Chereads / Surviving the Multiverse with a Warhammer 40k System / Chapter 199 - Meeting the Nevada Dessert Rangers

Chapter 199 - Meeting the Nevada Dessert Rangers

As the supply lines towards Las Vegas, trade began to florish in the lands Alexander held, the promise of unification have echoed the wastelands and many of the dwellers of the wasteland flocked to his cities for safety as they longed for the old days of safety and securities of the wasteland horrors, Alexander armies met several creatures that step into their path, from death claws, ghouls and raiders, to deter of unification of America and humanity birthright.... Is death.

However, there is someone in the dessert watching them. Waiting... And observing the situation at hand...

A group Nevada Rangers covered in dust hidden in the sands as they observe the armoured convoy that is heading towards Las Vegas. They heard about the unification of America from the local nuclear shelter that Alexander had made. And they continue to observe as they wander into the Mojave desert. And continue to observe them... They first found the armies of the imperium, at Nipton, then they spread out throughout prim. Raising outpost and making trade and supply lines secured... The rangers even saw actual flying planes that swept by and headed towards the Airbases nearby...

The Nevada Desert Rangers held their breath as he watched the desolate town of goodsprings along with other towns that is held by the imperium is slowly filling with vitality...

The leader ponder to himself... There is three factions that is on his mind...

Caesar legions is attacking his home in Utah and they resorted to use slavery and force to make the tribes to hunt his people down... And the man that proclaim himself as Caesar have damned his people to oblivion... They march ever so slightly to the west as they soon reach hoover dam...

And the New California republic politicians gave the Dessert Rangers a deal with heavy restrictions... Their freedom for assurance that their people should be absorbed Into the NCR Rangers so that NCR should be the bulwark against the incoming horde of Legion wannabes, but there is some rangers that loved the freedom of saving the people in the wasteland...

But what about this so called Imperium? What are they offering? Can they truly lived up to their reputation of uniting America? Are they different from Caesar legion? He struggled with his inner conflict as he watched the Good springs is revitalized as Red bricks structures raised and people began to settle into the village. And two Flags was raised into the air... One was Old Glory and the flag of the Imperium is raised proudly in the Mojave sun.... And each hour good springs becomes a walled village.

Seeing that there's no use to ponder, they approached the Goodsprings...

"Halt, State your identification."

As they approach the good springs, they were halted by the Guard at the walled gate.

"This is Captain Vincent Reagan of the Nevada Dessert Rangers, I would like to speak to your leader." The leader shouted out. The guard at the wall began to contact someone...

"Yes... High Lord... Okay, Captain Vincent Reagan, you are allowed to take your people inside. Your weapon will be detained until you are done meeting with this place. This is a place of civility and I do hope you understand Captain."

"I understand. Where shall we deposit our weapons?" The captain said calmly, one of his younger ranger yelled out.

"Captain! Are you out of your mind!? "

"Look, Brian at the top of the walls and the vehicles behind us. Are you sure you want to talk shit?"

The rookie rangers saw that there is many machine guns nest and snipers aiming at them and as he looked behind them is a Tank Column behind them.

"How did that tank column came behind us so quietly?!" The rookie screamed.

If they tried something funny, they would be blasted then and there.

The guardsman on the tower laughed.

"At the counter next to the gate, don't worry, we ain't going to take your guns, seeing that it is essential for you folks, if you want to buy something, we only use Thrones, not Caps or NCR Dollars for payment in most of our stores, there is a exchange station, rest assured we will not scam you.. welcome to good springs and enjoy your stay. Our leader is waiting for you at the Schoolhouse." The guard opened the gate and they met in a world that is different for them...

The village roads is paved anew, and a hospital is being erected in record time.. Many people came and go... They notice at the village siflde of the walls that there was artillery and mortars ready to be used... If they somehow managed to dodge most of the machine gun, Snipers and the tanks... Artillery would be end for them.

Vincent shrugged as he went to the counter the guard mentioned and deposited his sniper rifle that is kept safe and he was given a token...

He looked at the Exchange rate. He looked at the caps and shrugged as he used the Nuka cola caps to exchange for thrones.

Caps to Thrones: 15:1

NCR Dollar to Thrones: 176:1 (A/N: West coast BOS destroyed their gold, causing inflation and a bank run.)

Las Vegas Chips to Thrones: 1.9:1

His group looked around with caution as the prices is in thrones, only the local bars and grocery store allowed the caps to be used. But there is a fairer prices compared to towards newcomer like them...

A man approached them and attempt to sold his wares.

