Chereads / Surviving the Multiverse with a Warhammer 40k System / Chapter 108 - Kwalasha Mission III : 501st Rocky Start

Chapter 108 - Kwalasha Mission III : 501st Rocky Start

[Federation Theme Song]

"Kwalashans take Pride in their Planet Mining Industries. Through Sweat and Brow, Valiant Colonists dig up the precious resources the Federation needs. It's an Ore Effort for the War Effort! They are not afraid of a few bugs to scare them off! The Federation Has Begun Escorting the Valiant Miners, whom many who are patriotic for the Cause, Back into the Mines, so they can keep excavating the Future of Humanity!" - Fednet

"Truth is... That Place was a Deathtrap for all of us, The Bugs knew it, The Feddies Knew it, We Knew it as well, The Mining site is filled with Bug Waves came flooding at us like a clockwork, wanting to make us bleed every step on the way, We were sent in to reinforce the 1st and the 36th and it was a trial by fire, for us just fresh out of a Campaign in a nearby system I believe the Federation wanted to lower the Director Holding on the military power by sending us into the Grinder before their Soldiers, I wonder how we even survived of all that? The Miners families was pretty much kept under Guard and Executed If they disobeyed. And the Bugs knew how important that the Resources is needed for the war effort to us, they make taking the place more hellish than any other campaign we were sent in.

If it wasn't for the Director that Came in and Mediated the Issue that if they did perish in their line of "Heroic Sacrifice" their families will be taken care off and their children will be taken care off and sent to the Scholar Progenium and made them well respected in society, that they made their minds, Aye the Director had a good heart...

We were supposed to Reestablish the Mobile Infantry Base that was Overrun a Few Weeks ago And Allow Ignis Corps along with a Skaven Company by assisting them purging the Mines Below. If We weren't reinforce with newer Technology such as a MCV's, Prism Tanks that was fresh out of Mars and we were to use them for Field testing, it helped us reestablished the destroyed fortifications quicker than the Cogboys, long enough for us to resume production...May the Emperor Have mercy on their poor souls that is fighting down the depth of the mines..." - 501st Experimental Division M.A.Rs

As Great dust cloud was erupted in a Distance. A Army March in Formation along with the Miners that saw in Awe of such formation they believed that Humanity is undefeatable..., Vehicles such as Mammoth Tanks Slowly rolled Alongside with the Infantry, Hover MLRS and Attack Bikes Rushed Forth ahead as Scouts, Orcas Flew Ahead to provide support for the Scouts after the scouts done survey the land, the Planes left...

The Abandon Mining Base have seen better days... Several of the Walls have been breached and Plasma Scorched marks, Bug Tunnels was burst through the floors in the Base...

Corpses and Limbs scattered all over the place, causing the some of the Whiteshields in the 501st to barf their Breakfast contents.

"First time Rookie?" A Veteran asked as he watch the Corpse Runners tagging the Body and Placed them in a Body bags.

"Yeah... I never knew how brutal they could be..." the Rookie finished his vomiting his contents..

"Well, if you don't want to end up like them, keep an eye on the surroundings." The Veteran Patted the Rookie back as he took to his station.

"Voxcaster grab a Cogboy and fix the Radio Station, Order the Mcv Crew to start Unpacking... Engineers Get the Base up and Running and the Base Defenses reactivated, order Fortress walls to be dropped down from Orbit Pronto, the Standard walls ain't enough! Have the Initiates company ready for Artillery support. Get Someone to Cave those Bug Holes! Have the Miners wait till the Ore Harvesters are ready for them to drive into the mines!" the Commander Cdy-117 leading the Division giving orders...

Meanwhile a Group of Warrior Bugs Stared at the Cliffs watching the activity of the base as the MCV started to unravel itself and Began rebuilding Ore Refineries to send Harvesters to the mines, rebooting the Operations, and looking at the New Blood fresh into the grinder they turned around and left....

The 501st waited with chills on their spines as they heard rumbling In the Ground...

