Chereads / Surviving the Multiverse with a Warhammer 40k System / Chapter 187 - Prelude of entering Bioshock

Chapter 187 - Prelude of entering Bioshock

Alexander sat in his office to digest what happen...

He was incompletely undefended and seeing a outsider, though a traitor pointed out his survival rate.. Dampen his mood. He already solidify the Universe he is born in and now he have to take it to the enemy... But it wasn't enough...

"Theseus, What world you can jump into? What are the benefits of completing the missions?"


"Find the depths, uncover the heritage lost in a depths of madness, Find the lost children."



Find the Outsider that is hiding in that universe


. Gather Plasmids technology and blueprints of Big Daddy.

. Save little Sisters

. Find Elizabeth.


. Numbers will unable to gather Plasmids Units in their ranks (Note: However they still retain what they already recruited)

. Time for their invasion would be extended by 2 years. (Current Time limit: 54 Years)

. Imperial Guard Units are able to use Plasmid without the Side Effects.

Gears Of War


"Human will outshine any corruption"

Primary: Hunt down the Number hidden in Serra


. Save Carmines from their death.

. Absorb Serra population and Replace the Incumbent Coalition with the Celestial Imperium.

. Save 20% of the Population from E-Day

. Spread the Faith of the Emperor.


. Numbers are unable to use Lambent Technology.

. Survival chance is increased by 5%.

. Imperial Guard Unit: Serranian Saber Tooth Legion is available to recruit.


"Human Tenacity is the Symbol of defiance against all odds."


Hunt down the Number.


. Absorb the UNSC technology into the system

. Defend Reach

. Colonize more than 5000 planets (Halo only have 200)

. Spread the Faith of the Emperor.

. Absorb Forerunner Technology.

. Deal with the Limited timespan of the Ai living there.


. Numbers are unable to use forerunner technology

(However they still retain reserves to do so.)

. Imperium will gain access to it, Giving it a chance to solidify humanity chance against the dark.

. Imperium Units are able to use Forerunners tech.


"A friend, a charlatan or a Fool"


Hunt Down Number hiding there.


. Spread Faith of the Emperor

. Capture more than 20 Sectors before the start of the United Earth Directorate Arrival.

. Gather Allies.


. Hybrids, Corrupted Zerg and T'aldarim are no longer in the ranks of the Numbers.

Increase the chances of Survival by 10%

. Eldar and Imperium Assassin Gain Psyblades.

. Technology of Terran and Protoss is available

Star wars.

"I am not the Dark or the light side.... I bring Order to the Galaxy"


Hunt down the number hiding in Star wars.


. Conquer the unknown regions

. Spread the Faith of the God Emperor

. Defend against the Yuzhang Vhong

. Protectorate at least 309 Xenos Species (wookie Guardsmen anyone?)

. Rise of the Celestial Imperium.

. Gather Je'dai And Sith Artifacts.

. Build a Je'Daii temple

. Find and repair the Starforge

. Recruit Mandalorians to your organization.


Numbers are not able to build force structures and artifacts in your universe.

. Je'Daii units are available.

. Clone Astartes are available.

. Starforge and StC planets are available to build.


"Make your legend rise from the ashes of the old order."


Hunt down a Traitor.


. Made the world aware of your products.

. Defend a Alien Invasion.

. Conquer the wasteland of old America and Beyond.

. Find Big Mountain.

. Absorb the Institute before they go crazy.

. Revitalize the World.

. Return Shaun to his father.

. Defeat or Assimilate the NCR and Legion

. Judge the fate of the Enclave.

. Find secrets in Vault Tech.

. Spread the faith of the god Emperor.



Gundam U.C

"Be a Spectator or be a part of a grander plan"



. Conquer All sides and Earth through diplomacy or warfare.

. Find Char.

. End the cycle of madness

. Spread the Faith of the God Emperor.




"They are in the god-damned walls!"



. Investigate Weyland Yutani Corporation.

. Gather at least 25 variants of the Alien.

. Find the Predators and recruit them.

Rewards: .....

So you are unable to find what's my body parts are doing?

