Chereads / (GOT/ASOIAF) The Emperor / Chapter 14 - CHAPTER 14 Story

Chapter 14 - CHAPTER 14 Story

Back to reality, I felt some squirming in my arms, and I looked up to see Melisandre hugging me— naked. Fortunately, I'm no longer in my horny vamp mode and can think clearly, besides, she's just had a very rough experience. Tsk tsk.

However, hugging her still gave me a comforting feeling, this was the first time in the last 8 years I slept for more than two hours. Even with my mother, Cassana, in her lap, I wasn't able to sleep for more than one or a maximum of two hours, and this only happens when she gets stuck with her stubbornness and I have to sleep more.

And hugging her also feels good, especially with the feeling of those big boobs; plus, I don't usually hug anyone besides my mother, so this was nice. But isn't she trusting? I just met her yesterday. Well, it was her trauma that I helped get her out of, as now I'm her god, and when I took the oath of undying servitude, she was genuine and genuinely believed me as a true god. I didn't sense a single lie in her words.

And once she became a vampire, I discovered that her obsession with her god had shifted from the God of light to me, who was just like her body god of fire, light, and more, so her personality didn't change, it was just her obsession that shifted, and her broken will was healed just after she met a new god who stood before her. Isn't it obvious that she's become attached to me?

Anyway, even though blood magic is as neutral to me as breathing, I'll do some great work for her; she's more experienced and has more time, while I've been busy training the first batch of soldiers. And now that she's a vampire, she's also become a much stronger and better blood magician; it's just that she doesn't know it, and my castle is filled with books and grimoires related to magic and especially blood magic.

So I need her to do something for me, and this will also make her stronger, so again, two birds with one stone. It sounds fancy, but it will just make her more versatile and useful while also introducing her to Magic and Mana, Dark arts Miasma, Witchcraft and Wizardry Pyromancery, Shadowbinder, Shadow control, Necromancer, and many more.

And this also reminded me to visit the city of Asshai, the most mysterious city in The Song of Ice and Fire. The Ash River, which runs through a shy city sprawling across its banks, passes through the city that stands at the edge of the world, and someone might wonder how well.No magic is forbidden in the Asshai. So it's a knowledge center for both light and dark arts, but mostly dark.

And I had to find a way to make more Valyrian steel, try to reinforce it, if not something similar like adamantium, as it was also supposed to be a human metal, so I have to find a way to make it; it will be difficult, if not outright impossible, but I have to find a way, so visiting Valyria and Asshai is a must.

Then there is Sothoryos, the jungles of Sothoryos, known as the Green Hell, where the jungle holds many secrets and treasures, such as "walking lizards" or "tattooed lizards." They are also related to Velociraptors, which are real dinosaurs. and with my modifications, I can turn them into Tyrannosaurus rex or even Giganotosaurus.

Additionally, there is the whole Sothoryos continent, the most dangerous place in A Song of Ice and Fire. Sothoryos is a southern continent and is home to all manner of strange and dangerous creatures. gigantic apes that are said to be able to kill an elephant with a single punch. As I said before, walking, tattooed lizards, that run down their prey and rip them apart with their long, curved claws, clearly inspired by Velociraptors. Fierce, venomous reptilian Basilisks capable of growing to twice the size of a lion from here, inhabit the shores. Wyverns, a smaller version of true dragons.

Although they do not spit fire, here they are considerably more ferocious. It is theorized that Wyverns were a precursor to this world's dragons and that they, along with fireworms, were used to create the dragons through blood, magic, and genetic manipulation.

and there are also records of huge white vampire bats that can drain a man of his blood in minutes. If these creatures don't get you, diseases likely will. Sothoryos is also home to several horrific diseases, making it the most dangerous place in A Song of Ice and Fire.

and so much more. I have much to do, but before that, let's enjoy some peace.

When I looked up, Melisandre had sprawled out like a starfish, leaving a certain peak exposed for me to admire. However, I noticed it wasn't bruising even a little bit as her vampire regeneration did its work, maybe I was too rough yesterday. Sweat and love juices coloured her skin like droplets of rain.

While it dried up, white liquid soaked her pink pussy and the sheets between her legs from the cream pies I gave her.

I try to let go of Melisandre, but it's no use, this woman is clinging like a damn sticker tattoo on my body. So I did the only logical thing... I lifted her and placed her beside me. as there was upheaval in her body.

