Chereads / Surviving the Multiverse with a Warhammer 40k System / Chapter 201 - Meeting the Boomers,March of the NCR and Frumentarii Infiltration

Chapter 201 - Meeting the Boomers,March of the NCR and Frumentarii Infiltration

Alexander, having walked out of the strip. He smiled as he headed towards to Vault 34, Around this time, the vault is under lockdown and it's still a few more years till the courier arrives with the platinum chip. It was a three birds one stone incident before he visited the boomers, hopefully get the vault intact, the people that still trying to stay alive and lastly... Stop the radiation from leaking out from the vault and polluting the water supply...

He thought about meeting the boomers, however at the moment, he to visit their old home vault.

"At least they could do something than some old foggy elderly that shat on younger men..." He muttered as he made his way to the radiated vault door that is still locked..

His Geiger counter is beeping like a late shift Friday night. And the door is still closed. He knocked on the door... He could used the charges but...

"I guess I use the Emisary of the Omnissiah" he touched the vault door and it forcibly opened.

He entered the ruined vault... There were a fewer feral ghouls as some of them approach him...

"A rescuer? From the outside?" One of the ghouls asked.

"Yes, I am here to free you... Tell me where is the remaining survivors? What happened here?"

"They are in the second basement floor... Most of them still stuck in near the reactor room, we were overpopulated and we wanted to have guns for our safety...but the overseer locked down the vault gate and the armory... We wanted to use the explosives to opened the vault door, the Armory is locked down by our overseer, we manage to get the Overseer office but he killed himself, his bio signature prevent us from opening... But please save our non radiated brothers and sisters..." The ghouls that had their sanity intact begged him to save their non-radiated brethren...

Alexander ponder a bit...

"Do you wish to be human again? So that you can be free from the way you are... You look human, but you still retain anti radiation properties of a ghoul."

"One could only dream... I know that we already altered enough to be monsters... We talk about it when you are done saving our brethren... Mind you... Savior... There are some like us are too far gone to even have a decent conversation... As if they turned feral..."

"Are they glowing Green?"

"In a matter of fact... I think some of them do... Rescue our people... We will give you a suitable reward." The sane ghouls went outside...

There they met Alexander Skitariis waited for them and they are forced to a machine that revert them back to normal... And they left in a building that is raised nearby to housed the human ghouls.

Alexander raised his hangun. As he delved deeper in the vault... It was mess, tables overturned, bullet holes and plenty of skeletal corpses... He found the armory... And after practicing lock picking and losing several pins... He entered the armory...

Couple of guns, vault 34 suits, and the All American, couple of missiles... As he checked the radiation counter...

"Fuck... Chernobyl..."

As he entered the second floor... He met scores of gutteral ghouls wearing vault enforcement suits that rushed towards him.

"Frak! Just how many are this blasted abhumans!?" He yelled as he shot his handgun.

Some of the bullets scalded the heads and into their skull... The glowing one scream with a loud voice...

"Hell no, Time to be a exhibit for Trazyn!" He tossed another noctis labyrinth into the surviving group of ghouls... A green light envelope the ghouls...

As he headed towards the survivors, he found a pathways that leads to two places... One is a nuclear generator leaking radiation and one that is house the remaining survivors that hidden themselves in the riots. Had this been a game mechanics... It was about saving few and making the majority miserable, by opening the vents it will save the survivors, it will lock down the path of the nuclear reactor, making radiation seeping into the water, visa versa, if they stop the generator, it will condemned the few remaining survivors by locking them up, perhaps they will engage into cannibalism, or a cyanide pills to quickly end it all.

Alexander, Abhor the mechanic though...

He went to the Nuclear generator and began assessing the issue. Broken pipes and circuitry.

"Wow, I doing the same frakkin thing as Revelation did in Mars... Only this time it's not a titan that have broken limb, but a leaking nuclear reactor." He touched the reactor and spoke two words.

"Heal thyself."

As if the machinery heard his calls... It began to slowly fixed itself... That the radiation is slowly decreasing to acceptable levels. Parts of the vaults is slowly fixing itself as if it was returning to the time when it meant something.

As the nuclear reactor is fully fixed.

The lockdown have been removed. And the survivors managed to exited the safehouse... Many of them are confused of their savior is waiting for them at the entrance...

"Thank you mister."

"Follow me, time to leave this place... There is no meaning for you to live here." He beckon the survivors...

As the group exited the vault. The survivors noticed the people that is waiting for them...

"Ek, Tom!?"

"Calm down...You need inoculation, the vault is so sterilize to the point that you can't handle the bacteria in the wasteland."

