Chapter 73 - Retaking Kaurava [4]

Explosion was Heard in Kaurava III, Countless Imperium Artillery was heard as they Rained down the March of the Corrupted Necron Horde, Thanks to the Information Given By the Eldars that Engaged the Necrons, Most of the Outlier of the Necron Base was Destroyed before they are awakened, And the current Action is Mainly in Long engagements and see if they had any effects to the Prelude to a Skirmish....

"Seems Like High Explosives isn't Working" Muttered a Officer as he Looked at the Battlefield through a Binoculars....

Watching as the Necrons Affected by the Miasma regrew their limbs and March on indifferent, leaving their Limbs behind.... and Those that were deemed to be destroyed by Necron Standards are regrowing their Bodies as they March on...

"Regeneration and Revival? Captain Call the Vox Caster and Tell the Techpriestat the Supply depot to ask if the Package is Ready! and Add Crystal Powder to the Concoction! Get the Plasma Shells Ready after the Techpriest Shells Arrived!" As the officer Barked Orders and The Captain Understanding the Severity of his tone, rushed to the Vox Tent to Relay his orders...

"This is BS... This wasn't supposed to happen...the Necrons wasn't like what I remembered...I hope the Blood Ravens complete their objectives" Muttered the Officer as he Climb down from the Observation Post and Observe the Eldar that does anything "Heretical" by their standards...

Meanwhile as the Imperial Guard alongside with the Eldars making a Defense, The Companies of Blood Ravens That Joined the Alex Assault of the Ork Base are now Performing Reconnaissance behind enemy lines...

Space Marines Ver.

Marine Bikes and Rhinos Transport Traverse the Corrupted Lands that the Necron walked, their only saving grace was the Bracelets that is Craved from the Branches of Yggdrasil as it kept the Corruption at bay, preventing them from turning insane... leaving behind them a a trail of purified sand.

As they reached their Destination, they confirmed the worst, the information given by the Eldar is Correct, however most of the Intact Monoliths are turning into something... Alive? Pulsating Flesh and Veins Covered the Surviving Monoliths as it Is pulsating like a human Heartbeat, while the Destroyed are Rebuilding slowly through flesh and Bones...

++Brothers, we should Inform the Issue of this Madness to Colonel, send a Vox Message for Artillery support, Brothers We Charge and Halt this Filth at the Roots! We Must Buy time for The Demolition Squad to finish their Task! ++And Also Relay Our Request to Commander Boreale to have our Chapter Barges to drop Orbital Bombardment at our location! ++

A Blood Raven Nodded as he relayed the Information of what he was Given.

As they Charge towards the Base, there was a Ungodly Scream of terror that tried to inflict to the Blood Ravens, they Withstand the Mental attack... Countless Necrons... Or was what remains of them flooded out of the Monoliths, there was Flesh that Clung to them as they Walked Faster than normal, what is Their Famous Silver Skeletal Frame is replaced by a Red Tint and Meat like substance clung to it, but some of them didn't have their Fabled Gauss Guns equipped... The Blood Ravens took a ranged stance as they begun to mow down the hordes, and the Only difference here was that they died never to be reborn, As if there was no Revival Protocol in place... as the Bolters Rounds Damage them...

++Brothers! Keep Fighting++

++Something wrong! This Xenos.... they are getting Faster! ++

As More and More Necrons are Becoming more Faster and Faster as Each Iteration becoming more deadly than the Last, but More Brittle as well to forgo their armor for speed...

Some reached the Speed of an Eldar, almost taking a Lives of those that were unaware of the gap... Had not Alex Given them a shield generator that Encompasses them...

++Ammos Running Low Sarge! ++

++Make those shots Count, use Melee, when Necessary, ++

++Ammo Pods Incoming!!++

++Bombardment incoming!++

A series of Drop Pod landed at their location, that contains Ammunition for Space Marines...

and Beams of Light Glowed from the heavens, Igniting the Land Surrounding them

Giving the Blood Ravens some time to breathe Longer.... the Xenos won't stopped

As they were almost overwhelmed, making them take a step back due to the ferocity of the Necrons, They Heard a Loud Roar in the Battlefront, and a Dragon made of Necrodermis and Flesh Emerged in the Distance, Countless Plasma Explosives hit the Body, While there were a Small Artillery Shells dedicated to the Blood Ravens as their Weapons nearly ran out of Ammunition...

There was Slight Pause in the Enemy Ranks

Giving them the Opportunity to Incapacitate the Necron Capabilities By Destroying the Necron Generators, Forcing the Necrons to unable to Activate More devastating Necrons on the field and the Pulse that all the Space Marines felt Became Weaker and Weaker till it became Silent, after a Short respite, they heard the Necron Dragon Roared as it crashing down as a Large Dust cloud was seen even far from where they stood... they were given orders to Guard this Place and Heal the Wounded, while the Rest of the Imperium Head there....

[(Not Enough....My Children is Not Enough...)]

A Voice was Heard.... Making the Blood Ravens on Guard as they Aimed their Weapons at the place where the Voice came from...

