Garam stopped outside Yoohan's house , Yoohan's car wasn't in the driveway so he must be out .
It didn't make sense where he could be so late at night . Of course he wouldn't report his comings and goings to Garam but with all that is going on , it would be very foolish for him to set rendezvous into the night. But the player seems to be targeting a specific pattern of individuals, then Yoohan might be safe .
Still it felt a bit uncomfortable considering this resembles how Jinyoung got lost, so he called him and as expected he didn't answer the phone .
Their last encounter was aggressive and ended with Garam raising his voice to Yoohan unnecessarily. Yoohan would have naturally fought back but he thinks in any argument, he is always right and shouldn't waste time on someone who doesn't believe anything that will come out of his mouth. That being said he cut contacts with Garam. And knowing Yoohan's character , it's not surprising
He got in his car and went home .
Four days later before going to work , he went to check on Yoohan and his car was present. That was reassuring so he left to go to work. Atleast if he can't talk to Yoohan now , he can prove useful elsewhere.
The whole day was hectic at work .
BomSoek and ChoHee had gone to the coroner's and brought the report. Minjun had been breaking through both Jinyoung and his brother's devices. He checked all the cameras and footage for the coroner's office as well as the technology there. He was aided by a team to check for any suspicious looking people. As for Garam he was checking all the leads from the clues of the past victims. The two students and some from the files they got with Minjun' fake warrant. GyeongJa is still playing housecall nurse for Namkyu who is still with ChaeWon. Unfortunately his condition is worsening and had experienced six nosebleeds in the past ninety six hours.
Yet again they had assembled in the break room and Minjun had projected the pictures from Jinyoung's phone on the large screen.
" The piece in her mouth and genitalia are a match . Her hand also has some mild bruising that was aggressified by the long period in water. That means two things. She either hurt her hand with the stick or she shoved the stuff inside of her . The leaves tested are from a mahogany tree and the closest is farm house . She didn't work there nor did she have any contacts.", ChoHee read the contents to the twelve officers in the room
" This is definitely a suicide but why is it so brutal?", Minjun shook his head and looked to Shiyang who looked away
" She is the puppet, we need the puppet master.", GyeongJa whispered
" On the other case of suicide , a student on break from the army burned himself. He worked in the mahogany farm house before he went to the army . The students' deaths are a week apart. So far it's noted that he is missing teeth which were assumably broken by something metallic. ",
" Padlock!! " , Minjun said what they all didn't what to hear.
Garam couldn't believe this . People are dying and they are killing themselves. But to stage a suicide is always two things. Manipulation or force. What kind of psychopath has that kind of whispering abilities.
It brought chills to his spine when considering how much this savage monster is capable of but what scares him the most is whether Jinyoung is still alive or not. He has not been able to go to the hospital because he doesn't even know where he is going to begin when telling Namkyu how much or rather how little he has uncovered. It is truly embarrassing and a cause for great concern.
He heard how badly Namkyu is from GyeongJa. Thankfully she runs her mouth when exited otherwise he would have never known how he is . He is really concerned about him and he will surely visit him . Just that he wished the gift he brings is Jinyoung and nothing else .
Shiyang took the files and he begun to read everything. He doesn't need extra explanations, just that the pattern and conclusion they have reached is not conducive enough for a report to his father and his prosecutor friends. All in all he needs to do everyone's job and be two times faster than them.
" I checked the phone that he dropped in the parking lot and it was indeed from his house. Nothing was hidden and the phone records are even in the company. There was no caution . ",
Garam stayed behind along with Shiyang. Minjun went and leaned against the table closer to Shiyang who was seated a few seats from Garam.
" Running a voice id is a waste of time but then I compared it to previous calls. I ran it four times . The result is the same . The voice is Namkyu's", he whispered to Garam who responded by banging his fist on the table.
He first got this from Nikki saying that he went there and all he found when Namkyu's prints and the funny thing is the prints were so vivid even to the naked eye , like the phone had been used recently unless Namkyu frequents in greasing his phone.
Now Minjun is saying that Namkyu did this.
Garam left the room and slammed the door . He can't give him back Jinyoung and now he is going to accuse him of being a serial killer. He was literally in hospital and in that time people got dead. he has an alibi more solid than Minjun's implications. If they decide to follow up that lead and assumptions, he might as well as hand his badge to Dongshik for retirement.
" What are you doing?", Minjun asked Shiyang as he typed in his tablet .
He explained that he was summing up case findings and linking up clues. He said that he looked at times and modes of dead . Causes of death and duration of death from onset of harm or injury as well as the next crimes . He was also liking up the clues that were being left . He also thinks it's far-fetched to consider Namkyu as a suspect. Clearly the culprit is pinning the blame on Namkyu and making the police follow a dead end . But why chose Namkyu? Without a doubt there is something going on but he is sure what .
Min smirked . He didn't pick Shiyang to be so talkative and hearing that scorn Shiyang got uncomfortable feeling that he had said too much.