The survivors notice the red hooded people came to them with injections and vaccines...

"Now then... Where would you go now? You can't really return to the vault... there is enough radiation remaining to turn you into ghouls."

"Perhaps make our way into Las Vegas? I dunno... It's been some time..."

"Alrighty then, why not join me? I have a job proposition to you."

"What's the are you thinking sir?"

"You guys are good with guns and electronics yes?"

"Yes, we are good at tinkering...what job do you have for us?"

"You can work at a Gun Factory, Or even serve as Sheriffs in the towns i control, or even a even a caravan escorts if you desire freedom. You will be properly trained and paid for until you can get to your feet..."

Many of them is hesitating...

"I get that he is the one that save us..."

"But where do we even go from here... We practically blind..."

Alexander gave a final persuasion

"I don't make my employees as slaves... I came to unite humanity, not enslave them. That applies to you... "

Many of them agree to enter Texas to work as Sheriff's, some of the saner ghouls worked as a trade Caravan, much better than being a refugees.

One of the ghouls before he left, he gave Alexander a Pip boy... Alexander smiled wryly at the fact that he got a vault tech...

He activated it and a image of Mojave is on screen.

Theseus rang out.

[The Strip: Respected

Kings: Idolized

Boomers: Strangers

Caesar Legions : Vilified

New Republic of California : Caution

Vipers: Vilified ]

[Factions not included: Khans, Powder Gangers and Apostles of the Apocalypse.]

"Vault 22 would have to wait, or better yet...send in the Skitarii company... I better head to the boomers." Alexander spoke as he headed to Nellis Air Force Base.

He found several guardsmen blocking the entrance with guard towers and stubber nest. A checkpoint.

"Halt, I suggest that you turn your way back Ranger... The place you are headed is practically crazy."

"How so?"

"We supposed to capture this air base for the imperium. And they kept tossing shells for hours they were like eyes homing In on you. As our leader once said... Our lives is important than any traitor, Ranger, you are one of us, and I wouldn't want to see you blasted to bits." The guardsman spoke with concern.

"No worries, I came to be a diplomat, I will indulge them, if they could try shooting me to bits." Alexander left. The guardsman tried to stop him, His Co stopped him.

"Tony, that Ranger is our leader."

"Wait what? Wait... Him!?" The soldier looked back and forth to his Sargent and the direction where Alexander left...

"Yeah... That's what the top brass told me..." The officer wryly smiled.

Alexander walked no more than 50 feet away from the checkpoint, till he heard the artillery boomed in the distance.

"Great this is boom town then?!" Alexander rushed ahead onto the ruined town that is between him and Nelis air base.

He may be a incomplete mass production primach, but shrapnel still hurts and shockwaves is a pain..

Every rubble on this ruined town is a chance to add to the pile of shrapnel. Craters the size of a pickup truck began forming.

Alexander gritting his teeth, he could have used a passage way to bypass the artillery, but not earning the respect of the boomers. As soon as he reached five hundred meters away from the entrance the barrage intensified like crazy. The artillery subsided as soon as he reached the entrance

"Hey! Boom boys, what's with the entrance?!" Alexander joked as he got the adrenaline in his brains in the Artillery shower. The two guard that overlooked at the ruins is befuddled of a man that came to them...

"Holy shit, dude you just went to a artillery barrage and you still kicking!? Who the hell are you?" The guard at the gate asked him.

"Just the leader of the men you tried to blow up, I here to negotiate with you boomers."

"Wow... The big guns... This is more than I could handle...wait here... I calling Pearl." The guard left leaving his partner alone with Alexander...

"Do you wanna play a game?" Alexander words make the remaining guard looked nervous..

The elderly woman came out... And she looked up at the figure before him... As he was playing Jenga with the remaining guard.

"So you are Alexander solair... Welcome to our home." Pearl spoke.

"I am glad to meet you Miss Pearl. We have so much to discuss with your group." Alexander laughed as he tossed his Anti-Material rifle and his handgun to the guards to show his sincerity... But he kept the mini nukes...

"Follow me... We haven't seen visitors for a long while..."

Alexander followed Pearl to the community room, where pearl brewed a tea. Alexander looked around and comments.

"Seems like you folks kept this place up and running..."

"Well... We do have managed to survive... It's been a decade since we left our vaults... And raiders kept harassing us time to time."

"I visited your former vault before arriving here..." Pearl eyes widen.

"Are they any survivors? What happened to them?"

