Chapter 74 - Retaking Kaurava [5]

A Convoy of Imperium and Eldar Grav Vehicles was travelling through the gate heading to Lunacae a sole moon of Kaurava IV, where the dark eldars have made their Headquarters on the dark side of the moon, Alex was in his command Chimera Mentally conversing questions with the System.

'What the heck just happened back there? I do not recall that the Necrons became a Mutated Flesh tearers and the T'au Ethereal became a Blob of Flesh!'

'So, what happens now? I kind of Butchered one of my seniors and a risk of a Primarch chasing after me!'

'Fine, at least I hope the rest of the Opponents are not Juiced up like these two...'

(???): Commander, We have news! The Techpriest are now almost Finishing off the Hive Fleet with the Xenos cannon.

(Alex): Good, Let's Kick that Degenerates out of our Imperium!



"The effect of this hubris, and the general anarchic nature of the Archon Tahril's soldiers, resulted in a sprawling makeshift reproduction of Commorragh, the Dark Eldar home city. Surrounding the major warcamp lay smaller camps, surrounded by miles of torture ground, a sort of cage-garden of the Haemonculus Grumenael's making. Rich with plunder in slaves, scraps, and goods, this area had grown and sprawled. Meanwhile, the center grew dense with powerful Dark Eldar, and the legendary Asdrubael Vect, leader of Tahril's Black Heart Kabal, was said to oversee the war preparations there...

To say that the Dark Eldar were unprepared for an attack would not be quite accurate. The Dark Eldar are ever ready for battle; it is a sport and a passion to their kind, and there is no such thing as catching them off their guard. Nonetheless, the miles of torture gardens were poorly attended at best, and full of prisoners, many still capable of turning against their captors. For an attacker there was a faint glimmer of hope..."

-Dawn of War Soulstorm Archives

And a Small Combined Strike Force was able to penetrate through Cage Garden as it was Lightly Defended...

A Drukhari was Looking towards the Cages, Wondering if he would take his turn to torment the Newly Captured Humans that the Raiding Party Harvested from the planet Below, and He was gagged and his Neck slowly being crushed....

"Let...Me..Go...You...Inferior *Neck snap*"

As a Blood Raven Ripped the Head of the Dark Eldar to prevent him from raising the Alarm, Ranger shot his Long Rifle in another with such precise force that it Nailed the Dark Eldar into a Empty cage...

They both Ripped the Cages open, Some Being Terrified by the Aspect of a Giant Armored suit and a Xeno entering the Cages....

++Citizens of the Imperium... the Emperor has heard your Cries for Salvation and He Has Answered...You will go to with the Imperial Guard if you are weak and Unable to Fight, Those who able to fight and want the Blood of those who wronged you? Grab the Weapons and Armor given by Colonel, Let them know the Fury of Humanity!++ as Words left from the Vox Grills of the Blood Ravens,

Countless of People flowed out of the Cages, the Weak, the Weary and the Sick were Sent back to a Chimera Acted as a Field Hospital for Treatment, Through the use of Medpods curing who's the sick and detained some that may be infected by the Genestealers Virus...

While there were other xenos, T'au civilians that were "Kidnapped" during the Construction of Nan Yannoi, Squats and Few Exodites and even some Children that the Dark Eldar, Kept, It Baffled Alex that they could even harmed their own...

*Whimper* As a Group of Eldar Children Huddled together, wary of the Imperium

"Shhh, It will Be fine, you could go home..." Alex consoled them

"Can we go home?" as one of the children bravely stepped forward looking at Alex to confirm his actions.. With Scars and injuries that made the Guardsmen Puked upon looking at them.

"Yes, Go to that Sister over there and she will protect you and lead you to safety, We will heal you later, Bad people are coming" Alex pointed to the Sister Rath-Shaie as she nodded and accompanied the Eldar group and left.

While those that had their will tempered by the Sadistic Tortures of the Dark Eldar Grabbed Whatever That Shoots and Butcher the Dark Eldar... While Some Giving a glance to their Xeno Saviors with wariness as they looked similar to the ones that harmed them...

Alex Handed almost all the Available weapons and Armor he had and he noticed a Short Person scarred by the tortures of his Captors Approached him...

(Alex):"Do you want to fight?"

(???): Aye, give me tha Biggest Guns ya got!

(Alex): Aye, here is a Plasma Cannon "Kin" *Whisper* "The Ancestors are watching."

The Short one flinched as he stares at Alex as if he knew his race but he paid no mind of what is about to come as he has a Grudge to accomplish against the dark Eldar.

What became a small strike team now became a ragtag Army group they all group around Alex as he explained the next course of action...