"A bloody long treasure hunt." Alexander groaned.

I guess... What is the Celestial Imperium? I didn't rebrand the Federation into that?

"Well time to take it step by step.

Start the Bioshock first. I need to strech out my legs and go for a enthusiastic walk."

"Not in this place, have at least several Legions of the Skitariis from the Mechanicus and Preachers from the ecclesiarchy ready."

"Let me get to my Armor as I am not eager to prepare to sink into rapture without safety precautions."

Alexander walked to a Cabinet nearby and a Armor was ready for him... It was a long time since he used it when he went to the Cyberpunk world...

Memories filled in, remembering the times he shared with them.

"Alright, now take me to that place."


A Man found himself swimming away from a plane that was about to sink to the bottom of the ocean.

He saw a lighthouse in the distance, he swam as much as he could, Until one of the plane wings dragged the unfortunate soul to the depth of the ocean. His last breath, he only see the murky depths of the ocean...

Alexander arrived where he died. He found the man that was to become Fontaine Ace in the hole... Now dead from drowning... He grabbed the corpse and place it into his inventory....

So I am in place of the protagonist?

"Well then... Time to swim to that lighthouse... I am going to have a flu if I stay out here..."

As Alexander is swimming towards the lighthouse, There was a Figure standing on the water, looking at him in the distance...

"Midas..." It spoke as it disappear into the night.

"Thank the Emperor that My brother fixed the Waterproof issues." Alexander heaved a bit as he arrived to the Lighthouse, it's has been so long since he remembers his Guardsmen training...

As he enter the lobby he was greeted by a banner

"NO GODS OR KINGS, ONLY MAN" Etched on a Statues that held it.

"Andrew Ryan, you held a vision of the future... But it trapped you in the abyss..." Alexander muttered as he went to where the mini sub that is the Bathysphere that would take him to Rapture. It began to pressurize to keep the inside from popping off.

As he sat on the mini sub waiting for it to finish, the vessel sank to the bottom of the ocean and a recording began to play...

"I am Andrew Ryan, and I'm here to ask you a question. Is a man not entitled to the sweat of his brow? 'No!' says the man in Washington, 'It belongs to the poor.' 'No!' says the man in the Vatican, 'It belongs to God.' 'No!' says the man in Moscow, 'It belongs to everyone.' I rejected those answers; instead, I chose something different. I chose the impossible. I chose... Rapture, a city where the artist would not fear the censor, where the scientist would not be bound by petty morality, Where the great would not be constrained by the small! And with the sweat of your brow, Rapture can become your city as well."

And a Underwater city began to glimmer in the darkness of the ocean, neon signs of businesses glowed in the dark.

And as soon as he reached the entrance there was another sentence welded into the structure to house the Mini sub.

"All good things on earth flow through Rapture."

He could see the surface of the Bathysphere station that allow the Bathysphere to dock, he heard rattling on the top of the sub and the service radio began to call for to someone else

Alexander grinned as he watch it ringing.

"Con the Conman..." He picked it up. And a Inhabitant was conversing with some one he knows.

"Did you expect that genetic freak coming from topside? All I see in that Bathysphere is just a advanced Big Daddy."

"You have your orders Jacob unless you want a extra Adams to be bought?"

A Female Splicer smashed her face in the glass windows and it brought a ugly sight to see. Her faces is filled with pustules and boil as if she never wore makeup or hygiene...

"Come out and play-"

Before she could taunt him. Her face was smashed by a power bat and the male splicer fled the scene.

The service Radio cackling to life.

"Are you from the plane crash?"

"Aye, I came from the surface and I came to this place that is the closest thing to flee from the cold ocean."

"I don't know how you survived that plane crash, but I've never been one to question Providence., would you kindly head in the lobby as you will need to get all the power you can get."

As the recording came to a end. Alexander looked around and saw several luggages was haphazardly tossed about and several posters of Atlas for the people. He found the Supposed Wrench that was supposed to be Jack first weapon.

He scoffed as grabbed it as he delved deeper into the depths of the place.

He enter the lobby that held several elevators to a upper level and saw a wonderous sight that shows the world outside of Rapture...