"I assure you pearl, they are safe... Though they are few and now working for me... They went back to Texas to work... But the most of them... I sorry... I didn't arrive earlier... There was a riot that took out most of them, and the vault is so radioactive that part of the vault dweller became ghouls. I only got the handful of them before I had to shut it down."

"Thank you... I didn't heard about the incident since we left before the riots started..I am grateful for you letting our vault family to find a purpose. "

"No worries... Tell me Pearl, what do you think about the outside?"

Pearl ponder a bit...

"It's changing faster than I anticipated... New Las Vegas is filled with vibrancy and life, and the raiders is nowhere to be found, I fear what would happen to us, being tossed by the wayside as the world outside change faster than we adapt... I heard tales about you being midas touch before the bombs fell." Pearl trailed off as she looked outside at the people she swore to protect.

"That old nickname? I loathe it."

"Tell me Alexander Solair, I heard about your Radio broadcast about unity and security... What would become of us?" Pearl asked the man before her for clarification.

He took a few moments to think and sip the tea she gave.

"I will ensure that your people would not be a slave and keep your tradition of you wanted, help make this base to be able to self sustainable... I am planning to use this place as a Air base to strike back the Caesar Legions. They are more worse than the New California Republic. And the reason why I wanted this base... Was to meet people like you that lived in this wasteland."

"Oh how so?" Pearl asked.

"Unifying is harder than it looks. People that once lived in this nation used to be united, ever since the bombs fell, we are divided and cultures is too distant to even assimilate... People like Raiders and Mutants that roamed the wasteland. Heck I got almost eated by cannibals"

"Go on..."

"I will find those that could be assimilated, those that refused, I will leave them alone in peace, they could join us if they wanted, and if they are hostile... They are condemned. I already deemed the boomers as a ally I could trust... I came to unite humanity from the ashes of civilization... Not be another monster of it."

"I see... Thank you for your thoughts... You are the first one that ever survive our bombardment. And you are the first I wanted to show others that outsiders is not so bad." Pearl spoke softly.

"I been through worse... The way your people threw their shells at me.. is nothing compared to the wars we fought. Change is coming Pearl... I hope that the boomers can take part of the future I envisioned."

"I will speak to the rest... You have some clearance to this place, perhaps you can help things around here to. Make the people accept you." Pearl chuckle.

After Alexander left the office. He met the mother of the child Pete that loved explosion ... He is still in diapers as he looked at Alexander with curious eyes. (A/n: Alexander arrival to Nevada is a Decade early than the game.)

"Boom!" The baby first words spoken by the baby.

"Heh, little one... Someday when you grow older... Perhaps you can fly to the skies and rain explosion in a better plane than the b-29 in the lake." Alexander handed the mother a plush toy of a bomber for the little one to play with.

In a few days, Alexander helped mingle with the locals. Helping clear out a bunker filled with ammunition filled with radroachs and Giant rats that is explosive because they been eating the bullets and artillery shells.

Fixing solar panels and building a new powerplant.

Listen to concerns of the people as Alexander made a well... And each deed the boomers became accepting with Alexander, His forces were allowed in in limited quantities to propped up the air strip, and there is a specialized trade caravan made for the boomers. The baby pete gurgling happy as the first Marauder Bomber landed in the airstrip. It's sharp raor made the baby wriggle with delight.

"This boy... Really want to bomb the living hell out of savages..."

While Alexander is mingling with the Boomers.

The World outside the airbase moved ever so darkly.

The Armies of the NCR arrived in full force with the intention of taking the Mojave, with two of its goals the Helios one and the Hoover Dam for its expansion policies. The politicians at Shady Sands were conflicted. The issues on handling the imperium is split into both parties.

One side wanted to trade with the Imperium for resources, while the other want to take it for themselves..

"We must get Texas, as it is our destiny to unite America to its former glory!" A warhawk screech out.

"You are a fool! Why would you want to have the gall to invade the Imperium! Look at how well dressed and well equipped the Trade Caravans that came from Texas! We don't have the funding to equipped the army of this size!"

"Nonsense, we have these squatters and the trash in society to be readily drafted to the army!"

"You are the fool! We don't have the technology to compete with the Imperium! The Trade Caravans told us they already got Tanks and Aircraft ready to be deployed! And we just barely managed to scrape the armouries in the Glow! And those are Small Arms!"

"Why not detain these caravans and apprehend them, surely we could reverse engineer their weapons?"

"Did your head stuck in the sand or what?! It will be Casus Beli for the imperium to invade us! They care more about their people!"

They bicker for days, perhaps even weeks since they sent out the NCR expedition force.

