Chereads / Surviving the Multiverse with a Warhammer 40k System / Chapter 186 - Brother from broken reality.

Chapter 186 - Brother from broken reality.

Here lies a Director that is swallow led by paperwork... No a Sky Marshal Alexander Solair lamenting under the pressure of paperwork that is being headed in his way.

"By the throne... Why did I have to make this my person." He is slowly getting frustrated that more and more issues that the late Amy Snapps left behind. She solely focused on how popular instead of handling the issue on the people of the Federation.

"Invoices, petitions and manufacturers is hell. Had I not transition to imperium thrones, might as well turned into a Galactic Zimbabwe."

Paperwork is pilling to his seat and his computer to the point that it flooded his room and his computer needed a external hard drives to keep up the fluctuation.

A Secretary barged into his room with his familiar friends.

"Sir, they have arrive to give congratulations." The secretary informed him.

"Thank you Kenny... You are dissmiss until I call you again.."

Johnny Rico, Carl Jenkins arrive in their respective uniforms, along with Carmen and Dizzy in their formal attire.

Carl came out first to give his congratulations.

"Alexander, how does it feels to be the new sky Marshal?"

"Tired, and fulfilling as now I need to implement policies to end the war effort. Thank you Carl for helping me the most."

"Always a pleasure Alexander."

Rico came towards him with his eyes looking bright.

"Alexander did you see the Astartes you fielded? How on earth did you managed to get them?"

"Like I clarified at the last Council meeting, they were just prototypes that was sent to aid the Mars. And they are a organization that is not part of M.A.Rs that was sent en masse to the AQZ."

"So you plan to make more of them? How can I be like them?"

"Yes I am planning to make more and no it is difficult, currently they are enough to keep the Frontlines. And the success rate of making a Astartes is only 89% and you will undergo several operation without anesthesia and you would be sterile, do you want that?"

Rico shook his head. As his wives stared daggers at him.

Alexander was aware he could make space Marines locally without using the system due to the Primarchs around having a decent geneseed. But making Astartes to his friends is not in his interest as soon as the geneseed change Rico turning into a Mini primarch that slowly lose his humanity, is it the same friend that he made in this universe?

"Now, I called you for your aid. And this is information I will declassified it for your level."

"Is it that serious?" Carl asked apprehensively.

He knows Alexander keep secrets the most.

"I am serious, Carl this information is more devastating than what Amy done to Mars. It would is more devastating to humanity. And I am being held down the line long enough to see I need more allies." Alexander pushed away the papers and revealed a Holo Recording.

"Do you ever wonder why Amy went bonkers Carl? Despite the fact what she done is political suicide? This tape would answer why she done this much."

The Holo Recording came to life.

It revealed the are Amy Snapps was busy in the very same office he work in. There was a fog appeared out of nowhere and revealed a Hooded figure. She was alarm by the intruder and unholstered her pistol

"Who are you? I calling Security!" She aimed her gun at the figure in alarm.

The hooded figure placed it's fingers on its void hood. Amy suddenly felt her hands weakened.

"Silence... I come with a proposition for you, Amy Snapps..."

"What is it?"

"Kill Alexander Solair, and I will save you from destruction."

"Never, I know how strong he is!"

The figure shook his head as he held out his hand and a orb that is like a condensed blood with figures screaming. And it place it into Amy head...

Her eyes widen, she screamed as she convulsing like crazy.

"What is this! So much death!" Her eyes turned frenzy and as soon as she stopped twitching her body fell down like a puppet lost her strings.

The Hooded figure chuckle...

"That is what happened if you defy us, Amy Snapps... Kill Alexander Solair, then your pathetic Galaxy would be saved."

Amy stood up as if nothing happened to her. Her eyes became conflicted.

"I need insurance, I may be the highest in authority and how would I convince my follower to agree with you?"

"Just as I am a messenger of destruction, I am a deliverer of good news. If you managed to kill him, I would provide technology and manpower to kill the bugs and once they are dead and eliminated in the Galaxy... You would be the eternal sky Marshal in history of man, how about it?"

She contemplating of her decision until she agreed damming her to her fate.

"I will...may I ask what is your organization?"


It message ended, leaving the group watching in silence.

"So you telling me that there is some bloke that started this debacle wanting to kill you?" Rico watched with confusion.

"Yes... Sadly that figure never intended to follow up her plan."

"What do you mean by that?"

"Remember the Himalayas incident years ago?"

"Yes Alexander, it was a time you took a search for the Space Elfs legacy...hell you even dragged a few Necron monoliths Into that place."

"Turns out. It was a Staging ground as there was a subspace in the depth of Mt Everest... Xenos and Human Experimentations was there... And we...had to cordon off the facility. I didn't bother about it as I focused heavily on the borders on our controlled territories. And I found traces of people handwork using technology that I wasn't able to confirm at that time."

