Chereads / Surviving the Multiverse with a Warhammer 40k System / Chapter 200 - On the road to Vegas, White gloves Society, Ave to Caesar

Chapter 200 - On the road to Vegas, White gloves Society, Ave to Caesar

Alexander, ended up in a ranger uniform given by Vincent and his weapons is a Anti-material Rifle, 10 mm Pistol and a Shovel that he haven't used for a long time...

It was enough for him to enter any towns that is somewhat not hostile towards the Nevada Rangers without raising suspicion. He chuckled as he jingle the caps and thrones in his satchel. And only his higher ups knows who he is, but they give him the benefit of the doubt as they do the regular protocols as he exited good springs.

The arid temperature of Mojave smack into his face as he left the temperature controlled town. He took a deep breath as he wander the wasteland.

"Well, then... Time to visit my old Friend House." He tuned into the radio and a familiar voice echo his headset.

"Greetings, People of Mojave, It's me again, Mr. New Vegas, reminding you that you're nobody 'til somebody loves you. And that somebody is me. I love you. And I would like to dedicate a song for you people."

A catchy tune came up as he wander the wasteland.

"Alright, let's see if my shooting skills is not rusty..." He found a bloat fly lazily flew by In a few kilometers... He took aim with his anti-material rifle and it hit true. And it blasted to pieces.

He smiled as he ventured directly to Las Vegas and entered the Quarry where the Mother Deathclaws is hiding her brood... He was conflicted of killing them all, but he had a idea...

"Hmm... Trazyn would loved this gift... A family of Deathclaws." A Noctic Labyrinth pop on his hands...

The Mother Deathclaws found something dangerous approaching her family... She growls as to let her family hid behind her and her mate faced the threat.

"I know you can understand me, foul beast... I could do this the easy way, by capturing you alive or the hard way, by butchering you all, the choice is yours." The figure that make their lives threaten stood still... His presence made them froze still.

"Wise Choice." He spoke as he tossed a item that envelope her family into a space...

"Wow... A Fat man? How did that ended up here?" He looked amused as he grabbed a Fatman and several mini nukes that loitered about and strapped to his back. He released a flare making his forces know that the quarry is safe for mining. He hummed to Mr. New Vegas tunes....

Who is a idiot who wants to fight a man with a fat man?

"Freeze ranger, this is the Vipers, Drop your caps or I blast your skull!" A group of Raiders surrounded him... They came in assorted weapons from a broken bottles, to a rubber chicken and with pipe guns...

"Did the Radiation affected your brains? Hey you... How do you think a rubber chicken could kill me?" Alexander singled out the raider that held the rubber chicken...

"I could slap you to death with it?" He squeeze the rubber chicken to make a noise as if he made himself terrifying.

"Leave now kid... Being a raider is not a good profession for you." Alexander sighed. He aim at those that already have guns and opened fire with his handgun. The bullet passed through their makeshift helmets and made the raiders feel confused...

"Get him! I counted his shots, He must have run out of bullets!" The one that have a brain cried out making the thieves into a frenzy as they swarm over him...

"You should have used your brains to immediately leave." Alexander looked at the smart mouth as he shot his gun and grabbed his trusty shovel. As he delved into a frenzy of blood and gore, to the point that his Ranger suit is filled with blood.

And in the aftermath, it was only the raider with the rubber chicken left alive, shivering in the wake of the bloodbath.

"Now kiddo... Do you want to return to Freeside... Or should I be the one that ensure that your family would not see you again?" His words made the raider fled, towards Vegas leaving the Rubber chicken in his dust...

Alexander picked it up and he got a feeling that it would actually be important...

He passed by Novac and saw the Giant Dinosaur statue... Sadly he didn't see Boone the former NCR Sniper. But he purchased a bunch Dinosaur Statues... One of his many adopted daughter loves dinosaurs...

He saw Helios one... Though he did not see the quack scientist Mr fantastic that have his diploma in crayons... But he could see that the solar farm is now under the techpriest control as they are slowly replacing the damaged solar panels with their own.

When he arrive Las Vegas, the city is somewhat intact as House defenses managed to take out most of the nukes.

As he survey Freeside, it was a mess, poverty rein in the streets and the people is destitute, ... He had a funny Idea...

"Why not make it into paradise? But I need to ask the Kings for permission" he looked at the King's School of Impersonation and walked inside.

(??? Pov)

A Elvis lookalike arrived in building filled with people who dress like Elvis and crash to a office with as a Elvis that is petting a cyberdog.

"King! There's someone doing something in our part of town! It's the imperium! And there's someone waiting for you!" One of my own barged into my office.

