Phill and John continued to Angel and Ezekel Reyes place, then a few minutes later they arrive at their house, jumped out of there car and walked towards the front door "Hello is Angel and Ezekel home?" Asked John "*sigh* yeah what do you want" replied Angel "oh well were recruiting some of the survivors from the last mission for The Interception and you guys are on our list so" said Phill "alright hey Ezekel were going" said Angel "*sigh* yeah imma coming" replied Ezekel.
After Phill and John picked up Angel and Ezekel Reyes they, jumped in the new Apc, that they got from the check point after the ambush, and drove towards the hotel that both Dom and mason live in "So where too next?" Asked both Angel and Ezekel "well were heading towards the miami hotel" replied Phill "alright" said Ezekel.
Three hours later John, Phill, Angel and Ezekel Reyes arrive at the miami hotel that Dom and Mason were staying at. The four men walked in the hotel and towards the receptionist desk "Hello and welcome to the miami hotel, how may I help you?" said The Receptionist "where here for Dominic Torreto and Mason" said Phill "yes we have them, what for?" Asked The Receptionist "The President has requested them for reasons" said Phill "and those reasons are?" said The Receptionist "that information is classified" said John " can Dom and Mason please go to the front desk thank you" said The Receptionist through the PA systems "they should be here soon" said The Receptionist, a few minutes later Dom and Mason arrive and as soon as they saw Phill and John in there uniforms they knew what they needed them for "*sigh* what does she want now?" Asked Mason "she wants you back for The Interce . . ." said John while being interupted by Phill "s*** the f*** up" whispered Phill "you should have recieved the email I sent you" said Phill while punching John in the sholders "alright well lets go" said Dom. paying The Receptionist after walking out of the hotel doors and into the Apc.
After they left the hotel Phill letted Johnny and The Corrupted Code know that they where finished "We gathered Bravo squad, Johnny and Josh your good to go" said Phill "roger that" said Johnny "heading out now" said Josh.