"Activate the Thumper! Bugs Shakers!" The Commander yelled

The Techpriest Activated a Enormous Machine located in the center of the Base, that is like a Enormous Hammer it slammed right into the Earth and collapsing the Bugs tunneling activities...

"This must be a Probing Attack, 501st Get ready! They are coming! Get Those Power Armor Ready!" Cdy-117 yelled....

The Bugs Came on the ground like a Tide of Claws and Fangs, Tankers and Rammers leading the Charge, the Skies was Covered with Hopper and Ripper Bugs threatening to swarm the base once more...

"Let 'er rip!" One of the Veteran Shouted as They began to fire at the Masses Infront of the base...

Initiates Howled with fire and Fury as they Dropped lead and Explosives on the mass of Bugs hindering all but the Tanker bugs...

Hover MLRS and Attack bikes serves as a Anti-air Support as Missiles, Flak and Rocket alike shot into the Blacken skies explosion briefly shown until it was covered by bugs...

The Mammoth Tanks tangled with the Tanker 2.0 now known as Red Tanker, Succeeded from taking down several of them until a series of Plasma ball Engulfed them and exploding them to pieces...

"Shite there goes armor Support, Voxcaster, Radio HQ that we need air support now!" The Commander yelled during the firefight as Guns was blazing

[Federation Operator]: I am Afraid that would not be possible, High Command have stated that air forces are necessary to stay put as they are being required for another operation more important than this mining facility... They have High Expectations that you would succeed....

"Shit!" Cdy was Pissed realizing that they were meant to die....

"Don't Give up hope Soldier... Help is on the way..." a voice that was familiar and comforting to him echoed in his Helmet comms

[Teleport Distortion is appeared in the Vicinity...]

[Teleporting troops arriving in 5...4...3...2...1]

A Series of Spheres of Electricity and Energy cover in the center of the base.

"Prism tank reporting for duty..." a Series of tanks now Appeared on the Battlefield...

[M.A.Rs Operator]: "I will be taking over the Operation, These are Prototypes that the Director gave you, use them wisely."

Cdy Grinned as He Knew what these are...

Prism tanks... A Laser Based Siege Vehicle that was in the works but never seen the light of the day in the Federation due to Military "Budget Cuts"... They were suitable for Mass Bug Waves and Siege warfare, but they were Discontinued from the 3th Klendathu Military Summit, as the general consensus that Mechas were the new trend... Alexander believed in all Of them are useful and they could not be supreme with one another... He went to work and Managed to make the Prism tanks to Multi hit and also Anti-Air Capable

The Prism tanks work wonders, each shot blasted Hundreds of Bugs to pieces as the lights passed through them, Hopper bugs swept down on this new threat until the Turret of the tank aimed up and fired on the nearest bug they could find making it a point of dispersal, Superheated beams of lights danced in the air, tracking the bugs in the swarm at once killing them by the hundreds, less time than it takes to launched a Rocket...

Just when the 501st thought they have won, Trouble began Arising as the Harvesters were attacked in the mines and despite they have personal defensive weapons, they were soon overwhelmed and Destroyed... Making the Carcasses that blocked the entrance, a pain to drag them out... And another series of Bug Plasma balls Took out the Prism tanks... making their dread etch on their bones, Another wave of Bugs soon rushed onto them to finish the job...

And the Rumbling on the ground is much worse as now they ignore the Thumper and Collapse the area around it and swallowed it whole forming a Enormous hole... And From the hole, Swarms of bugs now flooding the place...

"Operator, The Miners Have Suffered Severed Casualties, We are unable to Provide any more assistance as we are now being pincered in both sides..."

[M.A.Rs Operator]: "Understood, Ignis is on the way, hold out until they arrive... Meanwhile We will provide Air Support..."

Those words provided some hope to the defenders... Several Valkyries and Orcas began Provided Air support and Assisting the defenders of the base as the skies were contested with flaming Wrecks and Scorched bugs dropping from the skies...

Amongst the Battlefield that was now in dire need of aid, a Song was heard...