(Alex):"Alright the objectives are simple, based on the reports of the captives, there is a Dark Eldar Major camp surrounded by smaller camps that act as a Sentries and there are two of such camps nearby, we destroy them and it will allow the Imperial Army Lead By Commissar Hector will pass through and make a Frontline Base whilst the Eldar forces should be as scouts to prevent the Dark Eldars from ambushing our duration of building our base, there are several more soul cages that need liberating and lastly there is a confirmed report that Asdrubael Vect is here now overseeing the operations"

The Farseer Caerys Flinched as she heard that name...

(Caerys): Is it true?

(Alex): Yes, and right now he is on an Inspection to the North, we hit hard, and We hit fast... If we are lucky, we could Kill Vect or Apprehend him...

The Farseer took a few moments and simply said...

"Keep him alive, let him flee back to Commorragh with the news of his defeat..."

At One of the two Small camps of that is near the cage gardens

Two Dark Eldar having a discussion with each other.

(??? 1): Heh this guard duty is boring, why don't we sneak out to the Gardens for a quickie?

(??? 2): Shhh, Vect is here, he would have our heads!

(??? 1): Pppff, He isn't here among us, don't be like those craftworlders, strict to the rules.... hey you there?

As the Dark Eldar turned around, he saw a Gas masked entity rammed his shovel in the neck of his Partner whose blood is spurting blood... Now Staring at him in the blood-soaked mask looking at a prey not a predator

(??? 1): INTRU..... *Pop*

His head was exploded from a Heavy Bolter, Alerting the garrisons from the explosion as they rushed out, they were met with Imperium and Eldar weapons shot at them, causing them to be routed...

A Dark Eldar Raven Past by....

(Alex): We Already been Spotted! We finished off the second camp, we have to hurry and Rejoin the Main group! the Dark Eldar already upon us!

As the Group headed deeper in the Cage gardens, now deep in the canyons,

the Dark Eldars Immediately Attacked them from the edges of the canyon to harass the Group by Reaver Jetbikes and Hellions Jumping down from cliffs and engage the Group at close range... Along the way they freed countless prisoners both Imperial and Xenos Alike

They were repelled as the Group Exited the Treacherous Canyons reached to a plateau, where the joint forces are attacking the Dark Eldar Main Camp that is located in a mountain top.

Imperial Basilisk is on Constant Barrage and "Bella" a Name Given to the Artillery Walker now creating clouds of explosion in the distance, the Eldar Deathstalkers shot beams of light burning their target, the Skies became Contested with Imperium Valkyries and Eldar Nightwings as they Attacked the Dark Eldar Ravens, Both Eldar and Imperial Guard Fought together as they Drove back the Onslaught of Abominations that the local Haemonculus released for combat...

(???): Colonel, You sure take a Sweet time in those canyons? Trying to Shag up with that Eldar? as a Guardsman Joked despite in dire Situation with a Shuriken round just deflected from his helmet...

Making Alex Popped a Vein, and a Eldar Blushed under her helmet...

(Alex): Screw You Sergeant! You have a New Mission! Take Some of the men and Escort these Freed captives back to the Gate!

(Sergeant): Aye Colonel, Better than being here Colonel... Amastoff, Antonius you two with me!

(Hector): About Time! was Wondering if....

(Alex): Emperor throne, Not you, now not the Time.

(???): News Colonel! There are Two Passageways leading the Mountains!

(Alex): Have the Eldar take left side of the passageway and we Take the right, That Dark eldar Skull would work Wonders for my Collection....

(???): Okay? Vox caster Call the Battle Group Group to charge on the Right Flank! We going to be heroes!

(Alex): Provided if you live that long....

(???): With you around? haha We are sure to gain Victory sir.


"Tharil? What is the Meaning of this?" a Dark eldar in Decorated Armor stood Infront of the War Table now showing a Generalized direction where the March of the Two Forces now heading...

"My Liege, I cou...*Gagged*" Vect Grabbed Tahril by the Throat... and Brought Tahril closer to him as his Eyes is only what the choking Dark Eldar could see....

"Explain What? You will have the Last Chance to prove yourself....Tharil... Don't disappoint me... You know what happens if you disappoint me, do you Tharil? Now go and Clean Up this Mess, And If you managed to capture the leader of these Low lives? you have a Modicum of my Respect." Vect release Tharil from his grip and Tahril

"Understood my Liege..."

as Tharil left the War room...

Vect Looked at the War Table and zoomed in the One Imperial officer Barking Orders...

"Slaves! Get My Dais Ready! We Will returned to Commoragh" he turned around and left the room... as he knew that being would be more risky to kill... he would bide his time...for now...

"Come here ya Piece of Shite!" The Squat Managed to Kill the Eldar that Tortured him for several days with his Plasma Cannon... he had no love for the Dark eldar, but he can't seem to take his mind off what that Human Said to him...