"A perfect paradise. And perfect in hiding the rotten corpses that laid the foundation bof this place."

He could hear the cracks of the glass slowly creaking and it began to flood, he entered on one of the available elevator and watch as the lobby is slowly flooded.

He found a man wailing for salvation. In one of the lower levels as a splicer nearby kill him.

He shook his head as he find a hallway that shows a woman holding a baby carrier... Her words filled with longing and delusions...

"Hush now my child... No one would hurt you..." She cooly moved the baby carriage a bit.

As soon as Alexander approached her, she turned around and screamed at him.

"Get away from my baby!" She swung her knife into Alexander armor... He sighed as he smash her skull quickly as to not give her pain... He turned towards the baby carriage and it simply house a revolver and to picked up the revolver.

Checking it only having six bullets, he entered the lounge... There was a vending machine that held a tonic that held a note. "Would you kindly drink this?" He activated his Emissary of the Omnisiah as to not let Sinclair see his face. He drank, and the tonic went down Into his mouth and he could feel his mind wracked in pain. But he steadfast held on.

As soon as the pain subsided, the service radio came to life.

'Cool I have Warp lightning or was it force lighting?'

'Hell more suicidal tactics.'

"Hell boyo, you been working out, now then, would you kindly get back to work, Head to medical pavilion as the way in the inner depths of the city is under lockdowns. I will keep a eye on you."

A Being wearing a diving suit and a little girl approach him.

"Look Mister Bubble, We have a Mister B that is lost?" The Girl squeal in delight as she held up her hands as to let Alexander raised her up and placed her on his shoulder.. She snuggled a bit as she smiled.

"Take care mister Bubbles. I have fun today, Mister bubbles take me to see Angels." The Little Girl waved at lonesome Big Daddy as she accompanied Alexander as they disappeared in the distance...

"Better Find Dr Tenebaum..."

"Adopt them, raise them as my own. Much better than leaving them into the surface where their parents is possibly dead..."

"I could give them a better life..."

He arrived at a restaurant, where decorations and corpses of attendees laid about, their dreams dashed hoping to pass peacefully on a new year, and he found a Couple screaming at each other at the kitchen door.

"Hon, I need that Adam!"

"It's mine, I earn it!" Scream a female voice beyond the locked door.

Alexander ignored the couple as why bother making annoyances. As he headed towards Neptune Bounty. The Figure that watched him from the surface is following him behind.

In the Medical Pavilion was once a place to get medical aid, is all he could see body bags and mechanical defenses, he found his first Big Daddy and the first contact was a punch to his skull as the big daddy had recently lost his little sister. Alexander had no choice but to use the Electro plasmid to halt the being until he smashed it hard with his power bat that the floor cracked by his blows, killing and releasing the poor soul within.

As he found a little sister accompanied him, the Service Radio came to life.

"This is strange." A female with a German accent spoke from the radio. I smiled as I blocked Atlas words from reaching me.

"May I ask who you are?" I asked as I pressed the answer button

"Names Dr Brigid Tenebaum. I would like to make a deal with you?"

"Where do we meet?"

"In a Plastic Surgery Clinic just a few block down. I would consider a good proposition for both of us."

"Don't trust her, she cooked up the little monsters."

I ignored the ramblings as I headed to the clinic.

It was heavily fortified and in it was several children toys and supplies with a woman in her late thirties waiting for him.

"Is this place secured?"

Tenebaum looked around and shut. Off the radios.

"Yes. He would not hear us." Alexander removed his helmet.

"Alright, as of now I am not Jack Wynard from Kansas, but Alexander Solair from the topside."

"Why are you here? Where is Jack Wynard?"

"I am here to finish it, the Ace in the Hole that Fontaine or he goes by Atlas wishing for is dead as he tried to save people from a passenger plane." I lied.

She looked contemplating.

"So that's why he been goading you around with those I would give this to you. It would free the little sisters." A Tonic came from the secured hatch.

"May this cure the little sister... My cruel work must end..."

I placed the little sister down and used it. Her looks return to normal and thanked him as she retreated to a duct.

