As she began her first day of work in the office of the country's top company group, she was unprepared for something that none had told her about.
Feast for the eyes.
Most gorgeous men and women she had ever seen, all dressed to perfection and more stunning than the previous office she had ever worked before. She was even more taken aback when she saw the lavish furnishings and interior at the office.
This time, she liked to think of herself as the kind of straightforward girl. Behind her back, she had most likely been referred to as a ballbuster on more than one occasion.
Sitting down on the ergonomic mesh chair, she considered her options.
She could work for a jerk who shifted all of his responsibilities to her without giving her any of the credit she deserved… or she could start figuring out how to build an office environment.
When she looked down at her phone, she was trying to remember what else he had given her to do and how she was going to get enough money to survive.