THE BELL, which hung onto the door for its dear life, jingled just as I walked into Beanie's Cafe.
I had on a white hoodie whose hem rested just on top of my knee-length black skirt. Back in my hostel, I applied a little concealer on my face to hide the brownish dots that covered the surface of my cheeks; for at least twelve hours, according to the concealer.
A decent amount of people were settled in the cafe mildly satisfying their hunger, while others- maybe they had no job, were staring at me as I walked down the main aisle that separated the cafe into two equal parts.
Why do people do that?
Why are you looking at me? My nose look funny?
I fiddled with my fingers and hastened my steps as I tried to avoid the soul-sucking gaze of the onlookers.
"Hey Clara," I said absent-mindedly to the only attendant behind the counter. She was a cute twenty-year-old blonde whose eyes shone auburn; a boy magnet.
She tore on a huge smile on noticing who stood before her.
"Hey, girl," she said.
Her smile suddenly drowned and turned upside down in a flash like she realized she gave off the wrong expression.
"Why are you so late?" She leaned in and spoke in a hushed tone, "You made me lie to the manager!"
"I couldn't decide on what to wear," I falsely answered as I rested my arms on the countertop.
I didn't want to come at all.
"You couldn't decide on what to wear with the same ol' white and black uniform?" She giggled.
"I have so many to choose from, Clara," I rolled my eyes and ended them with a stare at her attire.
Clara had on a plain white shirt that managed to slip underneath her black fitted skirt without any crease. Her whole attire tried its best to hide behind the customized brown apron she wore.
"Then I wonder how you behave when you're going on dates," she teased.
I squeezed my forehead, like I just calculated the math, "You know, I've actually never been on a date before."
Clara stared at me like I was from another planet, "Tell me you're joking."
"I could tell you that, but just know I'd be lying."
I itched my neck and tilted my vision to the side, using the opportunity to check out the customers who once had their eyes glued to my skin. They were now engrossed in the respective activities they came to the cafe for.
I inwardly heaved a sigh of relief.
Quickly and politely, I excused myself from the conversation for fear of our manager meeting me in front of the counter rather than behind, and scurried into the back room.
The back room was a fairly large room, detached into two halves by a wooden wall.
The visible partition at the first step taken into the backroom looked entirely like a kitchen.
A sink, dishwasher, series of ceramic cups and dishes, cutleries, and boxes containing tissues and paper bags were neatly tucked at every corner of the room for the smooth running of the cafe.
Basically, the major components of a kitchen were not missing in there.
On the other side of the wooden wall was the recess room. This second partition held four long lockers, each divided into two.
In there, we the workers could safely keep our stuff and relax too.
A table was poised at the center of the room as a source of little comfort and privacy when we took our breaks.
I pulled my hoodie over my head and revealed a plain white shirt underneath.
Grabbing the cafe's branded apron from my locker, I fastened it on and clipped my name tag to my left chest region.
"Your boyfriend doesn't take you out?" Clara fired as soon as I stepped outside the back room.
Girl, chill. I just got out!
I took a seat beside her on one of the stools situated behind the box-shaped counter.
"He offers to but I always end up not going." "Why would you do that?" She squeezed her face at me and I could not help but let out a soft giggle.
"I guess I'm not a fan of outings?"
"Can I get two americanos?" A nice-looking guy in casual wear showed up at the counter, interrupting our conversation.
"Sure," Clara sprang up.
`That's the spirit. Do all the work!` I inwardly said.
"That'll be $5.24," she smiled in courtesy.
The young man slid the money on the counter towards her while returning her smile.
"Are you always here?" He stared at Clara and blinked slowly, his eyes never opening fully.
"I've got a life," she responded indifferently, dropping her smile as she handed him his coffee.
He chuckled, "But you're here every day?" "I am," she dropped flatly.
"I'd really love to see you again," his eyes trailed down to her name tag, "Clara."
"As long as you buy coffee too," she retorted.
He chuckled and walked out of the cafe without even dropping his name.