"Hoo ha, Did someone say Imperium are doing... what now?" I Slicked my pompadour hair with a Brahmin lard.

A ranger arrived in his office and the people in the room is shocked... Usually the folks in the first floor would have greeted the newcomer with hostility...

"Hail to the King! That what Elvis Presley would have said. Hello, King, I am Alexander Solair and I am the Leader of The Imperium that is helping rebuild this place. And I have a proposal for you that might spread the knowledge of Elvis through the Mojave and make your beloved by the people in freeside even more." He arrived with such charisma I am suspicious with him.

"Now, just a minute son, You are a Ranger... I don't see some kind of joke...I heard that the Leader in the Imperium lived more longer than Elvis himself, what do you know of Elvis?"

"Heh, he sang with his heart, against all odds, he shone like the star I saw in that stadium. He is the King of Rock, even when his health is deteriorating, he smiled and danced like we never seen before. I even have the autograph when he first started his career and when he was at his peak, no fools would forge the King of rock signature."

Two signed Autograph was placed before the me...

Seeing that he was knowledgeable about the king.. I didn't got the actual first autograph. But the last autograph is legit...

"Seems like you are legit. Now let's hear your proposal."

"I wished to develop freeside, make it better than before, as I wished to pay homage to Elvis to his contribution in this city. I could only asked of your group is that we should collaborate with the security... And I am planning a gallery for the King of rock that is more grander than this place. Can't have the kings memorabilia be forgotten right?" He placed a blueprint of the building... And I am a bit amazed...

A futuristic city... But I persuaded myself not to immediately agree.

"What about the people we protect?"

"They would be hired and your people would still patrolling the streets with my law enforcement, so that the citizens of freeside is not affected by our reconstruction, and given good wages and they will not be mistreated, we don't want refugees that just do nothing, but be a burden yes? Together king, we will revive the city of Elvis and that is no grander gift to him, would you take this deal?"

He held out his hand and I did hesitated a bit... But I shaked it.

"Pleasure doing business with people who that keep the memory of Elvis alive." The ranger words were like hypnotic to me...

After he left... I fell on my seat...

What kind of person is he?

My dog whimper as he snuggle my lap...

"Rex... Hush, I... Wait was that there before?" I look at the side of the door and it is a sack that is filled with dog treats...

(King Pov End)

Alexander smiled as he left the King's School of Impersonation... And at least the Kings wouldn't bother to pick a fight with his forces that is coming to town. The ruined city is now being rebuilt as construction crews began to assess the problems with... Centuries of not maintenance and hope to rebuild the city infrastructure... He watch a makeshift office that hired people for simple work.

"Alright, A days work, you can have 50 thrones and Hot meals. And if your family is injured and sick we would try to heal your family." The tired officer smiled as dozens of people began to swarm the makeshift office. And the guards block the people from over flooding.

A Coliseum was raised nearby to allow people to vent frustration and a cheap way to get entertainment... As the underground cage match is hindering the rebuilding process and there is a deal for the people that loved fighting. And the matches is brutal, but the medical bills is low enough for any people to join unless if they are children... That is impossible...

"Time to meet House..." Alexander approach the strip that is blocked off.

A Securitron with a face of a security guard approach him...

"State your visitation?" The robot scanned him with a red light.

"I am Alexander Solair and I wish to visit Mr. house."

"My logs have detected a Mr Alexander Solair, Please remove helmet and allow us to identify if it's real?"

Alexander removed his helmet and the Securitron scanned this time and this time it was green.

"Confirmed Identification: Welcome Back Mr. Alexander Solair. Mr House is expecting you." The securitron moved aside and Alexander entered a new area...

"Geez, House... You could use a clean up... Well time to meet a old friend..." He smiled as he head to the Lucky 38.

The door to the casino is filled with arid air, as if there was no one entered this place for centuries. However the furniture is somewhat clean, A Securitron that had a Face of a Woman rolled up to him.

"Hello, I am Jane, I am your entourage that is sent by Mr. house. Please follow me." The Securitron went to a elevator gate and waited for him to follow.

"Hello Jane, How is House doing?"

"Splendid, now please enter this lift. And safe travels." Jane moved aside as Alexander entered the old elevator as he ended up in the suite.

He met a familiar face...

"It would seem that you hadn't aged a day Alexander..." A family voice sounded from a screen. A 30 year old Edward house is looking at him.

"Well, House... My medical technology have advanced to the point I could reverse my aging. Want to try?" Alexander shrugged as he is telling a half truth, his tech can reverse aging, but he never imply how he is not human anymore.

