At the end of his reception, Adelai chooses to sit at the dining table where his aunt serves him a drink and he begins to chat with his cousin Enrique. Where I just spent a few minutes, she gets uncomfortable seeing him so strange, which causes her to ask him if he's okay and he lies, sweating nervously. Adelai, without knowing what was happening, focuses behind him and looks carefully without imagining what would come.
Al terminar su recepción, Adelai elige sentarse en la mesa del comedor donde su tía le sirve un trago y él comienza a conversar con su primo Enrique. Donde acabo de pasar unos minutos, ella se siente incómoda al verlo tan extraño, lo que provoca que le pregunte si está bien y él miente, sudando nerviosamente. Adelai, sin saber lo que estaba pasando, enfoca detrás de él y mira detenidamente sin imaginar lo que vendría.
What the hell did I just see right behind you kid—. Adelai says in an authoritative tone and i trembled with a hint of emotion—. Is that perhaps a fairy, that is not real nor does it exist, it is pure children's tale—. He tells him in a thread of the tremendous impression he has taken—. Speak low, they can hear you, i was afraid you would see her—. whispers his crestfallen cousin.
Que demonios acabo de ver justo detras tuyo chaval—. Dice Adelai en un tono autoritario y tembleque con pisca de emocion—. Es acaso eso un Hada, eso no es real ni existe, es puro cuento de niños—. Le dice en hilo de la tremenda impresion que se ha llevado—. Habla bajo, te pueden oir, me temia que la vieras—. Susurra su primo cabisbajo.
Playing a gamers joke on me for sure—. Adelai says standing up while she stares at him without blinking and sips the already cold drink from so much talking—. Hopefully, cousin, but what you've seen is something harmless if you don't provoke it and hoping you'll like it—. He says smiling.
Estar jugandome una broma de gamers seguro—. Dice Adelai puesta de pie mientras lo mira fijo sin pestañear y sorbe de la bebida ya fria por tanto hablar—. Ojala prima pero, lo que has visto es algo inofensivo si no lo provocas y esperando le caigas de buena onda—. Le dice risueño.
That's a demon from the fallen angels cousin—. Adelai says obviously while taking her hand with intrigue and some concern—. That is said but, it is from the mythological world, even if it is fallen angels they are good companies if you win them over and well what did you expect—. He says something downcast.
Eso es un demonio de los angeles caidos primo—. Dice con obviedad Adelai mientras le toma la mano con intriga y algo de preocupacion—. Eso se dice pero, es del mundo mitologico, aunque sea angeles caidos son buenas compañias si te los ganas y bueno que esperabas—. Dice algo cabisbajo.
I admire and appreciate you very much, but this is too much to be true. Woe to your religion and culture or what my uncles and cousin thought, perhaps you don't see the level of risk or consequence, the spiritual world is something strong—. Says Adelai, enduring a girlish emotion when she sees that being that was walking on the roof and making sweet sounds—. Thanks and i know but, you know i'm not a fan or messed with God and i wanted to try something not so bad or good—. He says in German and then looks at the ceiling with annoyance.
Te admiro y aprecio mucho pero, esto es demasiado para ser verdad. Que ay de tu religion y cultura o que pensaran mis tios y mi prima, acaso no ves el nivel de riesgo o consecuencia, el mundo espiritual es algo fuerte—. Dice Adelai aguantando una emocion de niña al ver de reojos a aquel ser que se paseaba por el techo y asia sonidos dulces—. Gracias y lose pero, sabes que no soy fanatico ni metido con Dios y queria probar algo no tan malo ni bueno—. Dice en un aleman para luego mirar al techo con fastidio.
There was a great silence between them for a few minutes while Adelai thought about her incredulous mature words, since she was not very aware of it since she always saw it or took it as an excuse and applied her free will, although she believed in her God and tried to Being cool in his religion and culture was not right and even more so if he had the remotest idea of wanting one equal to or better than that, which keeps appearing out of the corner of his eyes while his cousin sneaks him around the room, speaking to him out loud.
Hubo un gran silencio entre ambos por unos minutos mientras Adelai pensaba en sus incredulas palabras maduras, ya que no tenia mucha conciencia en ello ya que ella siempre lo veia o tomaba por excusa y aplicaba su libre albendrio, aunque creia en su Dios y trataba de ser buena onda en su religion y cultura no estaba bien y aun mas si tenia la remota idea de querer uno igual o mejor que ese, el cual no deja de aparecer de reojos mientras su primo lo escabulle por la sala, al hablarle en vos alta.
Adelai, the naive girl, with the mind of a child, began to be persuaded by external and internal voices, of which they told her: look girl, your parents hardly appreciate you, your friends do not value you, your studies are bad, you have your free albendrio, it's not a bad thing, it's not good, it will be a good company for someone who is lonely and has low self-esteem. What are you waiting for, tell him you want one at all costs, it will be better than his and you'll love it—. Those voices whispered in the spirit world.
Adelai la chica ingenua, mente de niña, le empieza a persuadir unas voces externas como internas, de las cuales le decian: mira niña, tus padres casi no te aprecian, tus amigos no te valoran, estan mal en los estudios, tienes tu libre albendrio, no es algo malo ni bueno sera una buena compañia para alguien solitaria y bajo autoestima. Que esperas dile que quieres uno a toda costa, sera mejor que el de el y te encantara—. Susurraron aquellas voces en el mundo espiritual.
—To be continue...