I GRABBED my brown apron from my locker and fastened it on, clipping my name tag also- the normal routine.
The bell softly jingled as a young lady walked in; she was probably in her late twenties.
She had on a pink floral dress with a white Gucci bag and matching shoes. Her dark-brown hair was neat and went wavy down to her shoulders.
Her makeup was light but the bold red lipstick made it look a little too much.
If she was going for a natural look, she messed up real bad.
The lady dropped her bag on the counter, "I'd like two venti peppermint mochas and four croissants." "To go?"
My eyes darted for the door as the bell jingled once more. A young man stepped into the cafe, tucking his car keys into his pocket.
"No, I'll be taking them here." "That'll total to $16.56."
She tossed me the money and said to keep the change.
I really don't care about four cents bro, but thanks.
I shifted my gaze to the new customer, "What would you-" "He's with me," the flower lady snapped.
"Well, sorry?" I raised my hands in defeat. "Just a minute. You can go have your seat, I'll bring it to you," I said, trying so hard not to eye her.
They moved along to settle down on one of the round cafe tables as they awaited their order.
Strolling over to the coffee machine as I hummed Mocking Bird, I whipped up their order. I grabbed four croissants from the show glass and placed them into two ceramic plates before pouring out the latte into similar cups.
I sighed.
"Where is Clara when you need her?"
I placed the pastries and coffee onto a stainless steel tray and approached their tables with it.
The flower lady backed the counter and I, but the young man didn't, as he sat opposite her on the round table.
I could notice that his eyes never even tried to leave my skin. I turned my head away and stuck out my tongue in disgust as I almost gagged.
I walked on and he kept staring at me shamelessly, but even caring a bit if his eyes had met my unwelcoming ones a few times. I stared towards the ground, trying to pick up if something was wrong with my attire.
I placed their order on the table and took the empty tray back to my post before sitting on one of the four stools and placing my head on the tip of the counter.
Please don't stare no mo'.
I squeezed my eyes shut and sighed.
"Miss. Davis."
I looked up to see the owner standing some inches away from me.
I sat up and composed myself, "Oh, Mr. Lenin." "Has Clara reported to work yet?"
I racked my brain, "No- uhm, she told me she'll soon be here. She had some minor issues on her way here."
Really? That's the best you could come up with?
He stared at me for quite a while, probably because we were always giving flimsy excuses as to why either of us wasn't on time.
"Hmm. Anyway, when she does get here, inform her that we have a brief meeting after work hours. There's a new worker." I smiled, "Alright sir."
Less work for me.
Mr. Lenin walked off to his office and I stared at the table I last served, adjusting my glasses.
Yep, still staring at me.
His girlfriend was on her phone, not concerned about where her man was keeping his eyeballs. With the way she acted earlier, I had expected her to hide him under her pits.
As our eyes met for the fifth time, he smiled and finally shifted his gaze to his girlfriend. She instinctively placed her hand on his arm, the both of them starting up a conversation I couldn't quite pick up.
A familiar scent of perfume rushed into the cafe just as the door jingled.
"Sorry I'm late," Clara said as she strutted over to the counter, "He insisted I spend extra twenty minutes with him."
She walked into the back room and reappeared minutes later, her gold bag gone and replaced with the cafe's apron.
"I have a boyfriend too, you know?" I frown at her. She laughed heartily and joined me on another stool, "I said I was sorry. Did the manager notice?" "Yeah, but I covered up for you. You better start cooking up a good story of the minor issue that you experienced. He mentioned we're having a meeting after we close too."
Clara rolled her eyes, "Ugh! He better let me get home early today, I have a project awaiting me."
I laughed and got up to attend to the customers that were approaching the counter.
"Hi, I'm Clara. Nice to meet you," smiled Clara at the blue-eyed brunette. "Same," Adrian Pullay, as we were informed, returned her smile.
Clara definitely seemed excited about the new worker. I was just glad he was going to relieve some of my stress.
I mean, what else?
He would most definitely not want to associate with someone like me.
Not when Clara's there.
I pulled off my apron and name tag and placed them into my locker before locking it shut. Picking up my bag, I walked out of the cafe and left Clara to do the work of orientating Adrian on the job.
I headed for Mcdonald's just about six blocks away, to get my dinner. I really didn't have the strength to make anything that night. At such times, I wished Scar lived with me.
I arrived at the restaurant and walked over to the counter.
It feels weird being on this side after a long day behind the counter.
"One hamburger and two fries, please," I said to this attendant in front of me, making sure to sound as polite as I could.
"Place it on my tab," a masculine voice startled me.
I turned around to see the guy from the cafe earlier. I looked around, searching for the flower lady but she was nowhere to be found.
Are we in her pits?
He smiled, "Hey. Do you remember me?" "Are you stalking me?" I frowned, not giving a damn that he was being friendly.
He laughed, "Why would I do that? I just came here to get some food. My workplace is close by."
My order was stretched to me and I grabbed it. Unsure whether I should allow this man pay my bill, I pulled out some money from my purse and stretched it towards him, "Thanks for offering but I've got my own money."
He gently wrapped his hand around my money-clenched fist and pushed it back to me.
"Think of it as a small act of kindness. Plus, I want to get to know you more, maybe we can meet up at the cafe or go out sometime?"
I glared at him, evidently irritated, "So, that's what you call an act of kindness? Paying for my meal so I'll be compelled to go out with you?"
"Don't get it twisted. I do want us to go out and shit but I just did this cause I felt like. And if you feel pressured, you can decline the offer of us being friends."
I rolled my eyes and gripped the nylon bag, aware of the set of people now staring.
He smiled, "I'm Devin. Since we both really don't have much time to spare right now, would you mind?" He stretched his phone towards me.
Inwardly sighing, I inputed my number.
Damn this stupid onlookers.
"So, see you some other time?" "Sure," I walked out of the restaurant.
I should have just called Scar to come over.