" We know that who is doing this is crazy and they have a personal battle or just a habit to have fun with anyone. That anyone could be Namkyu or Namkyu could have been a target but I think the later is true. To get this far without leaving traces means it's premeditated. In conclusion, we don't care about the modus operandi because it is very random and one could be leading to this person only to find someone else dead. I am not saying he is using mind control but rather that he is doing a mind game and we are the pawns . Namkyu might the game board or the move guardian ", he complimented the long speech which was smart of him that even Shiyang nodded .
" Then what is the best plan? ",
" On the past victim , we got clues from a call Namkyu received and the one before that was a body Namkyu checked on . I think if we want to get close to the culprit, we need Namkyu back in the game",
" But that's baiting with people. By putting him back it means that more clues will be generated for the next kill. What if we never find him?
" We can take a gamble to ascertain that Namkyu is the magic guy",
Shiyang was unsettled with that but there is very little that he can do. If the puppetmaster was really eager to kill, whether or not Namkyu is present , bodies will pile. but then again if they are right , that would mean some civilian died so others could be saved . A large part of him doesn't want to do this but if he has better ideas ,the best time to voice them would be now.
Minjun took out a sticker from him pocket and he stuck it behind Shiyang's tablet
" All homicide cases are a gamble. With every minute we wonder ,has the thirst for blood stopped or is the game still going on. By doing nothing we might save some people but what about justice for the lives that have been lost. Are they not worth living that someone taking their lives is completely okay as along as they don't repeat the incident? We catch criminals and we will have to do whatever it takes to make sure them or others never get the chance to victimize anyone again", he finished sticking it on and he stood up to leave
That was the most logical non-aggressive lecture of his life and for doing nothing but listening , he got rewarded with the sticker of a white bear.
He didn't smile and he pulled back the files using all that was said to him as a guideline
Garam was so tired . Yesterday after the meeting he went to Namkyu's house and looked at Jinyoung's things. When he came back ChinHwa was seating on his valender. He got furious and told him to disappear. Today Janhee came to scold Garam assuming that the reason ChinHwa didn't bring her is because of his temper. He was too tired for that so he went out drinking.
At around midnight when he finally came home , Nikki called him . They talked about Kitae and his plans and he told him to keep following and to be careful. The boy agreed and hung up.
Just then Janhee called Garam using her aunt's phone. Garam blocked her but she keeps changing numbers everytime he does so. He gave up.
Knowing very well that it was her , he still picked up ans asked where he was to which he replied a to work . She tried to keep talking but he just hung up the phone .
Early morning after he freshened up, he headed to Yoohan's.
After confirming the car in the garage, he went into the house . Garam unlocked the door. He was carrying large plastics and a paper bag on one hand .
Slowly he made his way into the deluxe apartment and placed the products on the glass table . The air conditioner was on so the occupant is somewhere around.
Honestly he would just leave these but he isn't here to fulfill chores but to talk to Yoohan. He has been ignoring him for a long time because of the whole Namkyu thing.
" Hello Yoohan , thanks for welcoming me in your house", he tried to use sarcasm when he spotted Yoohan staking his legs on the sofa.
He was typing something on his portable device but obviously very aware of the visitor. He keep still as if Garam was absent.
" I was worried about you and have came to apologize sincerely. So sorry. ", He walked to stand in from of him and bowed
" We still haven't found Jinyoung and Namkyu is in hospital. His condition is bad ",
" You are a habitual visitor ", Yoohan avoided eye contact
" Of course not . GyeongJa keeps telling me his health",
" Because you guys are friends", he had it as a matter of fact
" As much as I am friends with you.. I mean we are not . He is just a client ",
" That you are helping despite dealing with the guy that will have you feeding out of the gutter. ",
" Stop acting like you are jealous", he hated that tone because it was similar to Janhee's annoying one
" Garam, Namkyu is bad news . Stay away from him",
" I can't do that .", He didn't mean to offend Yoohan
" You mean you won't. ",
If Yoohan knew that Minju's findings and the phone things plus that Garam hasn't investigated that lead yet, he would literally lose his cool.
" From now on , we will walk different paths",
" That's your business. I am still coming to you",
he went to the sofa and hugged Yoohan. He pulled his cheeks and looked at what he was doing. Yoohan didn't react because he is still angry over being sidelined. He doesn't care about what relationship Garam might have with Yoohan but he sure hopes it won't replace theirs. Another thing is , Garam tends to treat him like a child whenever they have an argument
" From now on , I will update you about everything on the case . The good and the bad . But make sure you answer your phone . I can't come here everyday" ", he ruffled his hair and Yoohan agreed. Next he moved to the side of the sofa only to have Garam slid onto his shoulder. He told him to wake him up in an hour
" No" he stood up and he went to the other chair but Garam didn't follow him. He understands and respects Yoohan's egotistical need for space.