"The Ancestors are Watching..."

He never revealed his origins, not even to other slaves that was caged with him...

Another Group of Dark eldar intruded his Thoughts as they swung their Weapons, He took the risk, Overcharged His gun Disintegrating them to ashes... While he have Questions, He knows that now is not the time to ask, and he has these torturers to slay... and when he gets back? that is as long as he survive of course....

The Skies of Lunacae is now in the Hands of the Coalition, Now Valkyries commence their Tactical strikes to Infrastructures, Some Were Key Points that is Crucial to the second stage of the plan...

as Alex almost Reached the plateau, he was Met By Tahril... and A Haemonculus stood by him...

"So you must be the one that Lord Vect sees..."

"Enough talk Lapdog, Go Back to your Master and Lick his Foot... And I Will Have Your Skull on my table"

"Huh, you Insolent Cur! I don't see the Value of What Lord Vect see in you, But I will show you the Might of the Drukhari! Grumenael Would You Do the Honor?"

"Gladly" as the Haemonculus Injected him a Vial of Miasma, Strengthening Tahril as His Body grew, muscles, tendons creaked under his transformation... and his armor broke apart from the Mass of Flesh

*Animalistic Roar*

"Great, a Berserker potion this time, What next a..." Before Alex Took another Sentence, He was Punched and He flew to a Destroyed Kabal Fortress In the distance with the Juiced up Tahril Chasing after him...

What remains was the Haemonculus and Alex Soldiers and Alex Honor Guard in place....

"Hmmm.... I wonder how would your voices sound like?" He Hummed as he took a Stance against the Group that is now Engaging him in a fight...

Destroyed Kabal Fortress....


"pfft, Bloody Hell! How did the Rosarius is not Acting up? Is this a Defective Product? I would like a Refund!" Alex Spat a Tooth From the Punch given by Tahril...


"Great, Animal Boy is here, This seem perfect place for me to test it out..." as Alex Held out a Jester Mask...


Tahril now Consumed with the Desire to Crush the life out of Alex, Barge into the Destroyed Fortress... where Light and Shadow intertwined.... What he saw was Just a Harlequin instead of Alex, but he sense that it was him and Tried to grab him...


"Let's Have a Grand Theater! And I shall dedicate Our Duel to Cegorach, the Laughing God, He Shall see our Dance, Our Theme... The Symphony of Joy...And Our Climax to the Victory of the Play" The Jester Slid in the Shadows and orchestra was heard... Several Shadows appears like Alex

"Music is good for the Soul, Ain't it Tahril?"

Tahril tossed a Rubble and the Shadow Exploded into a Confetti....

"Tough Luck, Try Harder Tahril, Or are you a Proud Eldar that Juice up for his insignificant Pride?"

Another Shadow Was Bashed to Pieces....

"You don't even have a Sense of Awareness now? Boring, Comedy is always come with Tragedy, Come Beast, I will put an end to your life" as Laughter Was all around Tahril in the Shadows Mocking him

As if provoked he headed to the Closest to him, and He was pierced by the Harlequin Kiss... it's Countless wires Penetrated his Body and Minced his body, melting from the inside... Making him Collapsed unable to stand up.... he stares at the Jester stood still

"Huh? Still alive? As Expected of Tahril you always exceeded my expectations... Allow me to say Farewell" A Scythe appeared in the Harlequin hand and Ripped Tahril head off, Alex Noticed the Dark Eldar Soul now Enter the Scythe now empowering it...

"Now then, I will Send honors to Burn your Body to ashes but I will keep your head." Alex Grabbed the Head and Placed it in the Inventory and Burn the Corpse with the Faith blazer...

"Now I would like to see that Haemonculus about where did he get that potion...but then again...he wouldn't dare say it..." Alex grumble as he slid in the shadows and came out as a Imperial Colonel... As He Grabbed Tahril Talisman that was laying on the floor..

Moments after Alex Was Punched towards a Kabal Fortress...

His Men had a Fight of their lives... as they Fought at a Stalemate against Grumenael's Weapons, The Haemonculus sent out weapons that would had been able to eradicate normal Guardsmen, melting their bodies in a water, but thanks to the preparations, they had the Armor and the Blessings prevented them from dying... but their weapons were unable to touch the Haemonculus as he swiftly avoided the Lasguns and about to stabbed a Guardsmen.


"Masked One, why do you protect this Inferior?" as Grumenael asked to the Harlequin now deflecting his Poisonous Needle...

The Harlequin Silently attacked him... Never providing a answer...but giving enough time for Space Marines and Rangers to aimed their weapons at him...

He disappear from the Crossfire and Was Met with a Shovel in his Face...