"I would, but the stasis pod is preventing me from doing so as my body could not handle the bacteria in this place... What brings you here old friend?"

"I can here to make your place a bit better than before. As you already heard about my radio broadcast right?"

"Interesting thought... About you conquering the world...what is your plans to Vegas?"

"Make it a neutral state as I promise before, I would leave it into your hands after I done fixing this place. And I heard about the Caesar legions and NCR heading here. So I prepare to defend my friend territory."

"You are a fool Alexander... My securitron would keep out the slavers and the snakes-"

"But they are incomplete... You didn't have the platinum chip right?"

There was a brief moment between the two before House spoke.

"You knew?"

"You know House that I have knowledge in software and robotics, when your guard securitron approached me... He only used the bare armament and I noticed the hidden weapons that is not opened for God knows how long. Your robots can't stop the hordes of Barbarians at the gate of hoover dam and the soulless politicians that sent bodies of conscripts into Vegas as they are only barely managed to be operational in the strip... Can you trust in me once more? At least until the courier come with the package?"

"Very well... What do you need?"

"I want the Harry Reid International Airport as a military base, After I done protecting this place, I will convert it to civilian use, my people have money to burn, but no place to spend their wealth. A Embassy in the strip, and allow us to managed the defense in hoover dam, we will fix the generator and build more power plants to supplement the city electrical grid and the line in the Colorado River in this part of town is under our temporary control. And when we are done, I will reverse your age, old friend... I kept a promise with your father that I will keep you safe and I will abide my promises." There was a soft moment...

"Very well, here is the contract that we will abide by, I learn from the best." A yellow paper is printed out and it shows what Alexander promised, he signed it without hesitation.

"Now that we are done with the contract, I would like to inform you about the current issues about the surroundings."

House told Alexander about his concerns at the moment...

Mutant town, raiders problem, Vault 22, Vault 34, And the Boomers that took over the north.

"Now then, I will grant you access to the strip. And see what you can do, what I could've not forseen."

"See you later, later old friend. When you are able to walk with me... Let's realize the dream of humanity reaching for the stars..." Alexander smiled as he left the room.

He left the room with a relief... But he was worried about the courier that is heading towards the strip with the platinum chip, would he be as malevolent that butcher everyone, or would he be the man that save Las Vegas?

He sighed as he headed towards the White gloves society... To confirm if they were really cannibals in formal clothes...

The building is filled with masked individuals as they watched him as he headed towards the bar.

He exchange his caps for casino chips, he began winning every poker table and roulette, despite they were rigged.

"What's you havin?" The masked bartender asked as he wiped his glass.

"A Glass of Bourbon." Alexander smiled as he tossed the chips on the table.

After a few drinks, Alexander felt dizzy... One of the masked waitress approached him

"Sir... I will like to invite you to our bed for free..." She beckon him to follow...

As Alexander locked the door and lay down on the bed... He took a twenty minute nap to flush the drugs in his drinks. He heard the door opened and several men barged into his room and grabbed him... He closed his eyes but he could sense that he was dragged to a underground room and he could smell one thing he knows before.. the smell of cooked human flesh... He looked around found that he was hog-tied and saw the chef nearby sharpening his cleaver , he broked the rope easily and left the room, knocking out the chef, but not without taking the pictures of the desecrated corpses of human flesh.

He dodged the security as he managed to escape to Lucky 38...

"Old Friend, I didn't expect that you returned so soon..."

"House... Did you know that the White gloves wanted to eat me? I already have proof that they wanted to chop me apart..." He showed the pictures of the underground kitchen.

"No, I was not aware of this. Is it really so hard not to engage in cannibalism? My goodness... It's a violation of their contract. I authorize you old friend to deal with them in any way you see fit. I fear of the food crisis that would be in the wake..."

"No worries... I will ensure a steady supply of food, until this place is sustainable, I thought they would have been decent... Fuck that so much jet and mentats... Thank God I got medicine to flush out my system... There are some tribes that would not meshed with your ideas house... Too much time has passed for them to let go of their identity. Had I not gone to check the problem... There would be someone son that would been eaten later on and he would raised hell."

"I see, thanks for seeing the concerns of the near future. What you planning to do with the Ultra-Lux Casino?"

"After dealing with the inhabitants? Keep it operational and this time with proper cuisine and with proper decorum, and decent ingredients ... Those masked people really messed with the wrong people..." He grinned.

(3rd Pov)

The Ultra-lux was in a uproar. The precious meat managed to escape... And now they fear from the repercussions...

