"What is going on down there ? ", The commissioner asked his son.
With his back to him, he faced the world through the class of his office in the Ministry of Defense. He had been working here for forty years and has earned his place where he is . By also earning favor from the minister himself, he had the perks of a great house , twenty-four hour chauffeur service for all his family, lifetime healthcare and one million dollar mansion where he lives with his family except oldest child. Shiyang lives in a hotel alone .
His office is a state of the art design, equipped with the latest technology and furniture. All the models are shades of matte black, temperatures of grey and slight peaks of brown and orange for warmth. Even the single bouquet of lilies by the window on the table of water melts into the formal atmosphere of the place. Not a single decorative piece steals the attention and if anything helps to concentrate it to the large desk that is the monster of the room.
Shiyang was standing in front of the desk saluting his father like they didn't share blood . His face and stand show inordinate rigidity and seemed like he was about to beg for mercy while being on death-row.
Commissioner Lee has always been reserved and unresponsive to Shiyang from childhood as a cold-hearted personality was demanded by his job. After he moved here with Shiyang , his two sisters and wife , he became more forceful and fierce with Shiyang pressuring him to play the role model for his family. He made rules , objectives and taboos that Shiyang would be punished brutally if he broke them. Even when they don't live together, Commissioner Lee has his bodyguards always following Shiyang and making sure he doesn't misbehave. Lee might declare its for protecting Shiyang but the number of times Shiyang got punished after the guards snitched, prove otherwise. one of the rules he made was that Shiyang should always have breakfast and dinner at the house with the whole family, everyday without exception.
Everytime for these two it's the constant 'if criminals attack me , will you be able to protect your family. If you went on a career-path like a teacher , what more of your family's safety?' .At first Shiyang tolerated him being like that , but after Lee got promoted and faced several death threats as well as attempted assaults, Commissioner Lee has become excessively paranoid and cautious, he doesn't want to take any shortcuts with his family thus does the extreme .To the worst extent he forced Shiyang to enroll into the academy and have him perform the best by being extra strict on him as well as impeding the trainers to be more brutal.
Contrary to belief , he was and is a lot more ruthless or barbaric to his son than everyone else which is tremendously disheartening. Not once did Shiyang say anything about this behavior and treatment , nor did he air how difficult and unnecessary his father has been to him. He wants to think everything he has is a blessing but it's exceedingly difficult to act like it's not a curse
He simply swallowed everything and responded with a yes to all the torture and he allowed all the pain to seep inside him. it also seems like he is the only one seeing his suffering . his mother calls it his father preparing him for the world and everyone else calls it a cruel coronation.
" I will go and see ", he answered and excused himself. His weak voice trembled and the formality on this conversation hugely blurred the social ties of father and son.
The female doctor told GyeongJa about the state Namkyu is in as she sat down next to ChaeWon. There were several officers outside Namkyu's office by order of Garam . Yesterday ChaeWon reported that Namkyu awoke so that's why GyeongJa ditched duty to visit Namkyu.
So far the police are galloping around town chasing lead after lead and the only thing they have so far is nowt. They even went to Jinyoung's school to check and there was nothing that was reported. Howbeit they didn't give up and are still in pursuit for something to help this case. In the past four days, not a single officer has seen more than six hours of rest
" This is awful!", Officer Lee ChaeWon told her as he looked at Namkyu concealed in breathing tubes and still as a corpse.
ChaeWon had refused to stand outside and insisted to be closer to Namkyu when in actuality he just wanted to sleep and eat. It is undoubtedly boring to do that but atleast he is practically not on duty and can play games on his phone to his heart's desire. Nevertheless twenty hours ago when Namkyu woke up , he had been watching him like he is an explosive. he even did try to feed him eight times over the past few hours. ChaeWon also spoke non-stop to avoid Namkyu falling asleep . After he picked him up on the parking lot , despite his reputation, he has has let Namkyu out of his sight. It was only when GyeongJa came in about ten minutes minutes ago that he acted like a negligent kid obsessed with his phone.
GyeongJa gawked at Namkyu , feeling so helpless. She knew that he must be needing some reassurance but that is what she can't give him . She can't tell him that despite all the drama Garam had cooked at the station and how much they have searched for Jinyoung, it's shameful and thoughtless to admit it was effortless. As for Namkyu, he was not speaking but his eyes were wide open. He would blink periodically but he didn't even move nor produce a single sound. When the doctor checked his vitals , he was no different from a paralyzed person with the inclusion that he had a very weak pulse.
He has dried so aggressively and looked agonizingly awful . He was barely present in the moment and who would blame him.
The team leaders for Namkyu's report had assembled here with Station Commander Dongshik to discuss a plan for the raucous going on. They haven't made a breakthrough and Shiyang coming to the station was the worst sign possible that Commissioner General is aware of the case and by default they have to hasten their acts and maximize their efforts.
