"What's your plan, Templar?" Leopold asked. "You, me, and a few of our men will travel to Middle Tahl and speak to the King about the law. Meanwhile, we will have troops positioned on the cochise river. If the King refuses to change the law, we'll send word by carrier pigeon to start crossing the river and move up into the mountains and start raiding their settlements."
Leopold thought for a moment. "I don't see any flaws with this plan, may I add something though?"
"I think once our men cross the river, they should be split into two. One army group goes into the eastern Pines and the other goes into the Kiowa mountains."
"That sounds good."
"Now, how many men will you need?"
"All of them."
"All of my men?"
"Yes. The first we encounter will be the Knights of the Pines or the Faithful Vigils. They are not to be underestimated. I've read of their success in battle many times. Their Grandmaster Maxis Adelwulf is not to be trusted or underestimated either. He is a clever, cunning man, strong too. If he is able to tell that something is wrong then the mission will have failed before our troops even finish crossing the river. His archers will rain arrows on our men while they cross the river, after that his foot knights will advance and wipe out whatever forces are able to get to shore."
"Hmm…We could cross at night, the only ones we'd encounter then would be maybe a squad of some rangers. They wouldn't be able to push back an entire army."
"Yes…But first we need to get the support of the other orders and of course the church." The two men nodded and Leopolds eleven comrades muttered around in agreement. "Alright then, where do we go now?" Leopold asked.
"We ride to Frostgrad. A chapter of The Hospitallers are based there as well as a chapter of the Order of Calatrava."
"Alright then, when do we leave?"
"Hmm, tomorrow. My men are tired from riding from the mountains." Baldwin said as he took a seat in an empty chair.
"Alright then. It's settled, you and your men can stay the night within the walls of Fort Bruford and tomorrow we ride to Frostgrad to recruit the Knights Hospitaller and the Order of Calatrava." Said Leopold, getting up and walking over to a pantry and taking out a bottle of wine and a glass. "Care for some wine, Templar?" Leopold asked, pouring himself a glass.
"Sure. That 'tavern' of yours had no real alcohol."
"I thought you were a templar? Do you not follow the code?"
"My stance on alcohol is why would God create it if not for us to enjoy?"
"The Lord did not create alcohol my friend. It is a human creation. It destroys lives and families, no creation made by God could be so evil."
"Oh but you're wrong. God created men. Do bears and wolves kill for their beliefs? No, they kill only when necessary for survival. And like wolves and bears we must kill for our necessary survival before the Boy King can wipe us out." Leopold thought for a moment, feeling conflicted between the beliefs he was taught for years and the philosophy of this strange Templar.
"Well then, here's your glass." He said, filling it up with wine.
After a few glasses of wine, Baldwin made his way back up to the surface. By the time he got out and opened the door of the tower the sun was setting. He walked out of the door and found Monterrey. "Monterrey, tell the men to set up camp, we'll be staying the night and riding to Frostgrad tomorrow."
"Will do, what do we need at Frostgrad?"
"We need to recruit the Hospitallers and Order of Calatrava. They have chapters in the city as well as some smaller orders that are bound to want to join."
"Alright then."
Monterrey began to announce the plan to the rest of the Templars as Baldwin sat down by a fire the men had made.
"The fort isn't big enough for all thirty two of us to fit in so some of you will sleep outside of the walls or in the towers and buildings here." Monterrey declared as the men began pitching tents and getting out blankets. The biggest of the tents was Baldwins. It came with wooden boards to be placed on the ground, a bed, a nightstand, a table and several chairs.
The men had to carry the grandmaster's equipment in one of their supply wagons. It took five men to put together his shelter within reasonable time for Baldwin. By the time the sun had completely set, the men had their tents ready and their fires burning.
Baldwin sat on his bed and massaged his forehead as he thought about every possible outcome for the next few days or weeks or months or maybe even years. He knew there was no turning back now, they already had the support of the Teutonic Knights. They were starting a coup. A plot to overthrow the monarchy of Middle Tahl.
Next, they were to persuade the Hospitallers and whatever other holy orders there were. After that they needed support from the Church and the pope.
Baldwin thought about how to approach the King when he went to speak with him. Though he was angry, he could not let the King see this. He needed to act calm and persuade him that revoking the law would be in the best interest of the people.
As Baldwin laid down on his bed he closed his eyes and listened to the templars' overlapping conversations and the sound of the cool summer