried and give them a slow down their pursuit.

(FIB Fleet pov)

The fleet in FIB was shocked. As one of their own opened fire at the Ignis Fleet first.

They waited in this location for weeks now and news of the target success bred envy and hatred. they were under the Council to stop the action from happening.

If Ignis managed to be successfully accomplished their task and made it into Arachnid Capital as a safe passage. Those that were in the power that made money off the war realized that, Alexander offer what the people wanted the most that they hated...

A peace that long since forgotten.

Many of the elites forgotten their civic duty to society and humanity, that forgetting that they were on the brink of extinction from the amount of bugs that flooded into human space. Their wealth blinded from the truth that they were not in control.

There was a old saying.

"When human felt safe behind the walls of civilization, they always make a excuse to find trouble."

This fleet before Ignis path is part of the elites that handled their connections.

If Ignis fired and kill them, then they had the moral high ground, but their fleet opened fire first and probably their attacks is recorded in the Ignis black box.

The fleet before them blink and realized that the fleet they attacked had not even a warp signature on all known databanks...

"Turned around and open fire, we must not let them escape!" The Admiral that joined their movement by his connection in the darker side of humanity realized that Alexander kept secrets and a dire threat for them.

There were tremors cascading across the fleet as their systems were knocked out cold as the EMP blast short-circuit the electronics and many of them gagged to death as emp proofed secondary bleakly came to life. It was a short respite as the fleet trembling once again as the Ship engine blocks were knocked out as a portion of Ignis stayed behind as a rear guard.

Warp signatures bearing more FIB Iff appeared behind Ignis as they left that section of space.

Jay didn't bother about the politics in nature, all he care about is killing bugs and get his boys home.

Following Alexander allowed them to travel across the multiverse is much more than being a grunt of a suffocating war... That's what he called it.

It was fine and dandy of killing bugs all day but he needed a new type of enemy.

It was like eating the same microwave dinner over and over again. And the condiments was the new tech he was tasked of field testing.

Perhaps next time he would request to explore the seas of Io and fight some eldritch gods in a leaky submarine that is filled with nukes...

As soon as they arrive at the last planet to be under control.

"This is the last stretch, we can do it!" Jay slap his cheeks as if to give a better chance of survival...

The last planet was a hazardous terrain, creaky cliffs and potholes ready to envelope the soldiers.

This mission is a last till they go back killing eldritch horrors from the shadows.

As usual the fleet was fired upon by arachnid bugs and now bug fleets is now converging their location.

A crippled fleet as they launched fighters and rally the crew to fight once more. Macro Cannon fired upon the unending horde as they released the drop pods above the orbit of the planet.

"Prep for drop! No landing on pillows! Mech drop is on my Mark... " Jay yelled as the comms chatter echo across his helmet..

The tremors of the ship buckle them lightly.

"Traitors of humanity behind our back, bug fleet around us and plasma bugs is banging our rear..." He muttered as he lit a cigarette. He grew fond of these non-nicotine cigarettes... He wanted his gamer juice put found out that it had been emptied quite some time ago.


The drop pods that held the mechs rained on the final planet they liberate. Some stayed behind as the first wave planted the teleporter beacons to let them come en masse.

The first wave suffered severe casualties as the bug is heavily entrenched.

The bugs now gain the advantage. As they focused more on ranged and suicide bomber bugs. And they rained the skies with their plasma bolt. Many were separated apart as they were slowly picked off in the harsh terrain.

One of them managed to reached on a stable plateau and planted the beacon, and pillars of light now appear on the plateau and the mechs rushed out to provide a defensive position.

They fought as the flagship dropped the last of the prefabricated base for them to take cover.

Lancer strike fell from the skies time to time to provide reinforcement. Until a depressing news arrive on the survivors...

"Ignis corp... This is Admiral Dunkirk , we are now under attack by both FIB and Bug fleet alike, and sustaining critical damage... You are on your own. We are attempting to stop the majority of them from going to the atmosphere... Several Mechs by the Fib is on your way."

The message is dampening their spirits. Some that had time to looked up at the skies saw that the fighting above the planet was brutal.

As no longer they would get reinforcement, they had to kill their own people for pettiness of the elites.

With more higher stakes than they first came in.

They attempt to stop the tide with more radical solutions, they overclock their mechs that the way even the slowest of them can move like a human.

Several Lights in the skies landed in the near vicinity as they fought.... It took a few moments as those lights began to envelope them in a searing nuclear fire, that they realize that FIB launch a Nuclear strike.

The void shields and the armor carapace of every suits buckles and the machine spirit screamed for aid as they felt the scorch of the sun.