A Woman like hooded Figure was Sitting on one of the Destroyed Monolith....

[(Seems like I Found a new Toy, Won't you want to play with me Midas?)] as those words left from it's void hood, It stared where the Imperial Guard defense Line, A Scythe appeared in it's hands and Several Bolter Rounds Shot at the Place where the Being Sat on....

++Brothers! we should Do what the Colonel ordered and Alert the Imperial Guards, they needed to know what's coming! We must Eradicate this Place! then we will Assist them, We can't risk this place to be Reactivated!++ the Blood Raven began to complete the Eradication Protocols to Burn the Flesh Filled Necron City....

Imperial Guard Ver.

As Alex Watched as the Blood Ravens left...

He Resumes the Bombardment Covering their Track By Distracting the Necrons with Artillery...

As they reach just a Kilometer away from the Defensive line....

"Open Fire!" as LasGuns Glowed red from the trenches and Freely as their LasGuns Are Connected to a series Portable Nuclear Generator providing a Stable flow of Power, All of the LasGuns are put to High output, and Results were shown...

The Necron that were hit by the Modified LasGuns lost their Miasma and Deactivated as if their strings were cut... and the Plasma Shells made them Unable to operate once more

As the First Wave was Defeated... a Second wave Emerged....

"Wtf is that thing? Necrons on steroids?"As Behemoths of Flesh and Necrodermis Started to Rampage in the battlefield Bringing Terror to the Guardsmen of Fighting these monstrosities.... Freezing some of them in place...

"Never Fear Guardsmen! We All Fought against the Orkz, are We Not Blessed by Emperor!? This Things? hah they are weak compared to the Horrors we met in The Rockclaw Mountains" as Alex Laugh while stood in front of the Beasts, with a Burning Sword in Hand and Golden Aura Encompasses him, that Made the Guardsmen morale soared as they opened fire once more...

The Necron Flesh Giants Felled One by one as the joint Attack from the Imperial Guard and Eldar Finished them off...

A Great Cheers was heard.... but stopped as the Necron Lord was seen in the Distance having Spasms and Countless Plasmacyte Still injecting their Infested Engrams to him.... Stood Silent...

Alex Approached the Infested Necron and Said in Necron....

"The Silent King Awaits...."

The Necron Lord Smiled as its mouth morphs into a Grin that Forcibly Cracked his Face, that Silent Alex with his Sentence

''I Serve a Higher Being now...."

And the Plasmacytes that Infested him Glowed.... forcing Alex to retreat to the Defensive line...

The Necron Lord Body Grew larger as Tumors of Flesh Began to Cover up the Expanding Necrodermis and his body morph into something that is not possible...

What appeared from the Transformation, was a Land Dragon that is Comprised of Necron Necrodermis and Tumors of Flesh Clung to its body.... Almost bigger than a Wolfhound titan

What Came out from the former Necron Lord was guttural roar as it Aimed its eyes on Alex...

"Fckin Hell, I don't Get Paid Enough for this Shit!" Alex Screamed as he was being Chased by the Dragon away from the frontlines... it bellowed a Crimson Miasma... Tainting the Land where it landed...

Countless Barrages of Artillery of Plasma and Amor piercing Shells rained on the Back of the dragon burning the flesh and cracked some of the Necrodermis shell... and soon the Miasma that bled out from the wounds is now covering the cracked wounds and repairing it slowly...

"Fckin hell! About time!" As Alex saw a Walker Aiming at the dragon with the Improvised shells made with the crystals mined from Irredene, and fired its payload to the Dragon... It Screeched and Collapse, making a dust cloud that encompassed the battlefield... as the Miasma slowly disappearing. Unable to handle such a weight the Necron Dragon collapsed... and the tumor Slowly evaporated...

"Kill me..." a whisper came from the husk... perhaps of what left of the sentience of a free engram.

"I will... Rest in peace warrior..." as Alex stabbed the head with his Sword... Eradicating whatever left of the necron sentience...

There was silence in the battlefield... though it was a Short amount of Respite.... There came a feeling of Dread beyond the Horizon....

[(Found You Junior)] as a Feminine Voice spoke bringing chills to Alex Spine....

He Turned around he Saw a Flash of A scythe aiming at his Neck, He Parried in a Hurry as the Scythe almost reach his neck, blowing him away....

[(*Giggles* Junior, Why do you not want to play with me?)] the Hooded figure walked Calmly to Alex, who's stunned by the Power of the figure blow...

"I am Alex Hyde, Not Junior, go to a Daycare Center and Ask your caretaker for directions" as he spewed out blood on the Ground... trying to figure why the Rosarius was not working....

[(How Cute you are Junior, Trying to act as if caring to your men, you know the reality of this Galaxy, why did you come here?)] the figure talked as if meeting an old friend....

"My Business, not yours to peruse in."

[(You realized that you are just a Mere pawn of his Game, a Dictator and You Bound yourself to a decaying Imperium of Hysteria and Madness? A Puppet to save the Puppeteer?)]

