In the WHS room Brodie found a planet that showed up on the radar "hey sir I've found planet 'BadLands'" said Brodie through the PA systems " good I will tell the President" said Brandon.
Brandon contacted the President and told her what they found "Ma'am we've found and located planet 'BadLands' what should we do" said Brandon "well what I want you guys to do is I want you guys to see if theirs any alien life on the planet and if their is any eliminat them" said the President "yes ma'am" said Brandon. Few hours later they entered the planets atmosphere "sir I have some readings on the moniter" said Baxter "what kind of readings" said Brandon "Alien life sir, and theirs thousands of them" said Baxter "*sigh* ok well send down the T36-R starBombers" said Brandon "yes sir" said Baxter.
Brodie turns on the PA systems and called all the pilots to their battle stations "Baxter, Bruce Coxworth, Bain, and Pebble, go to your battle stations" said Brodie, all 4 men jumped in their T36-R starBombers and fly down to the planet 'BadLands'.
As the Bombers entered the planet each Bomber dropped futuristic like fire Bombs on top of the planets sheild generator "sheilds down sir" said Ben "good now get the Bombers to wipe out the rest of the alien life forms on the planet" said Brandon. Few minutes later the Bombers returned with one less pilot "hey wheres Bruce Coxworth" said Ben "well we where ambushed by there tanks and then when they where done with him they tryed to come for us but luckly we got away in time" said Baxter "hmm ok, Ben land the shuttle" said Brandon "but sir what about the tanks" said Ben "I don't care just land down their" yelled Brandon "*sigh* yes sir" said Ben.