Chereads / The Knights of The Pines / Chapter 8 - Chapter 8: The Knights Of Calatrava

Chapter 8 - Chapter 8: The Knights Of Calatrava

Baldwin, Leopold, Boscogne and Monterrey left the headquarters of the Hospitallers and went out into the streets of Frostgrad early in the morning. They began to walk to the market district in the city to talk to the Order of Calatrava. Frostgrad had many things that set it apart from other settlements and cities in these parts, such as its odd name and architecture. It was settled by a family of wealthy Russian nobles. Originally it was just their manor but soon more and more people began to build houses around the area. The patriarch of the family, Vlodymyr Zhukov saw an opportunity to be made and began planting crops and selling them to his neighbors. He also hunted and supplied people with lumber which brought even more money to him. Eventually he built up the family manor into what is now known as the Ice Palace in Frostgrad. It was made out of pale blue marble which gave the building its name. Vlodymyr claimed the territory as his and named the city Frostgrad, though the territory itself was called the Northern Tahl or Nord Tahl by many.

The citizens began to awake and head to the market to set up their goods to sell as the four crusaders walked down the cobblestone streets. Leopold walked slowly and tiredly, falling a bit behind the other three men. Boscogne was awake and well rested and looked more lively and walked a bit faster than the others. Monterrey and Baldwin walked side by side, looking around at the city as they continued following Boscogne.

"Hey wait a minute.." Monterrey said as he got a bit closer to Boscogne. "Isn't there another grandmaster of the Hospitallers?"

"Yes but he's away at the Temple of Francis currently."

"Shouldn't we go tell him?"

"He'll be back tomorrow, I'm sure we'll have time," Boscogne concluded as he led the men closer to the west wing of the city. As the men finally found their way to the markets the sun had risen more and the citizens of the city began manning their huts and stands at the market. Some began cooking, baking and frying while others started to sharpen knives and butcher meat. As they walked through the market Monterrey sniffed the air, enjoying the smells of cooking pork and beef, baked goods in ovens and ale and beer being made. Women churned butter, beat rugs, cleaned silverware and put up homemade jewelry for sale as the four christians walked through the market. "You in the market for some Frostgrad ale? Best in the southern kingdoms, guaranteed." A vendor said to Baldwin, making him come to a halt.

"Perhaps. How much?" The Grandmaster inquired.

"Five Kovics or ten silver plains coins." The vendor responded, holding his hand out as Baldwin reached into his satchel and took out ten silver coins that were decorated with King Pelle Larsen II on one side and Bataar Vanchiig, the mongolian who settled the area first, on the other. The vendor handed Baldwin a cold bottle of ale from a bucket of ice, dripping with water. Baldwin took the bottle and unsheathed a dagger from his belt and quickly chopped off the top of the bottle to begin drinking from it as he caught up with the other three men. "Alright, we're here. The Order of Calatrava's headquarters, the one here at least." Boscogne said as they approached an adobe building that had short towers that had windows so the guards in them could see. The guards didn't look like Frostgrad's guards, these men resembled the knights templar with a white tunic and red cross on the chest. The cross had a more complex look to it with fleurdelise's on the ends. The four were stopped at the door by two knights outside of the entrance.

"Ah, Grandmaster Boscogne. Here for Aldonva I assume?" a knight said in a slight spanish accent. "Yes, can we come in?" Boscogne asked the knight and was met with an affirmative response and the two men opening the door for him and his companions. The inside of the adobe stronghold was lit with torches and decorated with tapestries on the walls. Boscogne led his companions through the hallways of the building to where he knew Aldonva would be. They finally arrived at the room Aldonva was in and Boscogne walked through the open doorway. Aldonva was sitting in a chair and leaning back against the wall behind him with his boots on the table. He had long, shoulder length dark hair that was parted in the middle as well as a shortly trimmed beard that was mostly stubble. His eyes were green and his skin was dark for the region he lived in. He was eating some scrambled eggs that had some kind of red sauce and ground black pepper on them with a fork when the four men came in.

"Hello Aldonva."

"mm..Boscogne." The grandmaster responded, his voice muffled from the food in his mouth. He sat down normally to put his plate down and cutting an orange in half, squeezing the contents into a glass already half full of juice and pulp from other oranges. He began to drink from the glass before proceeding to wipe his face off with the short half cloak he was wearing.

"What do you need amigos?" Aldonva said, his thick mexican accent kicking in.

"My friends and I are recruiting holy orders for a possible crusade. Are you interested?" Boscogne asked, sitting down in the chair across from Aldonva.

"Of course."

"That was quick, do you even want to know why there might be a crusade?"

"I already know why, Skinner declared that law and just two days ago they wiped out the sons of god."

"They what?!" Baldwin said furiously, walking towards the table.

"Yeah, Maxis and the Faithful Vigils killed all of 'em."

"Impossible…They wouldn't dare!"

"Boscogne, how many men do you need?" Aldonva asked, looking back to the Hospitaller.

"Ask Baldwin, he's the one orchestrating this." Boscogne responded, reaching across the table and grabbing an apple.

"All of them." Baldwin interjected coldly before Aldonva could ask.

"I'll try, there is another chapter on the east coast, one in New Spain and of course one in old Spain." Aldonva said, getting up from his chair.

"Send a letter to each of them asking for support and explaining why" Baldwin said quickly in an urgent tone.

"It'll take far too long if I sent letters, it would be best if I sent my own men as couriers to the other chapters."

"Okay. We'll gather all our men and march west to the Cochise river. We'll prepare defenses while our couriers deliver the messages to the other chapters, orders and kingdoms."

"Very well then. I'll get them ready immediately. We'll meet you at the Cochise river whenever we can."

"It's settled then." Baldwin said as he began to turn around and walk out, followed by his comrades.

Two days passed and Baldwin, Leopold and Boscogne waited on the riverside along with their respective armies. One hundred fifty mounted templars, two hundred fifty-five foot knights and a hundred foot sergeants were being commanded by Baldwin. Four hundred foot soldiers and knights of the teutonic order arrived as well as eighty-nine mounted knights and soldiers. The Hospitallers brought with them ninety-six knights, fourty-five foot soldiers and ninety mounted knights.

"Where could Aldonva be?" Baldwin thought to himself as he sat on his horse on a hill overlooking the river and all the soldiers. "We'll be caught soon if he doesn't arrive any soon" .

Monterrey rode up the hill to Baldwin. "Where do you think Aldonva is?" He asked with concern in his face and voice. "I do not know. He may be still preparing his men." Baldwin responded as he kept his eyes forward to the river. Baldwin rode back down to the river to inspect his men for the eighth time in the past two days. He rode through the encampment of templars and made sure every soldier was ready at a moments notice. He hoped and prayed that Aldonva would arrive before the authorities of Middle Tahl did