The Crow Masked woman grabbed a shotgun from her weapon room as countless men were outside of the orphanage, repairing it slowly.
She looked at her children who were just staring at her from within her weapons room as she got out, she gently ushered one of the children to come near her and gave the little girl a small flower.
"You look beautiful, Rannala. Tell mother what is wrong?"
The little girl, looked at her before hugging her, she then softly asked, "Mommy, where are you going?"
The crow masked woman softly sighed and bent down, hugging her daughter as she did so, she softly said, "Do not worry, mommy is only going to work. Also, big brother Vergi and big sister Hannah will be staying with all of you. If you are hungry, I hid many sweets down in the basement so the first one to find it is lucky."
The crow masked woman tried to cheer her babies up but all she got was sad and worried gazes from her children. She looked at them before holding Rannala up and walked towards them, she gave each of them a pat on the head before she put down Rannala.
Hearing the sad voices of her children, she felt reluctant to leave but remembering the rewards if she did this task, her gaze became resolute with determination. After all, these rewards would only serve her children good than bad, if they got the citizenship and for any other children she find lost in the outskirts or within the forest, she would be able to give them a proper home with proper education.
She needed to do this even if she had to leave the children behind. This was all for their happiness.
Vergi stood by the door as he held what seemed to be a dagger or some sort. He nodded his head and softly patted his siblings head, he then opened his mouth, "Do not worry mother. I'll take care of them."
The crow masked woman softly nodded her head and pinched his cheeks, "Okay. Its good to know that my children is in capable hands."
Vergi nodded his head and held the woman's hand and gathered the other children, he then touched his forehead to the top of her mask and recited a prayer.
"Oh, Mother God, protect your children from all trials, I pray that you will keep your children safe, I pray for forgiveness for we had sinned a lot and yet you still accepted us despite our dirtiness. Mother God, thou shall pray for ones family…."
After the prayer, they opened their eyes and kissed the masked woman on the cheeks of her mask.
The masked woman then got up and left through the front door, with her children following behind her as she did so.
She bumped into one of the workers and nodded her head in politeness to which the man wearing a blindfold also nodded back in respect.
Once she got out of the house, she saw that a carriage was there waiting for her, she looked back to see her children one last time. She saw a man wearing a blindfold like the other men, but instead of worker looking clothes, he wore a red robe with black long sleeves.
The man bowed his head and softly said, "May the Mother God bless you on your journey."
The masked woman nodded her head and entered the carriage in silence, she found what seemed to be a letter and looked at the contents inside.
Dear Bishop Crow.
Mother send her regards towards you and hopes that you can help her with a simple task. It will be explained by one of the bishops in the west districts of Arkvem, the bishop will be Bishop Enchantress, the favored child of the Mother God, she will be able to explain the contents of the task to you in a simple manner. Also, I do hope that you are doing well in raising your children, they are quite pitiful children after all. Their parents must have suffered countless things just to save their children, who might die in vain before meeting you. How is Vergi doing? That child is already 15 this year, may I presume? Are you going to send him back to the temple to train? If so, then please refrain from doing so this year, maybe next year if all the problems back here are resolved and is safe to train in. Monsters are becoming quite intolerable and had already made quite a few attacks back here, the Swords can slay them but I do not think they can protect children here just yet. The children training here already are also participating with slaying these Monsters and are doing it quite remarkable, a child of the name Ara might be the second coming of you! She is talented with great potential, and the best part? She's a hard working and easy learner! Such a good child made me want to beg Mother God to bless her into one of her children, like you. Though, that is enough from me as this paper is losing anymore space for me to write. I hope you are well, like always, thank you for protecting us.
Sincerely yours truly,
Caules Equine.
The crow masked woman then crumbled the piece of paper and looked for a place in the carriage to burn it but found no candles whatsoever. She sighed and placed the crumbled note into her pocket and looked out of the window of the carriage before closing her eyes. The carriage then started to move into the direction of Arkvem.
The woman hoped that nothing would go wrong.
The masked woman looked at the house infront of her and opened the door slightly, she then opened it fully. Holding a scimitar and a shotgun in both hands.
The entire west of Arkvem reeked of blood that day.