What took a few moments until the searing light ended.

The bugs around the periphery of the base was overcooked. But the soldier had on the ground had it worse as they were charcoal despite they had power armor, the suits were never intended to take a nuclear fire head-on and the occupant within died from radiation poisoning and those that barely survive were blinded.

The mechs Alexander gave was barely enough for them to survive.

Their badly damaged frames that held a glimpse of light in their eyes shows that the pilots is barely survived.

Another series of light that shone upon them and the remaining pilots turned off their heat signatures as they waited. A series of Armor cores landed in the vicinity.

"Any signs of life?" One of them spoke.

Scanning sensors glimpse across the wreckage and found only the flames and the nuclear heat had shielded the pilots.

"Heh... The gambit failed... With this defeat... The sky marshal can stepped down. This scouting mission is complete, calling for evac now." The hostile pilot spoke in the speakers as if he thinks that all of them is dead.

Cypher, who was barely alive in the King Crab, sprinted as he managed to grabbed one of the Ac and ripped the torso off and killed the pilot within.

"Enemy contact! Opened fire!" As they attempt to shoot the dodgy mecha, they failed to realized that their surrounded by the supposed dead mechas, it was as if they were in a zombie film with a mech as the said zombies. Tattered armor and sparkling conduits shows that the landing force of Ignis is alive and they wanted revenge.

The Armor cores were fast, they were just a scout force that check if there were still survivors, but they met the durable mech warriors and it was about how fast they could take out the crew before the next wave of bugs swarm the area and eradicate the evidence of their involvement.

"Get off me you traitor!" One of the AC Pilots yelled as a Atlas bear hold his suit as he could hear the frames around his cockpit is creaking under pressure.

"Die!" The Atlas damaged eyes glowered as if responding to the pilots will and crush the mech torso before him with spite.

The fight became a bloody close range engagement as the pilots that been bred by fib to be the elites pilots, never had the experience of a streetbrawl in a nuclear wasteland. Among the wrecked remains of their junior and dead companions.

The Ignis Remnants fought with hatred and fury as they managed to ripped off the last Armor core head off. The tremors of the land already informed them that the bugs is massing another assault.

Their damaged weapons opened fire in this plateau and bugs filled down despite the sheer numbers they held on with weapons that were near their expiration date

A Static message held in all their damaged comms channel.

"United *static*... of Federation, Fallen, *Static* In their midst... Traitors, All *Static* Converge to Mars, * High Lord *static* it. Those in fringes in *Static* Zone, resume conquest, the farce is over. The Gambit have won... Ignis *stasic* coming soon... Hold on for *static* Hours. *Static* war have begun, fate of Humanity is on the peril."

The message was but a brief hope of respite.

The remaining mech gather around as if making the last stand. In a crater made by the Fib Nukes, several Mecha that is about to fall apart, shoot down whatever bugs that swarm at them. The bug plasma rained down as they dodged and fired at the almost undeniably impossible task. Based on a communication that defines on how long they should had fight.

A hour ticked by as they waited for the supposed reinforcement... Each hour the crater is filled with bugs blood and carcasses. Each hour the Bugs attempted to exploited the weaknesses the cracks that their bugs sympathizers had made. Debris of the fleet in orbit shows how did the situation had become.

One by one Ignis mech fell down silent as they could not revive in this place. Even if they could, the radiation would give them a lifetime of torment.

"This is Admiral Dunkirk, we managed to fend off the traitors! Sending reinforcement now!" A familiar echos in the feed of the dead men. Anything that was walking more than two legs is blasted .

The bugs seemed like endless as both space and ground assets. Bug fleet swarmed around them as they were choked with the sheer numbers of bugs. One by one the signals were lost.

Jay staring in his broken timberwolves screen as he heard the rumbling of the bugs that swarmed over them.

His communication antenna is broken that he is blind to the outside world.

His mech hard point weapons silent as he swung the laser cannons as blunt weapons.

One, tens, he lost counting as the bugs clogged his heat sinks with their flesh. Occasionally the mech blasted the clog out.

After a while he looked around and found the old members still standing as they fought on a cratered plateau.

He saw one of his ships crashing down on distance, enveloping the land with a glow of a third sun in the dusk filled skies.

He chuckled as he pressed the trigger. And the laser didn't came out.

He felt silent... But he noticed the drop pods of a familiar legion dropped around them and upon ejection it release the automated defenses to soften the landings and the Space marine in purple take charge and the Imperial guards Valkyrie arrived bringing support to the surviving members of Ignis.

When Ignis returned to their ship...