[Fortunate Sons]

A Swarm of Valkyries with Loudspeakers swept in a Storm as now they bombarded the lands behind them in a trail of Flames and explosion...

Scorpion Bugs in the bug swarm Shot plasma and A Shield covered the Valkyries absorbing the plasma...

"Wow, we are back in 'Nam Boys!"

"Wrong Timeline And Wrong Universe, Timmy Why are you sitting in your helmet?"

"So that no spitter bugs get my family jewel of course!"

501st was Slack jawed as this was supposed to be the reinforcements they sent...

Nonchalantly as if they were used to Death and pain...

They stepped down from the transports as the Planes left to a nearby base...

501st Fought with Ignis side by side until they saw the Bug Herd thinned out...

*War horn*

"Look the Bosnian Knights is here!" As one of the Ignis member pointed out in the distance...

Several Knightblade Charged into the Bug army...

The Knightblades Engine Roar as they found a Battlefield to play on, Each Swing a Dozens of Bugs were ripped apart and each shot pierced a Line of Bugs as they couldn't handle the Pressure of a Cannon shell smashing through the Bug Lines, One of the Red Tanker turned around and meet them as they proved more problematic than the Defenders...

"Bombs away!" Cooldude dumped a Crate of Explosives from the passenger bay of a Valkyrie onto one of the Red tanker causing it to collapse due to the Myriad of Explosion...

The fight continue until the Bugs began retreating...

"I want to kill them!" The Rookie now harbouring hatred to the bugs about to leave the base as they took out the Veteran that was like a friend to him, dead during the arrival for Ignis Corps...

"Wait a Minute, kiddo there will be a surprise waiting..." Cypher blocked the rookie from running out...

A Series of Blue Lights from orbit was came down from the skies and killing all of the stranglers, leaving none of them alive, even turning the sands into glass from the extreme heat at point zero and blowing dust into the base vicinity blanketing the bug carcases in a sand...

"What's that?"

"Particle Laser Cannon, It ain't orbit but it get the job done..."

The Soldiers watched as the lasers moved slowly killing the bugs that get in the way

"Saw that Boy? that is the vengeance, that the injustice cried out..." Jay Lead the Rookie away from the rest of the Ignis members trying to Teabag on the corpse of a Warrior bug and one of them that survive the blast got his balls snapped into pieces...

At the End of the day the Base was Saved and the Miner was mostly kept safe... as they began repairing and mourning the dead, Ignis Corps along with a Skaven company went into the depth of the mines....

"Many triumphs, lordly one, and a few minor setbacks!" A Skaven Squad leader was Beside Jay

"I know Right, We have bugs to slay..." Jay Sighed as he was tasked delegating the Skaven to do their jobs

"Yes yes, kill-slay Bug-things, Lordly one, We must must Scurry-quick, for the Horned one shall gnaw on the Bug-things innards..." the Skaven Captain Cheerfully Rushed inside the Mines not caring if they lived or died...

"Oi, Jay do they still got some boof on them?"

"No, not really as they used them up an hour ago..."

"Dayum... I really want to get high on Boof..." Groaned Ignis member that wanted to take a Puff of the "Great Horned one Boof" that was popular with the Skavens....


A/N: I know it's shorter than usual since the cyberpunk Arc as most of my daily routine is more overtime work ...

Originally I wanted Jay and Ignis to be the line of defense but... considering their records of "defense", I rather not...

So it's a Premixed of Command and Conquer Tech

well it is loosely based on the Starship troopers Terran Command Mission: Peace of Mine."

And Unlike the Original that just shows you the ropes on how to survive while maintaining objectives, the Bugs will literally throw everything at you and they do not care about human gaming logic. and they don't wait for a Timer for 30 seconds for them to attack, they knew this place was important to the Federation and they will send their best troops instead of the traditional warrior bugs to take it...

so in a Sense I pretty much following a game that might or might not included Roughneck chronicles bugs included in it...

if I go by the game, it would be the mine mission...

I wonder how will I predict them working with Skavens?