Chereads / Surviving the Multiverse with a Warhammer 40k System / Chapter 107 - Kwalasha Mission II (Ignis Ops: Bug Patrol)

Chapter 107 - Kwalasha Mission II (Ignis Ops: Bug Patrol)

[Federation Theme Song]

"With the Size of the Bug Problem ascertain and the Orbit cleared from Bug Fleet that threatened the Citizens of the Federation, Immediate Action is needed.

The Federation Moves to protect Kwalasha, It's mines and its people." - Fednet

[Mission II]

The Skies of Kwalasha from the start of the Campaign was Heavily contested in certain parts of the Planet due to the Abundance of Canyons, Valleys and Ridges that prevented most of the Aircraft to commit Air Patrols, due to that weakness the Bugs took advantage of Hiding in the the Canyons and the ravines making Federation Casualties rise, Causing the Federation not start Air missions until given explicit orders to do so, however became more apparent that humans were winning as the bugs soon realize that human beginning to Slowly turn the Tide, they produced more than they lose to Attritional Warfare, the Bugs Slowly receding their Armies to more concentrated Areas of defense, Federation Command, Did not allow M.A.Rs to Commence with the Orbital Bombardment or Independent action as the PR is needed for the upper echelons to recruit more to the Meat grinder.

and Command Delegated tasks to Alexander forces as Garrison and patrol duties. not joining with the Assault as M.I Generals wanted to obtain Merits on their own, Director Alexander agrees with it as he was worried that they would put his men into the wringer....

Ignis Was Tasked to Patrol an Area that have a Canyon Range that lead to the Wasteland of the Kwalasha. If they managed to accomplish their task , It would provide smooth supply routes to the Capital city and a Observation outpost to observe the Wastelands...

[Few Miles away from Delta IV Outpost]

"Alright, Dog Platoon... Our Task is to Commence Patrols and Destroy any Bug tunnels and Holes that Might Popped up behind supply lines, And We are to Visit the Supply Depot On top of the Hill, Just past the main road to regroup with Silent Owl Squad. Once we are done, we will reach the Waffle House, On the end the day foods on me." Jay Speak with Confidence that things might get a bit better... He hoped...

As His Squad Managed to follow on the main road, they met Several Refugees tried to flee to where was Supply Base Located...

"Help, Somebody!" The Man Leading The weary refugees Yelled as they were about to be overwhelmed by warrior bugs...

Several Red Beams erupted from the Back and shot the Bugs killing them in one volley...

As The Civilians turned around to say thanks... Many of the Dog Platoon Were pissed off that their day didn't go any better...

"Why are you still out here, The Evacuation order have already been sent?" Jay Replied.

"No sir... We were trapped in the house during the conflict..."

Some of them nervously hidden themselves in the crowd...Making Jay wary of them

"Search them." Jay Calmly ordered his Platoon to search those that were suspicious with their actions...

Despite several protest of the Refugees, they managed to separate the suspicious individuals, They found Explosives and Weapon hidden in their bags...

"Pip, Radio Command, There are several Saboteurs that want to destroy Supply Base Sector 2-1 on our patrol. And Inform the Interrogators about the Names of the people that carry these explosives." Jay Gave instructions.

"You Can't do this to us! We are the Citizens of the Federation!" One woman Exclaimed....

"Miss, You Lost your privileges the moment you were thinking of blowing up a Military Installation... If you got these explosives and used it against the bugs, I would look the other way, but instead you are also wearing a Bomb Vest under your T-shirt? Don't bother to pull the trigger it's been deactivated digitally..." Jay Blankly stares at the civilians causing them to take several steps back...

"Don't you Dare Mess with me!" She Jumped into the Group and Detonated Explosives Manually by using her bra as a Flint and The Explosion Engulfed Ignis... Causing the Guards of the Supply base to came to the direction and apprehend the Civilians that were shocked that their Neighbour Blew herself up... The Soldiers Gather the remains of the Soldiers and Dumped them into the Medbay. As if they knew what they were doing.