"If you ask me to join chaos, Tough luck I won't. I already Bought enough cookies from the Girls scouts to Earn a Mansion, My duty will never falter by the like of you that cowered like a scared brat."

[(You still admire the Imperium? Fine I will be the one to Crush you and bring your corpse to my Brethren)] the figure raised into a Fighting stance and Disappear from Alex Sight.... and Her scythe was on his neck again...

'Shit it is fast! Partner who and what is it?' as Alex Parried the figure strikes

'Tell me!'

'Good one or the Smelly one?'

'I am so gonna barf, any weaknesses?'

"Fine, I will do it"

Sensing Something was Wrong, Matilda took several steps backward, Alex Eyes Turned into several colors, The Blue and Gold mixed in both sides... transparent wings and halo materialized on him...

[(You can't be, Impossible... I could only choose one version of him, due to my body at risk of exploding... Why on earth for you have all of him!? and with that Bloody clown no less!?)] Matilda Screamed out at the Figure before her, whose body now emanate a Psyker abilities beyond Alpha grade....

"Enough talk Senior, let's play like you always wanted..." as Alex Disappear from her peripheral vision...

Now the figure is on the defensive as she Parried the Blows with her scythe as Alex Swings are becoming more Heavier and Heavier, closer to a Pressure force of a Dwarf star, while the Lands around him to become more and more Radiant making the Fight one-sided making the miasma in her weakened.... Gold and Blue Lightning filled the Skies of Kaurava III fueling him to proceed more... Cornering his Predecessor.

She tried to Hit him, but he parried the scythe away from her.

Sensing she would lose, She fled and tried to open a crack in reality and wanting to alert her brethren about this 'Player'...

And tried to Flee into A Crack of Space but her neck was grabbed by Alex.

[(LET ME GO!)] as she clenched, scratching Alex Arms with her nails to free herself...

"Nah, as a Junior it wouldn't make sense if I leave my Elder empty handed as I sent her off. Would we?" Her Eyes opened as she saw a thing that terrified her, A Virus Bomb appeared next to Alex, Now being armed...

[(! You wouldn't!)]

"Yes Senior, it's a free ride for Traitor Senior pass, and you deserve it for a free ride to hell!" as Alex Strapped her to the Virus Bomb impaling her in a stabilizer fin and tossed her into the crack with her screaming in the void...

Alex noticed her scythe that was left and picked it up...

[Matilda Scythe]

A wedding gift given by Mortarion as his bride, and it has slain countless Heroes and Users in her name for her beloved, and their blood drenched in the weapon and making it a cursed tool that gain stronger with every death by absorbing the souls of the fallen within its approximate radius...

Soul count: (17 trillion)

Range: Planetary class

"*Whistle* That would explain why her weapon didn't crack under my blows... Another prize added to my collection." Alex tossed the scythe into his inventory.... and his wings and halo disappeared...

As he turned around and saw a group comprised of Eldar and his Soldiers, approaching him, looking befuddled... what he had done...

On the land he stood on was filled with life as plants that were not native on the planet grew around him...

"Yes? Is the Alliance still on?" words what broke out the stupor of the group...

"Yes, Alex...the Alliance is still valid..." as Farseer Caerys watch in horror and awe that the legend is returning...

"Good then, Let's Visit your Dark cousins hiding in Lacunae, and make a choice when you see whether you still side with them or not, then we will say that our alliance would be solidified..." as Alex spoke to the farseer, he noticed the Eldar that visited him at his tent as he passed by her...

"Take care..." as he whispered as he went to his group getting ready for the next conflict...

Farseer Caerys Noticed the interaction between the two but said nothing...

"Sister Rhath-Shaie, Did you did something with him?"

"Nothing Sister... He reminded of our teacher..."

Meanwhile in the Void Reality

A Cracked open and Bomb with a figure was screaming in this place where reality is not defined by any mortal sense...

The bomb crashed at an uninhabited planet, and it exploded, causing an explosion of Life Eater Virus ate her flesh till what's left of her existence was a mere skeleton.

A Version of Mortarion Approached the corpse... he cradled the skull and let out a scream that shook the land...

He crushed the skull and scattered the remains in this planet... and disappeared...

"I will hunt down whoever did this!" was the last words as he left this wasteland....


A/N: Author here, Work is harder these days, Summer is fun for others, but overtime pay is needed to keep myself and my education fund ready for the new semester...

Well There was an Opinion of Alex heading to cyberpunk, but what year? 50 years before Edgerunners or Just Jump right into the main game? I do need to check lore around there... I do have certain materials [*Cough cough* Cyberpunk fanfics] to fast track it...

And I am not really sure when i will get there?

There are things that are now I am mentally debating, that i should entered the Star Wars as Alex Alone?

[Star Forge? I wonder if it could fit the Warhammer ships? Just swallow a Tangerine and swarm the galaxy in infinite ships and droids...]

I didn't anticipate some actors are interfering now, so the system would release some of the locks... Even a Author can be forgetful at times...