The head councillor watched tiredly at the quarrel.

"Let's held a vote, Aye should we continue to fight against the Imperium, Nay if we contact them for good will. Abstain if you wished to stay out of this conflict." He spoke.

"I say Aye! The Imperium is just another dictator!" A man that was in charge in army raised his hands

"Aye... We are running out of excuses of the gold reserves and seeing that their currency is becoming the norms... We can't risked our dollars to be worthless. " Says the Chief of Finances as he rised his hand.

"I say Nay, we don't know what we are up against. The Imperium is a threat or a ally is up to our choice." A man in charge of Diplomacy raised his hand.

"I Abstain the Vote. I don't care what you would think but our research is needing more funding..." The Head of the Office of Science and Industry raised her hand.

"I say Aye, the Brahmin Farmers association have found that their goods is superior to our own and we need to protect our industry! We need protectionism enacted and more tariffs!" The brahmin magnate spoke.

"Aye, the War industry need someone to keep the jobs steady. And war is one thing to keep our economy running and unrest down."

"Nay! We need trade to propped up our economy! Are we no different from the raiders that attacked our trade lanes?" The Chief of Trade panicked.

"Alright, with the votes tallied, We shall now declare War on the Imperium." The head council bashed his gravel... Marking the end of the NCR.

A NCR Ranger arrived to a elder man in a ruined apartment in the journey to mojave with news from the homeland.

"Chief Hanlon... We received orders from Shady sands... We now invade the Mojave and we take no prisoners..."

"Is the order confirmed?"

"Yes... And General Oliver is reported to be overjoyed to attack the Heartlands of the imperium... And you are ordered to invade Nevada with 7 regiments of NCR Rifleman Corps will be sent to the expedition force along with the NCR Rangers, with a Battalion sized artillery support." The ranger gave him the papers of the regiments that he was given...

Hanlon looked at the report and frowned.

"How fresh are these troopers?"

"About a month training... Just have the basics of knowing where to shoot and do maintenance...and we were given a three month worth of supplies... And I asked.. that's all they could afford..." The Ranger grimly stated.

"We are facing a Faction that already claims for unification and we don't know anything about the imperium saved for those traders that entered their territory.... And all we have is people taken from the streets... I dealt a bad hand I see...have them move out in a week. We will ascertain if they are hostile." The Chief groaned.

The politicians is having their head up their ass of they want to fight a fully mechanized forces...

Orders are orders.

The NCR army columns droved in trucks that they aquire from derelict military bases. Each of them is precious as they don't have the manufacturing capabilities of producing more...

The Caesar Legions is having a difficult time....

They tried to infiltrate the held territories of the imperium and their Frumentarii spies were often found before they managed to enter any settlement, and the only way in, is to mingle in the trade caravans and they could only glance information from the civilian population...

"Our lives is better after they came in."

"Where is the leader of the imperium? I dunno? Isn't he still in Texas?"

"Why are you questioning about him?"

They couldn't even enter the military bases. By day, they were caught by Psykers that already read their bad intention.... By night... Those metal monsters... Frumentarii that were sent in the night is already being drained of their information and undergoing Servitor procedures...

Alexander having grew tired of the spy warfare, grabbed one remaining and sent him back with a message.

The Last of the Frumentarii returned to Caesar... Bearing a message from the imperium...

He was bloodshot eyes and his hands is shaking...

"My Caesar... I bear news from the imperium ..." The Frumentarii bore a bhramin scroll.

"Speak." The Frumentarii unravel the content of the scroll.

"Caesar, You will find your body on a cross, and your people corpses will be the foundation for which the cross to stand... The Imperium is under our God Emperor of Mankind will .. your legion is based on a fact that only you lived it will be stable, I will rip the Bull pieces and scatter the ashes to the wind, and I, Alexander Solair, Herald and Son of the Imperium have decreed that your Legion have no place in a future that my father have dictated for humanity path, is no longer the path of the Legion that you upheld... May you pray to whatever god out there, Heretic, cause I know that Hell Exist for people like you...We shall meet in open combat and my army will be the horors that will etch in your legions minds... Forgive me Caesar... For my foul speech." The Frumentarii shuddered.

The Caesar pondered of this war declaration...

"Lanius... Ready the legions, we shall show them the might of our legions!"

The giant masked legion roared.

"Ave to Caesar, May we crucify these heretics of their insolence!" Lanius roared. As he unsheathed his blade.

The Legions of Caesar marched nonstop as they head towards hoover dam.

(A/n:First Battle of the Hoover Dam anyone?)

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