Jay Woke up on the Bed of the Supply Base where he supposed to Rejoin...

"Anyone Still Alive! Sound off!" He Sighed as he stares at the Corps insignia on top of the bed.

"My Head is bent a Little to the left..."

"Fck, I merged with a Rubber chicken... I need a surgery..."

"Why my eyes is replaced with Buttons?"

"Uhh, I misplaced my hands... Better get those new Cyberware at this point if we kept dying."

All the soldier in the Platoon that were in the Blast radius of the suicide bomber were "somewhat" Okay.... Perpetuals they may be, they are not fully overpowered soldiers...

"We got to finish the patrol, we supposed to meet Silent Owl squad..."

Upon exiting the Medical Station, they met the Squad they been looking for.

Sitting on the Wall is a Group of soldiers that were playing poker on a stack of crates with a Owl stitched in their uniforms...

"Silent Owl?" Jay Asked

"Yup, that's us, who's calling?"

"Federation Orders, you join Dog Platoon to finish the patrol for bugs."

"Wilco, I beginning to get bored with guard duty..."

As Silent Owl Joined the Jay, Operator Added more objectives to Jay Plate.

[Operator]: "New Objectives are added, You are to Reactivate the Three Radio Stations located in your patrol area and guard the place until Mobile Infantry will come and secure the stations, the Defenders went Radio Silent during a firefight, Securing the Stations will provide additional reinforcements and Air Support *Static*"

"Great, More Work..." Jay Groaned...

Klaxon Rang throughout the Supply base and Soldiers began to take defensive positions on the wall. Bugs were now Attacking...

Several Waves of these newest Rammer Bugs took the charge and took action to Ram the walls in a unprecedented rage...

"Get the Punisher Turrets aiming at them!" The CO order the Operators of the Turrets to aim and fire their bolter rounds at the Mass of Bug shredding them as the Shells pierced the Carapace and exploded into the soft inner parts of the bugs... After several Minutes later the Bugs Receded and giving the Defender a Sigh of relief...

"Dog Platoon, Go out and Hunt the Bugs Holes Pronto!" CO yelled as the Gates of the Supply depot opened and they rushed out with 3 Sentinels retrofitted with Vibration Sonars and LasCannons....

"Sir, Detecting a massive movement in the ground, Several Bug Holes Nearby." A Sentinel Driver reported.

"Time to Nuke the Bugs. Vinny will you do the Honor?"

Vinny smiled as he prepped the Nuclear launcher and Aimed at the General Locations where the bugs were located...

The Payload Launched and separated into several smaller nuclear missiles that Smart locked into the Holes and Blew up and collapsing the tunnels below the land radiating the land to prevent the bugs from tunneling...

"Alright then Problem solved and leave it to the Decontamination team to solve the environmental problems, Let's head to the First Radio Station..."

The checkpoint to the First Radio Station was Ghastly, Several Mobile Infantry was ripped apart and some were Melted by Acid... and the Stubber weapons platform nearby was ripped apart. There were Several Bug Carcasses ridden with bullets nearby that told a story what happened here...

Their Eyes Glassed as they stared in the sky...

"These troopers seen better days, Spitter Bugs I reckon, that melted them... " Lion Remarked as he pushed his Lasgun into the acidified corpse...

"Alright Pip, Radio for Some Armor... I got the feeling we need Armor Support..." Jay ordered and Watch Delta Platoon Tagged the Bodies and waited for reinforcements.

5 Kronus Pattern Chimeras, 7 Ignis Marines Squad, 2 Engineer squad and Two Hydra pulled up beside the First Station.

"Eazy Eight, Mechanized Company, what are your orders?" As the Lead Leader Spoke to Jay...