"Hmm, seems like you are a thirsty bunch. Want some ice cold lemonade and ice cream in this scorching Mojave dessert? We got the thing for you, for a low, low price of 2 thrones, we will give you a cold drinks, ice cream and meat skewers on the house. Get now while its practically free!"

They wanted to protest... But being in the scorching sun of the Mojave and observing their objective have made their stomachs a bit hungry..

"The leader of this organization can wait...right? " One of the Rangers wryly looked at the businessman that is twinkling...

They looked at the menus and found that it's just the same food that they found in the ruins of the restaurant in their journey. Chicken meat, beef, Lamb... All sort of choices... They been eating brahmin meat and radroach brains. They never know what's it like to live in a time when their grandparents used to eat before the bombs drop and the great flame scorch the land...

After they placed their orders, they sat down and watch as this village is getting being rebuild in a blink of their eye. Both Soldiers and the residents helped built the village together...

"Sorry for the wait, here's your meal!"

As the meaty scent came and assault in their nostrils, their mouths drool...

Generous portions of meat landed infront of the rangers, but they held back a bit to check if there is any poison or some radioactive meat stuffed in this skewers... That one even pulled out a Geiger counter and found out that the radiation is practically zero...

One of the waitress giggled.

"Silly, why would we poison our customers?" Making the Rangers a bit embarrassed...

"Well let's harm as we need to head to the schoolhouse ..." Vincent smiled as he is the first to chomp down the meat...

Tender, juicy and laden with spice ... Sometimes he wonder, if this is what his ancestors ate before the bombs fell... (A/n: Nope, they ate ultra processed food that would make a 5 year old into a cannonball. And Heart stroke is their mistress.)

Lemonade water flowed freely and Ice cream soothe their bodies from the scorching heat...

After they finish eating and left... The Businessman smiled as soon as they left, he called someone...

"Mr. Alexander... They taken the bait. About that... Reward..."

"Rest assured Mr. Findley, You done your part well... There will be extra thrones into your bank account... For doing your part well, I assure you that you will have a food franchise in the strip and the states that is under my control. And you will have cheap, but quality ingredients as your suppliers... Make the wastelanders understand our culture through their stomachs. You will be remember as the foundation of unifying American this day... "

The man eyes twinkled, but his grin smiled even wider as a million thrones entered his bank account. One can never be too patriotic if there is profit to be made... But he also understand there is limits of the man temper that he kept his ambition to a rein... After all, if he is too much of a bloodsucker towards his people... He knows of the Caesar Legion methods of crucifixion... Alexander would have jettison them to space on a chair strapped with rockets. And he saw some of his rivals that stepped out of boundary of price gouging, ended up in that execution method... They quite literally flew to the stars with their ambition...

The Nevada desert rangers didn't know the glee of the business man that is having a euphoria...

They met a redheaded man that is waiting for them infront of the refurbished schoolhouse, sitting behind of a mahogany table..

"Greetings, friends from the east, the name's Alexander Solair and I lead the Imperium to unite America... I do hope our hospitality is not so rough... We had a Legion spies around lately... Come sit, I hope that we could come to a understanding... About the situation in the east." The red headed man laughed as he beckon to let Vincent sit on the chair.

"Mr. Alexander... I do hope you know what is happening in the east yes? "

"I do....Mr?"

"Oh, forgot my manners... You seemed to remind me of a old friend of mine... My name's Vincent Reagan and I am in charge of the Nevada Dessert rangers..."

"I heard tales of the mighty deeds your organization have done for the wasteland... I would like to thank you for keeping the hope alive. It must be tough for your group to survive the wasteland" The man humbly nodded.

Vincent notice he was not like the NCR Politicians that arrogantly looked down upon them.

"I know... But our efforts have proven effective, despite we have limited numbers to go around. We do stand proudly. And I would like to inquire a few questions about you Mr. Alexander solair."

"Let's hear it then."

"Are you the same man from two hundred years ago?" Vincent cautiously asked.

"Of course, Heck I even am older before the bombs dropped on our soil. Let's see..325 years... Give or take.. "

Brian yelled "That's impossible, no Humans lived that long! You could be the devil himself!"

"Or a Angel sent by god, or a human that been genetically altered to live that long.. If I am truly the devil, I would have been like the Caesars legions that is trampling their way here. Then you would have no where to go. When you observe my soldiers as they marched into Nevada... Did we become the oppressors? Did we imposed heavy taxes? Even the exchange rate and the food you ate... I didn't even lie to you, if I did wanted to use poison that is disgusting to me... I would have already ordered my men to put holes into you before you stepped into this place.... I am here to bring unity in this hellscape....and you want to save the people yes? Mr Vincent?"

