Chereads / Surviving the Multiverse with a Warhammer 40k System / Chapter 206 - Extra: Craig Boone internment

Chapter 206 - Extra: Craig Boone internment

A man lay in the bunk bed, remembering what happened a few months ago.

"Craig! Orders Chief Hanlon are to stand down! The war is lost..." A radio operator yelled as the fight was ongoing. The fight was hopeless for the NCR to fight against.

The NCR First Recon that supposed to infiltrate behind enemy lines to cause as much destruction as possible, suddenly found themselves surrounded by soldiers from the imperial army, and there is 7 mechanized infantry division chasing after them...

They fought back and what rifles and anti material rifles can do so much against heavy armor and shielded soldiers. Soon they as a whole, were stunned and placed in Nevada Correction Facility.

His unit was separated into different blocks to prevent them from forming a riot. And the NCR troopers were surprised of how cordial the prison guards could be. They were informed from the propaganda from their government that the imperium is a cannibalistic monsters that were after them.

But all they ever found themselves is warm food, decent showers and even a Television that shows from the outside world. And some of the news particularly interested Craig as he saw one of the towns conquered by the imperium is where his wife is supposed to be staying...

He looked at the bulletin board of the things that the Imperial look the prisoner for work.

. Peel potatoes for the prison kitchen: 5 thrones per hour. (Limit: 7) Daily

. Help move the daily necessities to the warehouse 15 throne per hour. (Limit: 9) Every Wednesdays and Fridays

. Bake Bread for dinner: 21 thrones per batch. (Limit: 12) Daily

. Cleaning duties: 41 thrones per hour. (Limit: 31) Daily

. Wood carving: 51 thrones per quality carvings

. Cooking staff: 32 thrones per session

He asked one of the guards about the bulletin board.

"Excuse me... What are these thrones?"

"Ah, that is the currency of the Imperium. Our leader ordered, if you want to buy something better than what you have, you have to work for it. If you have earn enough, you can keep it once you are free from the detainment, I heard that you can allow your family to be registered as a Imperial civilians, using these thrones."

"Why not citizen?" Craig asked.

"You have to join Federal service, And for prisoners of war, if their assessment is good conduct, you are eligible to join the army, but if not... Well everyone received collective punishment... I am in my second year, ready to receive my citizenship when I am done." The prison guard smiled.

"Before I forget, count yourself lucky that you are captured during wartime, had it been in peace time, you would end up like that fella over there." He pointed to a servitor that is handling the cargo that contains food for the prison blocks, people that listening to the conversation watched in horror as the Mechanical monstrosity of flesh and metal whirl to life with a red robed being overseeing the process...

"What is that thing?"

The prison guard chuckle.

"That is what happens when people break the law, sending the civilian that commit horrible acts is converted to that." He rummage his uniform and found a cigarette.

"And you not afraid, how do you get used to that thing?" One od the NCR trooper gulped.

"A person who kills for the thrill in civilized society have no rights as a human, just a animal to be used for resources... I hope that you folks are of a sound minded to not thinking of a breakout, unless you want to end up like poor Servitor over there?" He fished a lighter and watched the group that stared in silence...

"Relax, if your sentence is light you only get whippings and lashing, if you commit heavy crimes such as murder or acts against the Imperium and it's people... Mr. Servitor over there is your future career. And those red robes fellas always need more manpower for their duties and I assure you, they are much more worse than being into servitor... " The Prison Guard said vaguely.

It dulled the mood, and those who truly want to break out, had their ambition extinguished...

Craig for several nights in his bunk, he felt fear for his life, in his dreams, he found his wife is being sold to a slavers in the east and never to return...

Next morning he decided to find work in the facility... Since the prison guard mention that he could earn thrones that could be used outside while doing chores around the facility. Hard labor or perhaps something to keep his mind and concern of his wife.

He toiled and earn as much as he could. And he already gained a thousand thrones... Some he sent to his wife for assurance...

And one day, there is a mailman and a Mr Handy appears in the courtyard.

A strange duo in a facility full of prisoner of war.

"Alright folks, your families in NCR have sent letters for the soldiers that is detained here, make a line so that I may give you letters and parcels from your loved ones."

Many wanted to rushed towards him and overwhelmed Him, but knowing the fate of becoming a servitor, they formed lines as the mail man gave each of them a letter and parcels.

Many opened only for it to be of scarfs or children drawings scrabble on a piece of paper, some received a message from their families of their concerns...

Craig was the last when the mailman about to finished...

"Sir, is there a message from my wife?"


"Carla Boone, she is my wife." Craig looked expectantly.

"Carla...Carla... Ah there is one." The mailman handed out a letter.

"Well, You have a loving wife after all... Not everyone have a loyal wife than your Mr.Boone." the mailman raised hat and went out with his Mr Handy and went to another facility to give their message.

In the night, the prisoner lights flicker in the night, Craig opened her letter.

"Dear Craig

It's been a few months since you left for Nevada, for the NCR Expedition.

The Imperium have arrived to our town, I was afraid at the start. But they began revitalizing the town we used to live, now there is electricity flow freely and I never seen people smiled more than before...

I manage to get a part time job as a store assistant. It is easy to get by with the stable income...

I am grateful of the money you gave me time to time, but I felt lonely without you.

I miss you... I hope that you are safe like what the imperium soldiers told me..

Each day I fear that you might be tortured... But I know that you will come back to me.

Every day, I stood outside the town, waiting for you to come home... Waiting for your smile.

Your Darling

Carla Boone

Ps. I felt sick a month ago and the Doctors told me that I have a child... When you return, can you name the child?"

Craig eyes teared a bit. He remembers that he also had a letter Incase if he was killed...

He had a purpose, to return home and be with his wife...

He worked harder than anyone else in the facility.

Some even called him a demon...

After the war ended with the NCR five months later, Craig and the prisoner of war were returned safety back to Former NCR territory. They earned enough money to survive a long time, if they don't squander it.

Craig arrived to the town where a woman with a visible pregnant belly stood at the entrance and smiled at him...

"Welcome home Darling..." She smiled at him

Craig, in his old recon outfit smile at her.

"I am back"


(A/n): my favorite Companion, been playing fallout new Vegas... I discuss with my peers and decided just leave him alone, he was a broken man that lost his wife in the hands of the Caesar legion... At least give him some solace.

Would you want to know more companions of Fallout and their fates?

(Only Fallout 3,4 and New Vegas, As 76, 1 and 2 is not available since they are in the past)

Like Curie the french Synth or Cait? Or even Tabitha or Lilith? Strong, Nick or even Hancock (Sorry, I can't cover all though and they are helped indirectly or directly by Alexander)

Let me know as I make this like a intermissions between chapters and farming.