"We wait for Mobile Infantry to take over this station, Then Accompany us to the Crossroads and Blast through the Vehicle Wreckages, meet up at the Final Radio Station and await further instruction if there are bugs you know what to do, we will cross over the bridge to finish our patrols, Engineers Drop in Punisher and Plasma turret for Anti Air Coverage..." Jay ordered the best he could... Several Turrets was dropped from orbit along the Main road to be activated and the Engineers beginning to unravel the Crates.

The Bugs are evolving to have thicker armor that Stubber Rounds took more than they should...

Mobile Infantry managed to garrison the Radio station, Ignis went out on their objectives, they Managed to use the Chimeras to Bulldoze Several Overturned Vehicles out of the road and separated them at the crossways, One of the Hydras Assisted them to hunt down the remaining bugs holes until they reach to the Second Radio Station...

The Second Radio Station was more Gore than the First as the Bugs tunneled their way through the Unfinished flooring and killed everyone there. After Collapsing the Bug tunnel, Pip went for the Radio Station.

"Sir, Second Radio Station is up and the Base defenses Reactivated, what do we call for?"

"Called in the Woodpeckers Psyker Team... We could use them for Voodoo Reconnaissance, the Radiation is now Messing up the Sentinel Sonars...and I see several Hopper in the distance..."

The Turrets around the Radio Station began to be activated and Now Firing at the Warrior and Hopper bugs in the Vicinity.

While Pip begin radio for more support, Operator called.

[Operator]: Rubrix, HQ on the net about your progress? They're asking why the area isn't clear yet?

"We are almost there... Several Hoppers Nest were Spotted in the Vicinity of the Second Station, We requesting Air support Operator?"

[Operator]: Denied, Federation want the Land to be Done by Ignis, you are to use what assets on the field...Over and Out *Static*

"Then Lucky we that we didn't Mention the Hydras... Thank the Director for Reinforcements..." Jay Ordered the Hydra to shoot down the Hopper Bugs, Flaks, Bolter, Plasma and Laser pierce their bodies and the dead piled up in a mound.

"Plasma Nade's them, Don't take any chances of them being dead!" Pip Yelled to the Rookies as they tossed several Plasma Grenades and Torched the Mound, the bugs that played dead began to screech in pain as The Waves of heat and Explosion killed them for real.

Several Drop pods Landed on the Vicinity of the Radio station...

"Woodpeckers here to save the day. What are your orders?" a Soldier stepped out of the Drop pods and Held Mass-Produced Sniper Bolters.

"Help us gain the lay on the terrain, the Valley and Ridges is preventing more accurate sensors to get the lay on the land."

The Squad Eyes Glowed Gold as they managed to get several Bug hole and Hideouts to be found...

"I am Marking them on your GPS's, Make do with what we gave you." the Squad leader Sent several locations to Jay Helmet Gps.

"Relay the Engineers to Use the Plasma Turrets as a Makeshift Artillery and Aim at the Designated Location on the map."

Several Plasma Turrets aimed at the given Location and began firing a Hail of Plasma at the location and continued to do so until Woodpecker stated they are no longer active.

After they were done, there was Vehicle Gunfire at the Last Radio station. Since they were done with the task. They rejoined the Eazy Eight.

[Eazy Eight]

After they Left Jay in the Crossroads, they were Attacked by the Bugs on the Cliffs, Spitter bugs spat Acid on the Chimeras and they were hit by several Grenades in retaliation...

They Found a Bug Tunnel that was Close to the Vicinity of the Radio Station. And Collapse it... While they waited for Jay to Rejoin

them and hunkered down, making a Makeshift Trenches And Minefield standard procedures, until they heard rumbling on the ground. The Bugs Were Flooded into the valley from the Wastelands and several Giant Red Bugs leading the Charge....

"Shoot them down!" As the leader of the Company order his Gunner to aim the AutoCannons at them....

[Dog Platoon]

They Managed to reached there in time and Called in, that the Last Radio Station is now under the control of the Federation... Giving the green light that the Area is now Safe for Aircraft to start Missions again... A Marauder Bomber Wing was Launch to the Area to drop Cluster Bombs in the area...

