Chereads / Surviving the Multiverse with a Warhammer 40k System / Chapter 198 - Extra: The Texan Recruit

Chapter 198 - Extra: The Texan Recruit

A teenager woke up in his bed with a smile on his face.

"Today's the day, I get to join the army." He smiled as he went to the bathroom. There were many posters about joining the army. Especially so many vehicles to choose from. He could be a Thunderbolt fighter or even a Princeps of a titan even a guardsmen is good to him...

"Federal Services guarantees citizenship, Join the military today and be part of something grander!"

"Your services as a soldier is honor to one family!"

As he arrived in the dining table.

His father is busy reading the newspaper in the household and his mom is in the kitchen several of his brothers were chatting as he sat down and eat.

His father is a factory worker that is under Alexander payroll and his mother kept the household safe, with his father income, he could lived a normal life. But the youth wanted something grander, he wanted to be something part of taking one destiny and held it in his hands.

"Are you sure son, that you wished to join the army?" His father spoke.

"I sure can dad, I passed the health inspection. I want to be part of something grander. I want to be a citizen."

"Then take care son, I have to stay with your ma to keep the family going."

Many of his brother flooded to him.

"Brother, can you tell us your journey on how you meet those evil monsters?"

"When you come back tell us your story in the army okay?"

The youth chuckle as he assured them he would be back. It's just five years of service to get the basic package. And he heard that it would take ten or more to get higher privileges...

As he stepped out of his home, he met several youths that wished to join the army. Children with dream to be heroes to save the world from the evil monsters.

As they arrived in the recruiting office they met the officers that accepted their application...

It was a moment that changed their lives forever...

For eight months, they train in basic training, then they began to upscale the intensity of it. They even under go Holosuites training to kill the virtual enemies that is catalogued in their archives, they may not able to kill them, but the pain is merely 1/10th of the damage they supposed to faced and three times harder to kill than their real counterparts. He got the marksmen ribbon for that...

"Get your ass in the ground private! Enemies will see that thin ass of your jingling in the open that is begging to be blown apart! Do I make myself clear private! You over there! Get your shit together piss pants, Mr bullets will not wait for you! Hut two three four." The Drill instructor scream out in the megaphone.

"Horrible." was the mind of the youth as he struggled to crawl in the barbed wires with his lasgun and there was a Stubber turrets manned by masked men and they get berated to actually shoot properly.

"Shoot harder Hans! We don't get the shovels we were promised!"

The young man was shaken of the brutal training... And in the night he wept a bit... For he prayed a bit...for a bit of a bright tomorrow.

The next day another training of live exercises would occured they fought against mole rats and even a chained deathclaws.

"Check your aim trooper, those beasts is plentiful and their ugly fucks that roam the world and you would fight them without them being chained and they will lunged at you and chew your skull for breakfast, check the weakspots! Their eyes is one of them! We got the LasGuns made by the cog priest that would decimate any poor bastards that lined in our sights! You over there, thin-skin what you crying for! This is the army now, not some kindergarten! We are fighting against the enemies of humanity and they won't stop to kill a sniveling brat like you! Who are you defending for!?"

"My parents sssir!?" The soldier drake being scared.

"That weak response is not in my radar, who are you fighting for!?"

"My Family Sir!"

"Yeah now that's the spirit brat! Channel that rage against the enemy, blast them that lasgun in your hands!"

"Sir, Yes Sir!" The youth that got berated aimed at the group of giant scorpions and scored a hit.

"Outstanding, Now the piss pant is just promoted to Half a man! Remember this lesson, there are more enemies in this world that your little mind can't comprehend and we shall be the defenders of humanity! And this is just the start of your journey! Do you get me trooper!"

"We get you sir!"

"Now good, It's almost chow time recruits, now head to the bath and make yourselves clean up! And I don't want to smell garbage heap that is in the women dormitory trash bins in my mess hall, do you get me troopers!?"

"*We get you sir!*"

"In that case you are dismissed! Little maggots, what are you waiting for? Get going or else you be doing latrine duty!!"

For Day of him being in the army, cleaning his bodywas one of the time that the youth is able to relax and as well as chowing some grub. They even got individual showering.

"That bastard is really hard on Drake over there...hey Jason you not seem to be hating that DI..." One of his friends showered next to him.

"Emanuel, at least I am aware that what Drill instructor is saying that there are monsters that is more scarier than him." Jason spoke.

"What's your aptitude? Emanuel?"

"Me? I am in Heavy weapons team, you Jason?"

"Rifleman. "

"That sucks... Well, just a few more months, then we would be shipped out soon." Emanuel nodded sagely.

"And miss eating chow? Hell no."

After they finish bathing, they found themselves in a mess hall, many of the soldiers of different origins are eating their meals, some are Russian sounding men, Australian macho mans and those stuck up British... And those purple eyes soldiers that watched them every time... Jason noticed one of the females is looking at them strangely...

"Jason look! Taco Tuesday, And Mystery meatloaf!" Emanuel joked as he dragged Jason to the dishes.

It was a decent meal. He gave some prayers before eating...

"I never thought you are a religious person?"

"Nah, my parents taught me about it. My birth almost killed my mother and my dad prayed to the God Emperor and his prayers was answered. In a sense, I am a gift to my parents..."

"I envy you Jason, I am a orphan that lost my mother. I feel so alone in this place."

"But you are still my friend after all, don't be sad. Don't belittle yourself. Hey drake you fine man?"

The youth that was chewed out by the DI smiled as there was someone that felt concern about him.

"Yeah man... And thanks.. can I be your friend?"

Both Emanuel and Joshua laugh as they slapped his shoulders.