A Securitron that show Mr. house face have arrived with news that made them panicked... The visitors noticed something was wrong.

"*Sigh* We had a deal, and you broken it, and you even tried to ate my dear old friend. I thought you would have changed your personality and forget your identity of being. Cannibal. But you can't change the monsters in human skin. And my Friend is the Leader of the Imperium that is from Texas, and that is more dire that I will not able to convince him from stopping his rage... Right now his men surrounded this strip, far outnumbered my securitrons... Farewell... May you be a better individuals in the next life."

The door is swarmed by fully armoured soldiers...

And the commanding officer stepped out and gave them a ultimatum...

"Surrender the people that tried to eat our leader or else we will butcher everyone! And make the survivors as Servitors!" The officer barked. The visitors managed to leave as the began to filter out by strange people that could see their souls and minds clearly...

But the response of the white gloves is... Not up to par as they attempted to retaliate with knifes and flame throwers.

The firefight was ended clearly as each of the White gloves have ended up with a burning hole in their foreheads.

And the survivors that surrendered... They didn't have a good life as they immediately turned to Servitors and ended up in the uranium mines in Texas...

As agreed a Embassy is raised up, the airport have converted to a airbase and base defenses is being built in Nevada side of Colorado river.

As Alexander forces have now grasp Las Vegas.

The Bull marches towards the west.

Caesar listen as his scouts in his bearskin throne.

"Caesar, the Imperium have now conquered Texas, and they began fortifying the river, They placed minefields, machine guns nest and more troops is flooding from the southwest with their supply chains is as strong as their will. And from what little news I heard from our contacts in Freeside. They begun to rebuilt the ruins and their leader Alexander Solair is a friend with the ruler of the Strip, he already destroyed one of the three families In his wake... What are your orders Caesar?" The scout muttered.

"Send more spies into the strip and see if we could assassinate Alexander solair. Sabotaged the defenses as possible."

"Ave to Caesar, may the Bull be blessed to conquer this land." The scout left, leaving the Caesar to his thoughts...

"Alexander Solair..." He tapped his finger in his chair.

"Lanius... What do you think?"

"The Imperium will fall by our blades. And I will make sure of that..."

In the far west, in the NCR is plague with problems, overpopulation, lack of resources, their currency is failing due to the brotherhood of steel raided their bank vault and blown up their gold reserves with several explosives, the people are demanding to use the cap that the Hub, that based their cap currency on water or even the famous Thrones... However, the Brahmin magnates refuse to do so and forced the NCR currency to be used as they lobbied the Senate to keep the dollar.

The politicians do one thing they do best... Divert their problems to the East. Send the poverty stricken masses to join the army and gave them bare necessities...

They heard tales of the Imperium, and the wonders of society they constructed, by the traders from the east that flooded their lands with goods that is from the pre-fallout society, and the Senate believes that it is they, not the Texans that should rebuilt their land from the ashes of the wasteland, and what they made should belong to them. As they are the true representative of America, not a Upstart wannabe Empire. Not realizing that, The Imperium is already have Two planets and already conquered south Americas, most of South-east Asia and parts of Africa is slowly assimilated. Much better than what the old government had did to conquer before the bombs fell.

Bringing order to the chaotic wasteland.. but the blissful politicians counted the chicks before they hatched. And Alexander spies watched them in the darkness and record every instances...

Craig boone signed up in the military once more as his wife is ill and the NCR promised of free medical aid for the returnees...

"Hon, please don't go..." She begged Craig not to leave...

"Darling... If I don't... We might not afford the medical bills. I will tell them to move you to the nearest base...I will be safe..." the man struggled as he left his wife.

And another group arrived in the Mojave...

Elder Elijah and the Midwest Brotherhood of Steel arrived in the Mojave earlier than Alexander expected.

"I am told powers of great technology is in this place.. I am sure of it. " He muttered as he brought along with the Brotherhood with him... Paladin Nolan McNamara shudders why he was chosen to accompany the lunatic ...

They were founded to keep the dangers of technology away from the masses. But ever since that stranger arrived at the council and proposed that there is a hidden weapon stash in the Mojave and only Elder Elijah is suitable... He groaned of what factions would they offend... From orbit, a series lf military satellite observe the situation at Nevada and across the world... Ready to relay information of the invaders, while the people in this world used the old tech left behind, Alexander have relayed more resources and technology to his schools and research centers in Texas for the natives to assimilate and absorb. They are better than New California Republic, Office of Science and Industry. As they have a intact technology base to learn from than the OSI playing around... Alexander might find a interesting technology that the locals have conjured up with his research...