I place my arm around Melisandre's waist and begin sucking on those nice titties, alternating from peak to peak and sometimes biting lightly. I get out of bed 30 minutes later and...goddamn.

The sheets are soaked with our love juices and stains of blood from yesterday, and it was not her virginity but our wildness that was wild on a different level.  Melisandre's crotch area is swollen and light red as if even though it has fully healed, there is still some evidence of our love-making left, but they will be gone soon. Melisandre is smilingly sleeping, Awww, that's adorable and very cute.

So with that, I walked outside to check what happened to the creatures who absorbed my corrupting Miasma. They killed each other. I knew that much, but what I wanted to see was how much of their bodies were muted, So after looking at them and doing some analysis, I can say.

They are going mad as they eat each other in ways that will give the other (the one who's getting eaten) the most pain possible while their bodies are muted in a way that was impossible by the laws of nature and evolution.

They become what look like hulking monsters with the purpose of killing as many as possible. That's why all of them died. As a result of their greed, they sought more... and because they were severely injured, they died from blood loss or exhaustion.

Well, I have to look more closely to see the exact effects this will have later, so I walked back inside and saw.

Melisandre is wide awake. We greet each other with kisses, then we clean ourselves while having two wild rounds of deep lovemaking.

As I stood in front of her, I noticed her firm tight ass and thick thighs, and no matter how many times I saw it, my dick always twitched, which was very current as it was very difficult for me not to tear these clothes off and band her and have a good time, but I have work to do, so I had to control my urge to fuck.I looked and saw her trying to get inside her red gown, which now didn't fit her as she had grown not just by height but also by mussels.

So with a chuckle, I took out a white gown from the inventory I have. Why do I have a 3-month-old kid too, so he doesn't get bored? So I did this because I stored anything extra in our house, and as a lord's castle, it had everything extra. and since then I've gotten into the habit of storing things in my inventory even if they would be useless, and I'm thankful for that as now it's in use.

as she was still trying to fit herself inside the gown. So with the new dress in my hand, I walked to her, tapping her shoulder as she turned around and saw the dress in my hand. "Wear this; this should fit you, but maybe it could be a little loose. "It seems we had to buy you some good clothes," I said, and with a smile, she nodded while kissing me as thanks.

as she wears her new clothing, while I love the view. And just for the fun of it, she was dressing slowly while showing me everything in detail.

"Tell me what you need from here," I said as she looked at me with confusion while wearing her white dress.

"Why is that," she asked while looking around her room as if picking up what was important for it.

"Well, you'll be leaving from here; from now on, you will live in my castle," I said, which didn't seem to shock her as she nodded with an even brighter smile than before. "And you also don't have to choose what you want to take. I'm just asking if you can take the whole house.   

Now, hearing this, she had a shock on her face. She wanted to ask, but she didn't, as she understood there are many things in this she doesn't understand, and standing before her is a god of magical might, so she doesn't need to know everything. 

So with her, she started to pick everything that could be useful for her, and she would just look at them and they would disappear in front of her, and when this happened, it first shocked her as she tried to look around and found nothing, and when she saw the grin on my face, a blush was on her face.

So after I stored everything she needed in my inventory, most of them were things related to her magic. Once she was dressed and I had her things, we were ready. as we walked outside together.I saw she was uncomfortable with sunlight, which was understandable as it's not even been a day since she became a vampire.   

Once we were done together, we walked outside. as I looked at her. She looked at me with eyes full of hope for a better future, which I would give her. "So we are going to fly there." "I know you've never done this, and learning transformation takes time," I said; this didn't shock her one bit as she nodded. While her eyes were wide when she saw me transforming into different birds as they sparkled, I saw great excitement in them.

And before she asked her question, I spoke again, "Yes, you are also able to do this, but it takes time and training to do all this as now you don't even have control over your nail extension ability." I said that she knew what she had to do. She has made herself stronger and more useful for her lord.

"So it will be very difficult for you to fly, but we have a few things here now; close your eyes," I said, and she quickly followed. "Now imagine yourself flying with huge wings coming out of your back; let go of everything and just fly," I said.

As I said, she nodded and started to imagine it, and she imagined herself flying with two wings behind her back. as I felt her bones shifting and something growing behind her back.

"Yes, just like that, imagine yourself not only flying but flying faster and faster, soaring through the whole sky and tearing through the clouds," I said, and once she started to do so, I saw visual changes behind her back as two back wings started to grow.