"We are in the army and we are brothers forever! So we all should survive the trials together!"

Their training is finished and on their day of graduation ceremony, they received their individual armor.

And their Drill Sargent stood on the graduation podium, hated for his quips now looked upon favorable upon them.

"Now you sacks of shit is now part of the Army now, and you got the armor and the lasguns in your hands, as a symbol you survive and you should act like it maggots! I hereby congratulate you shit heads for surviving Boot Camp! Do you get me troopers!?"

"*We get you sir!*"

"Good! And congratulations and may the training will keep you alive so that we veterans don't send your family, the yellow letter, which is your death certificate! Make me disappointed, if you kicked the bucket the moment you put your boot in the ground, I will kick your ass! If you did kick the bucket, I will personally go to where you die and still kick your dead ass in the afterlife for being so god-damned incompetent! Now, your are dismissed!

And the drill instructor smiled at the recruits.

"Graduates of 2242, take with pride that you survive my training! From this day forward, you are no longer sack of shit, maggots and shits stain bastards in my boot camp! You are in the Army now! Make us proud!" The drill instructor smiled with pride.

Joshua smiled as his friends began their seperate ways. Knowing that they would meet again.

Jason arrived in his home with pride as his parents welcome him, before he is sent to the South Americas to help control the situation there.

"Stay safe son." His mother hugged him as his brothers gave them trinkets they made before he left. His father smiled as he managed to survive boot camp.

"Make me proud son." He gave him a hug.

As Jason being deployed to the front lines, he was sent to a FoB, he met the same female purple eyed soldier staring at him...

"Uhh miss... Is there any problem?"

"Did you get your papers?" She spoke.

"Uh, I supposed to enter the Cadian 24th regiment?" He checked his papers.

"Seems like you are the new blood in our ranks then. Name's Sa'Rai, Leading this Band of misfits." She smiled smugly.

He looked around and he saw he was the only one that is not even purple eye....

"What's our mission, Ma'am?"

"Glad you are on the uptake, our mission is to occupy a village in the jungle for the imperium and make it into a observation outpost, baby steps for you until you can handle the real stuff...." Sa'rai smiled.

"I am a man you know?" Jason complained.

"Not with that attitude ya ain't! You just fresh from boot camp, wet behind ya ears. We seen things that make that drill instructor berate look like baby left in the rain, ya laddie." One of the men chortle.

"Alright, I will follow your guidance properly. Seniors."

Jason followed behind the Cadians 24th into the jungle, every step, he seen some freaky stuff that radiation have done to the Amazon forest... Frogs that have many eyes, Predators that glow in the dark. Insane natives as if the world he lived in is so different...

They arrived in the village they were supposed to be occupied to be abandoned and they found it disturbing... They shrugged as they placed equipment and a beaon was activated that makes the nearby base launch makeshift defenses from orbit for a outpost. Cargos pods came from the skies as the defensive walls and equipment is covered by retros booster landed nearby and they took time to unlock it.

The first Auspex and comms tower is raised to observe their section of the radioactive jungle...

Jason took the first watch.

"This guard duty sucks..." He groaned.

"But we have the exciting moments later." Another of his group that is tasked to guard duty as well chided him.

There was movement in the jungle... Many raised their lasguns at the direction of the noise.

A poison dart immediately flew out and attack the man closest to Jason, his helmet prevented the dart from ending his life.

"We are under attack!" His squad leader yelled as scores of natives flooded out in their primitive outfit and charged at them with obsidian spears and arrows that is laced with poisoned tips.

Jason for the first time he faced was humans, not monsters that lost their sanity in this jungle. But it matters not as he aimed his lasgun at the closest attacker and it immediately fried the attacker.

The corpse turned to ashes. And it died screaming, it didn't hinder them, but made them more agitated as the attackers began to throw bodies at them in their agitation.

"Hell, this is much more worse than the cultist! On Sera-1739!"

"Keep it up, Bombing run is in the way!"

Joshua had his first taste in combat. It was like the the simulations.

After they fend off the first wave. The voxcaster called for a napalm strike.

And a Marauder bomber launched from the nearby airbase and unleashed hell of flames. Scorching the mutated Amazon forest Into ashes.

"Wow... I could never get used to this..." Joshua muttered as the blazing inferno is felt from where he stood.

"Get used to it private, there are more fucked up things in the north." Sa'rai puffed her cigarette as she watched the flames began to head south.

He watched the commands as he also tasked with relief operations. For once, he done something of himself.

One of his favorite moment is that he gave Relief supplies for the people that they kept under his care... The smiles is something that touched something... Making him believe that he is doing something to unite humanity....

(Alexander office)

"How is the cohesion between the locals and my soldiers?"

"Somewhat rough but the natives are getting used to be in part of the regiment formations."

"Good... I want them to be assimilated and ensure that they should understand our actions is not total subjugation but unification... Have the regiments that is in the south have a week of R&R while we rotate regiments to gather combat experience... I can't have them risk of a mental breakdown... Give them the K-rations as well as a Field Hospital and Mess truck ready, Amazon forest is something new that even the Tech priest is having a field trip in that place... And that is something concerning...."

"Understand sir... May the Emperor Protects!"

"May the emperor protects our holy crusade of unification, General... have at least 15 mechanized regiments and 7 air wings from the Astra Aeronoutica combat ready towards Nevada next month, I have some business with a old friend."

"Understood, High Lord."

Alexander left to his thoughts...

By merging his system recruited soldiers with the locals is a big gamble... But for now this social experiment is somewhat successful... He can't win the hearts and minds of the natives if he simply barged into their countries with his soldiers alone...