"So you saying we been compromised? The Federation echelons themselves?" Carl asked with a certain revelation.

"I am afraid so Carl, they may disguise their greed for my corporations, but I am aware they couldn't dare kill me in legal laws and the underworld, as soon as they attacked me, all bets are off. They delved deeper in the underworld and my organization would root it out, I don't trust the FIB and My colleagues... But I trust people like you to handle the dangers in your organizations."

"So you are saying that there are still traitors in our ranks?"

"Afraid so... Rico... it's not that I make you paranoid, they still think that you are just representative of your following factions to congratulate me for being a Sky Marshal."

"What do you want us to do?"

"Nothing Carmen and simply just armed yourselves with better security. They still think they would use our relationship as friend to leverage in their plot to overthrow me. And I here to give you tasks just to throw them off."

The group stand attention as they waited for him to give orders.

"Rico, you are reinstated as the General of the Armed forces and Lead the Mobile infantry to Assault In the AQZ at the periphery and you have access to my armoury, and try not to die trooper. Dizzy try to accompany him and not get himself killed okay?"

The duo saluted as they stepped aside to Carmen.

"Carmen, You will be the spearhead to carry our troops into the Arachnids and assist the troop on the ground, a Fleet from my organization is now under your orders. Make use of them. The faster we kill the bugs the safer your position would be."

"Carl Jenkins, as the neutral party, you have now gain access to the knowledge in the Warp, and you able to research how to control the bugs, if our fight against humanity is bleak, but remember you are under the direct supervision of a group of Thousand Sons Chaplains would that suffice?"

"I will take that offer Alexander... And thanks."

As the friends left, Alexander was left alone.... Not entirely alone as a Golden figure was sitting nearby peeling a Apple. It was the Emperor of Mankind waiting for the meeting to end.

"So what do you think Revelation?" Alexander watching the Figure calmly peeled the last vestages of the apple. He spoke.

"Making the locals aware of the intricacies of the outside universe is detrimental..."

"How do you go around it, for me, it's better to have some sound minded individuals to prepare for the upcoming storm."

"I would initiate a information lockdown and keep the population not fall into paranoia, just as you are part of my creation...I hope you take it to your consideration..."

"And risked becoming a second bloated Imperium? Where madness and insanity replaced the logic and humanity in all of us? I desire humanity to progress to the point we defeat gods... Not end up in the same footsteps of the Golden Crusade... Father..." Alexander sighed as he stared at the apparition.

"During the final days in the siege of Terra... I wonder what went wrong, seeing brother against brothers, seeing grudges for reasons unknown to us... Based on a future that Horus feared the most... I don't truly understand why you sent the traitors to me in the first place? You play a dangerous game... And I need to know the truth."

There was silence as the clock on the wall ticking as if it was waiting for a answer... Revelation answer as best he could..

"For them to grow Alexander..."

"Grow? What do you mean by that?"

"I am aware, that I am a character in a story of a eternal war, forever dammed to his throne to watch eternally of humanity suffering, until the Golden Throne give way... I laughed at the fact that revealed to me when I first entered the Citadel that housed infinite versions of me... I am a shitty parent, who make the wrong choices... Knowing my life is written by absurd writers and logic is not within their minds... Knowing my fate against my favorite son is already been written in stone... You were originally a aberration, a glitch, something I could take advantage of to break free from my chains... To break free from my eternal damnation of a imperium, you became someone important to me, When that version of mine that created you... Gave me his blessings to protect you... Of what you call the systems or Theseus now right?"

"So you are aware of that?"

"I play a hand creating it , some of it is created by my other versions as well contributed it updates... It is a portal that disguised as a game system... It housed both the living and the dead to heed your call. Ever wonder why some of the Astartes that should have been dead is now alive in the flesh?"

"You playing a dangerous gamble... What if I chose to become the Chaos follower?"

Revelation smiled as if he accepted his fate.

"So be it...I made the wrong choice.. but seeing you... You made the best choice, and so I sent my sons to assist you, so that their story is not shackled by a madmen for ruining their characters... I well aware as of now my universe is not canon and I lost their author blessings, currently I am heading to a journey in my Multiverse to mend my mistakes. To liberate the Imperium in every reality from it's ghastly fate... I wanted my sons a better path... Despite they betrayed me... I still loved them... But knowing that my people would never accept them willingly, I entrust them to you, to make them grow better than they were, when I first met them in the Grand Crusade... To make the right choice..."

"You always give me the hardest choices..."

"Because you always managed the way through such hard times... I could sense some faith from the people in this universe now flowing through me... I able to keep my form stable aside from using that shard that is within you..."

"Why do you gave me the shard in the first place? Surely that it is meaningless since I am a follower to you?"

"You are still incomplete Alexander... Without it, you would have been dead."

"What do you mean I would be dead, that is not funny..."

