Chereads / Surviving the Multiverse with a Warhammer 40k System / Chapter 207 - Sierra Madre Casino.

Chapter 207 - Sierra Madre Casino.

It's been several days since he found and kept big MT under his custody... He have mixed feelings about having them under my banner, but it's a lot more better than the alternative of letting them loose and causing chaos in the wasteland. Their minds are a terrible thing to waste...

Dr Klein told him about the bunker that is much more acute than his old friend... He hoped he get the platinum chip...

There it is... The bunker that Sinclair left it was a method of travelling.

"Alexander... I don't feel good about this place." Veronica shudders as he hold his Handgun at the dusty passageways.

"Is this one of the brotherhood bunkers?

"Yes... It was one of the pit stops to head to Helios one... Until you captured most of us... Father... Found a machine in this place and thinker with it... I have several moment that he taught me..."

He ound what he was looking for...

The door suddenly closed and a gas began flooding the room, Veronica and him began coughing..

"How is this possible? I am a primarch (albeit a incomplete one) could a gas affect me.." Alexander breathe heavily as he gasps for air.

Both of them felt drowsy until he hear footsteps approaching towards the duo.

He woke up and found himself in a decrepit plaza that shows a hologram of a woman and beside him is Veronica that have a collar attached to her neck as well as his. He looked at the skies and found that it is covered in red mist... So no help from the outside then...

He attempted to removed the collar.

'Frak my life, going to do this the old fashioned way?'

"Veronica... Wake up." He pushed her gently and she stirred from her slumber.

"Alexander... Where are we?"

"I afraid that I have the answers that you seek my dear child." A voice spoked through the collars.

"Father?" Veronica spoke.

"Yes child, I am your Father. Though I didn't expect the leader of the Imperium is in my hands and my daughter that is accompany him..."

"What kind of father put a bomb collar on his daughter neck?"

"A father that is willing to do anything to get the secrets of this place."

"You are mad."

"That is in your definition... The moment I heard the news that the imperium have arrived at Helios one, I knew fighting against you is impossible. So I bide my time to... Plan my next initiative...The Midwest chapter have done wonders to provide my escape.."

"You about to send our chapter to hell! We believe you Father?! " Veronica yelled, her eyes is about to teared up. He was a foster father to her, and now learning that he is willing to toss it all away for the sake of technology... Her mind is in distraught.

"Nonsense emotions are unnecessary for the sake of progress, I will have a task for you, My daughter... Help me unlock the secrets of the Sierra Madre casino along with the other survivors in this place. Try to escape, it will explode, try to linger near the loudspeakers you die, do it quick. The way to the casino is by reenacting the Gala event, no doubt the two of you can pull this through." The voice ended leaving the two alone.

Veronica is sobbing as the truth on how he really cares about her... Alexander patted her shoulder...

He never intended to bring her to search for her father.

"Let's do this together Veronica, I think there are survivors that he mentioned... There is safety in numbers." He spoke as he placed a Coat on her dress.

They began to search around, Alexander recalled parts of the game, but this is different from the game he played, the Cloud is so toxic and corrosive that his armor durability is shaved faster than his auto repair function could assist. And that is his favorite ranger armor.

He even used a blower and it barely staved off the cloud.

And the Cloud People, ghouls in hazard suits made by Big Mt wandered around the premises.

They can't be killed by a headshot and they will come back to life later, the only true death is to decapitate them to the point that regeneration that is given by the cloud is unable to bring them to life.

The duo noticed that they never go to a area where there is a hologram. As if they venerate them some kind.

"Veronica, Stay in the Plaza... I think it is a safe haven." Alexander asked her.

She pouted but she agreed... There are many times they almost had the close encounters of their necks being blown up.

He venture forth and the Hologram guard didn't noticed him and he managed to reset their identification code to work for him and his companions. And getting hit by their lasers is not a funny business.

Alexander arrived in the medical villa and he heard a activity in the decripit clinic.

He scanned every rooms and he found most of the auto doc disabled or rusted away in time.

He found one room, he saw a autodoc that is still operational..