It's a good thing I gave her a backless lace-cut gown, which I wouldn't have done if I hadn't planned for it, because her wings could have ripped through the fabric. And won't I just say it's my pride because I don't want my women to flaunt their bodies? as if they were some kind of cheap whore. But it also doesn't mean I want them in some kind of full battle armor; there is a limit that shouldn't be crossed.

So her wings grew bigger and bigger, without touching the piece of clothing; once her wings were full size, I grabbed her hand and said, "Now come out and open your eyes." And she did, as she looked at me rather than the ground, and once she saw that she was still standing on the ground, she looked at me with a sad face, as she still didn't realize that there were wings behind her back. "I'm very sorry, my lord, it seems I wasn't successful in what you wanted me to do," she said with a sad face while avoiding looking into my eyes.

"No, Melisandre, you did what I asked you to do. "Now look behind you, and you will see," I said as her eyes again lit up and her neck took an 85° sharp turn as she saw nothing. Then she looked down and saw the shadows of two huge wings, and her eyes were wide as she touched her wings and felt the touch again.

Once she let go of her wings, they started to flap, creating wind currents, like a puppy and its little tail. As she jumped on in excitement, her lips touched mine, and we had a small make-out session right then and there.

"Now you don't have to imagine, but you have to do it," I said after our long kiss, seeing some fear on her face. "Don't worry, I'll be there for you; I could just as easily carry you, but this is the next chapter in your long training."As she nodded with a happy smile at me after I grabbed her slim waist, and smiled, "Now let's go," she saw no wings behind my back. And next second  "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa," and like a rocket, we shoot into the sky, and she starts to scream in a wild manner. as her eyes were somewhat closed, and she would only glance for a second.

And soon we were out of the clouds as I looked at the shining star of the day in front of us. "Open your eyes and look," I said.

As she slowly opened her eyes, the only thing she saw were clouds— so many clouds that she looked in and saw a breathtaking scene with wide eyes, the orange sun shining brighter than ever before. "It's—it's—it," she said, speechless to describe what was in front of her.

"It's beautiful," I said while competing for her words. After 5 minutes of gazing at the beautiful sky, I looked at her and said, "Ready for this and remember you have done it; do not command your mind to do it," as she was confused for a second before her mind caught up. "You won't do that," she said, her eyes filled with fear.

"Yes, I will remember that I am the one in control now," I said as I let go of her hand, only to find my body gone and now standing before her as an eagle, "Aaaaaaaa you fucker, you are no god, you are a devil," she says as she falls at high speed, which slows down once her wings are fully extended. while her voice got lighter and lighter. Hahaha.

So after some trials and errors, she started to grasp the concept, and just after five tries, she started to glide, falling with style. And I would always grab her before she touched the ground, either by myself or through telekinesis.

So after ten more trials, she soon started to learn how to move her wings without always keeping her mind on the wings. It was like driving a car; your foot is always on the brakes, but you don't push until you want to stop, and this happens subconsciously. The same is true with the bike; you know when to change the gears without keeping that in mind.

That's why people who lose their memories don't forget how to drive or read, or what job they had before; yes, they won't remember what work they have, but they know how to do it. And soon she was flying, but now fully, as I was providing her with a push using my telekinesis.

"Hahaha! Hahaha! Hahaha! This is fantastic! Now I understand why the Valyrian and the

"Targaryens love to ride their dragons; this is incredible," Melisandre said, laughing historically and performing minor manoeuvres in the air as high-speed winds passed through us.

"Yes, it feels fantastic to fly," I said with a smile, and she nodded. As we nearly crossed one-third of the distance, the only thing that was below us was the blue sea. Yes, flying feels amazing; after all, it is one of the top three human desires: to fly like a bird, riding the winds and soaring through the skies.

And with no time, we reached our destination, and we were both shocked to see what was in front of us. As this was the first time she had seen such architecture and such a huge castle, it was not enough to shock her; what shocked her was how it was levitating in the air without any support.

When I looked down, I saw my ship, which was gleaming and brimming with gold, silver, gems, swords, shields, and spears. and some texts here and there. As nearly one-fourth of my ship was filled with treasure,

So I called one of my birds that were on the ship and asked him what the heck was going on. Did Krakens sink more ships to get this, as it's only been 15 hours since I was gone? And now this.

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