"IDR ENABLED, TARGET LOCKED" said The Cyclones AI, as Joshs Cyclones targeting systems locked on one of the warlocks then the IDR missile launchs from the Cyclones missile silo and hits one of the Warlocks wings.
As the Warlock that Josh shot down free falls in circles until it crashes onto one of the governments personnel hanger "Whats the report on the hostile jet" said Josh to the cyclones AI "THE HOSTILE IS A WARLOCK, PIONEER-CLASS, EQUIPED WITH 50 MINI SHIP KILLERS AND THREE NUCLEAR WARHEADS, AND HAS THE GHOST ABILITY ON THE SYSTEMS AI AND HULL" said Joshs Cyclones AI, a few minutes later one of the Warlocks fired a nuclear warhead at Johnny "WARNING NUCLEAR WARHEAD INCOMING DEPLOYING COUNTER MEASURES" said The Cyclones AI while a flair sized reactor diverts the nuclear warhead and hits the nearest Warlock "switch to the nuclear warheads" said Johnny "NUCLEAR WARHEADS PRIMED AND READY TO LAUNCH" said Johnnys Cylones AI as a nuclear warhead fires from Johnnys missile silo and hits the center of the pilots seat and the Warlock splits in two "direct hit!" yelled Johnny in exitement "Johnny, Josh whats the SitRep?" Asked The Corrupted Code "Well wew in the middle of a battle at the moment so yeah" replied Josh as he launches the flairs "abort the mission, head back to the hanger" ordered The Corrupted Code "Why though?" said Johnny "cause we've recieved reports that the convoy had already landed in hanger E-34, looks like they snuck through the terrorist organisations patrol" said The Corrupted Code in reply "roger that returning to the hanger" said Johnny as the two cyclones diverted away from the warlocks and towards hanger F-93.