He glanced at the panels and saw that it's been in operation since three days. And the antibiotics and stimpack have already dried out.

He went to it and see if it could be cracked. He knows about the schematics of a Autodoc, and there is a emergency handle in the back in the event that the operation is detrimental to the patient.

After pulling the rusted handle, A shaved woman with a bomb collar is flung out of the machine unconscious.

"Wait... Aren't you the woman, me and Veronica met in Big Mt?" He exclaimed as he held her in his arms. She noticed the man and answerr in a soghn language

"I am Christina Royce, I worked for the brotherhood of steel..."

"Your voice is not healed?"

"Somehow it is painful, but I will heal in time..." Her voice is rough.

Alexander tended to her and gave her stumpacks and potions.

"Tell me, Is Veronica here?" She spoke in sign language.

"Yes, She followed me to capture her father and asked why he betrayed the brotherhood... Turns out he didn't care anyone but himself... I got collared like her, do you know anyway around the time limit?"

"This collar is brotherhood issued, but Elijah managed to tweaked its purpose, I can increase the timer by 5 minutes."

"That is more than enough... Thank you." Alexander smiled.

He found the elusive Dean, he threaten to blow them off, but after having some discussion. He happily agreed. After all, having his handsome face back and getting the riches of the vault is one way to persuade a Ghoul.

He found the nightkin that is named Dog that is under the thrall of Elijah, hiding in a Police station.

He is a hungry creature. And the first meeting, he is about to take a bite out of Alexander.

"Come with me and sate your hunger elsewhere.."

The nightkin agreed and he followed Alexander.

He smashed the ghost people with a shovel that Dog devoured enough to be satisfied to listen to Alexander.

"Golden man, you give me food, Dog is full."

"You already eaten half of the Ghost people in town. Well no matter... Time for you two to work for me...if it's a short while."

The entrance to the casinos is block, and by dean words, starting the Gala opening is a one way trip to enter the place, thanks to Dog devouring half of the Ghost people. The danger is lessened.

They started up the preparations for the gala, Veronica went to switching station to prevent claustrophobic Christine from panicking.

"Don't worry, Christine, trust in me and Veronica okay?" Alexander consoled her as he held her hand to keep the fear off her back.

Fireworks, music and lights began to operate once more.

"Everyone, please may I have your attention -- guests and residents of the Villa alike. I ask you to step outside and look to the night sky, it's the moment you've been waiting for, the reason we're all here. The Gala Event, the grand opening of the Sierra Madre Casino, you are the ones who have made this momentous occasion possible, and for that we thank you. So raise your glass in celebration, let music fill the streets. Fireworks light the sky and promise of new beginnings fill your hearts. No matter what your fortune, no matter what your cares -- let go this night and begin again. I suggest you hurry, though; the gates of Sierra Madre are open but only for a brief time. After that the doors will close for the evening's festivities and won't open again till morning."

The old casino come to life as a Woman voice sounded in the casino, welcoming a long forgotten crowd. And the way inside is now opened to all.

Each and every one that is held prisoner by Elijah have their own agendas in the casino.

But the horde of Ghost people flooded into the entrance to the casino due to the noises.

Each of them went inside by their own special way, Dean went ahead first hoping to get the first dibs, Christina and Veronica fought together as they took paths that had the least ghost people wandering towards the casino. Dog ripped and tear apart through the crowd with a rebar, and Alexander burn everything that is in his way, leaving ashes in his wake.

As the last person entered the door closed behind them. The gas that knocked him out began once more and this time, they were separated into different locations.

Alexander looked around and found himself at the lobby. He looked around and entered the casino area, might as well drain the casino dry since there is no one left to enjoy the amenities of the old world. He even "borrowed" a series of Sierra vending machine, this technology is vital for the contribution to the imperium welfare if they managed to replicate the technology and making the life of the imperial citizens a lot more better than their rations of corpse starch. He is not stingy of giving the technology back to the imperium via Rogue traders that entered his universe by his warrant of trade.