Silent about the extensive losses.

They were greeted with a new information that was shocking to say the least.

Alexander Solair father is Dead, killed in a Assassination within his service speech to Veteran day in a Plaza in Mars.

Half of the Federation is up open arms in rebellion.

And it was Civil war over again in a grander scale.

Bug sympathizers now out in the streets shooting everyone that disagree with their insanity.

Socialist Atheist spouted their slanderous speech as they use religion to pressure the faithless

And the rushed transition to the Celestial Imperium.

Jay watched as the dataslate revealed the outside world. He sighed as where did things go wrong.

He looked up at his timberwolf as if pondering his answers to the silent machine.

This Campaign have crippled Ignis and this time they would need to wait as the Thousand sons attempted to bring Ignis souls from the warp. They would watched as the Federation is slowly become a Imperium... But what type of imperium... No one knows...



It would not be surprising that people have short term memory.

The book of Starship Troopers mentioned the perfect system... But it does fail to neglect the fact that there is no perfect system. As people that is not vigilant will always undermine what's best of humanity.

When I watched Starship troopers three. I know it was cheesy and crappy, but there is a underlying message, because people always rot what we sought to defend.

Even if Amy Snapps is the Chicken that scare the others... Fear supposed a short term goal.

There are people that is never satisfied with equality, they don't care about nations that birth them. They worship the bureaucracy that is like gods to them... A faceless entity that would dictate their life is called a democracy?

That is in the border of worshipping a false idol.

Democracy as a god . Happens when atheist lacked god they turned the state into a god. Because they believe what they see.

I saw Hungary elections being halted, a outsider force of bureaucrats dictate what is viable and what is not, not what the people wanted.

is not a moral high ground of dissing the Americans that voted for trump.

It already proven such a ideals made by dead men that have no consequences in their actions ruined humanity.

"We must protect democracy by undermining democracy made by the people..." The pure irony of EU. That NATO was supposed to end Soviet union and communism. But now Communist lite that is socialist now taken over and pretend NATO is fighting Russia not their parent ideology of communism, The Soviet union already fallen and why did the organization still exist is beyond me.

Someone asked me if I could allow Alexander daughters to meet Taylor swift?

No, I would rather let them spend time in Dimh-Yriel craftworld that allow them to understand culture, than listening of a woman that make songs after every breakup and the swiftie is a hive mind.

The children lost their precious years being in Rapture. I will not lose them in a tide of madness.

My personal opinion about this world?

Just exterminatus this corrupted land. There is no point of bringing discussion to the table if one scream their loudest than stating facts their side to prove a point. There is no hope of fixing the system.

When you complain that Trump is being harsh?

He's been under assassination three times and the more unhinged the other party reacts and violence, especially those tik tok video of them saying brainrot language and them not clapping a cancer boy that wanted to be a police. And their concerns is pronouns than what the frak is going on. Already show how crazy the left had become. Blame trump? He was a democrat in the 90s, and the left blam trump is the bitter irony that they hate their own legacy. There is no longer the old conservative in the party. The neocons is stayed silent and I am surprised that there are people that worship the warmongering R.I.N.O is beyond me.

When Farage is a plant made by the elites, Reform is ruined. Lowe is the last true blood Brit that could have save the Country, I see video made by brit enjoying the infighting and wishing that they were dead and gone. So much for the tolerable left that we can't have a Pint and able to go out in the night in the pub In safety without being stabbed by gangs. I hear Allah prayers in Londonistan, Germany and France in the wee hours in the morning. And Sharia law is the last step till it becomes a caliphate since Parliament is compromise and Puppet Charles is already a Convertee to Islam... Poor Queen Elizabeth know that that wanker is going to bring down the country. How hard she tried to live..

When Canada Elected another worse Prime minister than Trudeau. And shat on people that criticize them claiming they defend democracy, I felt disgusted.

When Germany is ruined by collective guilt of their ancestors and voted their lives for Ukraine.

And celebrated Actual Neo Nazis in Ukraine. While claiming Usa is one. Is hilarious.

I do care about the west. But you raised a generation that is self destructive. Many of us that is not affiliated by any side really want a meteor or a nuclear apocalypse, because stupidity is now blatantly in the open.

Tldr: Starship troopers will get the same treatment of the civil war. Because at the grasp of victory they will ruined it.

Because there is always somebody that is never satisfied with equality. And they demand more and more benefits, without responsibility, until equality is already oppression.

My birthday is coming up tomorrow and it consist of Spam on crackers and Hardtacks slapped with blueberries jam and ginger tea, at least I still exist in some weird form.

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