" Sir , we have been doing this for close to a week now . And have found very little to work with. Surprisingly over the last few days , six bodies were retrieved and all were suicides.",
Dongshik banged his heavy fist on the table of the break room . Regardless of his convincing righteous, he is the province's most corrupt police officer . He accepts bribes like free sample. His favourite and most reliable sources of income are Kitae, Taesoo and SungHoon
" Sir , Inspector Lee Shiyang requested to aid in the case", GyeongJa softly blurted
" Decline", Garam barked and Dongshik nearly punched him as he agrees with that but there is no successful way that he can say that to Shiyang and prove effective.
" Sir , I requested access to the post-mortem for the victims that were reported in other station but they are still processing the warrants ", another officer , Nam ChoHee spoke in disbelief and anger
Dongshik placed his hand on his nostrils and the police report came on the TV. GyeongJa increased the volume, calling attention even to the outsiders of the room.
" The city is in chaos. In the span of a month , close to fifteen bodies have been found and the police are on their feet trying to work out what is happening. Sources say it proves to very suspicious and such remarks have been said to create surrealistic trauma in the city",
"Garam, if you don't get me a lead by the end of the week , don't even bother coming back", he screamed and as much as Garam wanted to joke and insult him for being a money-grubbing tick, he played along and vowed to do his best
Shiyang who was by the door came into the room and asked if he can join the team but once again ChoHee spilled the warrant matter . Uniformly everyone waited for Shiyang 's reaction .
With the attention on him , he was drenched in immeasurable discomfort and awkwardness. The answer and oath they wanted was one he couldn't provide . It would bring too much drama and people will say that he is using his father's connections to move up the ladder , which would be technically true . just that hearing it everytime Shiyang does something any police officer would do, is unrealistically unnerving. Police hacker , Wang Minjun looked to and fro the audience and Shiyang .For no reason Minjun said that Garam will drive Shiyang there despite Shiyang not saying anything of the sort. Failing to decline, they took the answer as consent and earned themselves a relief . Even Dongshik suddenly appeared very much pleased and in control.
When the officers got outside the room, they all dispersed to respective departments to carry on investigating . Garam saw Shiyang heading to the parking lot and he ran up to him .
Upon reaching him , Garam moved unnecessarily close to him but Shiyang's quick reflex minimized how akward that nearly became . Garam was next to the door then asked where Shiyang was going to which he replied the commissioner's office.
It would be better to get such permission from his father than to go there empty handed. Despite them being unlikely to refuse as Shiyang is Commissioner Lee's son ,if he goes through this , it will reduce any abuse of power allegations that are almost be coming a part of Shiyang's name.
Garam smiled , closed the door then suggested they take his car . He offered to drive Shiyang to speak to his father.
After ten miles , he took a detour and they went to highway leading to a cafe. on the way there ,Garam dialed a phone number that read Minjun on the digital radio. When he picked, Garam asked Minjun to send a pdf .
No more than ten seconds later , Minjun reported that the document is already in Garam's possession. Garam promised to buy him lunch and he hung up. Minjun is a gluttonous cute giant so any oath of food makes him feel like he is holding heaven and would do anything.
" We have the warrant.", He looked to Shiyang,who was still confused.
Garam had asked Minjun to fake the warrant after he heard ChoHee saying that the warrant is being put on hold . Garam , his musketeers ( BomSoek, YeongHwan and Minjun) , Nikki and Yoohan suspected foul play there, that someone was misusing power to stop this station from figuring out the mess when the cases are being reported to them. So YeongHwan and BomSoek are investigating that alongside Minjun . As expected , Garam pushed Yoohan very far away from the case , to protect him incase the 'someone' is a multi-headed viper . At current Garam is not on speaking terms with Yoohan.After they find who is behind that , a lot of answers are going to be apparent and maybe Yoohan will be less angry at Garam.
Initially he wouldn't have done this but after Yoohan and Nikki told him that an emergency warrant provision shouldn't take this long, he needed no catalyst to act on his instinct.
And though Garam and others will get in a lot of trouble , Shiyang's position and the priority of this case might help to cover a lot . At the end of the day it will help to catch the mastermind behind it . Furthermore the conclusion that there is a mastermind doesn't mean that Garam has witnessed anything that Namkyu spoke off, but the fact that there is no evidence means that someone is doing a phenomenal job cleaning up.
Shiyang kept quiet as he already concluded what was happening. He felt a little thankful that he doesn't have to talk to his father.
" You don't have to tell Commissioner Lee anything. If the station asks , say that the prosecutor did his job", Minjun tried to give Shiyang an idea but it was useless because if he tags along the guards are going to tell then he still needs to explain everything plus the fake warrant will get filed .
" Just stay in the car if you are that worried.", Minjun giggled at him as they were approaching the turn.
If Garam goes alone , no one is going to say anything bad to or about Shiyang. Garam will produce a warrant and they will file it . He will simply say that the warrant has been approved and he will be able to gather all the data that he needs for this case. Afterwards he can take them to HyoSon for her to give her conclusion. When the real warrant comes out , Nikki and Minjun will handle it .
All in all Shiyang is safe , thanks to Minjun and Garam!