Tenebaum asked the released little sister.

"What do you felt from Mr Alexander?"

"He is like the Sun, shining and glowing, keeps me safe from harm." She beamed as she headed somewhere.

"So what are your plans for Atlas and Andrew?"

"Altlas still think he is in control of me, but he will die soon, I just have to determine if Andrew is beyond redeemable... If not, just kill him."

"I see... May your journey is blessed."

"Call me Jack as to make Atlas think he is in control." Alexander place his helmet once more.

"Understood Herr Jack." She smiled

After exiting the Clinic, Atlas berating him like crazy.

"Boyo, what the hell happened? We lost contact for a while. Would you kindly tell me what happened?"

"There is something I wanted in the clinic and some strange energy knocked out my communications."

"I see, Proceed ahead."

After traversing the ruins of the walkways above a hall that have a little sister harvesting a corpse below, he ended up outside the hall. There was screams and a splicer came and slowly crept towards the little sister. She screamed and a roar of anger rushed towards the splicer and rammed the assailant with a Power Drill. And it didn't end the rampage of the Giant as the Big Daddy repeatedly rammed the corpse into the transparent glass until it cracked.

"Aye, that is the little sisters and big daddy, she provide Rapture Adam and that monstrosity is her protector " Atlas said.

It was one of the corridors that he heard a scream and a Big Daddy was engulf in flames. And a Splicer approached her with the thoughts of ripping Adam from her frail body. The Splicer was met with a Lighting bolts and fried the person body from within...

Alexander watched as the Little Girl Mewed for a aid for her protector...

"Go get that little monster Adam."

A woman stood on the second floor.

"Please Jack, I could provide you a better path." She tossed a tonic. Alexander held it and it had no description on it.

"You could free them from this hell."

"Hah, says the one that cooked up the little monsters. They are no longer little girls."

"I pray that you have a decency to give the little ones a chance."

Alexander drank the tonic and approached the child. She shivers as the towering armoured man approached her. She frozen as he knelt down and raised up, he removed her disheveled hair as he absorb the Adam within her. Her cloudy eyes become clear and her skin become rosy skin.

"Thank you mister." She spoke softly as she enter the ducts that allows sisters into rapture.

The Woman above Alexander have a sigh a relief.

"Thank you sir, My name is Brigid Tenebaum and I used to work for Fontaine... He was right that I created them... But I intend to do things right... I will make it worth your while. As long as you save as much sister as you can, I will make it worth your while. I bid you farewell." The woman left leaving Alexander alone.

"Enough of heartfelt goodbyes, There's been a lockdown and would you kindly get the Access key from a Dr Steinman in his clinic?"

Alexander went on a rampage as he arrived at Dr Steinman Plastic Surgery Clinic.

As he entered the premises he heard screams. Rushed and arrived into a glass oversight that overlook the station below.

"This one is too ugly! This one is too far! This one... Asymmetrical! There is no perfection!" A man screamed.

Alexander just busted into the glass and smashed the insane doctor into pieces....

He looked at the handiwork of the mad doctor.

Mutilated bodies that vainly searched for perfection. He grabbed the access key from the dead doctor and removed the lockdown.

It was until he was forced by Atlas to head towards Neptune Bounty.

Neptune Bounty It is a Fisherman Cove, many of Rapture produce for protein comes from the fisherman that braved the pressure of the current ,, dangers that lurked In the darkenss just to have hot meal and a slum for those that is not able to rise above rapture competition. Now it's just reeked of death and decay that not even the rotting fish could hide the dead.

Every room he visited was either the occupants was killed by starvation or the door was ripped from the hinges and traces of blood was strech out from the rooms.

Atlas or Fontaine he knows, kept yapping to save his family, after all the Splicers is flooding into the Neptune Bounty ended up being bashed in the skull.

He passed by several contraband of crates holding bibles and as soon as he reached the smuggler cove, he found there was screams and gunfire.

The Bathysphere that held the supposed to be Atlas family is blown up before Alex eyes.

Atlas Gave him a order.

"Andrew butchered my family, Would you kindly kill that son of a bitch?"

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