"What you found in that facility in the deep warp can provide you the answers... That's all I could tell you. I will be busy for now... As I am heading to a reality where Roboute is the Arch Traitor..."

"The Roboute heresy... Wish you luck."

"Noted. Now Before I go... Vulkan managed to send you a Gift... .more specifically... Gifts."

"Don't tell me, he managed to reverse engineering my stuff?"

"Yes, The technology that you left behind is now a part of the Imperial Guards... And easing the Titan legions to head to a more important theater of war."

"At least what I done for humanity is enough to stemmed the tides, Until we meet again..."

Revelation smiled as he faded away...

"Until we meet again...Son..."

Alexander began to ponder what the Emperor had just said.

"What did he mean by that?"


In the Warp in the replica of the Sol system, a Copy of Titan is undergoing a activity like no other...

A facility was erected for a sole purpose alone...

To converse whatever is in the Vat that Alex taken during his internment in the deep warp.

All the Primarchs were armed with their armors and weapons as they stood ready. Thousand sons scrying the areas around the planet, the Iron Warriors stood guard on both internal and external.

In a Chamber that is big enough to allow Magnus reached his battle form, Thousands of Techpriests and Scientist scrambled about Infront of the Enormous Vat.

Alexander stood Infront of the vat pondering if this was the right thing to do, it is the most opportune time since the territory he held is now under his control... A Archmagos Biologos approached him.

"++Emissary, We have found something.++" The Magos handed him a Dataslate. As Alexander perused the contents the Techpriest spoke as much as he could.

"++We discovered the entity inside is a extraordinary specimen. Despite it lost about 90% of its mass it retained function of a normal baseline despite having no electricity powered the machine...++"

"Can you turn it on?"

"++Yes, but we must prepare the proper incense and rituals to not provoke the Machine Spirit guarding it's contents.++"

"You may do so."

Hundreds of Techpriests gathered their incense cauldron and candles were lighted up around the vat, each of them chanted binaries dedicated to the machine god as they swung the incense tht make the chamber smelled with smoke...

After it ended the Vat began to power up, Alexander felt something was wrong... The Techpriests that conducted the ritual beginning to spasm uncontrollably as the light in the vat began to glow in light.

What revealed in the vat was a face along with respiratory systems still attacked to it. The features was af if the figure was inflicted by a bubonic plague... The eyes on the face opened and looked at Alexander.

One of the techpriests approached him.

"++Experiment 626, *voxbox creaked*Project Midas, Last son of the Primarchs Ten Thousand. Brother, Outcast, Broken, Fufill Creator Duty?.++" The Techpriests groaned with the words spoken out.

Alexander eyes widen of one of the words struck his mind?

"Who are you?"

"++Experiment 163, Project Holy Necromancy Hades, Fallen, Unforgiven, Traitor to Creator Beliefs.++"

"Hades... Tell me... Why you called me broken?"

"++I see your soul, mishmash of different individuals, your body in the warp is shattered, only torso remains++"

"Can you tell me where I can find my body parts? At least brother?"

The possessed Techpriest stood silent until it spoke once more.

"++I will tell *beep* As to absolve my sins...++

"++Your heart is in the depths in the ocean , Guarded by Guardians now corrupted, Your Head is in a Ziggurat in a Galaxy Far Far Away guarded by the darkness, your limbs... Is in a cult in a Wasteland, when you gather all of them then you will be complete.++"

"Why called yourself a traitor?"

"++I failed him, Failed my purpose, Believe a Lie, Paid the price.++"

"Should I get you out hades?"

"++Impossible, Moment the vat have come to life... I felt my life ending... The plague is corrupting me..."

The Techpriest looked at a statue of the emperor nearby...

"++Creator...Forgive me++"

"Wait at least tell me about the first?"

The possessed Techpriest looked at Alexander with interest.

"++First, Number 097, Project Caesar, classification: Corrupted, True Traitor.... Betrayer, Forgotten. Estimating your strength... You only have 3% survival rate."

"What if I gather my body parts again? And allies?"

The Techpriest went silent...

"++Around 37%, that is all I could afford...++"

"Can you tell me about Mother?"

The Techpriest is spasming as the last question is killing the speaker.

"++She is dead, Died in the fires of hatred, I was the 13 that impaled mother *beep* Father++"

The words is becoming slurred..

"++What have I done?++" The vat that held the remins of what supposed to be his brother is slowly disappearing. Alexander saw in the last moment of Hades, he could felt a sense of satisfaction?

The Techpriest went silence as the original consciousness returned to the priest as the Medicae went to attend the possessed.

Horus approached Alexander and held the shoulder of the silence Alexander...

"Brother... Are you alright?"

Alexander simply smiled.

"Thank you for your concerns Horus, I thought I could get answers... But it made me have more questions than I intended..."

"Well, it's a start, now we shall assist you whatever necessary for you to be whole again...that I vowed to you, brother..."

Alexander for the first time... He had no answer to this solution.

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