"What are your affiliation with the Caesars legion? Seeing that you have the Imperium as the banner."

"Heavens no, I will not put slaves as my army, our ideals is different, he uses slaves, I used federal service for men and women to join. He sees the rot, I see hope in the wasteland... He is cynical about human nature, I believed in them."

"What about your thoughts of the New California Republic?"

"You heard about them?"

"Yes, they came to us with a offer that we surrender our identity exchange for resources and manpower to defend against the Caesar legions..."

"However, I'm still here, years ahead of them, and they are so far away... I rather not trust them politicians... They probably come here for the Hoover dam to puffed their election and their starving needs for electricity. And your people concerns about the Caesars legion is secondary. Their supply lines is overstretched and they would only sent the inexperienced soldiers to mass assault if they had too."

"I see...what about you sir? What's happen to us if we join you."

"Me? If you joined me?"

"Yes...what would you do to us if we joined your organization."

"I will listen to the concerns of your people, and give you Independence from my forces. Seeing that we could just steamrolled even mother deathclaws. I will give your Dessert Rangers representation in my organization, all my bases are welcoming towards you and you will have free supplies and manpower if you so needed. So that we understand on what's happening in the wasteland. And I valued your organization experience and inputs. And you value your freedom yes? Everyone wins. All you have to do is to sign this agreement?" Alexander pushed the paper towards Vincent.

Vincent looked at the paper Infront of him.

He is one of the few rare people that knows how to read and write.

1. Imperium will give a permanent 20% discount for the organization request of supplies .

2.Nevada Desert Rangers will assist the Imperium to combat the threats against the imperium on American Soil. (I.e: Caesar Legion)

3. The Imperium will allow military bases under their control to the Nevada Desert Rangers in the US States for replenishment, resupply and medical aid.

4. If a said Nevada Dessert Ranger is found guilty of crime by the imperium, the said subject is subjugate to a Court room of judges with both the Imperium and the Nevada Desert Rangers.

5. The imperium will have a military alliance, a defense pact and come to the Aid of the Desert Rangers, if they are under attack by external forces. And Nevada Dessert Rangers would inform of the Imperium of the upcoming threat.

6. The Imperium would not infringe the rights of Nevada Desert rangers and allows people in the said organization to have free passage in the imperium. If individuals in said organization wished to join the imperium, they are to be assessed and trained for further use, until they will be part of the Imperium Rangers.

Vincent read carefully as if not to let go off a blind spot for them to take advantage...

But seeing that it was beneficial... He agreed ln signing of the Mojave/Nevada Defense Agreement.

Alexander smiled as he got the Rangers before they absorbed by the NCRs. He sent them off with gifts, weapons, armor and a weekly stipend of Thrones as they are now his soldiers....

Hate the Legion slavery and hate the Oligarcy of the NCR... Alexander grinned as soon as they left... News of his spies is already inside NCR. They would relay the information of the bureaucrats of the wannabe dictators... And if he wanted... Make their own people put their leaders head on a silver platter. But for now... He will visit the Strip.

He tapped in a intercom and speak out.

"I will be heading out soon and now that we consolidated our gains, I will head out alone to have a general Inspection to every towns and villages that is under our control. And ensure that the Caesar legions don't take a step forward in Hoover dam! If there is NCR presence, do not fire unless they do so. This is Alexander solair signing off."

Around this time, Mars for almost two hundred years, since the bombs felled, they have already constructed the Famous replica of the Ring of Iron. Now churning materials for the war effort in the planet below.

A fleet of Ships now landed at the Pacific and now station at a former country known as Australia... That is filled with radiation that affected the animals there, 7 feet Emus that is bulletproof and laser proof, Frenzied Kangaroos that spit acid and punches is enough to pierce depleted uranium, and the crocodiles that is 100 feet long that have jaws that can chew through steel, Spiders that is already a two story building and the radiation have made the jungles and marsh is almost hostile to human life... And Catachan jungle fighters called it "Vacation Island".

"Radiation everywhere, wet marshlands, Some of these creatures pack a mean punch and the temperature just right, but nothing like a vacation. After we... Save the civilians... Can we make this our Vacation island?" Transmission of the 7th Liberation Regiments.

And Mars have sent out expedition fleets of Acclamators outside the solar system with a notion to survey the galaxy and hunt down the aliens... As they are simpler to build in larger quantities.

There are more bigger ships such as a Luna class ships that is being built for the deeper colonization in the Fallout universe...

Resources, faith and people to have living space...

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