He is aware that living in a hive is shit hole to live in, even in the underhive that he have no jurisdiction over, regardless if they managed to fixed it. This technology in fallout is not heretical in Nature by the conservative tech priest in mars. So in a sense it will also ease the logistical support, if they could make it create war materials at a faster rate. Just need it to place several skulls and sprinkle dust...

After finding the power source to bring this casino to life, Hologram dealers appear in the gambling wings and he gamble like crazy. He had wads of old america dollars, so he spent enough to make bank.

"Sorry sir, the casino staff would like to inform you that you have already exceeded the limit of your winnings. Here is the complementary ticket for your troubles." A hologram projector replay the limit warning.

Alexander chuckle as he went to find Dog first.

Alexander found himself in a room that is filled with gas, and Dog is about to choked himself with chains and blow himself up, Alexander is forced to play stealth with the nightkin, and when he shut off the valves he approached the nightkin.

"Alexander:Time to merge together..."

"Dog:No Shiny man, I scared"

"God: He's right. If you merge us, then... I... we... or whatever we become... we can't help you when you reach whatever's at the Sierra Madre's end. Dog: And Dog... Dog doesn't want to unremember you, may forget you. God: We will forget almost all that has happened here. You'll be alone, at the Old Man's mercy. Like Dog. Like me."

"Alexander: I simply want you to be free, time to merge as one... I can handle on my own, may you find a way in your life." He patted the nightkin. He merged the nightkin mind together and it slumbered a bit as it regained his function. He looked at the man before him with confusion.

"Be at peace..."

Next stop is Dean stage, the Tampico theatre.

It was filled with several holograms as they cheered on a more younger Dean that is singing on the stage.

"Unfriendly crowd tonight, in a lethal way - if you could calm the house down, I'd be grateful." Dean voice echoed in the theater.

Alexander smiled as he looked around. He found several radios that threaten to blow his head off. And the clouds crept into the crevices to flood the theater. After finding Dean's old holotape and played it, the image of the man appears on the stage and his mouth began to sing with the recorded song.

"Why thank you, Alexander for giving me a applause. Tell me, is Las Vegas still around." Dean appear next to Alexander.

"Sure, Las Vegas is alive and well, it could use a man of talent like yours."

"I see, so it's true that you could revert ghouls like me back to human?"

"Yes, and you want your handsome face in the stage once more?"

"I supposed so, but first thing first... Is it true? That the Vault was intended for me?"

"Sorry to say, but Vera Snitched, and Sinclair went paranoid and ensure that when you enter that vault... It will be your tomb... But he didn't take account of you being a ghoul, you probably go insane... For a paltry wealth that I could make in a day..."

"Did Elijah knew?"

"I only found out about it... The others are unaware about it... I am doing this as a friend Dean, so that you will not jump into a trap that is placed by a long Deadman..."

"Well, I suppose that I will head to Las Vegas when I help you caged Elijah... What's this?" He grabbed a Token given by Alexander.

"To let my people know that you are a guest and a candidate to reverse back to being a human again., and there is a Bank account in your name equivalent to the value in the vault... It will make it worth your while. "

"You sure know how to make a good friend."

The last of the companions is finding Christine and Veronica in the exclusive lounges.

Where a Vera Hologram stalked the hallways. Had it been the courier, he would have been dodging left and right. But Alexander simply went to the terminal and deactivate the holograms.

Veronica and Christine went to hugged him.


"Christine... Your voice..."

"Yeah... I sound like that woman in the casino... Perhaps Elijah wanted to make me sound like her to enter the vault."


"When the Electricity came back on, the terminal in her old room shows the secrets in the casino, he even made a elevator for him to visit her unimpeded."

"I see... Do you know how to... Unlock it?"

"I just need to speak the phrase at the elevator then it's all good."

The trio waited upon the elevator that was to the vault...

Christine spoke the words needed to opened it.

It was a one person down. As Alexander arrived in the basement, he found the remains of Sinclair and stuffed him in his inventory. He found the source of all the cloud that emitted, storage of canisters held in place and some of them is still emitting the cloud.