Clara groans and spoils her face. I giggled.
I swear, no one can beat her in a game of facial expressions.
"Give me a break!" "What?" My giggle turned into a hyena-like cackle.
"I'm so sick of guys always flirting with me. Like, can't you just acknowledge that I'm pretty and move along? Ugh!" She lazily sinks onto the stool, resting her body on mine.
It must be really nice to say out loud that you're pretty cause you know you are.
I shifted my gaze away from Clara.
Hehe. Can't relate.
The bells jingled softly as another customer walked in and over to the counter, and Clara motioned to get up again as soon as she noticed so.
"Good day. What can I get you?"
It's nice you always get the guys.
I wore a smile and bit my lower lip, stealing glances at Clara as she served the customer.
But beside you, am I that invisible?
"I know you're going to end up saying no but can we go here someday?"
Thomas almost shoved the picture of a pretty chic restaurant on his phone in my face.
Clara and I were just talking about this shit the day before. Are we witches?
I almost blurted out laughing at the fact that I had more conversations in my head than with actual people.
I stared at my clothed laps.
Let's just give this a try, okay?
I can wear a flair dress, one with long sleeves too. Then, wear a nose mask to cover my face, and maybe doll on some make-up.
It should be alright, right?
I smiled at Thomas, "You know, normally, I'd say no or cancel out at the last minute but, I'd love to go there with you."
"You will?" He asked, wide-eyed.
I nodded, grinning at the way he got excited like a child.
"Really? You promise? You know you can't get my hopes high like this."
I laughed and placed my palm on his cheek, "Yes! Yes, Tom. I'll go with you. You have my word."
He pulled me into a warm hug and kissed my forehead. My arms found their way and sneaked around his shoulders.
"This weekend?" He whispered in my ear.
"Scar's brother's wedding is coming up on Saturday, remember?" "Oh, yeah! I totally forgot about that. How about Friday, then?" "Well, the girls and I already planned to have a sleepover at Scar's place so we'll make it together and on time."
Thomas sighed and released himself from my embrace, looking away from my glance.
"Let's go next week Thursday, after work. How does that sound?" I drew his face so his eyes would meet mine again.
"Fine by me," he smiled.
His phone shone `Carlos` as the normal iPhone ringtone blared out.
"Give me a sec," he said to me before picking up the phone call.
"What's up?... Oh, yeah... I'm with her. Why won't I be with my babe?" He laughed as his hand subconsciously found way to intertwine with mine.
I blushed, but the color of rising red on my cheek was mildly blocked by my brown skin pigment.
I felt somewhat elated.
`At least Thomas is here.
Even if I'm not getting compliments, I'm not getting hit on, I'm not comfortable with going out and everyone staring at me like I'm poop, he's here.
He's in love with me.`
He laughed again, louder this time, drawing me out of my thoughts.
"No, no... Yeah... Sure, bro. I'll be there in about ten minutes... Fuck you," he chuckled and hung up before staring at me; his blue eyes engulfing my heart like they did when we were younger.
"The guys want me to come over. I guess I'll see you later, maybe tomorrow." "Alright. Nathan's concert is about to start anyway," I mentioned as he stood up and pecked my forehead.
"Oh, come on!" He whined.
"Nathan. Nathan. Nathan, all the time! I'm starting to believe you love him more than me," he frowned as he crouched in front of me, drawing me closer to himself.
He pushed his hands to my behind and licked his lower lip.
I laughed uneasily, sliding his hands off me.
`He fucking touched my waist fat. Now he'll know I have them!` I thought.
He stared at me with droopy eyes for a second before he stood up.
"Bye," he walked out of my hostel and closed the door behind him.
What's wrong? Did I do something wrong?
I squinted my eyes as I didn't have my glasses on.
Seeing Nathan's figure pop up on my laptop, I swiftly grabbed the device, and turned up the volume.
"Hello, New York City!"
The crowd cheered in excitement as he spoke onstage.