"How Did yo.."

*Shovel Smack*

As the Kriegman Bashed his shovel to the Drukhari Face once more, Grumenael avoided the third strike...

The Guardsmen Eyes Glowed as they Saw someone behind Grumenael, He turned around to see where they looked he Was Stabbed in the Chest by a Burning Sword, Burning slowly in Golden Flames...

"I... can't...Die" as he felt his organs stashed in his jars, slowly burning as the Flames Engulfing him...

"Oh? But you will be the first Haemonculus to witness True Death, I know you have Copies in Commoragh and their Deaths will let the Citizens of that hellhole know... you can die a true Death" the Haemonculus Eyes widen as he felt his Backups that were Hidden in parts of the dreaded city, they were burning, causing portion of Commoragh to Nearly Engulfed in Golden Flame

"Curse you Infe..." his Sentence stopped as the Flames intensifies burning him into a crisp...

"I am Already Cursed...And I accepted it..." as he watched the ashes flew away in the distance.

Later the seeing that Tahril Was Dead and Vect retreated to Commoragh, the Dark Eldars fought a Last stand, but they were brutally butchered like animals and those that Were spared were tossed into their soul cages to be drained their vitality and Torment as they Were sent to the Eldar Base in Kaurava III for judgement...

There was Massive population that The Coalition freed, And Agreement fulfill, the Eldars that were Captured by the Dark Eldars would be Healed and Sent back to Kaurava III As Grav carriers Carried their People home...

Eldar stood in wonder as they watched those that were brutally tortured and Scarred to be unable to return to their normal forms, now recovering from the injuries and the mental anguish that was given to them by their Captors from a Monkeigh Machine no less...

"Now Be good Little ones... I hope that you will manage to find your family..." as he patted the head of the Boy that Stood up to him...

"I will, and thanks..." as the children waved as they entered the Grav Carrier that is heading towards the gate...

"So... Farseer, This is the Agreement that we made, Your obligation to defeat this menace is over... I hope that we will be in good terms, next time we meet..." as he sense the Farseer approaching him

"I will remember the Agreement... and Abide by it... Alex..."

"Well that ain't a sure surprise, I earned your respect?"

"More than that... I believe that you could save Isha..."

"Visions? I hope Eldrad didn't mess it up again... Nonetheless, I hope that the moment I could, I will see to it as a Alliance Of sorts waiting for the Imperium, Not the one backstabbing us the moment you find us weak... if you tell us who's the Traitors without the Misguided intentions... You do know that Low Gothic is easier than Speaking Eldar?"

"I will... as long as my People Exist, I will hold the end of your bargain... now if you excuse me... I will see to it my People return to the stars once more..." As she turned around to the Few Grav Carriers she heard his voice

"See you around Caerys, may the Blessings of Isha Be with you..." She Smiled under her Helmet and Proceeded to assist the Convoy

"Umm Alex?" Dimh-Yriel approach him...


"The Massage was Good..."

"Of Course... It must have release some stress away... did it?"

"Will we meet again?"

"Wanting for more? You are always welcome..."


"Sister Dimh-Yriel, You did something with that Monkeigh!"

"Stop it sister... we just had a Therapeutic Massage of a Sort...let's go the Last Grav Carrier is waiting for us..." as she boarded the Last transport, she saw the Colonel Smirking at her... and Left for the Webways In Kaurava III

"So...A massage eh Colonel?" as the Commissar Spoke with Alex, knowing some Eldar dialect.

"There's nothing in the Rules and Laws of Not permitting that? both the Guardsmen Uplifting primer and the Laws of the Imperium didn't say any issues about that, Commissar, We will head to assist General Stubbs from Kaurava IV. Captain Get this Moon Up and Running and use this Base to act as a Temporary Airbase, The Tyranids and the Chaos down there is rather Feisty for a good fighting..."

(???): "Good news Colonel the Hive fleet is Incapacitated... and now their Forces are in disarrayed..."

Alex Smirks as he found something good for his miserable day...

"Voxcaster, Tell the Men, We Will Do the Pincer attack, Ask the Blood Ravens and Captain Boreale to release the Remaining Companies that were tasked from Guard duties to Attack the Tyranids remnants, As their Expertise is needed, And we will assist the Kaurava Conservator Regiments... Alert the Sororitas stationed in Kaurava I that there is a Planet need to be cleanse in flames and we will all Converge at the "Peninsula of Iseult" to purge chaos from the system..." His Eyes Glowed in Gold...

'Its nearly over...'


A/N: it's almost a wild ride... I thought this was a long ass time, Sometimes My Boss is Cranky as hell, I wrote this during my Lunch Breaks...well A Side chapter of what happens to Mina while he is In Kaurava Next?

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