Walking away from Loid's house, Yuji tried to hide the merchandise inside his jacket.
Yuji felt thirst as he walks toward his home, so he decided to stop by the convenient store and by something to drink.
Yuji grabbed a bottled water and a protein bar before heading for the counter, he payed then left.
As he went out the store, he stumbles upon a guy and drop the bag of merchandise. He was full of embarrassment as he picks it up.
But luckily it was Mendel, he kneeled down and helped him picked it up. "Here dude" Mendel gave it smiling. "T-these are not mine" Yuji denied.
"Don't worry dude, not judging" he said before going inside. Yuji just brushed it of and head home.
When he reached home, he felt the tired because of the workout he had done. He laid down and look at the merchandise on the bag. "Haysst, what did I get myself into?" he was annoyed by himself.
Days passed and it was already Friday, he continued with his routine school, dorm, jogged around and study.
As days passed by, MISAMO's popularity sky rocketed. Billboards, posters and even on social media are full of their faces.
Friday afternoon, Yuji just ended his last class. He decided to go back to his hangout place and to his surprised the cat wasn't there.
Yuji was confused, "He's supposed to be here" he said as he looks high and low on the benches.
Loid knows where Yuji spends his free time so he rushed towards the back of the campus. As he reaches the door outside, he saw Yuji knelt down meowing like weirdo.
"Meoww! pssss psss, where you at?" Yuji said looking for the cat.
A burst laughter comes to him and he knew who it was.
"Dude, what the hell are you doing? HAHAHAHAH" Loid stated trying to hold his laughter but was unable to. Yuji looked at him with a sharp eye then all of a sudden.
"Pss pss, dear cat show yourself already" Loid also looked for the cat.
The two keep looking all over the area but was unable to, they also looked beyond the fence of the school.
"Hey, Yuji we've been looking for 30 minutes and there's no sign of your cat" Loid said catching his breath.
Then another baritone voice spoke, "You looking for the black cat?", Loid jumped.
"Damn, who's this dude?" Loid said, Yuji was unfazed. "Oh, that's Mendel" he said still looking for the cat.
Mendel offered his hand to Loid, "Name's Mendel pleased to meet you" he accepted his hand, "Loid" he said.
"If you're looking for the cat, you are not gonna find it" Mendel said. "Ehhh?" Yuji had an exaggerated reaction.
"I saw the school guard catching it this morning" Mendel said tossing a can from the vending machine.
Yuji was able to catch it while Loid wasn't. The three sat down by the bench, "Do you know which guard caught it?" Yuji asked.
"The one who was assigned near the back gate" Mendel said. "That one" Loid pointed at the guard.
"Nah, that one's on the afternoon shift. I'm just gonna ask the guard tomorrow morning" Yuji said before taking a sip of the soda Mendel gave him.
"So you guys going this Sunday?" Mendel suddenly blurted out making the two spay what they were drinking.
"How did you know?" Loid was surprised, "Saw Yuji yesterday with the merch" Mendel replied.
"Yeah we are!!" Loid replied full of excitement, "See you there" Mendel said before standing up.
Yuji just nodded at him before the three of them go separate ways.
Yuji went back to his dormitory, he wonders on what could the security guard have done to the cat.
He laid down and takes a nap, when he woke up its past 10 PM already, "Damn, its supposed to be a short nap" he exclaimed jumping of his bed into his desk.
He opened up a textbook but as he was about to start studying he felt his stomach growl, "Maybe I should eat first" he said standing up and opening the small fridge in his room.
He grabbed few pieces of chicken and the small pitcher of water. He opened up the stove and poured oil in the pan and deep fried the chicken.
He cooked rice and heat up water for coffee. After 5 minutes the water boiled and he poured the hot water on the cup with coffee filter.
"If only good coffee was didn't this complicated to make" he sighed. Few more minutes pass and the chicken was cooked. Now he's only waiting for the rice to cook.
The rice cookers switch popped up and food was ready, he placed the coffee, a cup of rice and the chicken he have on his small dining table.
His room was on the third floor of the building, plus his room has a balcony and a view of the city. His dining table was in front of the balcony so that he could still see the view of the city.
As he was eating dinner, he reached out on his bedside drawer to get his small notebook. Before he get it the cap the he picked up from before was on top of it.
He grabbed it and place it on the table then gets the small notebook.
That notebook was full of short poems he wrote, he do this when ideas fills up his head and when overthinking gets a hold of him.
He sat down and grabbed a pencil as he sips on his coffee mug, he stared at the black cap before writing down.
Yuji spend an hour writing and after finishing he tossed the notebook back to his drawer. Instead of studying he just laid down on his head with the cap on her face.
An alarm sounded and Yuji woke up, "I should've studied" Yuji held his hair. He grabbed his towel and head to the bathroom.
After bathing he dressed up in sweats and puts on his running shoes, he gets down the building and put on his headphones before he goes jogging.
This is Yuji's everyday routine, jogging until the sun rises its only five in the morning.