"Pip, Order the Engineers to Recalibrate the Plasma Turrets at our general Location!" Jay Order.

"That's Crazy!" Pip yelled.

"Unless you want to fight that!" Jay pointed to a Big red Bug...

Ignis Was Fighting the newest variant Tanker Bug as it is bigger, Tankier and more redder. It Grabbed a Chimera by the Mouth and snapped it into two... and have two Independent acidic flamethrowers...

Pip called in More reinforcements as now Warrior and rammer bugs are about to swarm the Defenders, Woodpecker launch Psyker lightning frying several bugs in a Blast... and the Plasma Turrets Aimed at the valley where Ignis was in and Fired Volleys of Plasma until it was Counter batteried by some Plasma Bugs that was behind the swarm removing the heavier ordinances they have against the Bugs...

They heard humming sounds in the Air and Saw a wings of Marauder Bombers opening its bomb bays ready to drop It's devastating payloads....

"Take Cover!" Jay Yelled as Cluster Bombs fell down like a Hail of Snow, carpeting the Battlefield with Explosion and Shrapnel, Ignoring the People below that was still fighting....

After the Bombing run ended, the Bomber return to base...

Jay Woke up in a Pile of Debris and Rubble...

Wondering what he just ate his lunch today as several Bugs were just mere inches away from his body...

Woodpecker Team Managed to Erect a Psyker Shields to defend themselves but the Vehicle were a Busted, the occupant were burnt alive as the Bombs Activated the Ammunition Basket and fuel combusted in the heat, making Them lighthouses in the smog of dust of the Bombardment... And Those that was still alive were wary of the bugs playing dead on the road leading out into the Wasteland and waited for further instructions until Mobile Infantry Caught up to them, Hundreds of Bug Carcasses lay on the ground and the Tank Bug Variants is already dead with several Bombs Cracked into the Exoskeleton of the Bug and Burned it from within..

The Day was Ended with Them Returning to Base to get some shower and Dinner to think, what just happened to them?


Federation Became more warier of the Bugs that is now evolving to handle the new threat, especially the ones Jay Found in the Valley, that is a Evolved version of the Tanker bugs and Rammer Bugs are gradually a Common Cannon fodder To be seen on the field and replacing the Warrior bugs... the only sole comfort was that they were still manageable numbers to handle as Scientist Speculated that they were more energy intensive than the Warrior bugs themselves...

Some of the Skeptics believed that they are just the Bugs that were just transported from the Transport Bugs that landed during the Fleet battle and they couldn't be Mass Produced... The bugs became more of a Threat that some that did wanted to start a War, Wonder when it will end by humanity head on a platter? After this Incident They Granted Alexander some Leeway to handle the Issues...


A/N: I know that why is it that Alex Still obeys the Federation and not like what happened to the 2nd Movie? Well it's kinda Connected in the Later as the Officer told the Federation about the bug in the Starship troopers: Terra Command and Private Sahara in the Second movie Coincide at the same time... And at midway of the Kwalasha Campaign Based on the Two people Testimonies, he would be granted Autonomous Activity, But for now? He will just obey the orders as he have more issues to rectify... Giving the Illusion of Them being in control...As this Operation is Focused on Mobile infantry operations and at the Same time, a Shit Test to see if there is any loyalty in Alexander Organization to humanity.

Why they are not op? And why the Rising casualties?

First: They are not listed By Alexander "Owned" forces so they don't have the Perks granted to them.

Second: The Casualties in M.A.Rs are pretty much Soldiers that were Locally Recruited instead of the System Oriented... Vehicle and Planes that were OEMs in the Federation Factories instead of M.A.Rs Mechanized Command Factory and Air Bases... Quantity over Quality at this point...

Ignis were probably the first Perpetuals that were Alexander Attempts to Make Artificial Perpetuals... So far He Stopped it.