He stored it in his inventory. It would be a useful item to be researched... The cloud will disappear in a few days...

He disable the holograms that defended the vault.

Alexander looked around the vault area, it was filled with old world items, sadly no food or water.

"Now, Alexander, Tell me what's in the vault!" Elijah screamed in his Collar communication.

"Unless you come down here, I'll destroy the vault, everything in it." Alexander smirked, he have no use of trinklets of the dead in the safe. He rather leave it alone.

He left the Safe and Hidden himself in the corner.

The crazed man appeared from the elevator and rushed towards the vault. His footsteps is shaky... And when he entered the vault and not seeing Alexander that is observing him...

The Vault suddenly closed locking the Mad Elder in the vault.

Alexander felt relieved.... But a tremor occured, and Alexander looked in the source of the sound...

"It came from the vault... He just a frail old man?

He could hear a psychic scream and there are dents in the vault door. And after a few seconds it blasted apart, revealing a demon infested Elder...

"You... Midas..." The creature growled.


"I seen the truth past my obsession and the gods have given me the truth... And they demanded your soul for my power!"

"Why do morons like you get the good stuff?" Alexander growled as he ready his shotgun.

The demon rushed towards him in a frenzy, Alexander dodged the demon while avoiding the Radio that is threatening to blow his head off. He shot a few shotgun rounds and found that the slugs is pushed out.

"It seems that you require Assistance, Alexander" a voice came from Dean as some of the radios have been shut off, giving him more space to dodged and fire back.

"Alright, Alexander, I will provide you assistance..." Christine helped and reactivated the Hologram Guards and Turrets as they joined the fight against Elijah.

"Alexander... Is that my father?" Veronica watch as the demon attempting to impaled Alexander with a stalactite.

"I'm afraid so... He became this abomination...he sold his soul to the devil..." Alexander spoke as he ramm his shovel into Elijah Shoulder.

The demon scream as the combination of Necron Blackstone and Eldar Wraithbone wreaked havoc in his body.

"If it weren't for you.... I would have the power to conquer the Mojave..." Elijah heaved as ichor flowed from the wounds...

"You shouldn't have sent your family to the imperium in the first place, your obsession have become your blindness... Rest assured, to your last vestiges of your soul that still have longing with your Daughter... She will be taken care of..." Alexander tossed a few promethium grenades and incinerated the deranged elder.

The flames in the depths of the earth was the only one thing that remember the man existence...

They all met in the plaza, each of them gave a silent nod as each went their separate ways.

Alexander made a Coffin for Sinclair and his Lover, and placed them in a tree that overlook the casino.

As he about to leave with the last survivors, he saw the two people waving goodby at him...

"The case of the Sierra Madre Casino came to a end... It was a short time since Alexander arrived in the Ghost city... And he wrecked havoc and destruction in his after the red mist disapate from the casino, a Regiment of Texans Mechanized infantry arrived and conquer the place for the imperium, and it is being reconstructed with better materials and another place for casino and relaxation...they had one order to not desecrate the tomb of the founder of the place.."

"Dog and God merged into a single entity, unknown to himself, he wandered around and ended up in Jacobs town, where all the mutants gathered... There he found companionship among his fellow Mutants... Though... In his mind he still remember fragments of the man that saved both of them..."

"Christina, a assassin that is sent by the brotherhood of steel to hunt down Elijah, now found her life fulfilled by the death of their errant Elder... She wandered around the territory held by the imperium... Though, Veronica and Alexander said goodbye to her, she knew in the depth of her heart that they will meet again."

"Dean, a ghoul that is left in the Sierra Madre casino, hoping to get the biggest heist now entered Las Vegas, a free man from the ghost of his obsession... The money that Alexander gave him is more than enough to make his life comfortable... But he loved the stakes and many casinos that is in Texas and Las Vegas tremble in his wake, many of the establishment loved to hear the songs of Dean as he traveled around."

"There are paths to meet again someday

Memories may be forgotten

But the heart remembers...

It may hurt...

But in the end... it's all about letting go."

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